Primary Topic
This episode discusses the contentious reactions surrounding California Senate Bill 1414, which proposes harsher penalties for soliciting minors for prostitution, and its perceived impact on the LGBTQ community.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The proposed SB 1414 intends to transform solicitation of minors into a felony with severe penalties.
- LGBTQ activists express concerns that the bill disproportionately affects their community due to existing biases in the legal system.
- Michael Knowles criticizes the activist's stance, suggesting it undermines child protection.
- The episode explores broader political implications, highlighting a polarized political environment.
- Knowles also touches on other national issues, framing them within the context of the upcoming presidential election.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction to SB 1414
Discussion on the specifics of Senate Bill 1414 and its intended reforms on penalties for child solicitation. The chapter outlines initial reactions from both supporters and opponents. **Michael Knowles: "Raising the offense to a felony punishable by up to four years in state prison."
2: Opposition from LGBTQ Activists
Overview of the reasons why LGBTQ activists are protesting against SB 1414, emphasizing their concerns about the bill's implications. **Activist Representative: "We believe that SB 1414 takes an overly punitive approach."
3: Political Implications
Analysis of the political landscape surrounding the bill, with Knowles arguing that the Democratic party's stance on such issues is indicative of broader moral and political shifts. **Michael Knowles: "These people are desperately demanding leniency for child sex crimes."
Actionable Advice
- Educate yourself on legislative processes to better understand how laws like SB 1414 are debated and passed.
- Engage in community discussions to hear diverse viewpoints, especially on contentious issues.
- Advocate for transparency in how laws are presented and debated in the media.
- Support organizations that work towards fair legal representations for all communities.
- Stay informed about your local and national representatives' positions and hold them accountable.
About This Episode
LGBTQ activists protest a bill that would make it a felony to purchase children for sex, Joe Biden refuses to step down, and "Patriot Front" marches through Nashville.
Michael Knowles
Content Warnings:
Members of the California State Senate have proposed a bill, SB 1414, that would raise penalties on people who solicit minors for prostitution.
Right now, soliciting a minor for prostitution is a misdemeanor punishable by a mandatory minimum punishment of two days in county jail, which seemed a little light to legislators who have proposed raising the offense to a felony punishable by up to four years in state prison. Some would say that that sentence is still too light, but not lgbt LMNOP activists who instead are protesting the anti child prostitution bill and calling it an attack on the lgbt community.
We believe that SB 1414 takes an overly punitive approach that fails to address the root causes of these issues and will not effectively stop sexual violence. We are particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually based offenses. Studies have shown that LGBTQ people, particularly gay and transgendered individuals, are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts.
For instance, LGBTQ individuals are nine times more likely to be charged with sodomy. Measures like SB 1414 lead to higher rates of incarceration, longer sentences, and increased difficulties in finding housing and employment.
Today, EBC must strongly oppose Senate Bill 1414 for the reasons I will state. We stand against any punitive measure that perpetuates systemic injustices, and we emphasize instead the need for community based solutions. We strongly support investments in victim services.
They just said that.
Their argument is that a law that increases penalties for raping kids will harm lgbt adults.
Had I said that I would be called the worst homophobe this phobe that phobe, I'd be kicked off of social media. The lgbt activists just said, you, California legislators cannot increase punishments on child rape or that will negatively impact lgbt adults.
The protest recalls another scene in the California Capitol four years ago when the unfortunately named state senator Scott Weiner, the man who wants to replace Nancy Pelosi in Congress, made it his legislative mission to reduce punishment for pederasts.
That was it. That was the whole crusade. Reduce punishments for adult men who molest underage boys. Now some other state senators want to water down another bill's punishments for soliciting sex from kids. Forget about the particulars of these disgusting bills for a second and the particulars of watering down good bills. This is an important data point, especially in a contentious election year.
Theyre doing this publicly.
Theyre campaigning on this stuff, whatever even semi respectable Democrat party you remember from your childhood, its gone. These people are desperately demanding leniency for child sex crimes. There is no limit on the depths of the Democrats present depravity. I'm Michael Knowles. This is the Michael Knowles show.
Welcome back to the show. Lest I be accused of being overly partisan, we've got to talk about Patriot Front.
This group of supposed right wingers that marched through my town, Nashville just a couple of days ago with their faces covered, carrying all sorts of flags, confederate flags, american flags, too. And they're being called fascists. And so a lot of people have different theories. Are they fascists? Are they right wingers? Are they secretly left wingers? Are they feds? Are they this? Are they that? I will give you the correct view of all of it in just a moment. First, though, we need a little good news. After all this bad political news.
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I'm the sitting president of the United States. I'm the nominee of the democratic party. I'm staying in the race. I think this is totally right of him to do.
I think he's smart. Here he is the nominee.
He isn't officially the nominee yet, but he has won all of the primary votes that are required for him to become the nominee, to be officially declared the nominee. I think he is actually even drooling a stronger candidate than the other Democrats in the race, and he has no reason to back down. What does he owe Kamala Harris? What does he owe Gavin Newsom? What does he owe the Democrat establishment now? What does he care? Hes Joe Biden. Hes been in politics for over 50 years. Hes wanted to be president since he was in the womb. Why would he give it up, especially when the other Democrats are so weak? Why would he give it up? I think hes totally right to take this position. Furthermore, he's going on the offense. He called into MSNBC. He didn't show up on the show, but he called into morning Joe and Joe Scarborough, one of the people who's been shocked by Joe Biden's decline and one of the chattering class who were suggesting maybe Biden should step aside. He calls into Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski show on MSNBC, and he challenges any Democrat who wants him to drop out.
How would you feel if Donald Trump beat you? How would you feel after you lost and you said, well, as long as I did the best I could do, that's the most important thing.
Pause it right there.
So Joe Scarborough is being very nice to Joe Biden here because that is not what Joe Biden actually said. Joe Biden said, if I lose to Trump, but I did the goodest job that I could, then that's all that really matters. So the president's word was goodest Joe, translating that into English which would be best as the superlative form of good.
But Joe still setting up the question, hey, man, what if you lose?
Aren't you gonna feel bad about that?
Isn't the point of a presidential race not to make you feel good personally, but rather to do good things for your constituents and the people voting for you? Here's Biden's answer.
That's caused Democrats concerned who believe that losing is not an option. What would you say to those who are concerned by that answer? It's not an option. And I've not lost. I haven't lost. I beat him last time, I'll beat him this time. And this is a guy who, look, we talk about debates. Look at his performance of debates. He lied over. You know, Trump has 50 lies.
I mean, look, this is a guy who says 10% of the universe. Yeah, I want to get into Bennett. He's just a liar. And he hasn't done a damn thing since the debate. Remember all this talk about how I don't have the black support? Come on, give me a break. Come with me.
Watch, watch.
I'm getting so frustrated by the elites. Now. I'm not talking about you guys, but about the elites in the party who they know so much more. But any of these guys don't think I should run against me. Go ahead, announce the president. Challenge me at the convention.
There's so much to dissect in that statement. First of all, he says, come on. You're saying I'm not totally with it anymore. Come on. But Trump did 50 lies he said about the.
Nevermind anyway, I hate the elites. Not you, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.
Not you. MSNBC hosts, one of whose father is one of the most prominent Democrat political establishment elites of the last half century. And you, Joe Scarborough, a former member of Congress who's been a cable news fixture for 25 years. No, no, not you guys. You're the regular joes. I'm talking about the elites. Anyway, they want me to drop out. That's ridiculous. So total flop of an answer until he gets to the final point, which is, hey, anyone who's criticizing me right now, I challenge you to run against me.
Go on, run against me. Oh, you gonna do better, David Axelrod.
Okay, run against me.
Oh, you're gonna do better. Random Democrat congressman. Okay, run against me. Challenge me at the Democrat convention. Not that it's even probably gonna get to that stage, at least as things stand now.
But challenge me at the convention. Kamala Harris, you wanna be president? You challenge me.
Gavin Newsom, you run, see how many votes you get.
The Democratic Party is fairly fractured at the moment, so that's how Biden emerged in the first place.
Biden was the best candidate that they had in 2020. Biden, who's been around since 1972 in national politics.
For all this talk about the strong, vibrant next generation of Democrats, who did they have? Liz Warren Joke.
Kamala Harris Joke, Bernie, for his 75th attempt to win the White House. Joke.
Who did they have?
I don't even remember who was on that stage in 2020.
And Joe Biden. And Joe Biden won it by default, not because he's a particularly impressive politician. Don't forget Joe Biden had been running for president since 1988, but that's how weak the party is. And I think his analysis is totally right now, the only little wrinkle here to Joe Biden just being the nominee. Don't forget the Democratic National Convention is in late August, so there's a lot of time between now and then. However, because of state ballot deadlines, the Democrats might have to nominate Joe Biden or whoever their nominee is virtually before the convention, which kind of undermines a lot of the purpose of the convention.
But they might have to do that as early as July 21.
So is it just Biden? Is he the nominee?
Democrat Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia, a self styled moderate. He usually goes along with the Dems, but hes a little bit more moderate than some of the people in this party.
He just gave a very curious answer to the question of whether or not he still supports Joe Biden. But are you personally confident that he has what it takes to not only continue this election, but then to serve for another four years?
I think that, you know, if you just wait until this week and there will be more comes out, I believe that we'll be able to have a better clear view of what's happening. His health and well being, I think, should be everyone's first and foremost concern. His and his families and all of us. And he's farthereous. He's been, doctors are saying he's fine. So I'm gonna take that for its word and go from there. So I'm just gonna wait.
Excuse me, Joe, what was that? Are you willing to say, Senator Manchin, that you still support Joe Biden? Well, look, I think we all just ought to wait for this weekend.
You know, I think the president's health is a big concern to all of us.
But then notice, then he dials it back and, you know, the president said he's in good health. So, you know, obviously, I take him at his word and everything.
Let's just wait for this weekend, shall we?
What is he getting at?
Something's going to happen this weekend. I don't. Obviously, we know the Democrat members of Congress want Biden out. We know the Democrat governors had a phone call. They want Biden out. We know that a lot of Democrats would like to be the nominee themselves. I know Joe Manchin certainly would, though I don't think he's really top of the list.
Well, you know, Kamala Harris is just salivating. You know, Gavin Newsom is just salivating. A lot of people want Biden out. And so far, everyone has been, all the serious democrats have been standing by Joe Biden publicly.
Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, all the Kamala Harris, all of them, Gavin Newsom.
But the moment that it looks like Biden could actually go down, they'll all turn on him.
Right now it looks like Biden's going to hold onto it. There's no real path for him to leave this race. If he suggests a willingness to leave the race if he is clobbered by the 25th amendment, I don't know. Or anything in between, all of those people will turn on a dime. And in a way they have to. Because while I agree that Biden remains the strongest candidate to beat Donald Trump, I still don't think he would beat Donald Trump today. But he would be stronger than Kamala Harris, say, or even Gavin Newsom.
All of these prominent Democrats have come out and said the man's brain is mush and they can't take that back if he remains the Democrat nominee.
Every republican ad from now until November is going to be Joe Scarborough in the New York Times and the Washington Post and this Democrat member of Congress and this Democrat governor and this Democrat senator all saying that the president is not fit to be the nominee, much less the president. There's so much more to say. First, though, Saudi Arabia recently ended its 50 year petrodollar deal with the US, which has the potential to weaken the US dollar. Since 1974, Saudi Arabia has sold oil solely in us dollars. This was huge for our global economic dominance. If there is less demand for the US dollar, what happens to its value? It is important to diversify some of your savings into gold. And you can do that with Birch gold now. Right now.
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Just one little button on the Biden. I know it's fun. I know it's fun to make fun of the applesauce that Joe Biden has in his head right now. Okay. I know it's fun to point out that we have been right the whole time. The man is obviously in the throes of dementia. Dementia is the kind of disease that accelerates and he can't win for losing. I know it's fun.
I am breaking my own rule even as I say it.
But it's nevertheless good advice, so I'll put it out there anyway. Republicans should lay off mocking Biden and attacking Biden until after he is officially declared the nominee of the Democrat party.
I don't think that some mean comments on the Michael Nolan show are going to convince Democrats to abandon their nominee.
But I do think that, as all Republicans keep pointing out, that this guy is in a ton of trouble. He's not going to be able to connect with voters. His poll numbers are decreasing. That is going to more likely spook the Democrats into thinking there's no way they can win with Biden, and it's going to impel them to take extraordinary measures to try to replace him. And that would not be great for us. I think we want this Joe Biden to be the nominee of the Democrat Party. And so all I'm saying is from now until. What is it? It's July 9 or something. We've got how many more days? Dozen more days till July 21. Maybe he's the nominee by then. Then you can let it rip. But until now, I'm going to break my own rule. I know, but probably we should play it a little bit softer and try to get this excellent nominee for us. Now, turning to the republican nominee, big news that's upsetting a lot of Republicans and conservatives.
Donald Trump has disavowed Project 2025. What is Project 2025? It is a project of the Heritage foundation, which is the greatest of the conservative think tanks. I mean, greatest in a very technical sense. It's the biggest, it's the oldest. It's the most established conservative think tank. It is right now led by a guy named Kevin Roberts, who is a national treasurer. He's done an excellent job at heritage. Sometimes heritage has been run by real conservatives. Sometimes heritage has been run by squishes. Kevin is the real deal. And Kevin helped to bring about this project 2025, which is in partnership with other conservative organizations to deal with one problem and one problem only staffing personnel. A big problem for Trump's first term is that he had trouble getting really good people. He only hires the best people. But the trouble is the way that Washington works and the way that his administration had been set up by forces that were largely outside of his control. It was hard for him to attract really good people. And the bureaucracy is 2 million people. So it's very difficult to get your guys in there in such a way that you can actually turn that ship of state. So Project 2025 exists for personnel because personnel is policy.
And Project 2025 has come under fire because it's this nebulous sounding thing. And you hear all sorts of different statements that come out of it from various people, some of which might be official, some of which might not be official. Certain things you hear might even contradict themselves. It's just a conservative movement project right now. It hasn't really coalesced into anything firm because we don't have the administration yet. In any case, Trump just distanced himself from it. He said, I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who's behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.
This has disappointed some conservatives.
My take on it is that it is true that Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025. He didn't come up with the thing. He's not writing the papers.
He really has no direct involvement whatsoever.
It is also true that Project 2025 is great, and it is being led by great people. And the whole thing is a great idea.
And it is also true that Trump is probably smart to say that he has nothing to do with it, which is true. Hes not even lying when he says he has nothing to do with it. He really doesnt. It is being built to serve him. Initially, it was being built to serve any republican nominee. Then when he got the nomination, it was being built to serve him.
All those three statements are true.
Politics is messy.
If Project 2025 is a big target, that can allow Democrats to try to attack Trump, who otherwise has done a pretty good job avoiding their policy attacks. They're too busy attacking him for, I don't know, some gossip columnist story about Bergdorf Goodman in the nineties. They're focused on things that are really irrelevant to voters and probably fictitious anyway.
Then distancing himself from that is probably smart politics.
But all those things can remain simultaneously true.
He has nothing to do with it.
It's great.
And it's smart to keep a distance during a campaign so as not to open himself up.
A lot of people aren't going to be satisfied with that.
Politics is messy. Politics is not a pristine and pure abstract science. It is an art that involves a lot of dissatisfaction and messiness, but it's within the contingencies of the historical order, and Trump wants to win.
In this episode of Michael and the most recent one out there, I sat down with Justin Waller, an entrepreneur who overcame a difficult childhood to create a construction empire. He is most known for his social media discussions on marriage, masculinity, and politics. Check out this teaser.
I grew up very poor, South Louisiana, in and out of trailer parks, eleven custody court battles, violence, two house fires, no understanding of finance or wealth, and build the life that I want. If you don't think you're gonna go bankrupt about every four years, you're not doing anyway.
Obviously you've had this great career. People don't really know you from that. People know you from going on YouTube and other platforms and giving advice to young men. Are you married now?
I would never bring the state into my affairs. I don't chase women, Michael. I absorb them. I love women. Let me be very clear about this. But, and in fact, I have quite the reputation for loving them a bit, too.
And my wife helps, by the way.
Wait, your wife helps?
You got girlfriends?
Gee, really?
Yeah, man. I am not promoting this.
I guess that to me, that's the most interesting thing you're saying.
I am not.
If it's good for you, why is it not good for some other guy?
Watch the episode now on the Michael Knowles YouTube channel. Be sure to catch the totally uncensored versions on Spotify and ad free on daily wire. Plus, speaking of right wingers and distancing oneself from political movements, you probably saw the story. If you read any of the left wing media over the weekend about Patriot Front, a group of right wing extremists, fascists, marching through Nashville.
And they had american flags and they had confederate flags, and they had masks on their face like they were Columbia university students or something. Like they were marching with the Democrat intifada for Palestine. But they're not. They weren't marching for that. They're right wingers, ostensibly. And they had glasses on and they had hats. Okay? And they're all matching khaki chinos and blue polos.
Which is why I think it was, the outfits, largely are why.
If you were reading the right wing media, you read that these were a bunch of feds, because they looked like those guys who showed up at the justice for January 6 rally. I don't think we have a picture of it. Do you remember there was the. The anniversary commemoration of January 6, the worst day ever, and it was obviously a fed honey pot. It was some half baked idea from Quantico. And the guys who showed up to it just looked like they actually got out of the barber's chair in the basement of Quantico. They had all these shirts on with no logos. They were all very fit, looked like they had military or police training. They're all, you know, they're standing around, everyone's checking their sixes all the time with shades on. I mean, just.
It might as well have been military or law enforcement issue clothing. And frankly, it probably was all with their matching garmin watches. And so that I think pretty clearly, and I think the FBI has actually admitted as much, that the FBI has informants and agents on the ground in some of these rallies and I. Different political events just to maintain order or whatever, gather information.
But that doesn't tell us much about Patriot Front. What is it?
Is Patriot Front as the left wing media would have us believe, the marching physical representation of the MAGA Republican movement? Or is Patriot Front, as the right wing would have us believe, just a bunch of feds?
I don't think it's really either. I don't think it's really either. I am sure I have no hard proof of this, but I would bet my bottom dollar that there are a bunch of feds in Patriot front. And my reasoning for this, I guess I do have a little bit of evidence. My reasoning is federal investigators and law enforcement always infiltrate these movements on the left and on the right. They always get guys into the Black Panthers, they always get guys into the Ku Klux Klan.
So I have no doubt that a bunch of these guys actually are federal agents, or at least federal informants. And assets.
However, the guy who runs it, Thomas Rousseau, who's this young guy who started this organization, I think it was initially called Vanguard America. Then it rebranded as Patriot front after some schism within the group because these groups always splinter off into a million other groups. I think he, at least at one point was a true believer. Maybe he still is a true believer.
They might be feds. They might not be feds.
To me, that's not the important question.
What is important about something like this Patriot front march through Nashville is how are the mainstream conservatives reacting to it?
This tells you everything you need to know about political violence on the right and the left.
Patriot front marches through Nashville. They're not violent.
It would seem that Patriot front, all they ever really want to do is just kind of march. They've got whatever 100 people say and they march and they have their big flags and they make a big to do and then they go away. And it's a little suspect the way they dress and how they don't show their faces. But whatever. Let's say they're totally legit and they're sincere true believers. They have nothing to do with law enforcement. What happens after they march?
All the mainstream conservatives ignore or condemn them.
Thats what happens.
Lets look on the left. What happens when antifa marches? Better yet, what happens when BLM marches through a town?
Well, Antifa and BLM are not quite so peaceful. They make just as much of a ruckus. They make just as much of a spectacle of themselves as the Patriot front does.
And then they also rape, kill, pillage and burn. They also loot stores. They also, BLM killed dozens of people during that summer of love that burned cities down sea to shining sea.
And then even beyond the group, how did the mainstream Democrats and liberals react? They embrace the groups.
Mainstream Democrats and liberals and journalists have defended antifa.
Mainstream Democrat politicians have bailed BLM rioters who committed crimes out of prison. Kamala Harris, the sitting vice president who might be the Democrat nominee in 2024, she raised money to bail BLM criminals out of jail. During that summer of love staffers for the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, raised money to bail those leftist rioters out of jail. That's the difference.
Let's say that Patriot Front, it's not just a bunch of feds, okay?
When the fringe people on our side march around and make a fuss, we ignore or reject them.
When the fringe people on the left go out and commit visible crimes and harm people and make a big fuss, the mainstream left embraces them. Thats all you need to know.
That is all you need to know about extremism in America. We hear so much about right wing extremism. Give me a break. There is no such thing for all practical purposes as right wing extremism in America. If Patriot Front is the best example they've got, it's a joke.
You want to see political extremism? You want to see real consequential political extremism? Show me blm, show me antifa.
All the talk of political violence. Newsweek says Donald, or the new Republic, rather, says Donald Trump, is Hitler.
Okay, show me Donald Trump embracing Patriot Front. I don't see it.
Not that Patriot front is looting businesses or murdering people in Nashville.
Meanwhile, the left totally embraces BLM and to some degree, antifa as well. Now, speaking of disreputable displays of political speech, a big free speech case just came down, and conservatives are going to be tempted to think of this as a win for our side because it's supposedly a win for free speech, and it's not. It's a big loss. A federal judge just ruled that a woman who had an f them both 2024 sign installed on her front lawn is able to keep the sign up.
It's not an obscene sign.
She doesn't have to take it down, even though her neighbors don't like it. She doesn't have to pay a fine. It's totally fine. F them both is her political view.
And there it is. You can see a picture of the sign if you're watching the show right now. It's kind of funny, but it's vulgar because it doesn't just say f. It's a vulgar word. And call me old fashioned. If I were in that neighborhood, I wouldn't want my kids to walk by a sign like that. I wouldn't have to look at a sign like that because it's degraded and it's declasse and it's going to lower my property values, and it's just ugly. I don't need that around me. I want to live in a nice, beautiful neighborhood. And that's why I'm a defender of hoas. I think that we have a political right to live in nice neighborhoods. Frankly, that was a big part of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. It irritated the individualists and the libertarians. But Trump said, I'm running for president cause I want you to have a good, safe neighborhood, a nice, beautiful, safe neighborhood. And I want you to be able to have just a good way of life, which was extremely conservative, very traditional. Yeah, it's basic stuff. I know they don't write that in the white papers that come out of the libertarian think tanks, but that's actually a good answer, and that's what most people want.
Unfortunately, this court just said no. She has a right to make your neighborhood ugly and vulgar and degraded. Why? Well, in fairness to the judge, because according to the current test for obscenity, that sign is not obscene. Because the current way that we determine obscenity, it's called the Miller test. It comes from 1970, 319 73, which gave us a lot of bad court decisions, notably Roe versus Wade. Okay. A really bad Supreme Court in 1973 with really bad decisions that upended our country, one of which was this obscenity decision.
In order for something to be declared obscene, it has to satisfy all three of these criteria.
The average person, applying contemporary community standards would have to find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest. That is, it has to arouse lust in you.
The sign doesn't do that.
Whatever you want to say about the sign, it's not, you know, it's not sexy.
Second thing, that it has to satisfy whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or excretory functions.
It does do that. You know, just the first verb there, I guess, does describe a sexual function.
And then number three, whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. I would say it certainly does. I'm sure some philistine would say that it does have political value because it's making a statement on our political order.
I don't think it satisfies. So number three is arguable. It's not obscene, according to the Miller test. So the judge probably made the right decision.
According to a really stupid standard that we have before the Miller test, what was our standard for obscenity?
1966, from the memoirs versus Massachusetts case.
The Supreme Court refined the previous test to say that it's material that is patently offensive and utterly without redeeming social value.
Okay, that's pretty good. Now, in 1957, we had the Roth test, which defines it as material whose dominant theme, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest of the average person applying contemporary community standards. And only material that met this test could be deemed obscene.
That there's been a lot of obscenity in american history. Before that, we had the Comstock laws.
It banned any material that tended to, quote, deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences. Okay, whoa. That's pretty good. Now we're getting somewhere. And that was based on the Hickland test, which comes from England, 1868, which defined obscenity as it defined obscenity on the basis of whether the tendency of the matter is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences and into whose hands a publication of this sort it might fall. Okay, all of that is to say, the Hickland test had it pretty much about right. That is what obscenity is.
We have made obscenity so narrow that we now have pornography everywhere. We have vulgar language everywhere. We've got pornography in elementary schools at this point. And conservatives are complaining about it, and moderates are complaining about it, and even some center left people are complaining about it. So it's not just the prudish right wingers. A lot of people recognize we've just got way too much obscenity here. On top of that, its more difficult to prosecute pornography these days, in part because of the nebulous meaning of contemporary community standards, what people would find normal these days.
And we know that that constitutes a public health crisis, a political crisis.
Theres broad agreement on this. There have been efforts to try to beef up what we mean by obscenity and to be able to take some political action against it. You saw this in the nineties, bipartisan efforts, the Communications Decency act, the Child Online Protection act.
This should be a priority for conservatives. I know it seems like it doesn't matter as much as the border or as the economy, or is world war three potentially breaking out in Europe.
This really matters, though, because we used to say politics is downstream of culture. And there's some truth to that, though. Culture is also formed by laws and by politics and by Supreme Court decisions. And if you live in a culture that's really vulgar and depraved and without discipline and ugly and nasty, that's your country, and that's going to be your communities. And your family is going to take on some of those characteristics, because man is a social creature and we live in a body politic.
If you want to live in a country that's good and has a nice flourishing way of life and it's beautiful and it's pleasant, you got to take things like obscenity very, very seriously.
And so, yeah, good. Let's overturn Roe v. Wade. That was good stuff. Let's overturn Chevron deference. A lot of conservatives wanted to do that. That's great.
Let's overturn that Miller test, too. Let's get back to the Hickland test. That's just my humble suggestion. The conservative legal movement's been very effective recently. Well, let's keep going. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment of revelation has arrived. Scamala.
Scamala. How am I supposed to pronounce that? It's like a pun that's a little bit hard to hit. Scamala. The Kamala Harris unmasked show. Ben Shapiro's expose is now streaming in its entirely entirety, rather, on daily wire. Plus, Ben has meticulously excavated Kamala Harris past by unearthing truths the mainstream media dare not touch. From her ascent in California politics to her calamitous vice presidency, no aspect remains unexplored. Every scandal, every mortifying gaffe, every radical policy stance, all laid bare for your edification. I assure you the reality is far more alarming than you've imagined. Take a look at the trailer for scamala. Or scamala. Or scamala. Kamala Harris unmasked.
Kamala Harris is a hair's breadth from the Oval office.
She's so bad.
You're so pathetic.
But how did she get here? How did someone with such a knack for failure manage to climb the greasy pole to the precipice of the most powerful position in the world?
We did it. We did it, Joe.
In this documentary podcast, we're peeling back the layers of Kamala Harris career, exposing the scandals, the missteps, and the awkwardness that have come to define her journey. Because here's the ugly truth.
Kamala Harris is a scam artist. And that scam artist is now a hair's breadth. From the Oval office, where her incompetence and inauthenticity aren't just a problem, they're a dangerous existential issue for the United States. Join me in this exclusive three part series.
Kamala Harris unmasked. Stream now on daily wire. Discover the benefits of becoming a member to support our mission to fight the left and build the future.
Do not allow yourself to be left uninformed. Stream all three parts of scamala. Scamala, scamala. Kamala Harris unmasked. Now on daily wire. Plus, arm yourself with facts, examine the evidence, and comprehend the genuine peril that Kamala Harris represents in our republic. My favorite comment yesterday is from slap my base, 3826. Who says, if Biden can identify as a black woman, then my identification as a nicaraguan immigrant stands. I want my amnesty and my high quality cigars. Well, I can get you one of those things.
I probably can't help you with the amnesty. But I don't think you need much help with the amnesty.
Biden is more than happy to provide it.
Speaking of relics of the 19th century, Joe Biden has hosted a Parkinson's specialist at the White House. Allegedly, there is a neurologist and Parkinson's specialist who has made nearly a dozen trips to the White House medical unit, according to visitor logs, over just the past 20 months.
Now, first question people are asking, does Joe Biden have Parkinson's disease? With Parkinson's disease, aren't you supposed to shake and aren't there supposed to be more visible signs to hear a Parkinson's specialist?
Sure, the person maybe has published some papers on Parkinson's or maybe does have a specialty in Parkinson's, but we're talking about a degenerative disease. We're talking about a neurological problem.
Joe Biden, we dont know what kind of dementia he has, what the actual form of his senility is.
Hes got something. Its pretty obvious hes got something. And now even the White House visitor logs are showing that this guy, Doctor Kevin Kennard, a Bethesda neurologist and movement disorder specialist who is affiliated with Walter Reed National Military Medical center, has visited the White House a lot of times.
As recently as March 28.
Kamala. Not Kamala Harris. Did I just do a racism or a sexism? I don't know, Karine. Jean Pierre has come out and cannot exactly explain why this guy's been at the White House so much.
That's a very basic, direct question.
Wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Wait a second.
President specifically.
Hold on a second.
Wait. No, no, no, no.
Wait a minute.
Ed, please, a little respect here, please.
So every year around the president's physical examination, he sees a neurologist? That's three times. Right? So I am telling you that he has seen a neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency. That's what I'm saying.
I am telling you that he has seen them three times. That is what I'm sharing with you. Right? So every time he has a physical, he has had to see a neurologist. So that is answering that question. No, it is you're asking.
But I just. I also said to you, Ed, I also said to you, for security reasons, we cannot share names.
We cannot share names.
Okay, here we go. For security reasons, we already have the name. I just told you the name.
Notice how she phrases this, though. Her phrasing is so strange here. Okay, okay, okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on, please. Some respect. Some respect. You gotta clear the room, the questions. And then very specifically, she says the president has a physical every year. So that's three years.
And he sees all sorts of doctors during those physicals. So he has seen a neurologist three times.
The statement he has seen a neurologist three times does not mean he has seen a neurologist only three times.
I've had five cigars in my life. I've had five cigars.
I've had more than five cigars. I've had six cigars and seven cigars and eight cigars and probably 5000 cigars in my life. But within the 8000 cigars that I've had, it is also true to say I've had five cigars and many more than that. President Biden has certainly seen a neurologist three times.
And notice she gets so specific. And so every time he has a physical, he has seen a neurologist. Yeah, we know that he sees doctors at his physical. What about the ten other times that the neurologist has come to the White House?
I cannot, for privacy reasons, I cannot talk about that. What do you mean? You were just talking about his physical. Why can't you talk about it? Why can't you talk about the other visits?
It's for privacy. It's for policy. So let me just utter the meticulously worded non answer that I came up with in the back room. The president has seen a neurologist every time he's had a physical. And he's had three physicals since he's been in the White House.
Sure. Do they want us to believe that this neurologist is coming to examine other people at the White House? I think the junior deputy assistant deputy deputy speechwriter to the head of the department of the Interior can probably go to Walter Reed on his own dime and on his own time.
Thats not why a neurologist is coming to the White House. Certainly not a neurologist whos examined the president of the United States.
Now, when the neurologist comes to the White House, is he always meeting with Biden? Maybe not.
Maybe he is. Probably he is, but maybe not. In any case, really weak stuff. She thought she was going to slip through there with that kind of clever warning, but it was so clunky that the reporters were not buying it.
On top of this, we've got our own reporting here at DW from our friend Luke Rosiak, who's observed that by analyzing official transcripts and official transcript corrections from the White House, Joe Biden's speaking errors have doubled in the last year. So Biden has never been the brightest bulb in the pack. I don't mean that to insult him. It's just a fact.
Joe Biden, and he's kind of made that part of his schtick. I'm just a regular Joe. I'm Amtrak. I'm not some super genius. I'm just regular old Amtrak Joe slapping you on the back.
However, he used to be pretty good at talking.
That was the one thing he could do really well.
Now he's not good at talking. And we saw this in 2020, and then we saw it a little bit more in 2021 than we saw a little bit more in 2022. And it's gotten much worse. The fact that his errors in speech have doubled in a year tells you something that I mentioned briefly earlier.
Dementia is an accelerating disease.
If you've ever had a grandparent or a parent who's suffered dementia, you know, it can start to move real fast.
It seems beyond a shadow of a doubt at this point that Biden has some form of dementia. So today we see how he does. We saw him with the sun downing during the debate with Trump. Then we see him. Hes a little bit feistier on the morning shows when he calls in, but he still cant get his words in order, and he flubs up everything. And thats in early July.
And I think, and I still hope that he secures the Democrat nomination for 2024.
The Joe Biden you are seeing today might be superman compared to the Joe Biden you see in September, October, and November.
These diseases, once they start really moving, they start moving real fast.
And at the very least, you can expect to see neurologists come to the White House a lot more frequently.
Now, some Democrats don't care about this whoopi Goldberg. I hate giving the view more views. But Whoopi Goldberg on the view says she doesn't care if the president soils himself.
She is voting for Joe. So, I mean, listen, I'm just gonna add my two cent cause I wasn't here on the day that y'all talked about it.
I don't care if he's pooped his pants.
I don't care if he can't put a sentence together, show me he can't do the job, and then I'll say, okay, maybe it's time to go.
What does Whoopi Goldberg think the job is? The job of the president is to talk.
Thats the job. Hes not there, you know, fixing the resolute desk. Hes not putting screws in.
Hes not there welding.
Hes not there doing spreadsheets.
His job is to talk.
His job is to talk and inspire the nation and lead a political movement. His job is to talk to foreign leaders and preserve the world order and the american interest. His job is to talk to his subordinates and lead the government to effect his policies, policies which he conveys by talking. Thats the job.
And to talk requires that one can think.
David McCullough has this great line. He says, to write well is to think clearly. Thats why its so hard.
But we're not even asking Joe Biden to write. We're just asking him to talk. And he can't even do that.
I get the Whoopi Goldberg point, the streamer, the liberal streamer. Destiny made this point when I was on Piers Morgan show with him. He said, I don't care if Joe Biden's an urn. I'm going to vote for him. I get that degree of partisanship. I think it's a little silly, but I understand that degree of partisanship, which is, well, I just hate Trump. And so I'd vote for a cadaver over Trump.
Whoopi's point here is even more bizarre. She's saying he can't talk, but show me he can't do the job. That's the job.
And he manifestly can't do it. That's why the Democrats are in this horrible predicament.
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