Primary Topic
This episode covers a wide range of topics, including the politicization of the media, manipulation tactics in politics, and a critique of the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The media has transitioned from subtle bias to overt activism, particularly against conservative figures like Donald Trump.
- Lies and half-truths are common tactics used by abusers in both personal and political contexts, creating confusion and control.
- The Biden administration’s attempts to change the Supreme Court's makeup are viewed as a direct attack on American institutions.
- The 2024 Olympic opening ceremony is criticized for its pagan symbolism and perceived mockery of Christianity.
- The episode suggests that these cultural shifts are indicative of a broader societal decline.
Episode Chapters
1: Media Manipulation and Lies
This chapter explores how the media has shifted from biased reporting to outright activism, focusing on the Trump era's influence. The hosts discuss how lies and manipulations are used to control public perception.
- Glenn Beck: "Politicians have always lied, but now it's the entire system around them that's complicit."
- Stu Burguiere: "The media has taken the mask off; they're not just leaning on the scale anymore—they're full-on activists."
2: The Supreme Court Under Attack
The discussion moves to the Biden administration's attempts to alter the Supreme Court, framing it as a dangerous precedent for American governance.
- Glenn Beck: "Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer want to change the makeup of the Supreme Court, and what they're telling you they're going to do is the opposite of what they're doing."
3: Olympic Ceremony Critique
In this chapter, Beck critiques the 2024 Olympic opening ceremony, interpreting it as a mockery of Christian symbols and an embrace of pagan rituals.
- Glenn Beck: "We are no longer chasing God out of the public square; we are now mocking Him in the public square."
4: Cultural and Moral Decline
The final chapter ties the discussed issues together, suggesting that the shifts in media, politics, and culture are symptomatic of a broader societal decline.
- Glenn Beck: "This is a gauntlet thrown down in France, and I don't think it's going to end well."
Actionable Advice
- Critically Evaluate Media Sources: Be mindful of the sources you consume. Verify information across multiple platforms to avoid falling victim to biased reporting.
- Engage in Civic Discourse: Discuss these issues with others to foster a better understanding of the political landscape.
- Support Transparent Journalism: Advocate for and support media outlets that prioritize transparency and accountability in their reporting.
- Stay Informed on Government Actions: Keep up to date with legislative changes, particularly those affecting key institutions like the Supreme Court.
- Reflect on Cultural Symbols: Be aware of the cultural and religious symbols in public displays and their potential implications for society.
About This Episode
Glenn looks at the different types of lies abusers use to their victims and the similarities with our current government. Kamala Harris' laugh is her biggest strength, according to the New York Times. Glenn recaps the controversial opening ceremony of the Olympics but also praises Celine Deon's "powerful" performance.
Glenn Beck, Stu Burguiere, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer
Blaze Podcast Network
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Glenn Beck
On Today's podcast, my executive producer, Mister Steubergear, joins me to talk about several things. One, we do get into the Olympics, and I try to be very clarifying on this. I think it is a very big danger, but it's not the same as what people are saying online right now. Also, we talk about the security of the president and the latest. Now the FBI has suddenly said, oh, yeah, I guess it was a bullet that hit Donald Trump. Uh huh.
And the news of the day, which is the Supreme Court is now under attack from the presidency.
Joe Biden and his crew with Chuck Schumer want to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. And what they're telling you they're going to do is the opposite of what they're doing. We explain on today's podcast. I love painting. I've loved to paint for years. And I've started to get kind of good at it recently. But it wasn't all that long ago that I thought I wasn't going to be able to paint at all anymore. I had pain in my hands so bad that at times it was so embarrassing. And so, I mean, just, just was so emasculating to wake my wife up and say, honey, I can't button my shirt. Can you button my shirt? My hands just wouldn't work. And the pain was too bad.
Well, she did.
God love her. And she also was the one who said, I want you to try relief vector. So I did. And now that pain is gone, I don't wake my wife up in the morning anymore. I'm back painting again.
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You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program.
So, stu, I found something on themendproject.com. this is a place that, that helps people get away from mental abuse and physical abuse. And now I'm only reading it just because, you know, I'm not, I'm not tying this to anything because somebody said to me, I read it, you know, here at home, my wife was like, I think I see what you're saying. And I'm like, I'm not saying anything. I'm talking about mental abuse. I'm talking about people unlike the people broadly in the United States of America being mentally abused. I'm just talking about people who are in a situation and need to get out. Okay, make no mistake, this is from a. An abusive get away from abuse website. Make no mistake, lying is a type of abuse. We all lie sometimes, don't we? So when is it abusive? Lying is one of the most common tactics an abuser uses to gain power and control over their victim. Lying confuses the victim's reality while helping the liar to shrink from their responsibility in the situation, often shifting the blame to the victim. Bosses, significant others, friends, family may use lying as a form of COVID emotional abuse. Lying also paves the way for other types of abuse, such as physical abuse. Well, everybody makes mistakes or even little lies, and they can, but they can quickly culminate into full on manipulation of a person or a situation. A central element to covert abuse is stressful confusion. You have an example, maybe that of that, Stu? Stress. Stressful confusion. This is the emotion abusers want their victims to feel when lying to them.
The covertly abusive tactic of lying increases the victim's anxiety levels and cause their thinking to become clouded. A confused victim is less likely to respond quickly, to go with their gut or confront the liar.
Okay, now that's the open. Now let me give you a few and just see if you can find any example. I know you're not abused, Stu, but maybe you know somebody that is being abused.
Black lies.
One, black lies are bald faced lies the abuser uses to gain something for themselves at the cost of the one being deceived. Think for an example of a realtor who lies about the condition of underground plumbing into a home to get a higher price for its sale and thereby gains a better commission. In other words, the realtor exploits the buyers lack of current knowledge out of self interest.
Similarly, a common lie used by abusers is, I deposited the check. However, if that check was deposited into the abuser's personal account instead of the joint account, the abuser has gained financial power over the victim. If the check was never deposited, the perpetrator then gains power of confusion and anxiety when the victim wonders where the money went or if the money ever existed to begin with.
Upon further inspection, some of these deceptions can be identified. However, at their core, these lies are statements used by abusers to gain something over the victim. Power, money, status, or control.
I'm sorry, you probably don't relate to any of this, Stu. Cause I'm just talking to people who are being abused.
White lies.
Everybody knows this type of deception, which is unfortunately common. White lies are small seeming, dismissive obstructions of reality that are harder to disprove. They are sometimes used for good reasons, such as telling a friend you like her new haircut when you don't, so you won't hurt her feelings. Because white lies are less traceable, however, they carry greater power to manipulate others. Their most insidious use is when the abuser tells white lies about the victim to others, because those lies slowly influence others to view the victim in a different light. Can you think of an example?
For an example, during particularly stressful times, an abuser may tell friends and family that everything is good, we're just fine. However, the victim's behavior makes him or her appear erratic, unpredictable, and at times unstable to those close to the couple. Over time, this tactic effectively isolates the victim from others. Each individual lie might be too small to notice or address at first, but over time and with repetition, they will successfully shift others perception of the individual.
Three half truths half truths are versions of what happened that helped the abuser to avoid responsibility in a situation. The liar relies on the fact that they are telling just enough of the truth to seem credible, for example, recounting a disagreement by saying he yelled at me while leaving out the events which led up to the yelling. This omission of important facts paints a picture that is more favorable for the abuser.
Four broken promises this form of lying is difficult for abusers to accept. When confronted, they will attempt to give themselves the benefit of the doubt. An abuser who promises to come by your work party then breaks that promise by refusing to show up at the last minute is a liar. They will try to excuse their actions by claiming that they had a hard day or didn't think you really wanted them to come. Like the white lie, broken promises can make the victim look bad in front of others. Remember, a broken promise is the same as a lie forgetting. Similar to broken promises, claiming to forget a commitment or an obligation, such as, oh, I forgot you wanted me to be home early tonight is manipulation.
It can convince the victim that the abuser made a simple mistake. Constant forgetfulness should not be dismissed.
And then finally, denial.
Liars are so comfortable with telling lies that they will do anything to avoid getting caught or taking responsibility, even if that means flat out denying the truth, no matter how obvious it may be. If someone denies the reality of facts and evidence when presented, they are likely a liar. Remember, emotionally healthy people do not habitually lie, especially concerning relationships with loved ones.
Transparency should be sought after because that's what connects people. A genuinely loving partner, parent, sibling, friend, etcetera, will not continually lie. And that is what divides people and prevents authentic relationships. Any combination and frequency of these types of lies should be noted and addressed.
If this blog helps you see the lies you're facing from a partner or another, maybe a president or any. I did what? I just lost my place here. Anyway, I just thought that was interesting about how lies are mental abuse.
And gosh, I don't know if you saw any use in any of that in your own life, but if you were constantly being lied to, you should make a concerted effort to avoid that liar because they are manipulating you.
My gosh, I just thought of this.
This could be applied to the media and to the left.
Holy cow. Cause black lives, white lives, half truths, broken promises, and I forget that. Did I say that? I don't even know I said that.
Hard to know if that was an abuse site that you were reading from or an internal democratic campaign strategy memo.
Really does describe how the press. Yeah, the press for sure.
Glenn Beck
Yeah, the press. That's the thing. I mean, the one thing about politicians lie. Politicians have always lied, told half truths, et cetera, et cetera. The difference here now is it's not just a politician, it's the entire system around that politician, it's the entire party around that. And then it's the one that is supposed to be your friend.
If you had a friend and you found out they were in cahoots with the abuser, somebody was lying to you and they were telling you it is you, it really is you. No, it's anybody who tells you that he's not a good guy.
I'm telling you right now, they're part of the problem.
You know, they're probably abusive. You need to stay away from them because they'll abuse you.
That's the real problem. Politicians lie all the time. We know that.
And I don't know, there's something about this era that makes it more difficult and the lies, more toward the black lies than the white lies. You know, there is that. I was just listening to somebody, some analysts talking about this and they were talking about it was in the realm of conspiracy theories. And they were saying that a lot of people online that spread conspiracy theories are more capable of doing it because there's so much out there, like they will, they'll make some crazy claim this is going to happen at noon and it doesn't happen. But there's so much other stuff going on, so many other claims that person will wind up reading that day so many other news stories that in three days, they don't necessarily remember the guy who said something was gonna happen at noon and it didn't happen. And so we get, like, immune almost to people making claims and being wrong. We don't discount them anymore. We don't have that same process. You know, I constantly go back and it's this, like, antiquated history, but thinking that, you know, John Kerry arguably lost the election for the claim of, I actually did support the 87 million, billion dollars before I voted against it or whatever that quote was. That was a big part of that because he, it seemed like he was, he just was lying. He, he had this stance and he just wanted to reverse it to win this election. And the american people kind of rose up and were like, that's crazy. We can't vote for a guy who does that. Like, now that's so quaint.
Like saying that you voted for a policy.
Glenn Beck
It is like a covered wagon. Yeah.
It feels like you're on the Oregon trail. Like, you know, it really, it's insane. And I think, like, part of that is like, is what's happening here.
They, the media with, I think in the Trump era in particular, has taken the mask off and said we no longer can be this subtle force leaning on the scale a little bit to push voters toward the thing we want. It's, this is too important. Donald Trump's too evil. Conservatives are too bad. We now have to straight out be activists. We have to be left wing partisan operatives all the time.
And it doesn't matter if we just said Kamala Harris was actually abusive to her staff and couldn't get anything done and failed on the border as the borders are, we now have to just say she was never the border czar and she's wonderful and everyone around her loves her, and this is common lot, and we just have to reverse ourselves and that's it. And we just push through it. And that is a, it is a, it's not that much different in goal, but it is totally different in approach and it's so in our faces. And yet, you know, a good chunk of the american people don't see it because they don't want to see it. They want to believe their side is right. They want to believe their side is just that they're fighting this moral crusade. And so they just go along with it. And I don't know, is it going to work? It didn't work in 2016.
Joe Biden's currently somehow president of the United States. So I guess maybe it did work in 2020.
Does it work again in 2024?
The media did seem to control this election in a way. I didn't think it was possible. They got the. They got the candidate thrown out of the guy who won the primary is no longer the candidate because largely the media decided to become journalists for two weeks.
Glenn Beck
It was a coup.
It was a coup. It was an orchestrated coup.
Glenn Beck
And if they can do whatever they want with the laws and the media and everything else, we know that there's all kinds of plotting and planning. Otherwise, the White House would have said what they were doing to get all new registered voters, which was the first one. I think the first executive order that he signed was an all hands on deck, register voters for the next four years, all government wide, and they won't disclose what that means or what they've been doing, which is an abuse, again, of our money and of our trust.
But they won't abuse that. If they can, uh, fix the election, they will fix the election.
Um, and they will feel justified because the threat is too big. The ends always justify the means.
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You're listening to the best of the Glenn Beck program.
Okay, if you've been watching the news, as Stu and I have been, and as we discussed last hour, the transformation of the media is absolutely astounding how they have gone from we don't like Kamala to she's the greatest is amazing.
There's a video editor, Mays Moore, and he made a montage of the media hating on Kamala Harris. Listen, cut ten, please.
Mays Moore
There are reports that say that you.
Glenn Beck
Have the lowest approval rating of any vice president.
Mays Moore
Well, there are polls that also say I have great approval ratings.
Glenn Beck
Swing voters don't like Harris. How big a drag is Kamala Harris on the ticket? She's a pretty big jag. I think she was arguably Biden's worst political decision.
Mays Moore
They don't like her. There's lots of reasons they don't like her.
Glenn Beck
Kamala Harris approval rating is now at 28%, which is an historic low for any modern vice president. We're hearing it from mainstream media. One outlet after another, one leak after another.
The Kamala Harris is the worst vice president ever. The worst politician ever. We don't see the vice president.
What people are saying to me, and.
I'm sure they're saying it to you.
Glenn Beck
Where is the vice president?
Some White House officials are feeling that.
Glenn Beck
She came off looking unprepared for inevitable questions about when she might visit the southern border.
Mays Moore
We've been to the border.
Glenn Beck
You haven't been to the border, and.
Mays Moore
I haven't been to Europe. And, I mean, I don't understand the point that you're making.
Glenn Beck
The point that Lester Holt was making was obvious to anyone else who was watching this interview, which is that the.
Mays Moore
Issues at the border are inextricably linked.
Glenn Beck
With the portfolio that she's been given.
Mays Moore
The border is secure. We have a secure border. Biodynomics is working.
Prices have gone up, and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more, and we have to understand what that means.
That's about the cost of living going up.
Glenn Beck
He picked Kamala Harris to be his running mate. She was ranked and is ranked as the most liberal senator in the United States Senate. So he could have gone the other way, but he went, he went to the left.
Mays Moore
Joe Biden is running for reelection, and I will be his ticketmate. Full stop. Full stop.
Glenn Beck
Okay. They didn't like her for years. Listen to this from the New York Times.
A comedy critic weighs in on Kamala Harris's laugh.
Kamala Harris has an easy laugh.
To the campaign running against her. This appears to be a vulnerability to exploit. Donald J. Trump jumped on it when unveiling a nickname for her recently, laughing Kamala Harris, adding, you can tell a lot about a laugh. Complications of her guffawing circulated online this week. Opposition research from the National Republican Senatorial Committee included her inappropriate laughter under the subject heading weird.
Well, the first thing to say about this is simply, lol.
Far from a liability, her laugh is one of the most effective weapons.
Only in an era where everything gets politicized would a campaign come out aggressively against a boisterous laugh. What's next? Running against puppies and ice cream?
Laughter transcends party politics, and it's helped the messaging from everyone from Ronald Reagan to John F. Kennedy. And yet, in his bluntly insinuating style, Trump is tapping into something that the traditional image of leadership is more of a stoic face than a happy convulsion.
Now, could you just play some of the things, Sarah, that we have where she's laughing and just tell me if this is an asset or a liability.
Just the school bus thing and anything where she's just in love with it.
I love school buses.
She does love the school buses. Huge fan of school buses. School buses. Venn diagrams.
What was, I could never think of the wording of it, but it's unburdened by what has been unburning, whatever that is, whatever she's been unburdened of.
Mays Moore
You know what also excites me?
Among the many things I'm excited about? Electric school buses.
I love electric school buses.
I just love them for so many reasons. Maybe because I went to school on a school bus.
Raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus. Right through the lens of something I love, which is to always think about complex issues through the frame of a Venn diagram. I love Venn diagrams.
I do. I love Venn diagrams. See, what I'm saying is nerdy. I'm just saying it is the caribbean nations, island nations in the western hemisphere. That is where the Caribbean is. We are also in the western hemisphere. They are our neighbors.
Glenn Beck
Mays Moore
So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong.
But inspired by also our collective ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been.
Glenn Beck
Okay, there's a lot here.
Only in an era where everything gets politicized would a campaign come out aggressively against laughter. We've been here before. The last time a woman let a presidential ticket, Hillary Clinton's laugh was criticized and also called weird. I, there was a suggestion that it made her seem inauthentic. Made her seem into inauthentic. She is inauthentic, which is a bizarre point, since genuine laughter is, if not involuntary, then very hard to fake. Lenny Bruce once dared a crowd to try it four times in an hour. Calling women overly emotional or hysterical is a sexist trope. Have you heard anybody call her emotion overly emotional or hysterical because of her laughs?
Still, I I have not heard that. No. Insane.
Glenn Beck
And there's a lot of that. There's a long history of positioning laughter in opposition to reason. Plato warned against the love of laughter, suggesting it indicates a loss of control.
Ever alert to the theater of power, Trump rarely laughs. Watching interviews with both candidates, it's clear there's a sizable disparity in laughter.
Trump scoffs and occasionally smirks, which can be a cloud, a crowd pleaser. But chuckling just isn't his thing. On talk shows, Harris does it to deflect and connect, to establish intimacy, but also to underline the absurdity of something like school buses. And it's most effusive. Her laugh can draw attention to itself, and taken out of context, it can seem as if she's the only one in on the joke. Harris has said she got her guffaw from her mother, but that's not only her laugh. In her debut campaign speech, she even got a big response for muffling a Snicker after saying that her past, her mother would say or no in her past that she had taken on perpetrators of all kinds. This hint of a laugh set ups her most successful stump line so far. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type.
The case of laughing. The case of laughing is that it makes a leader come off less serious. This rests on a common misunderstanding that laughter is primarily a response to something funny. Research over the past few decades has backed up what philosophers have said for over a century, which is that laughter is inherently social, more about relationships and communications than jokes. Try to recall the last time you laughed alone. Well, it was about an hour ago. When I read this story for the first time, Shakespeare was fascinated by performance of leadership. He goes into Henry the fourth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Properly utilized, laughter, a wildly flexible form of communication, can do more than any argument. People cite Ronald Reagan, saying, there you go again to Jimmy Carter as a memorial, as a memorable moment after their second presidential debate in 1980. But what they mention less often is that he introduces the line with a chuckle.
Harris does something similar in her now viral line, quoting her mother, saying, you, think you just fell out of a coconut tree.
Imagine her trying to say that without following it up with a booming laugh. The line becomes harsher. In letting loose a guffaw, she displays affection mixed with a wry ribbing.
It goes on and on and on in the New York Times. But most laughter in the real world is not callous but connective, not exclusionary, but unifying. Laughter can also communicate nervousness, but it can also calm it. A traditional image of a leader might not be a mouth agape, but we do not live in the conventional time. Donald Trump is evidence. Whatever you think about Kid rock and Hulk Hogan at the republican convention, their appearances are a testament to the importance of a good time in politics. Democrats have often ceded this territory in recent years, and that can carry a cost as much as not appearing presidential. So what does a laugh say about a person?
That she's human in a divided country. It's something we all do and enjoy. And as anyone who has hung out with friends late into the night knows, it's contagious. That's a powerful political tool.
As the poet Ella Wilcox wrote, laugh and the world laughs with you.
That is the. That is a Kamala Harris level column.
It is.
That column is equivalent to her vice presidency.
It is a just catastrophic bore, guys. So who is there a person who would like that column? I mean, I don't care. Care of. You're the biggest Kamala Harris supporter in the world. Are you looking at that being like, this is a really good piece of analysis on this. I'm glad they broke down our laugh.
Is there anyone in the world who thinks this.
Glenn Beck
Think that this probably had to be assigned by an editor.
So somebody was looking at all the things that they were saying about her. Yeah. Okay. Debunk that. She was the border czar. Make sure that you get on that. She wasn't, you know, as crazy leftist as everybody thinks she was. And they keep talking about her laugh. Who can do something on her laugh?
I mean, this is just it. The New York Times has become talking points.
They're defending her laugh.
It's professor comfortable with that laugh. I don't think she's even comfortable with that laugh. It seems like it's so staged and inauthentic.
Yeah. And I'll say, too, like, I don't know if we're now breaking down her laugh. And I realize the somewhat irony of that at this point, but, like, I think it's not even her laugh. It's how absurd the laugh is timing wise. Like, it occurs at times when you're not supposed to laugh like, I don't think her laugh in and of itself is the problem. The problem is she'll say something like, I love school buses.
Just like, wait a minute. That's not how humans interact.
It feels alien. She laughs at times when there's no jokes, and she laughs hard, like it's the funniest thing in the world. And it seems more like something she's doing to cover up the awkwardness of what she. Of what she said or to delay so that she can try to figure out what she's supposed to say next. Like, she uses as a tactic to give herself time to think of something to say when in a difficult moment. I mean, she does it a lot in those interviews, those calm interviews where someone says, like, well, you know, you. By the way, the border czar thing, that doesn't seem to be working out well. Yeah.
And it's like, as a response to delay an awkward moment or to just, like, push her through something she's saying that doesn't make any sense. It's not like the laugh itself is particularly offensive. It's how she uses it.
Glenn Beck
This weekend, I was just tracking how the media is just erasing things from history. Just erasing them and completely erasing their own fingerprints on all of it.
And this is one of the stories that came up was this laughter thing. And I thought, you know, we just need to show people it's not about her laugh. This is. This is about not her. This story is about the media, the links that they will go to. What I mean, it is. Everyone is on deck carrying water for Kamala Harris right now.
We need to remind you what they're erasing, because that's the important stuff in this election, the best of the Glenn Beck program.
Okay, stu, what have you seen? Because you didn't watch it. What have you seen?
A bunch of stuff I wish I hadn't seen.
Glenn Beck
Yeah. Okay.
You know, dudes with beards doing a lot of dancing, a recreation of the last Supper with genitals flopping out of under shorts.
You know, I was all stuff that I. I mean, I guess there were some sporting events as well, tied to the tide of this in some way.
Glenn Beck
I haven't seen anything about those sporting events.
It was. It was disgusting.
Glenn Beck
Okay. So here's what's being said.
What's being said is there's a gold. There was a golden calf on the main stage and no explanation of it.
There was a recreation of the.
Of the last Supper.
And people have been saying that wasn't a representation of the last Supper. But even the director, the guy who was the artistic director for the whole thing, said, I'm not the first one to use that image and to change it. I mean, the Simpsons have done it. Everybody has done it. Well, okay, so now we know that that was the last Supper.
Then there was this picture of. Of this. Of this woman with her head chopped off, and it was a very fire and brimstone kind of thing. But that was about the French Revolution.
Then there was a really interesting party that went on that seemed, I don't know, kind of pagan, but that was the point, they say. And then there was a pale rider, a rider that was dressed and carrying the Olympic flag, and he was on a pale horse, and he was dressed in pale armor, and he was riding the horse on the Seine.
Now, let me tell you that. Let me first give a review of the opening.
Celine Dion ended everything, and it was one of the most powerful moments I've ever seen.
She sang, I don't know, some frenchy french song about, you know, if you only love me right now, that'll be fine, whatever.
But it was powerful, and it was powerful because she conquered all odds. She was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome, where your body just stiffens up and you can't move it. And she was incredible.
And they had her on the second level of the Eiffel Tower. They used the Eiffel Tower as a back, as a backdrop for much of this. And it.
I've never seen the Olympics ever. I've never seen anybody do anything like what they did in Paris and making the entire city a stage.
It was beautiful, powerful. Cost them $150 million. So if it wasn't beautiful and crazy outrageous in a good way, you would wonder what they did with $150 million. But I kept saying all the way through it, I cannot imagine what this cost to put on. I'm surprised it was only $150 million.
Now, let's take the imagery, and let's take it two ways.
Let's take it as what the Olympic committee said it was, that that rider in the horse is the, I don't know, the God of the Seine river, that this was all about the history of France, which it was.
And it had nothing to do with mocking Christianity.
Well, I would say that you could read it that way. Absolutely. Like the horse. You could read it as the pale rider, or you could read it, as, you know, the spirit of the Seine. Fine. And I'm not going to argue about that. You could read it either way.
But there are some things here that you cannot read any other way.
One, the golden calf on the main stage, facing the Eiffel Tower, there was a golden bust of the bull, and then there was the golden calf beneath that. It was never mentioned.
If you watched the segment with the Lord's supper, it only was on the frame for. On the. On the tv for about two or 3 seconds.
Now, I want to show you that it's not just christians in America and conservatives that are all upset. Could you please play the video that we got from. I don't remember what, one of the social services where they're in France and they're watching it, and these are french people watching that scene. Watch.
Hands on their faces now. Head in the hands.
So even they were a little shocked by it. Maybe they thought it funny, but their expressions show that they were also kind of embarrassed that that would be happening. The.
The announcers never said anything about even that being a table other than the Runway is. Has been fashioned from a banquet table.
And then they passed over that scene. Well, that scene was carefully constructed to look like the Last Supper. There's no way you can deny that. The positions and everything else, however, it's all drag queens. So all of the apostles are a drag queen, and Jesus is a fat lesbian.
And there was a child at the table. And if you look at a screen grab, you can see the man behind her. His testicles are escaping and wandering about.
It was.
It was truly horrifying. If you look at it as the Last Supper, it is mocking God. And as I said last week, we are no longer chasing God out of the public square. That's been done long ago. We are now taking him, bound and gagged to our public square, tying him to a pole and mocking him every day. That doesn't end well for any civilization.
I don't believe that everybody had, you know, had seen this. The director kept a lot of it secret, so nobody knew what everything meant or why it was done. But that was clearly done, as were the golden calf. To say that this is a pagan ritual.
Now, the guy, the little blue guy, is the.
Is the God of wine. He is also the God of the theater. Eventually, I think it's Dionysus.
Dionysus. Dionysus is the greek God of wine, which goes into France, but also of this.
Of ecstasy. And they used to have rituals, this cult gathered around him.
And it was a festival which has said that this is what this festival was supposed to represent, which was really decadent and evil. Let's just be honest about it. It was just evil the way it happened. In fact, it was so evil that in 186 BCE, the Italians banned this God and that festival. It was not good.
So you can't just say that this is something that is, you know, oh, well, this is just the God of wine.
He's also the God of ecstasy, and ecstasy without any shame.
He is also the God that you would see on old theater marquees with the grapes over his head. He's also the goddess God of the pagan theater.
So he comes out to be served and they have an orgy while there is a fashion show that was going on with men in dresses. And it was just all gender bender. It was basically that whole scene and much of the night was, we reject all the norms of God.
We. We object and will mock everything that people say is.
Is good, and we will mock those who are offended by this.
I believe this was some sort of an. I'd have to talk to Rabbi Daniel Lapin to find out, but I'd like to hear his opinion on this because I think that this was a pagan ritual that we just don't understand because we're too far away from it. But this is a gauntlet thrown down in France. Now, now, why would you do this?
People would say, and I've heard them say, why would they do this to all the christians of the world? There's almost, you know, 2 billion christians in the world. Yeah, but if your country was being taken over, bye, Islamicists.
And they were already on the streets saying, how decadent and perverse of a society you are, why would you put that on full display?
This was a gauntlet that was thrown down, and I don't think it's going to end well.
So congratulations, Celine Dion, for taking that $8 million to stand up and sing. You were amazing.
But the rest of it was highly, highly disturbing.
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