Primary Topic
This episode focuses on the complexities of trauma, its physical and emotional manifestations, and the challenging dynamics it introduces into personal relationships.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Trauma can profoundly affect physical and emotional intimacy in relationships.
- Communication styles can significantly impact how partners support each other through trauma.
- The body's physical reactions to trauma, like recoiling from touch, are deeply ingrained and require understanding and patience to navigate.
- Understanding each partner's background and triggers is crucial for empathy and support in a relationship.
- The healing process involves open communication about past traumas and ongoing support from partners.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Esther Perel introduces the couple's background, highlighting their struggle with touch and communication. Esther Perel: "We are extremely different people with different communication styles."
2: Unpacking Trauma
The couple discusses the deep-seated issues of trauma and infidelity, exploring how these affect their interactions. Speaker M: "I've been diagnosed with PTSD. I've got a history of trauma."
3: Healing and Understanding
Esther guides the couple through a conversation about understanding each other's triggers and the importance of communication. Speaker M: "He knows a little bit about the trauma of my past and what kind of triggers this."
4: Communication and Support
The episode delves into how the couple can better communicate and support each other, emphasizing empathy and patience. Esther Perel: "Trauma is an overwhelming experience that often induces terror and helplessness."
5: Concluding Insights
The session wraps up with insights on moving forward, focusing on open communication and mutual support as key to navigating trauma in relationships. Esther Perel: "Fight, flight, or freeze responses are common in trauma, and understanding them can help in healing."
Actionable Advice
- Acknowledge and discuss each partner's triggers openly to foster understanding.
- Practice patience and empathy when one partner recoils from physical touch.
- Use supportive communication to reassure and comfort each other.
- Engage in mutual healing activities that both partners are comfortable with.
- Continuously work on understanding each other's backgrounds and experiences.
About This Episode
This is a classic session, from the first season of Where Should We Begin? A newly married couple comes to Esther for guidance on how to create a space of safety and physical intimacy while also giving voice to past trauma. One partner is working to overcome an aversion to physical touch due to abuse from his past while the other is learning to ask for more without triggering painful memories for his husband. From this starting point, Esther guides them through a discussion on memory, family relationships, and infidelity and helps them work out a blueprint for loving and satisfying touch.
Esther Perel
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Discussion of PTSD, sexual abuse, and infidelity
Esther Perel
What you are about to hear is a classic session of where should we begin? With Esther Perel. None of the voices in the series are ongoing patients of Esther Perel's, and each episode is a one time counseling session for the purposes of maintaining confidentiality. Names and some identifiable characteristics have been removed, but their voices and their stories are real.
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Esther Perel
From the intake interview, I learned a few things about this couple. They are in a kind of a talking versus touching battle of sorts. We are extremely different people and with different communication styles. So like, I'm verbal, he's more communicative through touch, which sometimes can trigger me. I'm a very touchy feely kind of physical person that kind of creates that self feeding loop of neither one of us are able to give what the other one truly needs.
There is a long standing history of cheating, described as a sex addiction. So sex addiction has really been an ongoing issue for me since I was a teenager. I had found out he was cheating on me. Just random hookups and meeting guys online and doing what guys do. It was very, very heartbreaking.
Speaker F
So he found out which, long story short, I kind of was hoping he would because I knew I needed help at that point. And the revelation of the cheating, which then became a revelation about an out of control sexuality, then became a revelation of an out of control violence in his childhood. I've been diagnosed with PTSD. I've got a history of trauma, and for so long, I've been trying to push that away. It was either counseling and trying to figure all this out or kind of throw away 14 years.
Esther Perel
And so part of what I want to do is to parse out what is, what intersects with what, what may have led to what, and where can the healing, the change and the growth come from.
This is, where should we begin with Esther Perel?
What's one conversation with him that you. Would like to have, being able to have a better understanding of triggers from his past? He and I have talked before where we've related it to kind of walking through a minefield. Sometimes you're doing fine, but then you take that one wrong step and everything unravels. So being able to navigate those kind of situations better, for sure, for his own mental health and for mine, is.
There one that you have been able to identify that? You know, on a few occasions I said or did something, and I think. Probably the most recent one is his birthday. My idea for his birthday was to, since we had just recently moved to Minneapolis, we had been talking about going to a lot of these little, just little fun landmarks, the Mary Tyler Moore statue, the Bob Dylan mural, those kinds of things. And we just never done it.
Speaker M
We've been there for two years, and it's always, oh, we'll get to it later. So I thought we'll jump in the car and just kind of travel around, and I'll take him to all these fun little places. Blindfolded. No blindfold, just unknowingly. What?
Because that's exactly, that's what it felt like. And we finally got to that point. So my idea of fun, that spontaneous and excitement of the unknowing, so let's go do this. You know, I had the whole day planned out, lunch at a certain place that we talked about, and then it never got that far. I noticed something was kind of going on when we were at home.
He was kind of just dragging his feet and kind of hemming and hawing when he was getting ready. But we got in the car and started talking, and he kind of shared a little bit that he didn't like the surprise aspect. And I was like, well, I can tell you if you need to know, I can tell you exactly what we're doing. He said, no, it's fine. You can manage it by the second location.
He's like, okay, no, I can't do this anymore. So. And I kind of look at that and go, there was a breakthrough because we circled back around and talked about all of this, right? And what I learned was I'd been isolating myself with these thoughts in my head. So I was getting anxiety about all of these surprises that were happening.
And I felt like I was being blindfolded and put into a car and then taken, you know, on this wild goose chase, which I knew nothing about. And only then did I realize that I'm not sharing my process of what's going on in my head with him. And he's asking, and I'm saying, well. He'S even asking, should I tell you where we're going? But I wanted desperately to not have anxiety around that.
Like, I wanted the surprise, getting all teary eyed. I wanted desperately. I wanted for his surprise to be a good, positive thing for me. Here I am going, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. Which really made the anxiety even worse.
So what I learned, what I we have learned from that was that I need to include him in what's going on in my head. I can't just assume that when I say, oh, I have anxiety, he understands what that means. Like, he knows a little bit about the trauma of my past and what kind of triggers this. He knows a little bit means what? He knows trauma has happened.
He knows that he's physically abused and sexually abused early on. So he knows those things. He doesn't know the specifics around them.
And then that also, I think, plays. And the reason he knows not more is by choice of you or of him or of lack of the vocabulary.
The language. Yes, that's a big piece of it. But also for understanding that my memory isn't there. I have blocked out so many pieces of that, and that's something that I'm working on with my own personal therapist. At first I thought that he wanted to know all the icky parts because he just wanted to be like, oh, he's got all this trauma from his past, and I just want to hold you and coddle you.
What I'm finding is he wants to know the icky parts so that he understands the process of what's happening in my brain because he doesn't want to add to that. Is that accurate? Yeah, it is. You know, I've often related it to, I see him hurting, but I don't know how to help. Do you need to know what it is in order to comfort him, or can you comfort him just because you see he's distressed or he's upset?
I can definitely comfort him without knowing. Does he let you? Sometimes, you know, we're very different end of the spectrum. He's very much words. I'm very much touch in action.
So trying to speak his kind of language, of what he needs is something I'm still trying to learn how to do. I'm not a big talker. I'm the quiet listener. So in those respects, it works out well. But maybe he talks when he should be touched and you should not learn from him.
When there's that physical recoil from that touch, am I doing more harm than good? So sometimes that does happen, and it does take me a few minutes to lean into that, because I realize that, yeah, I'm recoiling from this person that I've been with for 14 years. So, again, there are elements of guilt around that. I'm like, holy smokes. That must not feel great to him, you know?
Cause here I am. Here's your beloved coming to touch you. And I'm like, oh, hold on, hold on. But it takes me a few minutes to kind of go, okay, all right, I'm safe.
Esther Perel
One of the many ways to begin to understand trauma is that it is an overwhelming experience that often induces terror and helplessness, to which we then respond from the place of our reptilian brain. Fight, flight, or freeze. And as my colleague Bessel van der Kolk has so beautifully stated, when it comes to trauma, the body keeps the score. So while he thinks it's his mind, when he recoils, it's a body that recoils and it recoils, and it freezes and it closes off in order to protect 20 years later, how does he let his body know that this time he doesn't need to recoil? That this is a person who is coming to make him feel good and not take advantage of him?
Speaker M
Honestly, I have to say in my head, I'm safe. This is a good thing. This is the person I love the most. This is the safest place where I am in the world. Do I think that that's ridiculous, that I have to say that to myself?
Yes, I do. No, thank you. No. It's wonderful that you can speak to the scared part in you, to the scared boy in you that needs a moment to differentiate between loving touch and hurtful touch, and grounds you in reality in the moment, and says, hey, no, we love each other, and he's coming to comfort me, and I can let myself trust him, and he will hold me, and I will feel safe.
Esther Perel
Nothing ridiculous about that. All good. I want that to be something that is just innate something that is just normal. Do most people recoil from somebody who hugs? Most people who experience what you have may normality comes in many forms.
What you do, the natural language you have at that moment to hold him, is exactly what needs to be. And when he recoils, stay steady. It has nothing to do with you. He doesn't recoil from you. It's very hard to believe that because I'm sure so many times you have touched him and his shoulders go up and you think, who else is he rejecting if not me?
I'm the one holding him. But it's not. It is and it's not. It's signaling to himself, this is comfort, this is love, this is care, this is gentle. But his body memory needs a moment to determine this.
So you let him do his translation and you just stay steady, and you just say, he's adjusting the dials. I get into that self doubt, or is it really me? So it does bring up those kind of self esteem questions. Or why is he pulling away from me? What have I done?
Speaker M
For sure? And now. And now, the more I learn about him and that past trauma, I can see that it's not. And it may sometimes take me a few minutes to readjust my internal dials, as you said, to go, wait a minute. It's not stay fast and kind of do what I know sometimes I treat him poorly, talk to him.
Sometimes I treat you poorly because I see him as an extension of him. Is not here. You are here because I see you as an extension of me. So if I'm really hard on you, it's because that's how, that's how I speak to myself. So I'm working on going of trying to be a little more self compassionate, first of all, to understand how to be more nurturing with myself, which will then allow me to be more nurturing to you, because I do see you as an extension of me.
Esther Perel
How do you talk to yourself in those moments? How does that voice speak to you? Oh, my gosh, you're stupid, you're bad, you're ugly, you're worthless.
Speaker M
And if I see him as an extension of me, then am I saying those things to him? Probably. You've never said those words. No, there's those feelings there. For sure.
For sure. Who spoke to you this way? That's something I've learned from my parents, both of them. I grew up in a very volatile environment. Yes.
And even just saying those words sounds very clinical. But because I'm trying to remove the. Obviously I'm trying to remove the emotion from that. And if you didn't, I'd be pissed. Off and you'd say, that wasn't right.
That wasn't fair. No, I grew up in a shitty environment. A really shitty environment. Very hostile, very abusive, very demeaning environment. And when I talk to myself in this way and I say, stupid idiot, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Esther Perel
Worthless piece of shit. Who's talking?
Where did I learn it? And who did it to me? My parents, my mom? My dad. Now I've just begun to wade in and to begin to dig in deep into the stuff.
Speaker M
I see our relationship changing for the positive, even with who would have ever thought that my acting out, with my sexual addiction, who ever would have thought that this, this the worst thing that could have ever happened in our 14 years? Who would have ever thought that this would actually bring us to a place of a year later getting married? We just got married. Congratulations. Thank you.
Thank you. And you're making a connection. Yeah. How?
By some of the things that we're talking about already.
Esther Perel
In a relationship, we often will establish a type of status quo. It's the stuff I'm willing to live with given the implicit contract that exists between us, the unspoken contract. But when there is a crisis, it upsets the status quo by which things that I was willing to live with, I may no longer want to accept at this point. And that actually becomes a source for change and movement.
We'll be back with a session right after this. And while we love our sponsors, if you want to listen to this session ad free, click the try free button to subscribe to Astaire's office hours on Apple Podcasts.
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Esther Perel
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Esther Perel
You needed this to unleash something between the two of you. We've never been so. I have never been so honest about my history or my past that this provided. He has never been more demanding for once. Yeah, I've definitely started pushing him more on it.
On it or on meeting you? On sharing with me his past, on letting me in a little bit more, on helping me to understand what's going on in his head. Before, when he said he didn't want to talk about it, it's like, okay, I don't want to push. I don't want to, but I'm asking you something. Too aggressive, for sure.
So are you more demanding for yourself now?
Speaker M
I think so. I think when all this happened, one of the things I did not do is take responsibility. His acting out was, I think I actually said, this is not me. I've done nothing wrong. And that's not typically you.
No. I'm the caregiver. I take care of everybody else.
Esther Perel
How did it feel to ask for something for you? Scary, but good scary. How is that? Fear of rejection. Do I deserve this?
Speaker M
Should I be doing this? And the answer is yes, resoundingly. And it's just getting my head around that to say I can put myself first when it's appropriate, when I do need that, which is more often than I'd actually do, for sure. Yes. Because what you deem appropriate is when it's massive crisis, and we're gonna need to learn to ask for more.
Esther Perel
Even when the house is not on fire. Yep. So where did you learn to live? On crumbs.
He's not the only one with the history, huh? Oh, yeah, for sure. I never saw it as that, though. It's normality. You always do for others.
Yes, but what you're telling me is I don't need much. I make sure not to need much, so nobody can say no. True. I'm a pretty low maintenance person, though. Oh, you've got it nicely rationalized.
You're not getting away with that wrapped in a I'm a low maintenance kind of guy. And then I meet myself, this wonderful boyfriend, who is a super high maintenance kind of guy, so I get to preserve the title. Wait.
His drama is always bigger than yours. This is true. Very true. His history will always be shittier. Than yours.
Wow. His family will always be shittier than yours.
And he needs to cheat on you for you finally to say, I want something now, which is great, but he shouldn't have to cheat on you for you to say, I need more. True. So where did you learn to refrain from asking? Wanting, needing? I think it starts with not wanting to be noticed.
Speaker M
Growing up as that little gay boy, if you don't need much, you're not going to be noticed. So you can fly under the radar. I learned how to hunt and fish and be in boy scouts and play little league and do what you were supposed to. What did you want them to see? What a great person I am.
Esther Perel
That. I do have something to offer.
Does he know your pain?
Because it's so much his triggers, his pain, his drama. Not to minimize it, but there's an imbalance. Sure. Ask him more.
Speaker M
What did it feel like when you were fitting in? Like, what did it feel like when you were with this group of straight guys out hunting?
I just didn't want to be there. I love being out in nature. But to kill something? No.
Esther Perel
As I listen to him, I begin to wonder, what is his silence? And I get a sense that both men have an unexplored side to themselves, a story that was never told, a truth about themselves that could never be safely expressed. And so I begin to ask him, did they know? My brother knew and never told my father. He passed.
So you never came out to him? Not to my father, no. Why didn't you tell your dad?
Speaker M
I asked myself that a lot.
I think it was just that fear of disappointment. Do you hear yourself saying it to him? I do. And when you hear yourself saying it to him now.
He says, I already knew. And why are we talking about this? What's it like for you? In part, it's a relief because he goes, okay, great. He already understands it.
I don't need to waste time on it. Mm hmm. And the other part says, why don't. You want to get to know me better? Say it again.
Why don't you want to get to know me better?
Which I think is one reason why I do press a little bit harder on getting to know him. Cause I am trying to undo that. I want, especially for myself. Yes, but I want you to press him on getting to know you. And that's the other side of that.
If he's willing to share that with me, then I think that, again, not having that vocabulary in words gives me permission to do it for myself.
Esther Perel
How you doing? Good. I have not been able to access this. You can come near him. I was wanting to.
Speaker M
I'm sitting here watching you get emotional, but I have not been able to access this. Just tell him what it's like for you to listen to him. When I hear you, when I say, I need to learn how to be a better nurturer, I see that and go, oh, my gosh, I want to nurture this. I want to get closer. I want to hug you.
I want to hold you. Do you want to do it? What you just said, hug him and. Hold him in touch? Yes.
Esther Perel
Then go ahead. I do. I do.
When I listen to you, I am moved. I am sad. I am grateful. I am full. I feel what?
Speaker M
It pulls me closer to you. It affords me the opportunity to nurture you a little bit. I think Esther really touched on the point when she said that my shit, there's a huge imbalance, because here I am with all my stuff, and then here you are saying, well, I don't need very much. And so I go, okay, well, then I can provide that. I can provide not very much.
So I don't often feel like a really great mate because I'm going, okay, well, I can provide you those scraps, and I don't want to provide you those scraps. I want a whole healthy, like, enveloping wrap around. Like, that's what I want. I just didn't know how to access. And I would just say, tell me more.
Esther Perel
We've been talking about me for a long time.
Speaker M
Right? I'm sick of talking about myself. So then ask him. Tell me more. Because this is a lie in your relationship.
Esther Perel
It's not an intentional lie, but it's a lie. This idea that you don't need much and that it needed infidelity for you to finally say, I want something and unequivocally demanded. Good for you. And one of the things that infidelity sometimes does is it finally makes the person who always puts their needs last say, now. Me too.
And I think that if you ask for more, things will change. The focus on his triggers is too seductive.
You touch because you've learned not to talk, and you've learned not to talk because you feared the consequences of talking, because the first thing that would have come out of your mouth is, I'm gay. I am who I am. I may not be the son you imagined, and so you learn not to talk.
So we've got you, who learned not to talk, and we've got him who over talks but says, not much. I mean, you know what I'm saying? I'm not mean to. Great self esteem. It's a kind of talking when you get nervous, right?
Speaker M
It's a bait and swear it doesn't. I have an idea. I suppose there are a lot of things or something that you would like from him when it comes to sexuality between the two of you.
For sure. I tend to see making love and sex as a fun, spontaneous, exciting kind of thing. So that's how I feel loved and know I'm loved.
Esther Perel
This is a couple who in the beginning thought that they were going to come to talk about their sexuality together, that they were going to come and talk about a sexual relationship. And we have now spent at least 2 hours in the trenches and so now we're going to connect some of the dots between the background and the consequences.
We are in the midst of our session and there is still so much to talk about. We need to take a brief break, so stay with us.
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Speaker M
I hope you know that the physicality of our relationship is one of my favorite things, and I do want more of that, whether it's complete naked sex, fun, spontaneous hugs. Like the other day when we were in the kitchen and you came up and hugged me and kissed me and just said thank you and I love you for I forget what I was doing, making dinner or whatever. I do want more of that. I need more of that. Do you tell him I love it when he does it?
Not always. It's something new for him to be doing, and it's something new for me today to reinforce it. Good that you both need to do more of you do. And you tell him it feels great so that you blatantly reinforce each other. And you don't have to say I do this because I know it's important to you.
Esther Perel
You can also say, I do this and I love giving to you. That's really great. My mind just really went and expanded my mind. No, it really did, because I'm thinking I do this because it's fulfilling a need, not. I'm doing this because I enjoy this as well, and I enjoy touching you and I enjoy connecting with you.
Speaker M
So it was. I want you to know, without question, that you're the most important person to me. Okay. When I come in the kitchen and I hug you spontaneously, I feel.
When I come into the kitchen and hug you spontaneously, it feels foreign to me. I feel. I feel. I'm not used to it. And I feel like.
Like almost there has to be a purpose. Like, it can't just be because I love you that I'm coming in here and doing it, and I want to be connected to you. It's almost very purposeful. So I don't feel immediately connected. I do.
After I do it and I see the way you respond, then I go, okay, this is a good thing. This is bringing us closer. This is a good thing or it feels good? Feels good. Do you know the difference right now?
Esther Perel
When you're holding his hand? It's a good thing or it feels good?
Speaker M
It feels good, you know? I do know you. Sure, I do. But I think it's a good thing because it does feel good. It feels good.
Feels scary to me. I'm scared of being vulnerable. I'm scared of letting go. I'm scared of.
And I really have issues with this. Being submissive isn't even the right word. I trust you wholeheartedly. I trust you. But that place kind of scares me, too.
Esther Perel
That fear, that resonance of submissiveness, which he knows in the moment is not the right word, but in the past was the imposed position. This is the remnants of sexual abuse talking.
What could he do other things that he can do with you that would help you anchor. I think, by taking my hand and kind of focusing. Focusing me, because my. I get spun up and my brain goes. So you want him to hold your face just with his two hands.
Go ahead. I want you to hold my face.
And I want you to keep your eyes open so that you can't leave.
Speaker M
Yes, I want you to. This would be nice. This feels really nice. This feels safe. This is good.
On my neck. I'm gonna try on my face, right? But you want him to lock the gaze. You want him to make sure that you see that it's him. Correct.
Esther Perel
And not any of the other jerks. Right? And you want him to say something. Do you want him to say, it's me, we're all right.
Speaker M
Yes, I do what you want. I want you to say, it's all right. I'm here. It's all right. I'm here.
You are safe. Say it again. I'm here and you're safe.
I feel. I feel good. I feel grounded. I feel connected very much. As do I.
Like, it's very strange. Don't talk. No. If the tears come, just let them come and say it again. I am here.
I love you and you're safe.
I love you. I love you. I'm here for you.
Esther Perel
You just heard a classic session of where should we begin? With Esther Perel. We are part of the Vox Media Podcast network in partnership with New York magazine and the Cut. To apply with your partner for a session on the podcast, for the transcripts or show notes on each episode, or to sign up for Astera's monthly newsletter, go to Esther Perel.com. esther Perel is the author of Mating in Captivity in the State of Affairs.
She also created a game of stories called where should we begin? For details, go to her website, estheraparel.com dot.
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Tribeca Festival is back with a lineup full of relatable and inspiring films, series and more documentaries on stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Melissa Etheridge, Linda Perry and Renee Elise Goldsberry, plus narratives and comedy specials starring Britt Lauer, Emily Bader, Hannah Einbinder and more. June 5 to June 16 in NYC. Grab your tickets now@tribecafilm.com. dot did you know? The Tribeca festival showcases more than just film and tv.
Tribeca's audio storytelling program, sponsored by Audible, is happening June 9 to June 13 in NYC. It includes premieres of new indie podcasts, plus exclusive live tapings of popular podcasts like Slow Burn criminal with special guest Melissa McCarthy and vibe. Check with special guests Lena Waithe. Don't miss it. Get your tickets now@tribecafilm.com.