Primary Topic
This episode primarily discusses the personal experiences and insights of comedian Tim Dillon, covering a range of topics from personal freedoms to societal norms.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Celebrity culture and societal impact are scrutinized, with specific examples of how public figures influence and reflect societal values.
- The discussion highlights the superficial nature of Hollywood and the authenticity issues within celebrity circles.
- Political commentary is a major part of the conversation, with discussions about media bias, public manipulation, and the lack of real solutions in political discourse.
- Personal freedom and societal norms are debated, particularly in the context of how society judges individual actions and the pressure to conform.
- The episode also explores the complexity of human behavior and the difficulty in categorizing people simply based on public personas.
Episode Chapters
1: Opening Remarks
Tim Dillon and Joe Rogan discuss the cultural and personal impact of celebrity behaviors, using sunglasses as a metaphor for societal masks. Tim Dillon: "You feel like you can talk shit like you're in another dimension."
2: Political Commentary
The conversation shifts to political insights, where Dillon and Rogan criticize the current political climate, discussing manipulation and the superficiality in media coverage. Joe Rogan: "They're actors, they're show pieces, and they're mouthpieces for, usually, corporate America."
3: Societal Norms
Rogan and Dillon reflect on societal expectations, personal freedoms, and the impact of cultural norms on personal behavior. Tim Dillon: "You gotta recycle certain ideas."
4: Humor and Cynicism
Dillon's unique humor shines as they discuss various societal issues with a cynical view, making light of serious topics while pointing out the absurdities within. Tim Dillon: "Everything around him is with supporting the country, which is kind of crazy, right?"
Actionable Advice
- Question societal norms and consider how personal freedoms are influenced by cultural expectations.
- Be aware of media manipulation and strive to seek out multiple perspectives before forming opinions.
- Recognize the impact of celebrity culture on societal values and personal behavior.
- Engage in political discussions with a critical mind, questioning the motives behind political actions and statements.
- Use humor to cope with and understand complex societal issues, but also recognize the seriousness of these topics.
About This Episode
Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024.
Joe Rogan, Tim Dillon
Guest Name(s):
Tim Dillon
Content Warnings:
Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night.
All day.
Tim Dillon
Dude, I get it, man. You get it? I get it. I get, I get. I get the whole thing.
You see how powerful you feel? Yeah. You feel like you can talk shit like you're in another dimension. All the things that you do, like working out and succeeding, you don't need to really do a lot of that. If you put these on, you get a lot of the effects of, like, being a trained fighter and all that crap.
If you just put these on, you kind of get the idea of that. Until someone calls you out and kills you. Yeah, you gotta avoid, like, actual conflicts. You gotta run away. But you do feel superior to people.
Oh, for sure. Like you have a suit on or something. Yeah, for sure. An Iron man suit. It keeps you away.
There's a distance between you and other people. Now. That must be why celebrities wear them when they go out. You know, like we'll see, like, at concerts or UFC fights, you'll see celebrities with full on sunglasses. Interesting.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, they're like a cat hiding underneath a chair and the tail's hanging out. It's like, you can't see me. That can see you, stupid. Yeah, no, people, they do give you some. And a lot of people, I guess, are on drugs.
Yeah, that's probably why. And then their eyes are bugged out of their head. I just think they're trying to avoid eye contact with people because then people trying to give them a script. Yeah, I think that's true. They just don't.
Tim Dillon
They want to be left alone. Yeah. I mean, if you want to be left alone in public, maybe that's the only way to do it. You just wear these things and they're getting bigger and bigger, and these are so huge. They're crazy.
Joe Rogan
This is like a rich lady who gets out of a car with a small dog. They're crazy. And you wear them. And when I got them, I got them as a joke, but then you just keep doing it. Cause they're good.
Tim Dillon
Because they're good. They're actually fun. And people come up to you and say nice things about the sunglasses, which is weird. Which is weird. They'll go, these sunglasses are really cool.
And, like, cool people, like black people. You know what I mean? Like, a black guy will go, those shades are cool. And I'll go, that's great. Like, if a guy like me says it, it means nothing.
I would throw them out, but, well, it was for. This is like a bad sunglasses from the eighties. Yeah. Like what Brian Bosworth used to wear. Do you remember the Bozeman?
I don't. He was the guy who's famous for his sunglasses. He was a big time football player. Interesting. He was one of those, you know, every now and then, one of those fellas, like, what's his name?
Joe Rogan
The one that's dating Taylor Swift, Travis Kelsey. That guy, like when. When one of those guys breaks through. Yeah. Becomes famous.
That was the boss. Oh, wow. See, those are. I mean, those are corny as shit. In 2000, but here we are in 2024.
They're back. Invest in bell bottom. Yeah. Absolutely back. They're absolutely back.
Yeah. Yeah. He had a mullet, too. Everything comes back. Mullets are back.
Yeah. Mullets are back. Theo probably helped with that. And lesbians, lesbians and lesbians. There's not enough new ideas.
Tim Dillon
You gotta recycle certain ideas. After a while, you go, the mohawk's not that bad. Yeah, of course. What's the problem? Everything was baggy, and then everything was tight, and now everything's getting baggy again.
Joe Rogan
Yeah. The ladies are wearing baggy pants. A lot of people are wearing baggy style, but then that'll probably swing. Yeah. I thought the whole idea of the tight pants was to show your body.
That's what it's for, right? For sure, yeah. What happened, ladies? I don't know. Why'd you go baggy?
Tim Dillon
Something happened. I don't get it. Go back to the tight stuff. Yeah, that looks better. Well, they feel no one can objectify them if they wear a bag yet.
Joe Rogan
They'll go to the gym in yoga, apparently. That's right. Are so thin. I mean, you could literally, like, read braille through them. Right?
And you see your full vagina. And a lot of these gals are not wearing panties. Cause they don't want the line. I don't want them to be a line. So they have just raw pussy covered by yoga pants.
Out there in the wild, we're kinda. Lucky as comedians to wear pretty much. We don't like. You dress up in a suit for UFC and for other stuff. Yeah, but most of us don't.
Yeah, you don't. I don't mind a suit. I like it. I wear. If I have to go somewhere special.
Tim Dillon
Yeah. Throw a suit on. Right. You know, I don't mind it. Sebastian's into it.
Joe Rogan
Boy, that guy. They wear it. I saw Seinfeld at Gotham. He's in it. Oh, yeah.
Tim Dillon
People wear them. Belaney wears one. Yeah. It gives you a certain. You feel like you are some sort of an expert.
For sure. You know, you're definitely better than the guy in the hoodie. I agree. But I'm the guy in the hoodie, and I agree with that. Yeah, I agree.
When I see Seinfeld, I go, I agree that you are. And it's. It's, you know, it's not even fashion. He's better in every way. I wear hoodies three days a week.
It's fun to wear a hoodie and jeans. Yeah. It's casual. It's a great loose. I feel comfortable.
It's a great thing to just soft. And to be able to make money in a hoodie's grade. Yes. That's the cool thing about it. To have jeans on and go, I'm gonna make money in a hoodie and jeans.
Joe Rogan
I think that's what John Fetterman was getting into when he went into the congress. That's what he was doing. If I'm gonna be rich now, I'm gonna dress like what I would dress like if I was like Rick Rubin. He's kind of an interesting guy now. Cause now he's starting to make sense.
Which is what the fuck is going on. Did the stroke knock some sense in? I don't know what happened, but he's, like, actually coming out of the gate with some, like, very rational things. Yeah. Hot.
Good takes. On everything. Yeah. Yeah. On everything.
Tim Dillon
And I'm like, if that's what sweatpants does, let's do it. I wonder if, like, when he was running, he was recovering from the stroke, and so that was why he would have those moments where his brain would sink off, and we'd be like, this guy's fucked. He can't be a senator. Right. But maybe what it really is is it just takes a while for everything to come back, and now it's all back, and now he's making sense.
Joe Rogan
Cause I haven't seen any of those videos since of him. You know, there was a few videos where it was, like, me, if I eat, like, a 500 milligram edible, he. Was out of it for a period of time. Yeah, he was gone. He was in this place where it just didn't make sense, what he was saying.
Tim Dillon
Yeah, but now he's back, and it feels like, from my perspective, that the things he's saying are pretty logical. What a crazy political move. Recover from a stroke publicly, right? While in the middle of a campaign. In a sweatsuit, against a guy who's.
Joe Rogan
Famous and still win. And still win. And then get progressively better and make more sense, because our guy, that's the president, is getting worse, and Fetterman's getting better. I'm of the opinion, and I think you are, too. Yeah.
Biden doesn't exist. I believe it could be the first AI thing. I think he's a living human being, don't get me wrong. But there's nothing there. It doesn't exist.
Tim Dillon
It's not there. I don't think there's a question about this. So everything around him is with supporting the country, which is kind of crazy, right? Kind of shows you that the system kind of works. Sure.
Joe Rogan
You know, when you got a guy like that, it's a great kind of stress test to see, like, what happens when you get a guy that's just going. And also how much you can gaslight people into voting for him again. Yes. How much you can gaslight people into voting for the people around him again is what it really is. The people you don't even know, like this mysterious cabal of humans, it's actually running the country.
Tim Dillon
Well, it's such a weird thing. Cause he came out at the state of the union. He was pretty good, but he was heavily drugged, like, something. And you might know more than I know about certain types of things that you can do, like what you've had all these doctors on and stuff. Is there a way to make that guy like that for the debates?
Is he gonna be able to cause. No, he wasn't great. What I would recommend is I would find I would time it correctly, right. So I'd recommend that he got lots of sleep. I would cut all the ice cream out of his diet for several days.
Joe Rogan
All the bullshit out of his diet. Then I would give him nad infusions and iv vitamin infusions, multiple days in a row, like, three or four days in a row. Then the day of, I would make sure that he eats really well, give gets a lot of sleep. And then I would fill him up. I'd fill him up with Adderall.
I'd give him testosterone. I would give him human growth hormone. I'd give him nootropics. I'd give him everything that we know that creatine. Creatine helps with.
It, actually does. No, I'm sure it does. Creatine is a cognitive enhancer. I'm thinking of him getting all these injections in that creatine. Just supple, just that purple skin from all the marks.
Tim Dillon
Oh, God, that skin that's just wound so thin. It spun so thin on his body. All of the bruising from all of these needles of stuff that they need to shoot him up with to just be coherent for an hour. Isn't it crazy? Like, when Obama was president, the worst they could get on him is.
Joe Rogan
Remember when he wore that tan suit? Right, right. Yeah. He never had a single moment publicly where he stumbled, where he said something really stupid. This is insane.
Tim Dillon
It's insane. It's much worse than even, you know, remember George W. Bush? And he would, like, you know, say silly things. Yeah.
This is, like, so far down the road from that. It's so far down the road. It's so far down the road that it's like. I think it's elder abuse. I really do.
Joe Rogan
I mean, if I. If. I mean, if it was any other job, it would be elder abuse. If there was a guy who was running the corner grocery store and his family was making him run it and he was that old and they had money, you'd be like, what the fuck are you doing to your dad? Why are you making your dad work?
Your dad's out of it. Yeah. Why would you do. Yeah. There was a guy in New York, this legendary guy, Dom, who ran this pizzeria called di Fara's, which is, like, widely thought of as the best pizza in New York.
Tim Dillon
And he was so old, and at the very end, he was just over the pie with the oil and cutting basil, and it was like. You're what? You felt bad because the pie was amazing. But you're watching a guy at the. End of his life making pizza.
Making pizza. Very old, and he would struggle. He'd put it in the thing. It was hard. It was like you kind of gasped.
And that's what we have now, except it's with Russia. But however, if I went to a pizza place and there's a guy who loves making pizza so much that here, he's fucking dying, right? It's his last days. He's still. I'm gonna make you a nice pie.
Yes, I'm gonna make you a nice pie. And he fought. He must love the fact that pizza is awesome. Yes. He loved it.
Joe Rogan
If you make good food, it's probably a lot like killing. Yeah, for sure. You know? For sure. Like, you kill on stage.
Everybody loves it. Great. We had a great time. Thank you. I'm so happy you guys wonder what.
Tim Dillon
The reward is for Biden. Like, is it even fun? It can't be fun. Why does he even want to do this? That guy making that pizza?
Joe Rogan
When someone folds a slice of that pie and goes, yeah. Oh, my God, they're into it. It's like they're killing. That guy goes, I've made all of these people happy. Yes.
Tim Dillon
But this guy, I mean, this just came out in the Wall Street Journal where they're saying that he's, like, showing signs, like, behind closed doors. Wait, what are you saying? I know. It's shocking. This is crazy.
It's shocking. It's what? When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the west Wing in January to negotiate Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him. According to five people similar, familiar, rather, with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods, and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out or died.
Joe Rogan
But are they. They can't change him out now, right? You and I both thought it was gonna happen in May. We were convinced. I remember texting you.
Tim Dillon
I was convinced. I actually heard from people that were in kind of, you know, around the Trump campaign that thought they were also preparing to run against somebody who wasn't Biden. Right. And they had believed that they were like, it's going to be newsome or somebody, and it hasn't been. So why.
Not to sound like a nut, but why are they so. Why are they so committed to this guy? There's something weird about it. There's something strange about it. Do you think that's it?
Joe Rogan
I think he's the sitting president, and they gaslit everybody into thinking he was fine. So now they would have to change course radically to justify getting him out of office if they just had, they just published an article, I think it was in the Times that was talking about Biden saying that his age is his superpower. Did you see that? Yes. And then Seth, what's his name?
The guy from the fucking family guy, Seth MacFarlane. That guy. Yeah. Retweeted it. Right.
And was like, this is an amazing. I couldn't have written this better thing. What? Right, right. Yeah.
Tim Dillon
What? His age is a superpower. So you'd have to turn that back. So you'd have to get all these people. Do you remember when there was a whole list of a bunch of celebrities, they used to make videos where they would tell you what to do, what we need to do, what we need to do.
Joe Rogan
The end of democracy. Remember a bunch of them did that before the 2016 election, right? Yeah. Those people, of all, you would have to do something like that with Biden. Well, what's interesting about Biden is they put him in kind of because they kind of stacked the democratic primary.
Tim Dillon
They killed the momentum of Sanders. And there was a lot of people, Biden was, like, very behind and then sprung out at the end. They manipulated it just like they did with Hillary. This, like Donna Brazile wrote about in. Her book, they manipulated it to get him in.
And it's just weird to me that when everyone sees it so clearly and Trump is up in every poll, why they wouldn't just have him go out, give a very patriotic speech about, you know what, I thought I could do it, but now I can't. I thought I was okay because there's. No one other than her. So if you try to put her in again, if you try to promote her as president to, against Trump, Democrats are gonna vote for Trump. She should lose one more time, but.
Joe Rogan
She'S gonna lose in a way that's. No, I know, it's crazy. No, they have nobody else. That's the other thing. But the thing is he should lose in a way that's crazy if you're looking at, like, competence.
Cause he's so old. But people will vote for him just because the machine behind him has kept the country. It's still relatively okay. You're still going out to dinner. He's still taking plane flights for the sure no aliens have landed.
Tim Dillon
Not yet. You know, Ukraine hasn't spilled over new America. It's all okay. Kind of. Kind of.
Joe Rogan
Right. So you would probably, if you're, especially if you're one of those celebrities that made that video about Trump, you can't turn course now. No, those people that's out there forever, you know, remember those? Well, it's also. There's no heaven.
Tim Dillon
Yeah, imagine that. Remember that one? I think older people kind of like, some of them like it because they go, yeah, well, good for him. There's a lot of older people that don't want to step down. Like when white guys want a white heavyweight.
That's exactly right. And there's a lot of old people that go, I'm not going to retire. Right. I'm not going to step down. I don't want to go into assisted living.
Joe Rogan
Remember Frankie? He made that pie till the day he dies. Yeah, to the day he died, he. Was 102 years old. He put the basil on.
Drop dead. Yeah. I think they want. They look at this guy and they say, good for him. He's one of us.
There's a little bit of that going on. He's one of us. I definitely think there's a little bit of that going on. I don't think that's. Trump will beat him.
Tim Dillon
I think from jail. Yeah, 100% Trump will win. Yeah. But I don't know if it's real. Yeah, I don't know.
Joe Rogan
I mean, look, I don't want to cry election fraud, but why would I imagine that they would manipulate everything openly except the election? But this is what I. You know what I'm saying? But this is what I'm saying to you. Is it not possible that they haven't gone off Joe Biden because there was some fuckery in the last election?
Tim Dillon
Is it not possible to some degree that they have this rabid insistence on this clearly dementia ridden guy because there's promises have been made and there are people in positions of power that could speak. I don't know anything. I'm just. That's a possibility. I mean, it's just a guess, right?
Joe Rogan
Who knows? I'm just asking the kinds of questions that people on Twitter will. Yeah, call me a name for asking, but. Well, you gotta stop reading that. Yeah, that's true.
That's. Why don't read it. Boy, that's a nice. Once you. Once you break, you.
Tim Dillon
No, I know, I know. I'm not on it as much. You feel so much better. Lex goes into a dark hole every few days. I know.
Well, it's, you know, I hope it doesn't. Read the stuff about the Kevin Spacey interview. Life is dark. Oh, he's interviewing Spacey did? Yeah.
God damn it. We wanted Spacey. I wanted Spacey. You can get Spacey. I know, but then you're on the fifth person to have Spacey.
Joe Rogan
You'll be the most. I know Weinstein's coming here first. I know. You're gonna have him as soon as he gets out of jail. He's never getting out of jail.
Tim Dillon
I hope he does. I don't think he's ever getting out. Of jail, by the way. He should. Isn't he in jail for the rest of his life?
No, it's turning around, Joe. What do you mean it's turning around? What are you talking about? Oh, you don't know? What.
Joe Rogan
What's going on? He. They just overturned all of his convictions. What? Well, get some of what I'm.
What? But are you fucking killing you? The prosecutors in the Harvey Weinstein case were encouraging the. Whatever you want to call them, right? The people.
Victims. The victims. And yes, they are victims, but she was encouraging them to just went, I was a juror on a murder trial, and you're instructed as a juror this was years ago, but you're instructed to only consider the facts of the case. You can only discuss the facts of the case. These victims were out there, and they were permitted and encouraged by a very overzealous prosecutor to share things that weren't related to the case and the fact that the jury could have based their.
Tim Dillon
Here. Here it is. Wednesday's hearing ahead of Weinstein's retrial comes just over a month after the New York Court of Appeals, by a four to three vote, ruled the testimony of prior bad acts witnesses should not have been allowed because it was unnecessary to establish defendant's intent and served only to establish defendants propensity to commit the crimes charged. He was convicted in 2020 of first degree criminal sexual assault and third degree rape, and then he was sentenced to 23 years in prison. He has maintained his innocence.
Joe Rogan
So what are they saying now? So he's got a retrial. They have a retrial. They're gonna do a retrial. Wow.
How old is he now? Cause he looked fucking terrible before he was going into jail. He was walking around with a cane and a lot of. He's in his early seventies, but this is when directors do their best work.
Truly. But he's not a director. Right. Producers, whatever. I have confidence in him, is what I'm saying.
Tim Dillon
I think if he's gonna get out and kick some ass, I think he gets out. He's got a lot to prove. Do you think they'll let him work? They're not even letting. Hollywood believes in nothing.
They will absolutely let him work. They will let him work, and he should work. If they. If. Listen, if the retrial happens and they let him, and it doesn't work.
It is what it is, you know? Wow. Imagine he gets out. Imagine if it was all bullshit. Well, I don't know how it's like.
Joe Rogan
It couldn't be that time. Well, they. All we lived through. Yeah. Was.
Tim Dillon
So it was this moral panic. Oh, right. Exactly. Yeah. Everything that got, you know, that happened there.
Joe Rogan
What originally happened, it says here he had a separate 16 year sentence that is not affected by this decision in California. Oh, there's another case which he was also sentenced to. So the New York trial has been. So he'll be transferred to a California prison. Oh, he's fucked.
No matter what. He's fucked. Unless they do that one. So those guys. That was what they did.
But the crazy thing about him is he looked like that guy that would do that. He looked exactly like the guy that behaved the way that he behaved. Yes, yes. Like Dave. Dave Chappelle had a bit about it.
Tim Dillon
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, he raped. Right. Looking at him like you look at a guy. The other thing about him that's.
Joe Rogan
It's so crazy is how many photographs of famous people were with him and how many people thanked him when they won the award, of course, and how it was this open secret. But it's just like they accepted this deal with the devil. Like, the devil's gonna make you a star if you suck his dick. And apparently that's what he would do. Yeah.
Whitney told me that there was girls that he knew, that girls that she knew, rather, that did the deal. And it was a deal. Like, you suck his dick, he's gonna get you in this movie. And they sucked his dick, and they got in the movie. Like he would hold up his end of the bargain, which is one of the reasons why he was so powerful.
Cause he really could. He wasn't just banging everybody. He really was. Well, let's say this, though, and making people famous, we think that's negative, but let's say him upholding his end of the deal is something like, if he puts you in the movie, I think a lot of these, by the way, all of the famous people he did it to didn't really come out against him. No.
Because they can't. Because then if they tell the truth. Yeah, they were kind of. Because that was kind of a deal that was made. Not good, but that was a deal.
Tim Dillon
And he made good on some of those promises. He made good on a lot of them, apparently. This is just from what I heard. But, you know, Tarantino was telling us about this old school Hollywood producer who had a bedroom in his office. Sure.
Joe Rogan
So you would go into his office, and this is like, you know, in the sixties or whatever. So he had his office, and then he had a whole bedroom right. In his studio. Yeah. Where he would bang all the starlets.
Like, if you wanted to be a star, you had to bang that guy. Which is just the deal with the devil. That has always been that business. That's always been there. That's always been there.
Tim Dillon
It's like, why people start cults. Yeah. They always end up being sex cults. Right. All these cults, 100% of the time.
All of these guys on Netflix, it ends up being creepy, being sexual. All of them. That's part of it. And I think if you have that kind of power and people. And you've got a steady stream of people walking in your door.
Joe Rogan
Yeah. And you are also doing this very specific thing where you're choosing the most beautiful people to be in these incredible, incredible films, right? I mean, think about the movies that fucking guy made, kill Bill. Some of the best in the world. Pulp fiction.
Like, you just go down the lap, let him out. So many times. I've seen a movie all Miramax, of course. Yeah. They made insane movies.
And they. They were like the Weinstein company. Those. They were the best. Yeah, and they.
Tim Dillon
Some of the best. And they just did it with the devil. They did it with the devil, yeah, they did it with the devil. Like the devil's. You know, you watch an old Woody Allen movie, you go, I don't know if he's guilty.
I don't know what happened. I go, I don't want to believe he's guilty, but can I still enjoy the movie or not? And then some of them, it is a little different. You watch it and you go, it is. I hope he's not guilty, but there's a good chance he's guilty.
And there's a documentary that all of it's not good. All of it's not good. I mean, even if it's, like your neighbor's daughter and you've known her since she was two and then you end up marrying her, that's kind of crazy. It's not crazy. You were an adult with children and your neighbor had a Dutch.
Joe Rogan
But then again, part of your brain goes, okay, but what if you really were in love? She really was the next door neighbor and really you were 60 and she was 30 and she loved you, right? Or if your wife had adopted her from Cambodia, that makes it more complicated. And you raised her but loved her still. That's the next level.
That is what I was gonna say. Not ideal, that you can't. Yeah, we'll say that it's not ideal. You can look at the neighbor and say, maybe you weren't close with the neighbor's daughter. Now she's a grown woman.
She has agency. She's a woman. She loves you. But you know what's funny? You can't say that about a kid that you fucking raised.
Tim Dillon
You can't marry a kid you raised. No, you can't marry a kid raised. But did he raise her? Did he see her, like every couple days? I don't know.
Whichever. However, we can still watch Annie hall. Is there any way to still watch Annie hall? No. I don't know.
Probably not. It's hard. You can. But you're gonna know the whole time. It's like watching house of cards.
Joe Rogan
You're like, what? Yeah, but I can watch House of cards because he's playing the guy. He was right. That's perfect. I like that.
Tim Dillon
Kevin Spacey doesn't even exist. He's barely a person. He's such a good actor. He's become the thing. He always plays people kind of like that Kaiser Soze, you know, Frank Underwood.
He's become the thing. And he's so good at it that it doesn't ruin it for me. I can watch House of cards. There is an arrogance that some stars had, like, particularly in the nineties when I first came to Hollywood. And this is, like, really evident for me because I was not a star, but I was on a television show, so I got to be around a lot of stars.
Joe Rogan
And there was a way that some of them would treat you. They would let you know that you are subhuman. You are below them. They would communicate with you in the most disrespectful and dismissive ways. Like weird, fucking weird.
Like mousy guys that I could kill, like, instantly, and they would just be rude to you in a really weird way because they had power. They had power. And then when an executive would come over, they would turn on the charm. They'd be smiling and laughing, and then you would talk to them at the craft service, and they would fucking dismiss you in the shittiest ways. I encountered a bunch of that.
It was commonplace, and it was, I think, a thing that they aspire to, especially a lot of the guys that came from Saturday Night Live. Like, when Phil came over from Saturday Night Live, Phil Hartman, when he was on news radio, that was the first thing he did after Saturday Night Live. And he had his defenses up. I remember he was a little standoffish in the beginning, kind of shitty. To us.
He was the big star, and he was. And Dave Foley was a pretty big star, too. And the rest of us were kind of. No one really knew who we were. And after a while, he relaxed and he would tell me about it, and he was like, you know, it's great here.
We all have fun. But, God, on Saturday Live, everybody was stabbing everybody in the back. And it was all. Everybody was. People were getting people fired that were, like, his assistants, just because they wanted to fuck him over.
They would steal people's things. And it was just, like, really shitty. And it took a while for him to chill out. And then I got to meet some of those people that he was talking about and interact with them, and they did the same thing to me. There was some shitty fucking people out of that.
This star culture, and they would be the ones that were the royalty and everyone else was a peasant. It was really fucking creepy. Interesting. So I think if you're like an old school dick grabber and you're also a Hollywood icon, you probably are doing that. You're probably doing that Hollywood thing where everybody else is just there for you.
Everybody else is just, should we maybe. Wall off Hollywood and just go, listen. Let them go wild. They're just all sexual predators. Like Jurassic park.
Tim Dillon
It's Jurassic park. Can't we do that? Can't we say enter at your own risk? They make great movies, but occasionally they're gonna goose you. They may throw you against a wall.
Yeah, I mean, if you train for the Navy seals, some people drown.
Can't we just do that because the other way, is it working where everyone's nice and good? Everyone can't be nice and good and have really good art? I don't think. I'm not saying everyone has to be killing everyone. No, you don't mean.
Joe Rogan
Ron Howard seems to be really nice and good. But I watched this basie documentary, by the way, and some of it is like, okay, he's clearly did the wrong thing. And then some of it, these guys are like, because they wanted things from him. They're like, we went to the movies, and he started jerking off next to me. It's like, okay, dude, well, then, you know, this is not a guy to hang with.
Tim Dillon
And then the next thing they say is, and then he invited me to a party at his hotel, and he said Bruce Willis would be there. So I went and he'd go, well, we can't feel bad for you, right? Because you're trying to climb on the basis of knowing this guy. You are playing the game. That's right.
Joe Rogan
You're playing the game. You're playing the game. You're dancing with the devil. You're dancing with the devil. You're going to lunch with Harvey.
Tim Dillon
You're going to lunch with Harvey. You want it? You know, so to me, it's like they're not sympathetic in the way that, like, you know, other people are, whether it's sexual assault in the military or in the workplace or whatever, where people are not actively trying to better their chances of being famous by knowing this guy, right. It's. It's a complicated thing with Spacey, right.
Joe Rogan
Because he, apparently, some of the alleged people are like, people that he worked like, you know, like a grip on a set or a guy who has to drive him to he was just wild, apparently. Yes. This is allegedly right. And then some of those people died before they could testify. Do you think you can play a guy like Frank Underwood if there's not a little bit of that inside of you somewhere?
Tim Dillon
No, probably not. Probably not. You know, he had a really rough life. Did he? And, you know, his brother.
His father was a nazi pedophile. Oh, my God. This is true. Oh, my God. And his father was all of Twitter, but no, he was a nazi pedophile.
He would. He would rape them and make them watch the nazi stuff. This is. I know I sound like I'm lying a lot, and I am a lot, but this is true. You can look this up.
Joe Rogan
Oh, God. His brother is a Rod Stewart impersonator. Oh, God. It wasn't great the way that it went for anybody over there. Jesus Christ.
According to Kevin Spacey, he was raised by a relentlessly abusive neo nazi father. Wow. Spent his dinners making anti semitic comments which terrified his children. Wow. Yes.
Tim Dillon
And worse than beating and raping them, he was anti semitic. Wow. So he was really bad. Is that. Say that in here?
Joe Rogan
The raping part, I believe, from what I know, that's his brother. The Rod Stewart impression, that he was a very abusive. Fucking got it nailed. The brother is really dialed. Boy, if I saw that dude.
Tim Dillon
He's dialed. Yeah. If I was like, somewhere, I'd be like, holy shit. Rod Stewart. Look at this.
He alleges his father frequently raped him. I mean, I'm not making it. Oh, my God. Frequently raped and beat him. Oh.
Joe Rogan
Why didn't they put that in the title? Like, just the anti semitic comments? That seems like the least of the. Problem for the way they grew up. Let's be charitable.
Tim Dillon
They turned out good. Right? They turned out well. Multiple academy Awards. He's a very talented man.
And his brother, I'm sure, does a great Maggie Mae. Yeah. For the way they were raised. Everybody has to be judged a little bit with a backstory. I love that Lex Friedman has the courage to interview anybody.
Well, Lex is one of those guys who genuinely is like, you know, he knows what his intentions are. Yes. And he's very comfortable with himself, and that's why he can talk to all these people. Yeah. Because he's always coming from a good place.
Joe Rogan
Even Kanye in the heat of everything. Lex had him on. Yeah. No, Bill Mart. Like, did a whole episode and said, I'm not releasing it.
Tim Dillon
That's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. I can't wait. Kanye space. Can we do an election?
Because there's going to be an election. I'm angling to get back in here with Kanye and Spacey and Weinstein from jail. I would get you in here with Kanye, but it would probably turn bad because you talk too much. I know. With Kanye, you got to let him talk.
I know. Because, like, there was moments where I talk. There was moments where I was talking. Kanye was like, he has so much to say. I mean, listen, that madness inside of him is why his fucking songs are bangers.
Joe Rogan
They're just banger after banger. His fucking new album's amazing. It's amazing. Dude. We play in the green room all the time in all my Spotify playlists.
I think there's more Kanye songs than anything. He's a genius. And what you have to realize with people that are incredibly gifted is a lot of that comes with some real downsides. Yeah. And they can't be judged.
Tim Dillon
Maybe the same way you judge every other person. Well, you can't. I know that. They can't follow the laws. You can't be out there murdering people.
They can't do that. They gotta follow the laws. But if he goes, says something crazy, it's also like a. You know, you gotta look at, like, what you've gotten from him and all of this great music. Let him have a tirade every now and then.
Set him up a little. Well, it's like he's his own enemy. Yeah. It's just like, he can't. The rants just go.
I know. They just come flying out, and who knows how much of it he's really even committed to until he says it. And then once he's saying it, then he's really committed. And then, you know, he puts. He shows up statistics.
Joe Rogan
Like, he held up. This thing about it was showing on his phone all of the different people that are running all the different music companies and how many of them are jewish. Right. You know, he's like, they run. They run the media.
They run this, they run that. Like. Okay, right. Yeah. I mean, what are you gonna say about that?
If they are facts, if these people are all jewish, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're doing something evil. Just, you know, if you buy pizza, a lot of the people selling it are italian. I will say this business. Jews seem to have made better choices than the Irish. My people, well, they're really good at running show business.
Tim Dillon
Yeah. I can't point to any list of people and go and they're. And they're all irish. There's not one group. And go and look, and McDonough and O'Brien.
Joe Rogan
Right, right. Like Italians. Like my people. Other than food. Someone said, a teacher I had in community college, you take it with a grain of salt, but said that Italians were very focused on the family and they were skeptical of institutions, so they started small businesses, whereas jewish people were more open to institutions.
Tim Dillon
And that's why a lot of them are overrepresented in academia, politics and media. Well, the Italians are fleeing communism too. Right? So Italians were skeptical of the government. They were skeptical, and they wanted to have their, you know, little pork stores and stuff.
And that's cool. And it's also catholic. Very family oriented. Catholic. You know, if you date an italian girl, you gotta meet everybody.
That's right. You can't be just showing up at her house like some regular white guy. And the Irish were. Were drunks and sexually abused a little bit. And they did the best they could.
Joe Rogan
Make good boxers. Everyone's doing the best they can. Yeah. Coming out of chaos. You know, the reality of human beings in this country is.
This fucking country is three peoples old. That's it. Three people. That's crazy. Three people.
You know, that's the reality of this country. China is 400 people old. Right. You know, that's real. Yeah, that's the difference.
Tim Dillon
Yeah. You know, like, we don't have our shit together yet. And we started off with a really good idea that didn't anticipate technology. And then technology got involved in terms of, like, stock trading and then influences of campaigns. Nobody anticipated the lobbyists, special interest groups, nobody anticipated the military industrial complex until Eisenhower talked about it on tv.
Joe Rogan
Just all these things got in the way of the original idea that they just. They had a great fucking idea of how to make sure that no one ever becomes a dictator and that the will of the people get served. They had a great idea. And now they have an idea where everyone can kind of be a dictator. That's not the worst idea.
Tim Dillon
You can be a little dictator. Well, what they really didn't anticipate is the power that technology companies have. Yeah, that's what's they own your thoughts, dreams, hopes, everything, fears. They have burrowed into your life more than any of the Robert Barrons could. More than any of those guys, Morgan.
Joe Rogan
Or Rockefeller, Carnegie, they've gotten insanely wealthy just from your data. Absolutely. And then convincing you you have to buy a new phone every week, every year. And they're helping you. And that's the scary part.
Right? They're utopians and they believe they're creating a truly better world and they're helping. You and they make your life better. And they're making your life better and you do. And these are things that make your life more convenient and easier.
How great is Google maps or Waze? So when they tell you it's more convenient to just not have this discussion or not have be able to say a certain term or not be able to, then you, you know, you just comply. You comply and you go, okay, I. Don'T want to start any trouble. I don't want to start at issue.
Tim Dillon
I like postmates or whatever it is. I like Airbnb. Well, sure. What's failing now? It's over now.
It's all over now. I met one of the guys who did I fuck that? Well, someone, I don't know if it was you, but someone said, and this is really nice, someone tried to get me back and they were like, no, someone met a big guy and it might have been you. Someone was like, it was me. Yeah.
Somebody's like, what about getting, like, a guy like Tim Dillon back on? And they were like, no, they're fucking up. They're making a big mistake. Well, that issue that I had was all about the redundancy of cleaning fees. Why would I pay a fee and then clean?
This has now become a rallying call for millions of brave Americans to hold Airbnb accountable for what they've been doing. Forget the trafficking people showing up to the house in the middle of the night, trying to rip you out of it. This is true. Single women going bachelorette parties all the time. Guys knock on the door at 03:00 a.m.
it's not safe. A lot of the people who host, like, have Airbnbs, have weird cameras, set. Up, a bunch of that. It is strange. Also, someone had an interesting scam where they were renting a house and they were using that house as an Airbnb house.
Joe Rogan
They're probably making money off of the rental. That's right. You think about how much a house cost to rent. If it's like $2,000 a month and you could airbnb it for $500 a night or what's Airbnb cost for a. House back in the day?
Tim Dillon
But it's about 400 something. So you would probably make a lot of money. Yeah, there's a lot of that. Pay your mortgage easy, and then you could do that with multiple houses and you got income constantly coming in. And I think they interviewed the CEO recently.
They interviewed him and he was basically like, listen, we're trying to design your trips like they're trying to figure out ways to get competitive again, because they're like, we know people are going back to hotels. We know it's gotten too expensive. Is that what it is? Yeah, it's gotten too expensive. People are like, we don't understand why we'd pay all of this money to have all of these rules when we could just go to a hotel.
Joe Rogan
It's easy, right? And we don't have to worry about. You get a report card. Airbnb is a report card. Nobody wants that.
Tim Dillon
On a trip. You get a report card for, like, how good you did or bad you did. People writing news about you, is that fun? You go on a vacation, somebody's going to write a review. Some psychopath.
Joe Rogan
Oh, so, like, you could, like, take a giant shit and forget to flush. It, and then they trash. Just a simple mistake. A simple mistake and forgot to flush. Stay out of people's homes.
Tim Dillon
This is the real reality. Yeah, stay out of people. If you're over 30, you can no longer stay with people. Put it this way. Let's give them till 35 or 40.
You have to get a hotel. Yeah, you can't get a hotel. You cannot stay with a. With a friend. And you don't need to get an Airbnb with seven people.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, I always get weirded out when people like to just stay with different friends and every town. No. Do you like being annoying? Yeah, that's done now. Annoying people.
Tim Dillon
You don't stay with anyone anymore. You go to a hotel. That's nice. It's like an adult. It's like an adult.
You go, this was nice. Goodbye. You need to say the word goodbye, and then you gotta go to a hotel. Otherwise, people are like, they feel uncomfortable in their own home. They do not want you there.
Joe Rogan
It's kinda crazy. That Airbnb. That's another thing that popped up out of nowhere that nobody saw coming. That was a disruptor. That and Uber, right?
Yeah, Uber was a big one popped up, but no one would have thought that everybody would become a cab driver for extra money. Well, it coincided with, like, this. With this rise of the gig economy where people are like, I'll just be. I can work. I own a car.
Tim Dillon
I can work, and I can make money through this app. And you can not have a boss. Boss. Exactly. Like.
Joe Rogan
Like, one of the things I loved about delivering newspapers when I was a kid was, you know, I did it when I was in my teens and twenties. It's like, you could just go to the place, pick up the paper. You did your work, but you could listen to the radio. You could. No one's in your ear.
No one's talking to you. You're by yourself. As long as you get your job done, you're good. And if you're an Uber guy, you don't have. You don't just.
Look, I don't have to go to a fucking office somewhere. I just pick this dude up and take him to the airport. Oh, yeah, it's perfect. Thank you. Thanks for the tip.
Bye. Drive away. Be a nice guy, you know, try to keep your car clean. That's right. You can make money and you don't have to listen to anybody.
Tim Dillon
And they're having fun. Some of those guys are having fun all day listening to hateful podcasts, perhaps mine. Listening. Smoking cigs. People listen to this right now.
Yeah, people listening to it right now going, I'm enjoying my life. I'm having fun. Somewhere there's someone in the back seat going, fucking Tim Dillon. Shut up. Yeah, shut up.
Joe Rogan
What he did to Meghan McCain was so rude. What he did to all of these people. All these so innocent people. Innocent. So fucking rude.
Tim Dillon
Innocent. Good billionaire. Speaking of innocent, did you see Fauci. Did you see the. Well, he came out.
Joe Rogan
Did you see the leaked tapes? Oh, not just the leaked tapes, but him getting grilled. Oh, I didn't see it. Oh, my God. Was it bad?
Tim Dillon
Was it brutal? It's horrible. Yeah. I think Jim Jordan got him lying under oath. He's just.
Joe Rogan
No matter what they catch him with, he tries to find a way to weasel out of saying that. He said that. Including saying, mandating masks, shutting down schools, locking everything down, closing businesses, forcing people to get the vaccine. All of it is on tape. He said all of it.
Tim Dillon
It seems to be. Again, it's the gaslighting thing where people go, we can just now come out and say that. We never actually said any of that. It's crazy him saying that, though. Not just saying that, but even when they catch him saying that, that's not what I was referring to.
Joe Rogan
That's exactly what you were referring to. There's no ambiguity at all about any of the things you're saying. And then also the gain of function research. They deleted a bunch of emails. There's all these emails from his assistant talking about how to go in separate channels to talk about this stuff and how to skirt around the Freedom of Information act.
Tim Dillon
Right? And then fucking Peter Hotez talking about deleting emails. They all knew what the fuck they were doing, man. No, they were all very aware that they were going to be investigated eventually. There should be a commission on this whole thing.
But just like the 911 commission would probably be set up to fail. And that's what the commissioner said. That's not what I'm saying. Even if Trump gets into office, how could it be? Because he was the guy.
Joe Rogan
He put warp speed in place. That's right. He, Fauci was behind him at press conferences. I think that's his biggest vulnerability. Ironically, Trump is that a lot of people don't trust him because of that, period.
Tim Dillon
Well, he has a vaccine. He hasn't corrected course. Right. Cause it's very difficult for him to ever say that he's wrong. Right?
He doesn't like saying he's wrong. So for him to correct course, for him to look at the studies that are coming, coming out of the UK and Europe about excess deaths and where they're a little bit more honest about what the fuck is going on because they have socialized medicine. Right. Like, there's a lot more going on over there than's going on over here. There's so much about protecting pharma here.
Joe Rogan
Yeah. With so much money. Right. I mean, so much money invested in advertising. I mean, everything gets advertised by it, whether it's, you know, Internet shows.
Yeah. There's fucking so many odds. Television shows. I mean, that, that montage, I'm sure you've seen it brought to you by Pfizer, right? CNN one.
That's fucking nuts, man. It's crazy. It's nuts. It's so much, there's so much money involved in this that these people just keep their fucking mouth shut because the people that are these people aren't real journalists on television. No.
You see that when Chris Cuomo has to debate Dave Smith, right. What they are is mouthpieces for whatever the fuck is the network. They're actors. Yeah. They're doing and they think they're journalists, which is hilarious.
Like when you see, like when Elon Musk sat down with Don Lemon. Yeah. And he realized you're not. And like, Don said it, or Elon said it best, rather, he said, don is doing CNN outside of CNN. Right.
That's like what he thinks talking to people is. Yeah, no, they're actors. They're show pieces, and they're mouthpieces for, usually, corporate America and quite often, whatever party makes corporate America feel cozy at the moment. Yeah. Yeah.
It's a bizarre, bizarre merging of commerce and the news. Yeah. You know, that should have never. That's another thing. No, one saw common, right?
The founding fathers, they never saw that level of propaganda being possible that you would have funded propaganda that was working step by step with the government. It's gotten to be. But you know what? It's, watching it fall apart over the last few years has been really interesting. Yeah.
Tim Dillon
Because it is falling apart. Oh, well, it has to. You are watching these guys and you go, they are convincing nobody. I mean, I'm sure they're still convincing some people, but most free thinking people, most people that don't have an investment in it are looking at it. It feels fake.
Yeah, it all feels fake. I think people are starting to question it more than they ever have. I don't think the government will ever fully recover from the pandemic in terms of trust levels. With all those kids who had to do proms in a car or wear masks, jogging on a track. I don't think those kids ever look at the government the same way.
And that's probably good. It's good. I think that's good. It's good. And the thing is, young kids are paying attention to what is going on now in a way that they know that it's going to affect their life.
Joe Rogan
They pay attention to the government like these fucking idiots. They're gonna affect my life because they affected their life. That's right. And they did it to their parents. Like, how many of these young kids saw parents lose jobs, saw divorces happen, suicides in the family, breakups, drug addiction?
So many fucking things happen that didn't have to happen, that were brought on because of the lockdowns and because of the pandemic and the government's mandating things. And how many people did they know that got health problems because of the vaccine? How many people did they know died young? Everybody knows something. No.
Tim Dillon
And I think they're more likely now to have a skeptical view of the. Government, which is good. And I think they understand more probably the value of. Now, I don't know if they're gonna understand this in every area, but what propaganda is, how it kind of functions, and how to be aware and cognizant of the fact that there are people that are shaping and sculpting the narrative and shoving it down your throat. Yeah, I think there's more people now questioning things, especially young kids are questioning stuff about the war machine and the war economy more than they ever have before and going like, what is, why are we involved here?
And why are we funding this and why are we doing that? And I think people are. And that doesn't mean they're sloppy. Obviously, they're not getting everything right, but they're out there. They're also being heavily manipulated.
Yeah. Which is, you know, something that's been discussed with a bunch of people on the show where we talked about, like, with Gad Saad in particular, like, who's behind all these protests at the universities. Like, they're organized and they're organized a lot of. By Soros funded groups and a bunch of different groups that they organize these things to get a narrative very popular. Yes.
Joe Rogan
You know, and that it's all, the whole thing is just disruptive. That's the key. The key is to get people upset, to keep people disrupted, and to further erode our ideas that we have any kind of control whatsoever about what goes on. I went to one of those protests at UCLA. And was it.
Tim Dillon
It was fun? You know, it is. It's young people. They're trying to enjoy themselves. Is that what it was?
It kind of felt like that, like a little festive. It didn't feel like Hamas had taken over the college. Like, I know that it felt like there were people there that were clearly probably pro hamas. Right. As whatever you want to call them, as a group.
Joe Rogan
Right. But then it felt like there was a lot of kids there that just saw what was going on in Gaza and they were like, we are against America funding that. And they went out to do that and they wanted to in the best way that they knew how express how upset they were. You know, you can't destroy property. You can't commandeer areas.
Tim Dillon
These are all areas where in a civil society you can't do those things. But I think a lot of the people, their reaction, a lot of what was going on was, was probably heavily manipulated, but some of it was organic. Some of the more so they're just. Trying to be good people. Seeing it on TikTok going like kids being killed.
Joe Rogan
Yeah. And we're paying for it. Yeah. And, and we should do something. And the more people I spoke to, I was like, yeah.
Tim Dillon
I didn't think that they were. I thought probably a lot of them were a little naive about certain things. But they're in college. Right. So that's okay.
Joe Rogan
Everybody's naive in college. That's right. Yeah. And it's a thing to be a good person. You want to go out and support the good thing.
What's the good thing? Free Palestine. Yes, that's right. They should be free from the river to sea. Which river?
Which sea? No one knows. No one else. That's no one else important. What's important is I'm out here.
Cuz, you know, Debbie's really progressive and she's hot. Want some coffee? Yeah, please. Debbie's really progressive and she's hot. I'm trying to impress her.
Tim Dillon
Well, that's. And listen, there's. There's a fun. I enjoyed it. They had.
They had, you know, it seemed fun. I took a few selfies with them. They were good people. And then they were like, the cop recognized. Yeah, a few times, yeah.
And then the kids were like, they were like, you had Abby Martin on. And I was like, thank you. You know, whatever. Thank you. And they were very nice.
And then I. And then they were like, well, the cops are coming in. They think they go, we think they're coming in with rubber bullets and hoses and everything. And I said, I got a. At the Beverly Hills Hotel, you have to put your breakfast order on the door by 01:00 a.m.
and I explained that to the kids. I said, I. And they'll know. They bring the egg and everything. I said, I can't be here during the onslaught of the police activity.
But you guys should. I even said that. I go, you guys should, and lock arms. Do that stuff because you only live once and you're only a kid once, and make these cops work. Who cares?
Lock arms. But I had to go. I can't be. Did you see what happened in Philly when the gay pride parade met free Palestine and they clashed? Yeah, it was a clash.
Joe Rogan
They clashed. Kurt Metzger would call that. The great Kurt Metzger would call that, I believe, an intersectional car crash.
It was funny. They were saying, you can't march because Palestine's not free. You got to stop right here. Yeah, we're more important. This is more important.
Tim Dillon
It was weird watching it because they were like, there's no joy. There should. No one should be happy. I think pride is very silly that it's a whole month. That's very silly.
If you look at what was done to black people and you look was done to gay people, it's insane that pride is a full month, a couple of weekends, maybe one or two. The idea that it's a full month is nuts. How about there's only veterans day, right? There's one day for veterans, and there's. An veterans day, memorial day.
And what the month of pride allows people to do is it allows corporations to just talk about, you know, how down they are with fisting. That's really all it is. Why don't we have one going. We come. It's like.
It's like, we will. You can. And I say that as an out gay guy who has no problem with people going to pride parades, having fun. I don't think nine year olds should be there. How old do you think is the cutoff?
I mean, when your kids are in their teens, perhaps if they're in their older teens. I just think kids should be legal teens, you mean? No, I mean, I. 13 year old needs to be there either. I mean, 1717 and.
Joe Rogan
No, he's gay. 17. Or they could just. 17 and they're. They're.
Tim Dillon
They're like, mature enough to handle what's going on. Are they, though? I don't know, but, I mean, it depends. Like, again, I'm not mature enough to handle what's going on. The pride.
Well, I don't know. The pride praise have gone off the chain. I mean, they start this. They've gone off the chain. But, you know, people dressing up like dogs and stuff is crazy.
Joe Rogan
Congressman. But, like, to me, I've always felt that, like, if you're gonna go out and have a party where people are getting drunk and hooking up and dancing, anybody who's legally underage shouldn't be there. So seventeen's right on the cusp and then 18, and everything is fine. But to me, it's like, I don't think it belongs for kids. That's clearly.
Tim Dillon
It doesn't belong for kids. Well, people wanna do it to show their kids tolerance and acceptance. But you don't have. That's not. I want to do it.
Joe Rogan
It's very sexualized. This is very sexual. Pride is like, yeah, sure. You should celebrate the fact that gays are free to get married and they have all the same rights as everybody else, as they should. But it's sexual.
Yes. It's like a lot of guys with thongs on. Well, it's like spring break. It's wild. It's like, would you take your ten year old to spring break to show.
Tim Dillon
To teach them tolerance? No. Right. You wouldn't do that. That's kind of straight pride.
Spring break is a bunch of people going to get fucked up in Florida. Right. And they're gonna fight each other and have sex. And you wouldn't take your young children to see that? I don't see the reason to take your kids to a highly sexualized parade.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, no, I. You wanna take them to an event that's not as sexualized. Like, maybe a mother would tell her kids, like, your father's getting an award he's gay. He's getting an award. That's why it didn't work out with us.
Tim Dillon
Your father's gay. He's a faggot. And we're watching him get an award tonight. How many? Because he wrote a book.
Joe Rogan
Poor bastards are out there in marriages right now. Probably a lot. There's probably a lot of them. Just trapped. Just trapped.
Tim Dillon
But you know what it is? Nothing's great. You probably have a fine wife. Nothing's great. It's.
Listen, continue to do things on the DL. Just don't give her aids. I. And this is not a popular thing to say it during pride. There's so many political attachments to being gay now.
If you're a closeted guy, just. Just fuck your wife once a month, cheat on her, don't give her aids, and just keep the family tight. And I know that that's probably not popular, but, I mean, now is not that. I mean, it's just. If you're 60, are you gonna come out?
I mean, do we really need people coming out in their seventies? Do we need this? To be very honest, there's a window of which you can get honest if you don't double down on the lie. I think that's a great strategy for all of life. I think there's a window, to be honest.
It's not forever, right? Nobody wants somebody coming out in their fifties. 60. It's on the deathbed. Yeah, it's on their deathbed.
Oh, so that now you've lied the whole time, right? Just keep it a secret. Hmm? Just keep it a secret. Bad piece of advice.
It's not a bad piece of advice. Happy pride. But it is. I do feel that way. I think that, like, some people.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, some people probably can't handle a change. Yes. Some people shift. Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Tim Dillon
It's. You know, I mean, shift. It's also weird now because people. It's like, what are you coming out as if you just. You want to have sex with dudes, you want to sex with women, and then you're like, okay, so then, okay, I want.
I'm gay or lesbian. But then you're like, what is the LGBTQia two thing? What are two spirit? What is that flag? You be a two spirit.
Two spirit. Yeah. That's what two is. The fact that we allow. That is hilarious.
Joe Rogan
No, no, it's amazing. It's amazing. And a. I like how a's in there. You're asexual.
You don't have a fucking dog in this race. So you go, okay, so I have this, and then I have a flag I don't understand. Nobody understands. The flag keeps getting bigger. Indigenous keeps changing.
Tim Dillon
What do white gay people. And I'm not saying indigenous people don't have issues, but what do white gay people have anything to do with the indigenous community? Like, why would they develop a gang? Yeah, it's. Right.
It's like, why would they pretend to understand, like, what indigenous people go through? Right. How did the eye get in there? It used to be we were making fun of putting the trans people and the lesbians in with the gays. Yes.
Joe Rogan
Which is a very different things. Well, lesbians are going away. Barry Weiss and IBM is the final lesbian. Did you know that? No, she's the final one.
Tim Dillon
That's it. The final countdown. That's it. Barry White tip. And do you know, in Israel, they canceled the pride parade this year?
Joe Rogan
Why? Because their gay pride flake. They made the yellow, I think, bigger because of the hostages. Oh, wow. So they didn't.
Tim Dillon
They would not have a gay pride parade when they're also using all the material that they would have used in the pride parade to carpet bomb civilian areas of Rafa. But here's the point.
All of the fireworks and stuff are directly being shot at. Babies, faces who are homophobic and should go. Because, by the way, you know, that's the whole thing they're doing over there. Where they go, they go. If, like, they just bombed a school.
And Israel's got to stop doing this all the time. Every now. When I grew up, Israel would bomb a school every now and then, and people would go, oh, now? It was not all the time. Now they're doing it too much, and it's making people upset.
When I grew up, it was a nice thing every now and then. Never a nice thing. But every now and then, it would be like, you wouldn't know what Israel was doing. And Israel's just bombed the school, and you'd go, huh. It was rare.
Now they're doing it so much, and if you go, this might be a lot. And I support them and their right to exist, but this seems to be every human rights organization in the world, every country. Everybody's going, this is, guys, please. Even America, even Biden. Even Biden is going, guys, please.
And the response to maybe let's not bomb these refugee camps is, do you know what Hamas does to gay people and women. Yeah. And it's like, guys, come on. Yeah. That's not.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, but you're killing people. You're killing children. Yeah. And women and women. Yeah.
Tim Dillon
A lot we gotta figure out. Then you're killing terrorists. Yeah. We gotta figure out a way to make this, you know, a better situation. That's another one that's so wild, too, because the left has always been, like, kind of clear on where it would look at, like, conflicts.
Joe Rogan
You know, like, with Ukraine. The left is all in for Ukraine. Right? There's some people on the right that are in for Ukraine, but the left is pretty much all in. They're all in.
Putin's bad. The far left isn't. But the mainstream left that we all know about is. But with Israel, you have people on the left that are pro Israel. A lot harder.
Tim Dillon
Hardcore. Hardcore, who just will find a way to rationalize the human shield argument, no matter what it is. And no one is, like, being straight up about it. Everyone's being ideological about it. No one is saying the whole thing is chaos.
Joe Rogan
No one is saying. No one's talking about the history of the region, the real history of the region, which is really complex. It's very complex. It goes back forever, and then no one is looking at this like there's any kind of fucking solution that makes any sense. So you're either ideal.
So there's no, like, clear path. Like, this guy's dead on, and this is the way we have to treat this. And this has to be handled. No, it's either. Hamas is using human shields.
Israel has a right to exist, and they. They want to wipe Israel out. And if Israel laid down their arms, they would slaughter them. If Hamas laid down their arms, they would be fine. Like, yeah, fuck, man.
Tim Dillon
It's hard. And it's like, there. There's definitely, I think, naivete on both sides. The people that the Hamas is like, a high school theater group are insane. But the people also that think that you can bomb your way to the piece over there.
I don't know. Yeah, you're not gonna do that. You're not gonna do it. What are they gonna do with all those people that survive? I mean, imagine how many future Hamas people they've created.
They're gonna build hotels in Gaza. They're going to turn it into a cause. I think that's maybe the end game is to, like, eventually put a bunch of money into it. That's perhaps the end game. Well, it is expensive real estate.
It's. It's real estate by the sea. They're gonna put hotels in it. And then white people. You know, white chicks from America are gonna go to trips.
Joe Rogan
Well, whenever there's, like, land. Yeah. That something happens to. That's close to water. People like, hang on, hang on.
Before we make any decisions, you know, this area of Maui is really valuable. Yeah. We can do wild things here if we can figure out a way to appropriate. If we just hang on long enough for all these people lose their mortgages and we just like figure out where to slow down construction. They're gonna slow down rebuilding.
I mean, look, it's a terrible tragedy this happened, but look, we can't go back in time. What are we gonna do? I mean, what are you gonna do? All these people rebuild. They're gonna hire the people that are left to work at the hotels that the people who bombed them are going to visit.
Tim Dillon
That is exactly what is going to happen. And there's going to be a woman, there's going to be a kid who goes, here's your ex, Benedict. And she's going to go, hi, are you from here? And he's going to go, yes. And she's going to go, does your family still live here?
And he's going to go, no. And she's going to go, why did they move? And he's going to go, they were killed in the war. And she's going to go, oh, anyway, can we have some ice lattes, too? That's what's going to happen.
That's my guess. I guess. Do you think that there's any. Is there a way that they could sell Israel taking over Gaza? Is there a way they could actually sell that?
Yes. The way you sell everything is by saying humanitarian reasons and you're going to pump in a lot of money and you're going to make things a lot better. I don't know the last administration that truly tried to get a palestinian state, people talk about Clinton, but it was really Hw Bush, George Hw Bush tried to curb a lot of the settlement building and try to say, listen, guys, we need to come to the table and have palestinian state. There was another attempt during Clinton. It didn't work for various reasons.
People can argue about why it does feel like no one's talked about it recently. And it's just kind of been a thing that everybody ignored. So the idea that it won't exist is more likely now, I think, than it was. I mean, and it should exist. People should have the right to have a home.
But I feel like they would sell it in the sense that in order to provide economic and security guarantees, it has to be an occupied region forever. I think that. And then the ideas like, I mean, listen, they're preparing I mean, look at military times just wrote an editorial. They want to bring back the draft. They want to bring it back in Germany.
They're all preparing for something. There is a very big push right now to militarize certain areas of the world to bring back the draft, to see this as a cold war that could turn hot. Biden basically said to the Ukraine, Ukraine, use american weapons in Russia. You can use american weapons for cross, but not in a defensive capacity for cross border attacks into Russia. Russia is now doing war games in the Caribbean.
You know, we are ratcheting all of this stuff up at a, at a time when it is, we should be completely going the other way. We should be trying to figure out how to live on the planet with China. And we should not be getting involved in, we should not be encouraging countries to join NATO, to antagonize Russia and getting involved in proxy wars. That's crazy. Did Trump say that he was going to pull out a NATO?
He said that. He also said he would have bombed, you know, at a fundraiser the other day. He said he would have bombed Russia and China. Like what? He's very bella coast.
Joe Rogan
Yes, he said that. You can look it up. So he's saying all kinds of wild stuff now. I don't think he would have, but I think it might also help to be that bellicose and say all those. Wild things, saying that you had bombed China and Russia.
Tim Dillon
He sat at a fundraiser recently and the people in the fundraiser were kind of shocked. He was basically like, yeah, we would have hit him and, you know, we would have done it. Yeah, he's, he's been, you know, I gotta see this. No, he's right here. Trump at fundraiser says we would have bombed Russia and China.
What? What? What did he say? Where did it say it? What the fuck did he say?
Joe Rogan
I believe that President Trump would be supportive of Taiwan when he becomes president. He was there the first term. So where does it say that he would bomb?
What does this say here? During a rally in Bronx referenced several authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin, saying they were at the top of their game. Whether you like it or not, the world is going to respect us again if he's reelected. He claims the bomb revelation was made in a Washington Post report on Trump's recent fundraising tour, during which he tested the boundaries of federal campaign finance laws. According to experts.
At a fundraiser in New York earlier this month, Mister Trump told the attendees he wanted to hear what they had on their minds. Hearing options from on former UN ambassador and his final republican primary opponent. Nikki Haley and several issues connected to Israel. Mister Trump is routinely. What is it?
Where does it say about the bomb thing? Where does it say that? I don't see any of this. You should. That should be like front and center if it's in the headline.
Tim Dillon
No, for sure. Like, why you make me go all the. Where does it say bomb them? In quotes? Right here it says the bomb revelation was made, but.
Joe Rogan
Right, but what does that mean amongst the people talking? Yeah, what does that mean? Like, they're not saying his quote. That's a real sneaky thing to do. Yeah.
The bomb revelation was made in a Washington Post report on Trump's recent fundraising tour. But what was it? Let me find a different article on it. Yeah. See if they have a quote.
Yeah, that seems Trump would bomb Moscow. Allegedly said he would. Allegedly. Right, allegedly. Well, he says a lot of stuff.
Tim Dillon
He might not have said this, but. That'S a crazy Yahoo title. Trump suggested at fundraiser he would have bombed. That seems to me like, unless you have the fucking quote, you shouldn't be saying that. It is kind of funny.
Joe Rogan
Thunders out, crazy Putin.
That's a great headline. Oh, my God. The Hill said that. But this doesn't say he was going to bomb anybody. Here it says, according to the Kiev independent, which is what Yahoo reposted, the formerly impossibly future president.
Let me say this. In what Trump said a few days before, according to the Kiev independence retelling of a May 28 story in the Washington Post, the former and possibly future president suggested at a fundraising event that he would have bombed Moscow in response to Russia full scale invasion of Ukraine. But this is not saying his actual quote. He also said in quotes he would attack Beijing if China invaded Taiwan on his watch. But is that, it's got an asterisk, is that.
No, it's quote. So is that his, that his quote? Did he say that, though? Because it's weird. It's saying, the quote is that he said he would attack Beijing.
And so in quotes that way. Is that his quote, though, attack Beijing if China invaded Taiwan on his watch? Did he actually say that? Or is this a retelling of what this person is saying and they're putting that in quotes? The whole thing is a little slippery.
It is slippery because if you're not, as suggested at a fundraising event, he would have bombed Moscow. Like that. Seems like you should have that quote. Yeah, you would think Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on an audacious fundraising tour. Doesn't say anything in there about bombing, does it?
In the Washington Post Google, just do a find on this big ass article and look for bomb.
Here it goes. Okay. For example, at one event, he suggested he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine and China. China. Or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors.
But you don't have the quote. No, he said it before with John Daly, with the golfer. He did say, I told Vladimir I'd hit Moscow. He did say that. Jesus.
Tim Dillon
And he did say that. He said, and you can get this. He did say to John Daley, he basically said, like, listen, I told him, I said, if you go and we'll hit Moscow. And Trump said, I don't know if he believed me or not, but you just got to say these things. He was kind of telegraphing.
But listen, I think that, you know, there's probably a value to some of that talk.
He was a friend of mine. I got along great with him. I say, Vladimir, have you done rating Moscow? I said, we're gonna hit Moscow. He sort of believed me.
Like, 5%, 10%, that's all you need. He never did it during my time. John, you know. No, no. It's funny.
Joe Rogan
It's funny how she didn't bother you, either. Yeah, she didn't bother me. I told him the same thing. John Daley getting hammered, chatting it up with the president. I've got an amazing line.
I gotta get that guy in here. Yeah. John Daley, if you pick, let's get hammered. Yeah, but, so, I mean, who knows if he said it, the fundraiser or not. They are slippery, and they do attribute things to him, and there's maybe more context to it.
Yeah, it's real hard to know, but just saying. That's crazy. Yeah. I don't know if you believe me. Maybe 5%.
Tim Dillon
Yeah, but, I mean, I think maybe that's good. There's something good about a maniac when you have a maniac in there who is, you know, a guy that's unpredictable. I think maybe Kim Jong un, you know, when he would do that, and then Trump was on the other end of that, maybe that was perhaps helpful. I don't know. But do you really want to be playing chicken with fucking Russia?
No, I think we got to chill. Yeah, I think we got a chill across the board. It doesn't feel like we're chilling. It feels like every. And it feels like we're on this inevitable course towards World War three.
It's every article and headline is like, guys, let's pull it back. Yeah. Let's have a summer here. Yeah. Let's relax.
Joe Rogan
A little, but it's not going to relax because it's getting close to November. And everybody's got to be terrified. Oh, my God, aren't you, well, depending. On which, which, you know, article I read or media I consume, I don't know, it feels like they're doing a lot to keep him from running. I mean, you have the stormy Daniels thing, which was a misdemeanor.
Tim Dillon
This was elevated to this felony. It was like it would have never been prosecuted had he not been running for president. And that scares the shit out of me. That's terrible. That stuff's crazy.
Absolutely. And the Republicans are going to do it back. So now you're going to have, because they weaponized the government against, you know, when you had like the Steele dossier and Hillary Clinton, you had all of this what ended up being, you know, faulty intelligence about him being controlled by Russia. And then they had all of these investigations and spent all of this time and energy trying to get him and couldn't. And then they tried to get him on, like inflating the prices of the buildings he owns.
And now they finally got him on paying hush money to someone, a porn star. Well, what they got him on was the inappropriate, the way they put it in the ledger. Right. The way they put it in the ledger. The way they entered.
Right. Exactly. 34 times, 34 different films. And I know people that hate Trump that go, they shouldn't have done that. Well, that's scary.
Joe Rogan
If someone, if he gets into office, you don't think that judges and prosecutors that are sympathetic to him would do the same thing? Absolutely. That's probably what scare in the Biden people more than anything. Thing is the retribution. I mean, this guy is a means of addictive guy.
He's always been a guy that goes after people who go after him. You know, he hits back harder than they hit him. And if they're doing this to him and he knows all the people that did it. Well, you have all the guys now, his guys, right? Batman, Stephen Miller, all these guys, they are all saying, hey, where are you?
Tim Dillon
Das all over the country start bringing cases against prominent Democrats. Yeah, they're worried. They're worried. You know, they're worried because if, if Trump doesn't get in, then, do you remember what happened when Trump lost? And then all these people were saying, everybody who supported him, they should be on a list, like, right.
Joe Rogan
Whoa. That was insane. Whoa. Are they willing to start a world war before this election? That's interesting.
That's interesting. Are they willing to start a world war before this election, what are they willing to do? What are they not willing to do? Well, maybe a world war gets started because they don't want Trump in office. Maybe someone else starts it.
Tim Dillon
I'm wondering how far they're willing to go. I'm also wondering how other countries, like you just said, will, might take advantage. Yeah. Maybe they would take advantage of because they know that's the best way to keep Trump from being the president. If Trump is promising all these embargoes and all this different shit that he's going to do to China and everything he's going to do around the world, if I was in another country, I'd be like, we don't want that.
Joe Rogan
No, like, why don't we escalate things, you know, right around October, invade Taiwan, take that over, see what happens. I mean, that's the thing. A lot of people are thinking that there is a possibility that you see somebody makes a move. Yeah. You know, what a better time, what better time to make a move than the chaos of us right now, right.
You got a choice between, you know, what the Democrats keep calling a convicted felony, you know, convicted felon. He's a convicted felon. And they, you know, there's been all this talk about repeating that over and over again. Right. Like, make sure we get that.
Tim Dillon
No one cares. No one cares. Convicted felon. Yeah. I mean, it's just such a stupid thing.
Joe Rogan
Well, he's got a lot of people voting for him now that wouldn't have voted for him before. There's a lot of people, I think, that are also seeing the, you know, it would be one thing. I mean, listen, I have no, nothing good to say about Gavin Newsom, but if you had a guy that was, had his faculties, could speak. Yeah. Was of a reasonable age or whatever, could gaslight better?
Tim Dillon
Could gaslight better. But the fact that you have this guy who's so old that to me, does suggest, for whatever reason, they're terrified of replacing him with someone else. I do not know why. I don't know why. But it feels like who's ever running things right now is, does not want to, does not want anybody coming in and looking under the hood.
Yeah, it does feel like that. I can do business with someone. They won't let you look at the hood. Why are they killing Assange every day? Why are they torturing and killing Julian Assange?
What are they, what did Julian Assange unleash that has made them do this to him, where they're slowly and methodically killing him in front of everybody. Well, they can't. They can't stop now. They've been doing it for so long. They can't stop now because then he becomes a martyr with no consequences.
And the same people go and talk about Alexei Navalny and try to get you to be upset that Vladimir Putin, which made no sense. Why would Putin kill a guy who was. Now, I'm not saying Putin's an angel, but Navalny was never a threat to Putin in any way. He was in a siberian prison. And the week that we were having that vote, about 60 billion for the Ukraine, Putin kills his biggest critic publicly.
That's insane. That makes no sense to anybody. And what do you think happened? Well, if I had to guess, there's two ways. And Alexi Navalny might have just died.
People can just die. But it seems like if there was any group of people that had a benefit from Alexi Navalny dying when he did, it's not Russia. It would be us. If we're trying to pass to a country that's a little war weary and a little tired and going, we don't really need, why are we in this? What is the end game in Ukraine?
What does it look like? How much money should we be kicking over there? We're trying to pass that bill, get that through Congress. We have to portray Vladimir Putin as a monster who's unwilling to negotiate. We have to do that in order to fund that war.
We have to present him as a guy who's hell bent on taking over Europe, and that war is in our vital national security interest. And the more we can paint him as that person, the better it is, and the more likely we are to be able to pass that bill. And it's just very weird. If he wanted to get rid of Alexi Navalny, that he would have did it, done it then. But wasn't that guy in a terrible prison?
And wasn't he was in a bad prison? And, I mean, obviously, Putin hated him. Like, Putin hated him. But Putin. They had tried to poison him already.
The FSB had already tried to poison Navalny. So why wouldn't you think they just did it again? Why would they? Why? What would be the point?
He's in that prison because they want him dead. Because Putin just wants him dead. The week. The week that America. Alexei Navalny never had widespread support in Russia, by the way.
This is not true. He had certain people that liked what he was doing. He never had widespread support in Russia. This is a western narrative that's cooked up that's completely untrue. Alexey Navalny started his life as a guy who would criticize Jews.
He had a lot of fascist tendencies. And then after a little trip to Europe and maybe a meeting with. I don't know. Who knows? Who knows who people meet with, he decided to go back to Russia with a very pro western attitude, dude.
And he changed course. I'm not saying why people do that. People see the light in all different ways. The point is, the guys in a siberian prison, America's about to pass a huge bill. If you're the president of Russia, are you killing him that week?
That, just, to me, is your question. Hmm. How did he die? What are they saying? But now they said something recently.
They said they found that he wasn't killed. They sick? They came out with something. They conducted. Now, I don't know.
You know, I don't know who's conducting this, whether it's a human rights watch or an international. You're dying slow in jail no matter what. You know, if you're bad jail. Yeah. You're in a russian jail.
Joe Rogan
Like, what are you eating? And I'm not saying the volney wasn't a patriot or whatever, but I'm just saying that, like, the. The idea that killing him. Right. You know, maybe the guy did love Russia.
Tim Dillon
I don't know. Maybe the guy was a. An egomaniacal guy who just wanted to lead. He wanted to be the leader. Maybe he was working with us.
I don't know. But if you just look at it from a logical standpoint, it's weird that they killed him that week. That's strange to me. Does it make any sense? Interesting.
Joe Rogan
I don't know enough about it to comment. Well, I would imagine if you want. The guy, that should never limit any of us. How did he die? Sudden death syndrome, given those of a dead.
Navalny's spokesperson Kira Yarmish, said the time of his death notice at 217 pm local time. When Alexei's lawyer and mother arrived at the colony this morning, they were told that the cause of Navalny's death was sudden death syndrome. That's a vague term for different cardiac syndromes that cause sudden cardiac arrest and death. Yeah, maybe they just killed him. Listen.
Tim Dillon
Of course they might. I don't know. Unwell for a walk, almost immediately losing consciousness. He also just might have died in a jail. He might.
Joe Rogan
How old was he?
49. Oh, that's pretty young. Just dropped out of a heart attack. It's certainly possible that they killed him. It's just all of these events that we're told very little about, you have to then just rest on your own.
Tim Dillon
You go, well, I don't know. It's very possible they killed him. I don't know. I don't live there. It's very possible they killed him.
Joe Rogan
I like how you're thinking, though. You're thinking like, 4d chess. Well, no, I'm thinking like, you know, this. You know the way when he dies, people go, he was a big threat, and Putin had to vanquish him. Was he?
Tim Dillon
I don't know. I don't know. You know? Does anyone consume russian media or listen to russian podcast? I've listened to russian pod.
I hear the way Russians talk. Like, I know people that live there. Like, there. It's. It's not.
We hear a lot of stuff, and then there's what we hear, and then what's happening doesn't mean that it's great. I'd rather live here. But it does mean that, like. Like this idea that there was a movement, like, remember when the hot dog warlord guy, Pregosian was going through and everybody was salivating on social media being like, no, no, no, he's about to overthrow the Kremlin. It's going to happen.
And it didn't happen. No, if he did, he's a fucking warlord. He's a warlord. If he did, he's going to be worse. But it didn't happen because nobody has a fucking clue what's going on over there.
So it's just, you have to. And then Assange, they're killing this guy in slow motion. And then telling us how outraged we should be about Navalny. When Assange comes out, leaks a bunch of emails. We find out we're committing war crimes.
We find out the CIA can remotely hijack your car. We find out that they can use all kinds of smartphone features to record you. All that stuff he releases, I forget what it's called. Vault seven or vault five. I think it's seven, but I don't know.
I forgot the name of the vault. But he releases all of these things. Troves of Clinton emails, you know? And I'm not saying Seth rich gets murdered. Seth Rich gets merged.
I'm not saying Pete's gate was real, but I've never in my life been like, have 50 hot dogs ready for the guy when he come. Like, no one talks. Like, I don't know what they were talking about, but no one talks in pizza. No one has ever communicated like that. No.
Ever. Once those emails, the most bizarre read, those emails. Nobody has ever communicated like, that ever go, well, I hope there's 50 hot dogs or something. Their president's gonna love some of these. Good hot dog.
Like, maybe we shouldn't have our hot dog parties at the White House. Like, things that are so crazy when you read them, you don't know, you go, this doesn't seem to be. Yeah, it doesn't seem to make any sense. And they're talking about kids and some. Of the kids, and they're talking about weird shit.
Joe Rogan
It seems coded. It seems weirdly coded. It's like. It seems so coded that I would assume that it's misinformation, that it's fake. That's probably that someone released it.
Tim Dillon
It's like, who knows? Some sort of a fake. But I don't think it is. I don't think it's ever been claimed. I don't think it's ever been claimed to not have been.
Joe Rogan
Their actual emails. Very strange. And they have these emails that are all very weird and strange. Seth Rich gets killed. And anybody who thinks that Seth rich might have got murdered because of leaking to WikiLeaks, even though Assange alluded to it.
Tim Dillon
Right? You're a conspiracy theorist. You're a nut. Well, wait a minute. Do you or do you not think that sometimes people kill people?
Yeah. I mean, like, these people are crazy. And you see a clear motive here. You see a thing here that's a real big thing. And.
Joe Rogan
No. And if you pursue that at all, if you even question that at all, if you look into it at all, they left his wallet, they left his phone. They didn't steal anything from him. It was not a mugging. Just murdered him.
Tim Dillon
It was not a mugging. It was a murder. You don't think that's weird? It's very strange. People go, it was a bad area.
It was whatever. Yes, but there was no economic crime happen. Like, not only that, they left his stuff. That's right. They shot him and just left.
Joe Rogan
Whatever he had, they left. Even if it wasn't a robbery, if you're the type of person that's going to shoot someone, you're going to leave their money with them. You had all of that happening at the same time that high up members of the national security apparatus in this country were coming out going, we have information that the president of the United States is either working for Russia, conspiring, has conspired with Russia, had girls pee on him. Had girls pee on him. They were accusing him of treason.
Tim Dillon
And remember this, they were accusing the guy of treason. This was not like he got a blowjob in the Oval Office. This was. He's. This is treason.
And his supporters enabled a coup in our country backed by Russia. None of that. Two years, three years on tv, and everybody repeated it. Everyone repeated it. No one has since apologized.
Nobody has said we were wrong. Nobody has shown any interest in getting to the bottom of how that happened. They cook up this fake steel dossier, claiming all these things. Pee tape, all that stuff. All of this intelligence ends up being, you know, for lack of a better word, pretty unsourced.
And the Clinton campaign paid for that dossier, and so all of that stuff. Unreal. How corrupt. Now, when you zoom out and you look, and then you go with this old guy with dementia that they don't want to give up on, and then you zoom out and you go, oh, maybe there is something else happening. I don't know.
Joe Rogan
Jesus, who the fuck knows? You can only say this if you have these glasses on. Yeah. You feel bad. If you take them off, you immediately become a normie, and you can't.
And you feel nervous about this. You feel nervous, you start going, I like Biden. I like that he's a family man. Which someone said the other day, he's a good man, a family man. He's a good man.
Tim Dillon
The family. The son's. The son right now, our president's son right now is in court trying to convince a judge that he was not smoking crack when he bought a gun. Is he the first guy to ever get arrested for that? I don't know, but that's such a funny thing that that's literally what this son, the son of the president's doing right now is he's.
They've got his ex wife testifying. Ex girlfriend. Yeah. Not just, like, smoking. He was saying he's smoking crack every hour on the hour.
Yeah. And then one of them, I think, his ex wife or ex girlfriend said she was witnessing him do it every 20 minutes, which is kind of impressive. How do you stay alive? Yeah, but all the people that have died of overdoses, that guy's out there, keep on trucking. That's right.
Joe Rogan
Dropping accidental packages in the White House. Well, he's fit. He's kind of built for it. He's built to smoke crack. He.
Tim Dillon
You know what I mean? He has sex. He can handle it. Like Shane Gills can handle beer. Absolutely.
Some people can just handle stuff. And, you know, I don't even want him to stop smoking crack. I don't think you stop. Sure. And I hope he.
No, no, no, sure. I mean, listen, what do we. That's great. He's great. They're all great.
They found coke in the White House. You know, I had a chance to. What's that? I had a chance to get him on the podcast. Oh, Joe.
Joe Rogan
I know. Early. Early on when he was releasing a book before the laptop stuff, where all the shit hit the fan. Oh, well, then that might have sucked. I don't know.
I think I could have. You could have. You could have opened the book whenever they were. He was gonna go on. I think they canceled all of it, though.
Yeah, I think when the shit probably never would have happened. Because I think once things started going sideways, I think he did a couple of interviews before things went completely sideways. I think it was because of a book. It was before he was selling those paintings. Yeah.
Tim Dillon
As an artist for like, half a billion bucks. He's a sensitive soul. He's a sensitive soul. He lives in Malibu. He's an artist.
Joe Rogan
Paintings are a crazy way to fung the fuck around. It's great. Money laundering scheme. It really is. It's the best.
It's a great way to do it. And, you know, it's interesting. It's like the CIA. There's real evidence now. The CIA was involved in Jackson Pollock.
Tim Dillon
Oh, yeah. You know that, right? Which makes sense. Cause those paintings were terrible. Not only were they bad, but all of that whole era of art, they were kind of.
And that was. It was also like. It also fucked with people's heads. Cause people were looking at those paintings going, I could do that right. Easily.
And capitalism only works if you have respect for the accomplishments of other people. Like, you gotta be able to look at people and go, I can't do that. That, bro. There's some work like that that is insanely expensive. Yeah.
Joe Rogan
And it's just splatters. And you like, what? What is this? Well, it's a great way to get over on the rich people, think. Rich people always get over.
Tim Dillon
It's not true. Rich people get beat all the time by other rich people. Oh, yeah. Because they all agree that there are certain kinds of bullshit that they tolerate. And one of them is like, they buy this crap art that is like, this modern art that, you know, one was a blank canvas once.
It sold for 200 grand. Like, all this stuff. How much do you think that went for? $5 million. Tim, any guess what is it?
Joe Rogan
Pollock. An original? No. No, it's not. It's not Pollock.
I don't think so. Someone else. I'll show you the answer. If I look to, I say, $5 billion, whoever. I'll say 2 million.
Tim Dillon
300,000,002 weeks of the Ukraine war. That's two weeks of the Ukraine war. That is so crazy. Can we just give the Ukraine that and have them suck? Can we just give them art like that and have them repurpose?
What is it? William de Kooning. Oh, yeah. Okay, so it's 55. Is the head of the.
Joe Rogan
In the middle of the CIA. Yeah. This is when they were doing this. So was this american guy who did it. The CEO of Citadel bought it.
Oh, my God. What a fucking. You know, you made a great point about chaos. You just need a certain amount of chaos, and. But with this crap, it just starts driving people crazy.
Yeah. And I think that cast ends up becoming the point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's. It's a factor.
You know, it's like noise. Like, if you want to kill somebody, turn up the music so no one hears them scream. That's right. Yeah. So that's interesting when you see them really get involved in culture in the sixties, and they are in Laurel Canyon.
Mm hmm. They're Haight Ashbury. Oh. They were involved in everything. They're working with everybody.
Tim Dillon
You've had that guy on your show wrote that great book about Manson and all that stuff. Stuff. And they're there. They're involved with cults. They're involved with everybody.
Joe Rogan
That's actually the painting. The one I had up that it showed was not the correct. Oh, this is the one. That one still sucks. That's 300 million.
That's even less, dude. That's worse. That one's less good. If I bought the other one for dollar 400, I'd feel better. That's like something a guy like me picks out.
The other one was 27.6 million. Jesus, that's reasonable. Yeah. Good Lord. Is the same artist?
I don't think so. So this guy. What is the big deal about this guy? I didn't. I don't know.
I just. I was looking through another. These are garbage. Garbage painting. The top 15 from 2020.
And, like, I was like, the very first one it shows was the one I just showed you. Oh, but that's number 15. Yeah. And that's 27 million. So this is the most expensive works of art.
Oh, look at this one. How much is that piece of shit, bro? That's something my daughter would have done. She was 428.78 point. What?
Tim Dillon
It's fake. What? Yeah. So this is money laundering? This is money laundering.
Joe Rogan
Well, then there's Picasso. The Picasso is actually kind of cool, though. Look at that one. Picasso. Let me see the Picasso.
Look at this one. That's different. Picasso ones. Kind of cool, but it's destroying the difference. Like it's.
Tim Dillon
By elevating a lot of the other stuff. They're also muddying the waters. Look at this one. It's all blue. Yeah, except that one line.
Joe Rogan
There's the line down the middle. How much is that? 130. That's 30. $30 million.
This one's a black red with a black square at the bottom. $21,000,000.31. This is insane. Oh, that's a dinosaur, though. Skeleton.
Yeah, that's pretty. That's pretty dope. Well, that's fun. That's pretty dope. That belongs in a Miami penthouse.
Tim Dillon
First floor. I looked at a house in Beverly Hills when I was about living in Beverly Hills. Yeah? Had a dinosaur in it. See, that's cool by the dinosaur for like an extra million.
The Persians are fun. Yes. Cuz they own those place. I haven't done it. There's one guy, there's one guy there that has white tigers in the backyard.
Joe Rogan
What? He has. He has like a white tiger thing in his backyard. Actual white tigers. Yes.
You're allowed to do that? No. So it's not allowed. He's just balling. He doesn't care, doesn't fuck.
Tim Dillon
And it's kind of well known that. He'S well known that he has tigers. Maybe not amongst the people that would. It is now. Yeah, now people got.
Joe Rogan
What's the address? I don't know. I've never. They don't have fight me. Like I'm gonna be standing there with the tiger.
Did you ever see that show, the Shahs of sunset? Yes. It's all the rich Persians. Yes. Terrangelis.
Tim Dillon
They call La Terrangelis. Which is fun. There is something fun about those people. I like the gold and the gaudy and the glitter. The wasps.
To me, they're like the fading wasp empire. Where they're loaded, but they drive like a shitty beater car. I don't like that. And they wear loafers. I like how you do it.
I like how I do it. Which is disgusting and vulgar. And it shows people that money isn't even good. Right. The way I live proves that money isn't even good.
I buy things at Dior. When I walk into these stores, I buy a dumb hoodie or something that looks crazy or a feathered coat or whatever. And people see me in it. They go, you know what? So what?
So what? We don't have a lot. Look at this idiot. Capitalism needs people like me to go out and do things that are so buffoonish. It apps, it makes people go, you know what?
This whole thing, money ain't it, right? Money ain't it. Let's just go to the lake. Mmm. But it is something gross about.
I like when people that don't have money. Cuz I never had money. And then at 37, I like had money. I like 36. And then you do dumb shit.
No one, my parents had no money. Yeah, no, no one's smart. Did. Does what I do. But that's okay.
The only smart thing I've done is I have some houses. So like. Like, I can't pick them up and, you know, snort them or whatever. But nobody buys the kind of dumb sunglasses or dumb Bentleys. Like, nobody does that if they have a clue, right?
But my parents, my mother was a swim teacher and my father was a wine salesman. They were good people. But we didn't know anything about money. We never learned about money. We had no idea about money.
So I just, you know, I just. When you get money, you go, I should do things like go to Beverly Hills and get like a very shiny, gross, grotesque car. Because that's what it is. That's all point of Beverly Hills, you get a nice car, you drive up to one of these restaurants, the valets park it, they go, that's a nice car. And then you just go, thank you.
That's the whole interaction. Thank you so much. Good, thank you. You want to get that? Thank you.
Joe Rogan
You want to get the what? You should tell them, you should go, I live in hell. And then just walk in. You should go, I'm owned. Because a lot of those people are.
Tim Dillon
You should just go. So if you're like at the margins. Oh, yeah, we really shouldn't have that car. That's right. There's a lot there living like that.
Well, a real estate agent told me once that New York was a $50 million house, cash, and LA was a $50 million house with a $48 million mortgage. She said people in the west coast are just leveraged. The money's newer, it's different. It's not, you know, as old, I guess. So then people just there and you.
There's more like keeping up with the Joneses attitude, perhaps. Well, LA is filled with that. Filled, filled with that. That's the whole thing. It's like, fake it till you make it, right.
Joe Rogan
It's the influencer culture. People are renting houses and cars. That's right. And taking pictures in front of them, like blessing. And now I think it's just not even fake until you make it.
Tim Dillon
It's just fake until you fake it. Yeah, just keep fake. Faking it. Yeah, just keep faking it. You gotta keep.
Joe Rogan
Make it. Fake it harder. That's right. Yeah. And we were just talking about the average price of a home in LA.
Is it California itself or LA. California itself. The average price of a home is $1 million. Which is absurd. So crazy.
Tim Dillon
It's so crazy. That's so much money. And then the average income is like 60,000, right?
Joe Rogan
62 is the average income. 1 million is the average home. It's unsustainable, the whole of that. Yeah, it's crazy. Could you imagine the fucking fear that you would have if you had a $1 million mortgage and you made $60,000?
Tim Dillon
What's worse about this whole thing, go look at the houses for a million bucks. They're dumps. Yeah. They're not even nice. No.
Like, it's crazy what you don't get, right? You'd have to live in, like, Palmdale to get a nice house for a million dollars. They're just. You know what it is? It's pretty.
California's the girl that's just hot. And forever has been hot, but ruins your life. Right? I mean, it's just pretty. It's stunningly beautiful.
There are parts of it, like Montecito or Santa Barbara. You go up there, you go, this is so pretty. But everybody, there's houses burned down four times. They're on their third divorce. There's been mudslides.
Their kids in rehab, like. But it's pretty. A lady I looked at with a house up there, she died in a mudslide. The real estate lady that showed us. The house, this is what happens.
But they'll tell you that in the way they talk. Santa Barbara, it's always sunset. And they have this voice and they tell you the worst things about something in the. Very nice conway. And they go, this is beautiful.
It's a remodel because it burned down and the family was in it, and that was sad, but it burned down and it's a remodel. And they did a great job. And the finishes are beautiful. And, you know, you're not in the path of the mudslide. You're not in the direct path, but you're in.
You know, you're in an area that can have seismic activity. We don't love that. You know, the fire department and they got called on this like did the vegetation or something. So that when the floods hit, Montecito was kind of spared. Like they tried and they got called out on this.
Like the. The La fire department or whatever was like. Like they had to do certain things where, like, they prioritize, like that area over all the other areas. Well, the problem is the fire hits the vegetation, gets burned down, and then they get the mudslides. Cause they don't have anything protecting the erosion anymore.
Joe Rogan
Right, right. And that's what happened. They had a big ass fire up there, which they have all the time. I mean, when I lived in LA, where I lived, we were evacuated three times. Wow.
Three times. One time. I mean, it burnt the fucking next door neighbor's house. Two of them, 2030. But it's still 900,000 right now.
I just saw. Okay, only 900 grand. It's a bargain. It's crazy. It's a bargain for someone to make $62,000 a year.
Yeah, just imagine being in the hole like that. This is the whole problem because you can't make. Even if you made $62,000 a year and had zero expenses, right. And didn't have to pay taxes. Yeah.
It still is gonna take you fucking forever to pay that off. You're never gonna be able to pay it off. Before we build, we engineered this crisis. We chose, we allowed this to happen. We let foreign billions, billionaires buy stuff.
Tim Dillon
We let our own companies buy residential real estate. We let it all happen. And it's right before we could enact laws, we could stop it. Anything that's happening could be stopped, but it's right before they start telling people, okay, live in a pod. Live in this pod.
This is right before they start introducing, like, okay, you know what's too expensive for you? Guess what we got. Here's the good news we've got. And they're just going to 3d printed housing everywhere in the middle of the desert. Funds, right?
Joe Rogan
Funds buying up houses. Residential houses. They do it all the time. Yeah, they're doing a lot now. They do it all the time.
Tim Dillon
But I do feel like we are right there where it's going to get so bad, where they're just going to start, whether it's 3d printing or whatever they're doing, where they're just going to have houses and go, here we go. Here we go. They're all together. They're all, you know, you're not crazy. 15 minutes city.
Joe Rogan
There's no reason for you to go outside of your city. You have it. You have a little park over here. Go to your park and you're going. To live in that and you're going to have an app and your whole life will be an app.
Tim Dillon
There'll be an app with your city. Yeah. Everything will be on the app. Check in when you get outside there. You won't need to own a car.
You won't need to own a house. Countdown. That's right. You leave the 15 minutes. That's right.
Joe Rogan
You have 40 hours. That's right. Return and then climate change is going to be the big reason they'll use. They'll say because of climate, we're limiting automobile ownership, we're limiting this, we're limiting that. And that seems to be the next step.
Yeah, that's a scary one. The climate thing's a scary one because they're using it just like they use everything else. And you have to be a good person. So you want to climate change, you want to support those, right. The measures, you want to do your part.
Tim Dillon
You don't want to be a psychopath. We got to kill these cows. They're making methane. These people are bad people, you know, that are doing these things, like leaving their home. They're sick.
Do you want to be sick? That's inevitably, I think what happens is all of these, because all these things are. It's like it's a crisis. That's not. This is not organic.
Joe Rogan
Right. It's not organic that all of these cities are being bought up. None of this was inevitable. All of this could have been stopped. And it is right now not being stopped.
Yeah. Average income, 62,000. Average house, 900,000. And they respond to that. And then what happens when automation takes over 80% of the jobs, then there's.
Tim Dillon
Got it. Then they got to do the world war, then we. They got to get rid of everybody. What do you think, or a lot of people. Do you think when automation takes over, there's some sort of a massive decrease in population?
Joe Rogan
Do you think they, they provide universal basic income? What do you think they do? I don't know what they do. I think that it seems like right now they're. They're preparing for a world war that genuinely, if you.
Tim Dillon
If you were to zoom out and read the news dispassionately, like, without wanting any answer to come float to the surface, it seems like they are preparing for a world war. Every article is like conflict with China, inevitable within five years, say many generals. Yeah. Every article, every nationals get every leak. Pentagon leak is us.
Readiness needs to be, you know, within five years, a conflict is inevitable. You know, the draft. You know, military times. We should bring the draft back. Like, you know, Europe, the future of Europe is in doubt.
Joe Rogan
So the military Times said that? Yeah, certainly recently they had a article arguing, I believe, for the return of selective service for the draft. And it's definitely something that it's being talked about. You know, Germany talked about it recently because of the Ukraine Russia thing. And there's this idea now that lawmakers.
Move to automate selective service registration for all men. Whoa. A new plan from the house. Lawmakers would automatically register men for potential military draft when they hit 18, avoiding potential legal consequences connected to failing to file the paperwork. Work at the proper time.
Jesus Christ. Mandate automatic registration of all males between 18 and 26 living in America in the selective service system. Federal database used for a military draft in case of national emergency. Ha ha. What would that be?
Gets fun with the male part. Yeah, male. What about trans men? Trans men are men. Get them in.
Yeah. It's time to be men now. That's what I'm saying. Let's go. So it does seem like they're preparing for something.
Fuck. And it does seem like. It's weird. It's weird. There's a weirdness in the air.
Tim Dillon
100% there's a weirdness in the air. Yeah. This is late stage civilization vibes for sure. What it is, it gives. We got late stage civilization vibes.
Joe Rogan
No matter how we slice. You might make it through this. We might look back at this guy. Tim and Joe were so crazy. They're making a big deal out of it.
Nothing happened. Or this could be one of those things that people play if you can find a power source. I saved it on my phone. Yeah, let's watch. They were talking about it.
Tim Dillon
Well, it's also like, what scares me more than anything is the people who aren't feeling this way. Did you see what they did where they gave Starlink Internet to this tribe in the Amazon and they all started jerking off? I talked about it on my show this week. They're addicted to porn and social media instantly. And they.
Joe Rogan
Overnight, the elders, tribe elders are freaking. Out because they lose in control. Yeah, they thought it was gonna be great at first, but now everyone's lazy. No one wants to work. They all just flipping through their phones all day.
They're in the jungle and they're going through their cuz. At first it's great to, like, look a picture of a flower. Yeah. And then three days later, it's like there's guys watching women get choked and, you know, kicked and whatever. And now they're, like losing control.
Yeah. They're on tick tock all day. And that's what you, you look at, you go all of the, that's why it's so important that the tech people all be on the same page for the most part, because that's the way you lose control the quickest. And it seems to be very important and somewhat engineered, maybe not top down, but somewhat coincidental, that 90% of the tech people are all on the same page about most things. Those are the type of people, though.
They're all ideologically captured. That's right. That's all the left. The tech is all the left. There's some libertarians, but very few.
Very few. And those are the rebels. To have those people in charge of everything, it's just so. But it was weird because we had Republicans and democratic bankers for a long time and no one really cared. But there's something with the tech people where it's like, we can't, it seems like they don't want to let there be any diversity and thought with that group because they're, they, the levers they hold are too consequential.
But they were that way before the levers were consequential. Except for Microsoft. Right. If you think about Microsoft, they were, like, liberal, but not financially. Like, they were very, very shrewd financially.
Tim Dillon
They're all liberal. If you can be liberal and have a $25 million house in Atherton, California, if that's part of it, then I think that's part of the way we've designed liberals. Yeah. In America, then. Well, they're just so removed.
Joe Rogan
They're very removed from the consequences of what they're interested in. And when you talk to them, I, you don't, you do get the feeling that they are fully in, they fully believe, and for good reason, that they control the country now. Yeah. And they think they should. That's because they're the smart ones and they're on the right side.
Tim Dillon
That's correct. Correct. And we have to do everything we can. Yeah. And so when they complied with the government, you know, when they eliminated things from social media that were problematic to the narrative, whether it was on YouTube or Twitter or whatever, they did, like, they thought they were doing the right thing and that they should be doing this because the people, these people are stupid.
I think everyone thinks they're doing the right thing. And I think the thing that surprises me the most is how a lot of those people, those positions of power, aren't cynical. They aren't you know, you, you really would like them to just go, that's all bullshit. We're doing what we have to do. You.
You'd almost rather that, right? But they truly believe. They believe. They believe in what they're saying. They really do.
They do. And I think that's if you're in the deep cover CIA agent, you believe. I think if you're high up in the military, you believe. I think if you're in the tech industry, you believe. I think no matter where you are, you believe.
Because so much of your identity becomes dependent on that. Yes, for sure. Also, like, I experienced that when I was working on a television show when people used to try to tell me, you know, oh, the government is programming it, and they're programming these shows to make these shows so that we're stupid people that believe that. I'm like, you don't understand the people making these shows. Like these shows and watch these shows, they try to make these shows.
Joe Rogan
There's no one telling them to make these shows this way, other than the people that are saying this way. This would make us money, right? That's all they're doing. That's right. Like, you've got this idea that, like, this is like, fear factor is designed to make people stupid, right?
No, everybody had a good time. The people making it had a good time, the people making it. Watch those shows, they're like, have you seen survivor? They're all, they're all watching them. Well, they're all in the culture.
Tim Dillon
Every time Sam Smith, you know, or somebody dresses up like a devil or tries to do something edgy, everyone talks about, well, this is like this engineered thing. And I'm like, listen, a lot of it is people are trying to get attention a hundred what they're trying to. Do, especially Sam Smith. Right? And you can't be.
And I talked about it when people were, like, really enraged about it. And I'm like, if you are, like, gonna be a non binary, I'm different. You know, I'm gonna sell sex. You can't look like my uncle. And that's what Sam Smith looked.
And they were like, well, no, he's a satanist. I go, if Satan saw him and said, that's. Who's my representative on our. Sam Smith looks like my uncle at a Halloween party. He's drunk.
That's what he looked like. It really does. He looks like a guy like me or somebody I would wearing a rock star at all. No. So he doesn't have that Bowie thing.
He doesn't have that sexy thing. I think it's far less. They're putting messages into corrupt people. I think maybe there's people that certainly do that. I think overall it's that people are lazy and want attention and it's a lot easier to get attention that way than to keep being good at something.
Joe Rogan
Dressing up like the devil is one of the best ways to get attention. That's right. It's one of the oldest ways. You remember the outrage for the little Nas X video? Gave Satan a lap dance?
Tim Dillon
Yes, he gave Satan. He had the blood shoes. And again, I'm not saying it's great for a five year old, but it's like, focus more on the houses being a million bucks. Focus more on all that stuff because that's the stuff I think that. Focus more on the potential draft.
Focus more on the potential draft in the long. In the long term. That's what seems to matter. Yeah, but nobody is. You know, people are just so easily distracted by a good Drake and Kendrick Lamar beat.
Sure. It's so easily. It's so. It's so exciting to have fun, these things happening all the time. It's fun.
Yeah, it's fun. It's just a weird fucking time. That doesn't seem like it has any. Like any. There's no patterns that I could see from the past because everything's so accelerated by technology.
Joe Rogan
Like, you could look at the chaos of the 1960s. I know they threw water on that in the seventies and the eighties. It was all cocaine in the nineties. And it took until like the 2000, the Internet comes around for people to start exploring some of the ideas that people were really connected to in the sixties. Yeah, but now here we are.
No roadmap. No roadmap. And everything is fucking chaotic. Everything's chaotic. But also maybe we'll get like a nice abatement.
Tim Dillon
Like maybe for whatever reason it doesn't go in the direction that it seems like it's going and that it has like a dead cat bounce where a set. You know what I mean? We're like, you know, you get 20 or 30 years out of this place or more right before. Cause you don't want a war and you don't want nukes to fly and you don't want all this stuff happening. No.
Joe Rogan
And you're doing all this while they can. AI operate weapons now. Yes. Including jets. Fighter jets that are used AI.
We have drones now that are insanely comp. And we probably have UFO's. Sure. I think a good percentage of that shit. These people are when can you charter a UFO?
Tim Dillon
That'll be fun. You can charter private jet to charter a UFO. Yeah. There's already people that are doing SpaceX flights, right? Yeah, you can go.
You can leave our flat earth. Wow. You could see the firm sphere or whatever the fuck is the firmament. There should be a flat Earth tour that will take you to space and only show you part of it. Yeah.
Joe Rogan
They should give you special glasses where it looks flat. My friend's mother's a flat earther. He goes, what is she? What does she do? I go, he goes, how do we help?
Tim Dillon
I go, I don't know. Know. One of my friends, Eddie Bravo, thinks yours flat. Yeah. I love him to death.
Joe Rogan
Yeah. What are you gonna do? He watches too many YouTube videos. There's quite a few people that think it's flat. The problem is, like, there's.
It's. It's a biblical thing. There's a lot of it is based on the depictions of earth and the firmament and all these different things in the Bible, which, by the way, was written by people. This idea that people back then had it all laid out perfectly and that the word of God was translated absolutely perfectly and nobody ever added their own special sauce to the mix like they do with everything. Yeah, it's crazy.
Everything ever. No, it's definitely interesting. And I think seeing the battle between these ancient texts and the most modern technology and seeing how they fuse together is going to make the planet very interesting. Sure. Ancient texts used together with YouTube.
Tim Dillon
That's right. What is this? Japanese billionaire pulls plug on private. Dear moon. Lunar starship mission.
Joe Rogan
Huh? Why? Got announced this week. Well, how much money would it cost? I mean, you could go to the moon.
Is that what the idea was? Yeah, they remember, like, Steve Aoki was gonna be on this. Oh, I was trying to tell Steve, don't do that. Yeah, it's this plan. Can't we go to the moon?
No. No one's ever been, so how could we go? Well, there's gotta be first person. Do you think people went to the moon? I have no idea.
I had Bart Sobrell on the podcast. And do you think he know he is? Yeah, yeah, of course you do. You're deep in the conspiracy world. Well, I'm deep in the truth.
That guy, that guy's been on that forever. I had dinner with him like 20 years ago, right? At least somewhere around 20 years ago, I met with him in an italian restaurant in Beverly Hills and he was just laying out his case. Why the moon landing? I mean, dude, there was a book called penetration by this guy, Ignacio Swan, who's one of these remote viewing guys.
Tim Dillon
And that's what got me into that stuff. Like, some of that more stuff. He wrote this book, and it was about remote viewing and how, like, the government was. Was using remote viewing. They definitely were trying to use it.
They were trying to use it. Whether they succeeded or not. But, you know, I don't know. I mean, I don't know. Is it.
Is it. Is it pretty accepted that we didn't go to the moon? No. No. I mean, it's controversial still.
Joe Rogan
It's amongst conspiracy. Conspiracy theorists. Amongst those folks. Yeah. None of those folks think we think we went to the moon.
They think it was all horseshit. Some people think we went to the moon, but we faked the footage. Right. Because that's so us. Radiation of space.
Tim Dillon
So us. Yeah. And they'll search an us thing to do. To do it, and then actually go, fuck it. We gotta film something.
Joe Rogan
There's also, like, there is precedent that they did use certain photos that were from, obviously, from training missions. Right. And then they blacked out the background and tried to pretend these are photos of spacewalks. Right. Because if someone's, like, doing a spacewalk, like, there's one of.
What's his name? Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin. Who's the other guy, Glenn? Michael Collins.
This is Michael Collins in the Gemini 15. And what they did was. But this could be overzealous pr people that are doing this. Right. They took a photograph of a mission where he was in a training mission, and, you know, he's suspended by cables with the.
And they're teaching him how to use the spacewalk stuff. And then they reversed the image and blacked it out. Blacked out the background. See if we could find that. So those types of things give people an indication that there's a problem.
Well, they give you an indication that there's a pattern of deception. They're willing to lie, that they're willing. To at least fuck with the truth for publicity purposes because they want good photographs of something. Is there anything like a NASA whistleblower? Yeah, I'm sure it.
So they took the photo on the left, and then they just reversed it to the photo on the right and blacked out the screen. So the one on the left, obviously, they're in training mission. The one on the right, they're pretending it's space, which is pretty wild. I mean, really pretty fucking wild. They did that.
Tim Dillon
That is wild. It's wild. But it's. Then you know Boeing. More whistleblowers came out more.
Yeah, there's like two more whistleblower. Two of them were murdered, right? Well, yeah, but I love. You think they were murdered? Did they commit suicide?
Joe Rogan
What happened to those folks? I think they were murdered. What's the story? It was the official story about the two Boeing whistleblowers who got whacked. Boeing's a national security company.
Tim Dillon
It's an american defense contractor. You working for Boeing? You're working for the government? You come out and whistle blow. How do the fucking FBI like that?
They'll get rid of you too, if you start in whistleblowing. What's the official cause of death for the two folks? I don't know. The guy was sitting in his car. He shot himself.
One was suicide cuz he was sad. I'll be sad too if I disparage a great company like Boeing. I love Boeing. I probably realized, what have I done to this disparage? He probably sucked as a guy.
No. Whistleblowers aren't fun, right? There's never been a whistleblower that's fun. Maybe he's a fake whistleblower. He knew the house of cards was coming.
Joe Rogan
No pun intended. You probably went out with him and he always talked about how unsafe these planes were. And you're like, dude, shut up. Right? Shut up.
Tim Dillon
I'd fly all the time. A lot of people do. He's basically like a flat earther. Oh, yeah, right. I don't want to know how bad the planes are.
Let them crash. Let one of them. Here's the deal. No one's gonna fix it, so just don't bother me. 50 Boeing whistleblowers still want to talk safety fears, despite two informants dying after speaking out.
They'll kill 50 of them too. Don't think they won't. 50 people can commit suicide. 50 people can. Absolutely.
Joe Rogan
Especially disparaging a great company. Company like Boeing. What does it say here? John Barnett, 62, quality control engineer, just begun testimony in a lawsuit against Boeing in March when he was found in his truck at a South Carolina motel with a fatal self inflicted gunshot wound. Yeah, that's a little fishy.
Joshua Dean, 45, died unexpectedly in early May. The quality auditor at Spirit Aerosystems, one of Boeing's biggest suppliers, passed away in the hospital following the onset of a fast moving. And. Yeah, they can do that to you. Sure can do that to you.
They can give you. Absolutely. Absolutely. They certainly can shoot you in the head. They can do all of that.
Yeah, they could definitely shoot you in the head. And their attitude is like, hey, you know, can you, can you not fuck up our thing? Yeah, we're trying to fix it. We don't need you whistleblowing. We're trying to fix it.
Tim Dillon
You're not helping. Yeah. What are you doing? You're killing yourself. You want attention?
Joe Rogan
Do you think there's like, James Lindsay has a very interesting take on this. He thinks that China is, they own a competitor to the Boeing planes. And I think the strategy is to destabilize Boeing and have the chinese planes take over. So they're killing the whistleblowers? No, there's some sort of a push to get this chinese jet company to get their products.
They're more safe, they're better. Let's just take those. Maybe. But Boeing is so deeply enmeshed in the national security apparatus, I can't see that ever happening. Right.
Tim Dillon
There's no way that we. But if you wanted to do something like that, then you would try it. You would like that. You would fuck with the safety protocols. I mean, we do depend on too much for national security.
We do depend on too many things from China already. Oh, yeah. It's medicine. Like all of that. Like, not only medicine, but like, chips, you know, what's that thing that, what do they do?
Is it reactors or what do they bought? What are they, what do we, they basically said, we're not selling you these anymore. Well, they're in charge of so many of the mines. That's right. You know, so many of the mines in the Congo are being run by China.
So I don't know if we'd be so stupid to just start buying all of their stuff. But maybe. Hmm. It's a possibility. China's homegrown 737 competitors has to wait a while to fill the vacuum left by Boeing.
Joe Rogan
Europe says the c o m eight comac c 19 is too new to approve by 2026. So they have their own version. So if they're playing a long game, what better way to destabilize the competitor then just listen. We need to save money. Let's cut back on some of these safety inspectors now.
The mechanics do their own safety inspectors. Absolutely. Done. We're good. You just put that little piece in place.
If you just did that and you just take into account people's laziness and how people suck at their job already, and then there's no oversight for the mechanics, what's the possibility that mistakes are going to be made? 100%. Yeah. Well, corporate espionage is probably one of their strongest talents and one of the things they've excelled at. Can you imagine if that's how they do it, though?
If Lindsey's right, when he said that to me, I was like, jesus Christ. He might be right. I just don't want to sit in a plane and be fucking nervous. Oh, yeah. For no reason.
Yeah. So I have to ask. I want the Boeing people to shut their fucking mouths, let this thing go down the Runway. Let me feel like it's okay. And if it happens, it happens.
You know what the ultimate conspiracy theory is? Yeah. That Trump has a Boeing plane and that's why they're doing this. Whoa, I got you with that one. That's something wild.
That one got you excited. That is interesting. Imagine that. I imagine that's what they did. What happens if he dies?
Tim Dillon
I imagine that. I don't know. Crazy is it gonna be if he gets whacked? I mean, I don't know if they're gonna do that. I think they're gonna try to go to war with China.
I think they're gonna go to war. Yeah. I think they're gonna. If they are gonna do anything, I think they just fucking try to do something. Something that either delays an election or makes an election harder to have or something.
I don't know. But if they were gonna do something, it might have been. It might be that, and I don't know. And they may do nothing. They may just, you know, have a fair election.
I don't know.
Joe Rogan
But this is the question. This is what we were talking about earlier. If they're willing to deceive us with the Steele dossier, they're willing to deceive us with. With what they did with Bernie and what they did with RFK Junior in the primary. If they're willing to do all that, why would we think that they wouldn't fuck with the election?
Like, this is the one thing that they wouldn't fuck with. And then if you question it at all, especially Trump, because nobody really cared when everybody else questioned the elections. Nobody cared when Hillary went around forever questioning the elections. Nobody cared. Everybody has questioned elections in this country for a very long time.
Standard move. Bush v. Gore. Remember the court case? Remember that?
Yes. It's kind of a standard move. Standard move. It's been getting more and more malevolent in the sense that, you know, people, you know, after Trump won, it was. It was a whole thing with Russia.
Yeah. And then, I don't know. I haven't looked at any specific evidence for the fuckery, but I think there's probably fuckery all over the place. There's probably fuckery in every election. There's got to be some, that's not zero.
The amount of election fraud isn't zero. This one, they have to do something big. This one will have to be, if something's going to happen, it's probably going to have to be something big. They're going to have to wag the dog on such a, you know, in such a way that America's like, whoa. And they're already there.
Tim Dillon
Already there's some articles coming out being like, you know, could a foreign government perhaps take advantage of, you know. Yeah. So who knows what their plan. I just know that they don't want him in, in a way that I've never seen. Never.
Joe Rogan
It's never been more transparent. Never been more transparent how much they do not want him in. And I'm not even saying that you can't criticize him or you have to love him or anything. I'm just speaking simply again, from looking at the measures taken since he announced a candidacy. And here's what's really crazy.
I think they thought they did enough propaganda wise before 2016 for him to lose. Yes. So when you watch all the news reports and all their coverage, it was like 90% Hillary was going to win. That's right. And then as the night went on, everybody was like, holy shit, he won.
So they went through the egg on their face. They went through all that. They're not going to let that happen again. And now he's an overwhelming favorite. Yes.
Like he's a favorite. If the election happened now and the election was fair, he would win, right? Yes. Like he's several points ahead of Biden, right? That's right.
What's the latest polls? Because he went up in the polls after the conviction, which was such a. Mistake for them to try to do that because he raised $40 million, something like that, 30 million. It's way more than that. Maybe more.
I think it's like a hundred million. He crashed his campaign website. Yeah. Yeah. What is that poll?
How do they like question everybody real quick? Like when some new break, some news breaks, like what do you think now? Right. Who are the questions? Pm?
How do they get a new, well, I always say this, they're only getting results from people dumb enough to answer polls. So that, by the way, is a skewed response for sure. Polls in today's day and age, there's no reason to answer them. Why are you doing that? Why is social stigma to saying true?
Oh, yeah. So I think that you have to weigh the numbers like that. Right. So there is a little bit of a social stigma to saying Trump, or certainly there was, maybe it's going away, but there was. So you might want to weight the poll to that as well.
That's 100% true. And go. There's a certain percentage of people that are lying and saying Biden who aren't going to vote for Biden. Right. So a close race might really mean that Trump is up a few percentage points.
I think he's up a few percentage points already. I think he was up like six points. I talked to a lot of hardcore leftists that are like, really resigned to him winning and don't care because they say maybe it'll be better for the economy. Well, they said, we did not vote for Biden to go to war with Ukraine, you know, to go to war with Russia through Ukraine. We didn't vote for jack up inflation.
Tim Dillon
Jack up inflation. We didn't vote for an unending commission commitment to whatever Israel wants to do in Gaza. We didn't vote for house prices being higher than they've ever been, interest rates being higher than they've ever been. We didn't vote for any of that. He's done a lot for the environment, Biden supposedly, but also a lot of people didn't vote for all the taxes that come along with that.
Joe Rogan
What is the new one they're doing? They're going after the guy from the epoch times for embezzlement or something. Epoch times is one of those hardcore right wing. What is, which is hilarious. Epoch times is hilarious.
That is like, this is the end. Welcome to the end. Money laundering. Yeah. Charges alleged $67 million global money laundering scheme.
So what's, see, this is the headline, right? What's the actual story? What's a good place to go? Probably AP is probably the bit more balanced. Go to AP just for the fucker.
All right. What will become of the epoch Times? This? Chief financial officer accused of money laundering. Okay, what is the accusation?
What is epoch times? Federal prosecutors in New York charged. Boy, say that dude's name, Wei Dong Guan of Secaucus, New Jersey, chief financial officer of the Epoch Times, of steering at least $67 million in criminal proceeds, much from fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits to the company, its affiliates and himself. Guan pleaded not guilty, but was suspended by the Epoch Times, which agreed to cooperate with prosecutors. The case falls into question the future of a company that will, that was a key online supporter of Trump and a spreader of conspiracy theories.
Hmm. So what is the $67 million of unemployment. That's what it's saying. How did they do it? How did they do that?
What is it? This is all just like, what does it mean for the, for the epoch Times? But what is like, how did he do it? How would have to come out in the trial. You'd have to wait for the trial.
They don't say what they're accusing him of that I think that was, I mean, they're accusing him of stealing money. Stealing money. Laundering. Laundering money, I guess in that you. Would think atop executive Epoch.
So he's just a guy that worked there. There. A right wing media company has been arrested and charged with laundering at least $67 million in stolen. So he might have actually done it. And they might just, I mean, they're not trying to close the company.
Right. He's not the, he's just the chief financial officer. Right, right. So he might have actually done it. I don't know.
Chief financial officer was arrested Monday and the indictment headed up on May 23 was unsealed. He entered a plea of not guilty. His lawyer, federal public public defender. Why does he have a public defender? I guess he lost all his money.
Is that, that seems crazy. Is that odd? That seems crazy. Declined to comment. If convicted, Mister Juan faces a maximum sentence of 20 years for the money laundering charge and 30 years for each bank fraud.
Oh, jeez. He's fucked. Epoch Times, affiliated with Falun Gong, a spiritual movement movement banned in China and was for years an obscure free print newspaper dedicated largely to criticizing the Chinese Communist Party. In recent years, the outlet transformed itself into a prominent supporter of Donald J. Trump and his allies on the right.
Oh, they're probably grifting. It's probably a. They're trying to make a couple of bucks. It's a grifty company. Yeah.
According to prosecutors, Mister Guan ran a sprawling transnational scheme over four years to buy prepaid debit cards on the Internet at a discount using cryptocurrency, and then deposit the cards money into both personal and company accounts. The debit cards were loaded with illegally obtained funds, prosecutors said, some of which was fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits. Oh, wow, this seems deep. Who. But, I mean, but hold, please.
Cause if you're fucking the type of dude who has a website that's basically dedicated to criticizing the Chinese Communist Party, and then all sudden you flip and become a pro Trump supporter. That sounds to me like one of those fucking Facebook pages that Russia takes over. Yes. Like, they take, like, Christian. They used to have a meme and.
Tim Dillon
Then it's a Black Lives Matter page. And then it becomes a trans rights page. Yeah, they're just. There's a ton of those folks out there grifting. If one of those guys was also involved in an illegal monitoring laundering scheme.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, that seems like, go and sow some chaos. Probably what they do. Go sow some chaos. It's a great job. I'd like to do it in China for us.
Tim Dillon
I mean, if they're hiring these. But why can't America. Let's get an army of lunatics, people like me, send me into China, I'll start problem. They'd kill me quickly. Speaker one.
Joe Rogan
Yeah, you couldn't do it there. That's why we lack the advantages. Cause you could come here and really start some shit. Do you think that our government is doing that here, too? I think elements of it probably are for sure.
They have to be. They have to be. Why? They must be. If China is doing that and we know that Russia is doing that, we know that they're doing that.
Tim Dillon
Well, then what would Navalny have been? Let's think about this. Right. Right now. Navalny might be.
He might be a great russian patriot who is disgusted with Vladimir Putin. I do know he started his career with very different views than the views he began espousing after. He seems like a guy that the CIA has a conversation with and then becomes a prominent. I'm not saying that it's possible, but. So we're doing things like that, probably.
And then they're doing things to us where they're, like, making my aunt kind of more racist.
They're starting with a pretty racist person, but they're twisting her and they're getting. Her more racist with memes, with memes. And with all kinds of crap things. They share that might not even be true. Yeah, she's like a long island.
Because these long island boomers now, they're just. They're like. They're just with throwing stuff at them, and they're just, like, catching it with their teeth like a dog. They share it to their own. Share it, and they don't know what's going on, and they're just kind of like, it's all, you know, it's all not.
My mom's. My friend's mother thinks McDonald's is serving human meat, so that's where we are. You know, a certain percentage of the population is schizophrenic because they can't handle all the stuff we talked about here. It's hard for people to realize how corrupt things are but how they've always been. So if you learn all of this in an hour, your mind melts.
Joe Rogan
Right. And then you start going, is Chrissy Teigen a vampire?
Tim Dillon
Because every other up is down and black is white. Yeah, yeah. It's too much information. It's too much information. But if you know about JFK or RFK or Martin Luther King or Quintel, anything, you have the context to put a lot of this stuff in.
So you're not like, oh, your mind doesn't melt immediately. Right? It melts slowly. Real slow. Yeah, yeah.
Joe Rogan
If you just can keep people fighting about everything and everything being something that they have to uncover and all this chaos, you can get a lot done behind the scenes. You need to. You have to have people completely scattered. Have. No.
Yeah. You can't have people like, yeah. Calm. No. And everybody fine.
And paying attention to what you're doing. And then you got a blessing. You got to go. Every now and then you got to go, you know, me. And then there's, like, an nft party.
Tim Dillon
Everybody has, like, a time with the crypto is killing it, and everybody gets a little money, and then they go, okay, well, we got to clamp down on this. Right. And then the Internet's free, and then, like, man, let's clamp down on this. Mm hmm. And it's just, they oscillate between clamping down on things and then letting people run with them for a little.
Joe Rogan
God damn it. Yeah. It's a delicate balance. You imagine being in charge of chaos. You think there's a guy that's, like, runs a chaos department in the deep state.
Tim Dillon
Well, I think there's many guys that do. And ladies. And do you think, let's not forget them. What is their view of the world? If they're the ones that are instigating all this chaos and they're the ones that are fueling it online, if they're working to actively do that and comment on things on Twitter and get things crazy, what is their view of the world like?
Joe Rogan
They must be so cynical. I think the. The only view those people have ever had is the alternative is worse. Right. If we don't think that's the only view they've had.
Tim Dillon
I think when they were doing Mkultra on people, I think they were going, the alternative is worse. It's worse. And you can justify a lot of things. When they were carpet bombing Vietnam, it's. The alternative is worse.
I think that's kind of the only view that those guys can have in that echelon of the national security apparatus. They can't. I don't think they're analyzing it too much outside of that. Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Joe Rogan
This does not leave me feeling good, Tim. Well, I was hoping to be more. Well, we're gonna tell jokes tonight. Tonight should be fun. It's fun to tell jokes.
Are you splitting your time? You're all over the place now. I'm all over the place. I spend most of my time in the french protectorate in Monaco, where I find honest people.
Tim Dillon
It's so good to have honest people around you. I'm very susceptible to environments. A lot of people that live on boats over there. No, no, no. I'm all over the place.
Me and Sam talent were just in Europe for like three weeks. It was amazing. I'm here. Sandwiches here. I'm gonna spend a lot of time here, I think, in the summer and fall, because now I'm off the road.
So it's like, I'm gonna be here. I'll be popping in LA a little bit. Nice. You know, I'll be around. We're doing something cool with Netflix.
We can't say it. It's not a stand up special, something cool. It's like an election type special thing. Oh, that's exciting. Yeah, it's.
Joe Rogan
It's. You know, it'll be fun and I'm excited about that. And, you know, it's just fun to do fun stuff and who knows? We don't know. Yeah, it's fun.
Tim Dillon
It could all work out. It could all work out. It probably will all work out. That's right. I mean, you can look back on.
Joe Rogan
There's a nesyrian tablet, I think. Yeah. Fucking 4000 years ago or something like that. Where I'm pretty sure I saved it. Where they were talking about the end of the world.
Yeah, I think I saved it. It's just one of those things. It's like human beings always have that feeling that it's all falling apart. They always have that feeling that at a certain point in time, all of our luck's gonna run out. And it has.
That's the other thing. It actually, at one point, it is. A great Eddie pepitone joke where he goes, you know, every generation thinks theirs is the one where the world ends. He goes, but we are right here. It is assyrian clay tablet dating to around 2800 bc.
Bears the inscription, our earth is degenerative. In these later days, there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common. Children no longer obey their parents. Every man wants to write a book.
And the. What happened? I was trying to get the full quote to cut it off, but I had it right there. And the end of the world is evidently approaching. That's amazing.
Tim Dillon
So this is like. This is a good way to end this. That's right. Explain to people this fear that we have had is just. We are in a constant state of change and a constant battle of truth and propaganda.
Joe Rogan
And it's always been that way and that this tablet from 4800 years ago. And it'll always be that way. It's always gonna be. It's always gonna be. We're monkeys.
We're crazy monkeys. So find. Find something fun out there to do. Yeah. Like, come to the monkey if you.
Tim Dillon
Can, come to the mothership and not this weekend. It's sold out. Are you here this weekend? I'm here this weekend. Oh, shit.
I'm here this weekend. Nice. I am here, baby. I'm in. That's exciting.
So we're gonna do Falun gong. Yeah. Chinese spiritual warfare. If you like chinese spiritual warfare. These shows will be for you.
Joe Rogan
The text message I'm gonna be sending you in the future gonna be green. Oh, you're going to. Yeah, I'm trying to. I'm trying to switch over. You're going to Android.
I'm gonna see what happens. I don't like being trapped. I felt like I was trapped. I got anxiety about switching. I don't like it either.
I get anxiety about switching when I. Crazy when that green text message comes in. It's gonna be so weird, though. But it is weird, the whole thing. It's weird that we're so trapped.
Tim Dillon
Yes. In this wonderful apple bubble. Did you a great job. Make a great phone. It's great.
Joe Rogan
Everything works great. It's great. I love the way you can send videos and Airdrop people and FaceTime people. I love, but I also don't. But you gotta have the new charger all the time.
Well, no, not anymore. Now it's USB C. Everything's. USBC, because of Europe, is actually forcing Apple to comply. All of these.
Tim Dillon
All of these, like, you know, social media sites, they. Or whatever it is. Apple's not social media, but like, all these tech companies, they have downsides and then they have things that are really good. Facebook had things that were really good, but they also sell maids in the Philippines.
Joe Rogan
I was watching, there was an Instagram page that was all dedicated to finding people in prison that you could date when they get out. Thank God. Thank God. I was looking at, like, how many people yeah. Who are just like, captain save a ho.
Or at home looking at these people. Going, it's a redeemable country. Meet an inmate. Lonely inmates in the US seek pen pals. I just typed in hot single inmates.
I've seen a few videos of this going around where they're, like, making, like, a singles video. Well, there's got to be guys and gals that are interested in that. Like, that's their thing. Get someone right. Look, they can't.
They don't have nowhere to stay. They could stay with me. Yeah. Meet a hot prison pal. You'll be glad you did.
Exclamation point. Well, if you want to meet people that have been in jail, come to one of my shows, and there's a very good chance there's a high likelihood. Him. Yeah. High likelihood.
All right, let's wrap this bitch up. You're the best. You appreciate. I'm gonna come see you this weekend. I'm excited.
Tim Dillon
I hope so. I want to. I want to see your set. Thank you, buddy. Tell everybody.
Tell me which night I'll be nervous. Okay. I won't tell her, but it's just Tim J. Dylan. It's Tim Dylan, right?
Yeah. Instagram. Tim J. Dylan on Instagram and X. And then Tim Dillon show, if you like podcasts where people yell, it's the best.
Joe Rogan
You're the best ranter on earth. Wow. Really sweet of you. Your show, you by yourself, talk about things. I appreciate it.
One of the great joys in life. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Thanks, brother. Bye, everybody.
Tim Dillon
Bye, everybody.
Joe Rogan
Bye, everybody.
Tim Dillon
Bye, everybody.
Joe Rogan
Bye, everybody.