6/10/24: MAGA mad about good jobs report, Trump turns on his voters at sick rally
Primary Topic
This episode critically examines reactions to a positive jobs report and President Trump's rhetoric and actions towards his supporters.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- MAGA supporters and some conservative media outlets are politicizing positive economic news to undermine the current administration.
- Trump's rally behavior displays a stark disregard for the physical well-being and dignity of his supporters.
- The episode underscores the ongoing struggle between factual economic indicators and political narratives crafted to sway public perception.
- It highlights the hypocrisy in political claims about economic management based on partisan lines.
- The manipulation of economic data and events for political gain is a central theme, with broader implications for democratic engagement and public trust.
Episode Chapters
1: Opening Remarks
David Pakman discusses the strong jobs report and the negative reactions from MAGA supporters and conservative media, emphasizing the political motivations behind denying economic successes. David Pakman: "When you see job creation exceed expectations and a sustained low unemployment rate, it's something to be happy about."
2: MAGA's Reaction
The discussion shifts to how MAGA-aligned media and personalities respond to the jobs report, illustrating their reluctance to acknowledge any positive developments under Biden. David Pakman: "MAGA is desperate to destroy Biden's economy or pretend it's no good."
3: Trump's Rally Incident
Pakman analyzes an incident at a Trump rally where the former president mocks the hardship of his audience, highlighting his lack of empathy and the cult-like support he still commands. David Pakman: "Trump doesn't care about you or your family, he cares about what is best for him."
Actionable Advice
- Critically Evaluate Sources: Always cross-check economic data and news from multiple sources to avoid biased interpretations.
- Stay Informed on Economic Indicators: Understanding the basics of economic indicators can help you form your own opinions about the state of the economy.
- Recognize Political Spin: Be aware of how political affiliations can color interpretations of factual data.
- Engage in Civil Discourse: Discuss economic and political issues with people of differing viewpoints to broaden your understanding.
- Vote Informed: Use your understanding of economic performance and political integrity to inform your voting decisions.
About This Episode
-- On the Show:
-- Fox News hosts are devastated by the strong jobs report under the Biden administration, but they shouldn't be surprised by it
-- A desperate Donald Trump and his friends fall for an obvious, quickly debunked hoax about someone claiming know the Trump verdict in advance
-- Failed former President Donald Trump turns on his own supporters at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada that was so hot, ambulances were taking dozens of attendees to the hospital
-- Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene's brain fails during the Las Vegas Trump rally on the topic of gas and electric vehicles
-- Bloodthirsty Trumpists demand the imprisonment of President Joe Biden during interviews at Donald Trump's rally in Las Vegas, Nevada
-- Dr. Phil McGraw does maybe the most disgusting, suck-up, brown-nosing interview of Donald Trump that we've ever seen
-- David appears on the Piers Morgan program alongside Benny Johnson, Alan Dershowitz, and Nomiki Konst, and it quickly goes off the rails
-- David attends a drag show and quickly learns right wingers have been lying about drag shows
-- David's interview with MAGA candidate Royce White leads to an influx of new Members
-- On the Bonus Show: Texas asks people to avoid using their cars, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones agrees to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families, SCOTUS decision on Trump's immunity is imminent, much more...
Donald Trump, Maria Bartiromo, Nancy Lazar
Fox News, CNBC, Newsmax
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Speaker A
Welcome, everybody. Hope you had a good weekend. One of the nice things we got going into the weekend was another very strong jobs report. And when you see job creation exceed expectations, and when you see a sustained low unemployment rate, if you're rooting for the country, if you're rooting for workers, if you're rooting for small businesses and the people, you would be happy about such news, you would say, oh, I'm on the side of my country and the people who work here. And therefore, when job creation is strong, when unemployment is low, it's something to be happy about. I know this would be sort of like a weird introduction to a story. If there were not a group of people actively rooting for the country's demise, or when they can no longer do that because it's so obvious the economy looks pretty good, they start taking credit for it, despite the fact that they are not in power. And this is much of what we see from the modern Republican Party and particularly from the MAgA, right, which is desperate to either destroy Biden's economy, pretend it's no good, or say it's only good because of the expectation that Donald Trump is ultimately going to become president. And that's why people are hiring. Can you imagine what I mean? Listen, I'm a business owner.
What on earth would lead me to hire someone today?
Because I think that seven months from now, Trump might be inaugurated. Even if I believed that Trump being inaugurated would do something to the economy that would then help my business in some way and I would need more people, why would I be hiring people now? Because of that. It just doesn't make any sense. And so here's a few examples. Here is Fox News and others. They either laugh about the reports or they seem almost like they're announcing the death of someone. Let's look at a couple of examples of this. This is something, 272,000.
Nancy Lazar was right. She was right.
272,000, everybody. The estimate was 185,000. And by the way, that blows even the top of the range from economists going in. The range was 120 to 258. And we came in at 272. And as you can see there, Maria Bartiromo sort of amused, like maybe I believe these numbers, but certainly not something she's particularly thrilled with. Here's another one from Fox News. They sound almost like funeral announcements. All this considering the much larger than expected maid jobs report we got this morning. You know, all the Ivy League trained economists out there predicted a gain of 185,000 non farm payrolls during the month. Instead, the economy added 272,000.
Not any mention of the fact that this is continued year over year. Strong economy, the likes of which presidents usually get rewarded with reelection when they oversee. Now for a comparison, here's like a more normal reaction for CNBC. From CNBC to good numbers for workers in your country.
Speaker B
Right. We should all be happy that we've got a strong economy.
You know, I know, I know. You were just mentioning there's two schools of thought. Is it the strong economy school or we have to have lower interest rates for the market to go, go higher? I'll always take a strong economy. At the end of the day, it's all about the economy. It's all about GDP growth, GDP, corporate earnings, the health of the consumer. That's going to win out all of the time in the long run. So the health of the economy is more important if you look at where the jobs are being created. We're in the same big categories where the government came back to be a big hire again.
Healthcare. Healthcare and our favorite, travel and leisure. You know, businesses are renormalizing. We see it all the time.
People are traveling for a business. It's no longer just personal travel as.
Speaker A
We, it's what it is. And even Newsmax had to admit, damn, this actually does seem pretty good. Well, it's important to take a big picture view here.
Speaker B
And if you zoom out to what the economy looked at, just, it looked like just prior to the pandemic, you'll.
Speaker A
See that about 81% of Americans age.
Speaker B
25 to 54, that is prime age Americans, were working. Basically no change today. Today also, around 81% of prime age workers working. And so this, this one month looks very strong.
It looks like the economy is doing really, really well.
Speaker A
Now, they still put up something on the screen called the buy Biden misery index. And there's still bigger picture going to try to talk about how the economy is no good. But even on Newsmax, they have to acknowledge, damn, I mean, this month at least looks pretty good. One of the greatest ruses that the american right wing has successfully pulled on the american people is that they've spent 30 years, 40 years even telling us they are the party of the job growth and the business environment that's favorable and economic expansion. And the truth is, they are the party of subpar growth. Look at any metric. Democratic presidents on average have seen 164,000 new jobs per month. On the other hand, Republicans, 61,160, 4000 jobs a month versus 61,000 when Democrats versus Republicans or presidents say, oh, well, it has to do with all these other things well, still, for all of their claims that democratic presidents destroy the economy on jobs numbers, Democrats double Republicans. Democratic average unemployment goes down 0.8%. When a Democrat is president. Under Republicans, unemployment goes up 1.1 percentage points. I should, we're talking about percentage points here, not percent. Down 0.8 percentage points. Under Democrats unemployment, unemployment up 1.1 percentage points. Under republican presidents, real GDP growth, okay? When you've got a democratic president, 4.2% a year. When you've got a republican president, 2.3% a year, significant difference. And if you look at the stock market, which now we're getting a little bit away from jobs, but it is related, s and P 500 returns dating back to 1945, when you've got a democratic president, about 11% a year, and when you have a republican president, 6.5% a year, these are very long term numbers at this point in time.
Different types of Democrats, different types of Republicans. Is the country at war? Is the country not at war? Is there a broader global calamity or not?
We look at a sampling, the longer the better. And the numbers are very clear. And it is a sad thing for Fox News. I almost start to wonder, whose side are they on? Are they on the side of the country and the workers? Or are they simply on the side of MAga and the Republican Party? It's getting pretty damn clear.
Late last week, a completely obvious hoax broke, which led to many on the right to demand a mistrial in the conviction of failed former President Donald Trump. What was it that happened? What happened that caused this?
Some random guy posted on the court's Facebook page that his cousin is on the jury and they've decided that they're going to convict Donald Trump.
If it were true, if it were true that someone's cousin on the jury leaked the verdict to them in advance, that would be a major, major problem.
The only issue is that it was completely fabricated and made up and so many right wingers fell for it. Patrick Bette David fell for it and tweeted out, if you ever get jury duty, don't tell your cousin about the verdict the day before it's announced, especially on Facebook. Double dumb.
It was just a joke.
Mike Lee, the congressman, we should all have t shirts printed. My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. And thank you, folks, for all your hard work. It was a hoax.
Mark Levin, considered a great legal scholar by Donald Trump, responds to a Fox News article about this by saying, surprise, surprise. Crooked juror in Trump case. How many more? The reality of course, is that none of this was true. We figured this out well before Sean Hannity went to air. But Sean Hannity still choosing to talk about it like it's a real story.
Speaker C
And earlier tonight, this is huge. Judge Mershad from the Trump trial sent a letter to lawyers on both sides in that, in that case, letting them know that before the verdict was announced, a Facebook user believe the day before the verdict left a comment on one of the state court systems posts writing, quote, my cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Okay, was the fix him from the beginning? Is this cause for a mistrial?
Speaker A
And of course, Donald Trump jumping all over the mistrial train as well. However, it's all bogus. Anybody can go on Facebook and post that. Anybody can do it. The post has since been deleted. But the individual who posted this, Michael Anderson, if you look at his, I believe now he's gone private on all of his Facebook stuff. But if you looked at it at the time, you see that he regularly just posts nonsense all over the Internet. This is sometimes called s posting, s h I t posting. And he actually posted when people started going after him and saying, you've caused a mistrial, you're going to cause a mistrial. He said, take it easy. I'm a professional. S poster. In Internet culture, s posting, or trash posting, is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality. S posts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. It may even sometimes be orchestrated as part of a coordinated flame war to render a website unusable by regular visitors. It was just a hoax and they all fell for it. And, you know, when I first saw the story, and maybe, you know, maybe there's something useful here for people in general, like how should we react, react when we see such a story.
My immediate questions were, who is this guy? Was this actually posted before the verdict? Because you could also post something like this after the verdict. It was posted before the verdict, but that would be one question. Is it even true that this was posted before the verdict?
Who is the individual in question? Do they really have a cousin on the jury? And is any of this even real? Or passing the sniff test? And if you clicked on the guy's Facebook profile to any sort of normal, well adjusted person who understands kind of how to read, you would realize something is weird about this. This doesn't really make any sense. It's not sounding like this is really a guy with a cousin on the jury. And of course, it was not. And Trump's out there demanding a mistrial and Hannity's out there demanding a mistrial. And it is all complete and total nonsense. So buyer beware. I know that it's very exciting when you find something that you think is useful to you. If you've been saying, this conviction is so unfair, we've got to find some way to get Trump out of this. And all of a sudden something pops up and you go, oh, there's the cause for a mistrial, maybe before jumping all over social media and posting about it. And this includes, if you're Trump talking about a mistrial, maybe wait to figure out whether it's a hoax. And you've been had, as so many of these right wingers were before, demanding the mistrial. So certainly a lesson in Internet trolling, to say the least. Let's take a very quick break. Make sure you're subscribed to our YouTube channel, YouTube.com. the David Pakman Show. I have a very, very important announcement, significant announcement about the future of the David Pakman show coming up later this week. Sort of an existential announcement, for lack of a better term.
I think some people, some people will like it. Some people are definitely going to be upset. But we've got a big announcement coming up this week.
Hope you'll subscribe to us on YouTube. We'll hear from a sponsor or two, and then the Monday show will continue.
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I'll tell you about it. It's pretty interesting, but you can get all the great perks, including the world famous bonus show at join Pakman.com. donald Trump held a rally in absolutely blazing heat in Las Vegas, Nevada, just days after 50 heat related hospitalizations at his rally in Phoenix, Arizona. Remember, the reason he did the Phoenix rally midday is he had to get up to Silicon Valley for a high priced fundraiser later at night. Donald Trump choosing to hold a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, where temperatures were well over 100 and it was a disaster before the rally even started and Trump turned on his voters. We'll get to that in a moment. We had reports of dozens of medical patients and multiple transports to local hospitals. A hundred people became so overwhelmed by the heat that they had to go to these medical cooling tents that they had set up. And this part of the story, barely even getting any corporate media attention. And it's all with Trump not mentioning the people from Phoenix. Didn't go to the hospital to see them and thank them for the support. Nope. He just flew off on his private jet to Silicon Valley after the Phoenix rally and the exact same thing happening in Vegas. And you know what? Trump doesn't care about his voters. He even said it during this rally. Listen to this.
Speaker C
By the way, is that breeze nice? Do you feel the breeze?
Because I don't want anybody going. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care.
See, now the, the press will take that and they'll say he said a horrible thing.
Speaker A
Well, it's the truth. Trump really doesn't care about you or your family or your community or the Constitution if it's inconvenient, or the rule of law if it's inconvenient. He cares about what is best for him. And I know that Trump is framing it as a ch, as a joke, except Trump has no real sense of humor, so the degree to which he's ever joking is a question mark. But we know that this is true. He doesn't care about people who can't afford it donating money to him as long as they do. He doesn't care about people dropping like flies in the heat, as long as they make it there in order to let him inflate the size of the crowd. And this was one of the most disastrous rallies Trump has ever done. Glitching numerous times, time and time again, and the crowd increasingly confused by it.
Speaker C
And no, third, I tell you what.
Speaker A
And no, I'll tell you what.
What was he trying to say there?
Speaker C
And no, third, I tell you what.
Speaker A
Oh, I think he was maybe going for third world country there. Is that maybe what he was going for there. Trump said that he's the guy who's really suffering from the heat.
Speaker C
We don't have enough time. And now, by the way, it's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me. Right?
So we'll stay out here for a little while.
If anybody gets tired, you let me know.
And if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people, they'll pick you up right away. They'll throw water.
You know, they were so worried. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you. And they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog.
Secret Service said, we have to make sure everyone's safe. I said, what about me? Oh, we never thought of now again.
Speaker A
Hey, guys, Trump's joking. But this is the truth. All this focus on the dozens of people that went down like flies because of the heat. Possible heat stroke, hospitalized. But I'm up here sweating like a dog, and nobody's talking about me.
It all needs to be about me.
Speaker C
I did everything right. And they indicted me.
Speaker A
At least the indictment was all about Trump. Trump, Trump. Also coming up with the term Hispanic in Hispanic. In not Hispanic, not Hispanic American, but Hispanic. And speaker one.
Speaker C
Out war on the workers of America, especially African Americans. And Hispanic. And Hispanic Americans. And African Americans.
Speaker A
I kind of like that. I do consider myself hispanic. And if I'm totally upfront, right? Because as you know, I came here from Argentina, where they're speaking languages no one's ever heard of. According to Donald Trump, Trump did rant about batteries and shark attacks. And I dare you, I dare you to make sense of what Trump is saying here, speaker one.
Speaker C
And it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT, very smart. He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight?
Speaker A
Speaker C
And you're in the boat and you have, you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater.
Speaker A
I think this is an attack on electric cars, but I'm not totally sure.
Speaker C
And there's a shark that's approximately ten yards over there. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. Did you notice that? A lot of sharks.
Speaker A
I watched some guys justify because of sleepy Joe.
Speaker C
Yeah. Today. Well, they weren't really that angry. They bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what, who she was. These people are great.
He said, there's no problem with sharks. They just didn't really understand a young woman swimming. Now it really got decimated in other people. To a lot of shark attacks, they said.
Speaker A
Yep. So anyway, RNC research is very quickly scrambling to doctor more videos of Joe Biden to draw attention away from this rally where, I mean, listen, maybe Trump was experiencing heatstroke during this rally. And that explains this. Trump ranting about electric vehicles. And at this point, the crowd is asleep. They're just, you are going to hear, you could hear a pin drop as Trump rants about electric vehicles.
Speaker C
And you have to get charges. There are no charges. The whole thing is, it's the kind of thing that if your five year old grandson were sitting up here and you gave him a quiz, he would say, don't bother with the electric. There's another thing. The truck is so heavy because batteries are very heavy. The truck weighs more than twice as much as a gasoline truck. So what happens? A diesel. So what happens is they have to fix every bridge all over the United States to handle the weight. Every bridge has to be, we kind.
Speaker A
Of have to fix the fit, fix those bridges anyway, built because the weight.
Speaker C
Is double and triple that of a gasoline or diesel tank truck. And you say to you yourself, who are these people that are destroying our country?
Speaker A
The crowd is silent. They're like, I'm in direct sunlight in 110 degrees.
It is way too hot for Trump's rants about electric vehicles. Now, as you know, Trump and MAGA frame themselves as being for law and order. And here Donald Trump refers to the alleged and also convicted criminals from the January 6 riots as warriors and victims. That's not how I remember January 6.
Speaker C
But those J six warriors, they were warriors, but they were really, more than anything else, they're victims of what happened. All they were doing is protesting a rigged election. That's what they were doing, right? And then the police say, go in, go in.
Speaker A
So Trump once again defending the criminal rioters from January 6, while simultaneously saying he is the law and order president. Now, a lot of people just bailed on this. Here's really funny video.
This is from Hal Sparks, and this is within five minutes of the speech starting. And people are just leaving. People with broken arms, people with walkers, people who, quite frankly, they really probably shouldn't have been out there in the first place in 110 degree heat. They're just, they're just leaving. Everybody's heading out. And you can hear Trump speaking in the background.
Speaker C
It's so much easier. The only one that can't wait to tell the project is.
Speaker A
Someone with a baby. I mean, what are you, what are you doing with a baby with no clothes in the 110 degree heat to listen to failed president, convicted felon Donald Trump. It's all disgusting. And Trump turned on his own followers during the rally. Now, if you thought all of this was bad, just wait to hear what Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to say when she got up to speak.
A radical, repugnant, reactionary, and very rancid, Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at the Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. As she was speaking, dozens of people were fainting due to the hundred plus degree heat to which they were exposed for hours as they waited for the real American, Donald Trump, to fly, fly in on his private jet. Marjorie Taylor Greene complained, if you think gas prices are high now, wait until you start driving an electric vehicle, which is a really weird thing to say, since if you drive an electric vehicle, you no longer need to buy gas. And you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you're forced to drive an electric vehicle.
Exactly right.
Anyway, so, you know, if you get an electric vehicle, you can stop worrying about gas prices. Not 100%. A lot of the stuff you buy will still come on a truck that either uses gas or diesel. So just getting an electric vehicle doesn't make you not care at all about gas prices. But I will tell you, I drive an electric vehicle. I couldn't tell you what gas prices are in my neighborhood. Like, I assume around 350, but I really just don't know. And it is a great thing to be able to get away from being dependent on gasoline. And they talk about, oh, well, you know, the Saudis can manipulate and then the strategic petroleum reserve get away from all of it. And of course, there's no plan to force anyone to, to drive an electric vehicle, but eventually, new gas powered vehicles will be phased out because they kind of don't make any sense to drive around pumping toxic fumes just into the air. It's nuts. And I'm convinced that some number of years from now, we'll look back at this and be like, what the hell were we doing? This doesn't even, doesn't even make any sense. Now, let me just make a more general point, because what she's getting to here is inflation. Oh, gas prices are so high. It's so high. It's so high. Under Biden, inflation has been the consistently the lowest of all of the western richer sort of countries in the United States. If you look at the US and the countries we consider our cohorts or contemporaries, inflation has been lowest here since the pandemic high. And critically, Donald Trump has articulated no plan to deal with it.
I actually tweeted about this for the people voting Trump because of Biden's inflation. Can you account for number one? Number one, why us inflation post pandemic is lowest among western rich countries and to what Trump's plan is to lower inflation. And three, how low you want it, since it's already at the economically desirable 3%. Some of the responses I've gotten to that tweet are absolutely bonkers. And we're going to look at some of them tomorrow because I did try to engage with, with people. One other thing from Marjorie Taylor Greene's speech. She is now equating Trump to Jesus by saying, okay, Trump's now a convicted felon. Well, so was Jesus. The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about, oh, President Trump is a convicted felon.
What you want to know, speaker one? Why does she say constantly, like, why can't she say any word correctly? Something the man that I worship is also a convicted felon.
Yeah. And he was murdered on a roman cross.
All right, so now that is the latest way that they are lung likening Trump to Jesus Christ himself.
And that is the final nail in the coffin of the case that we've been making, that this is a complete and total, and by the way, a very dangerous and depraved cult. We are going to take a super quick break.
And then afterwards, we, we've heard from Trump, we've heard from Marjorie Trader Green, and then we're going to hear from some of the bloodthirsty rally goers, and those may be the most, most vile of any of them. So stay with me.
We'll be back right after this.
Let's say you want to figure out if Trump did use a nazi slogan in a campaign video or if it's just a misunderstanding. Ground News is an app and website that gathers news stories from across the world and political spectrum so you can decide for yourself. It's a great tool. I'm happy to be partnering with them for this video. Yes, Trump did in fact use a nazi slogan in a campaign video he posted, and then he deleted it. On ground news, I can access almost 200 articles covering the story and see that only 17% of those are right leaning. No surprise there. Comparing coverage is interesting. Some sources on the left reference his language comparing him to Hitler, while on the right, RT highlights his explanation of the video, and Israel's Arut Sheva highlights that he deleted it. The ground news blind spots feature will highlight stories like this that are disproportionately covered by either political side. So you are guaranteed to see the full picture. Sign up through my link for 40% off their Vantage subscription, which gives you access to all of their features. Go to Ground dot news slash Pacman. The link is in the podcast notes.
So we've heard from Donald Trump in Vegas. We heard from Marjorie Taylor Greene. We're now going to hear from some of the rally goers. And for anybody who might be confused and think, oh, even if Trump thinks that, oh, he's going to jail Biden, none of his followers want that. These are law and order people. Now, if January 6, 2021, didn't prove to you that these are very much not law and order people, this video clip will right side broadcasting real America's voice and other shows were out there interviewing folks before the Trump rally, and they found a crowd, crowd that says one of the first things that Trump should do if he becomes president is put Biden directly in jail.
Speaker D
What should he do on day one of this next administration?
Speaker A
I think we had a jail of Brandon.
Brandon, you got a jail, Brandon?
Speaker C
Yeah. And I would say get, get Joe what he needs, getting in a nice facility, you know, a nice retirement village. Basically.
Speaker A
We're going to, yeah, jail Joe Biden. Now, a logical follow up, because, listen, this is a, this is the great Brian Glenn. He's Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend. He's doing interviews that he wants us to believe. Our serious interviews, as funny as that, is a sort of natural follow up would be. Got it. In this country, we jail people after they've been convicted. But what is the crime for which you would like to see Joe Biden convicted? It's such a simple question, but it's such a tough question for many of these people who would be completely unable to actually tell you what the crime is. And then we might have follow up questions like, does due process matter? Does a trial matter?
Is it relevant whether the person has actually done something wrong? And do we need an investigation? Little things like that, right? Just small little things like that. There was a woman interviewed. She was at the rally, remember, 100 plus degree weather, dozens of people dropping like flies, some having to be hospitalized, no shade.
And she says she supports Trump because it's what's best for the kids.
Forget about a Trump presidency. Even going to a Trump rally in the desert with 100 degree heat isn't what's best for your kids. Never mind if Trump becomes president. But here she is.
Speaker E
We're trying to go ahead and make, you know, all the LGBTQ stuff normal. I don't like that they try to push it into the schools. I really don't like that. And us as parents, we just. We want what's best for our kids. And we know voting for Trump will be a good start.
Speaker A
Yeah. Something makes me think she's not that concerned with her kids if she has them with no shade in hundred plus degree weather. Now, let me ask you another question.
We know about the heat related illness.
You think everybody there put sunscreen on? I mean, serious question. Do you think that after this rally, you have folks turning up by the dozens who were there at ers with serious sunburns? Or, like, are they even smart enough to realize you need sunscreen to be out for 8 hours with nothing but fetid sanicans and Porta potties rather than shade, waiting for Trump to fly in on his private jet, do they even know to put sunscreen on? Now, one of the other things I want to mention here is at the beginning, she said something about LGBT. I want to play that again.
Speaker E
Trying to go ahead and make, you know, all the LGBTQ stuff normal. I don't like that they try to push it into the schools.
Speaker A
They're trying to push the lgbt stuff into the schools. If I were interviewing her and I was trying to do a serious interview, which Brian Glenn is not trying to do, he just nods along. Right? Like a ventriloquist doll. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I would say, ah, beautiful. Tell me, what is the lgbt stuff and how are they trying to push it in schools? Because what you would often get to is, well, I heard that in fourth grade, they read a book where a character has two moms, and then you would be there waiting. It would be a pregnant pause waiting for the payoff. Okay, and what is it that they've done that's so terrible? And that would be it. Or they might not even have that. That would be if these were being handled as real interviews, which they very much are not. And then they did find one smart guy at the Trump rally who said, it's just too hot. I'm going to get the hell out of here. Speaker one, sir, let me know. Tell us, tell our audience what your name is and how are you doing today?
Speaker B
I'm Chris. I'm from the PAA podcast. I'm very, very hot. I was planning on staying out here for 8 hours, and I don't think I'm gonna do it. I'm live streaming, but I'm gonna go around and say hi to people, people. And then just boogie, I think is nasty out here.
Speaker A
Yep, exactly. Nobody should be there. This is a rally that the rally should have been aborted at conception, quite frankly, at the moment someone conceived, hey, what about a rally in Vegas in June?
Outdoors thoughts, middle of the day at that point, they should have aborted the idea. That's my view on it. And very, very dangerous to your health to go to these rallies. All right. Doctor Phil McGraw did a record setting, suck up interview with convicted felon Donald Trump. I do not believe it is even conceivably possible to do a more sycophantic, brown nosing, down on your knees cult interview than what Doctor Phil did to Donald Trump. And I want to remind you before we watch the clips from the interview with Doctor Phil. Doctor Phil was on this show recently, and he tried to deny to me that he's a political actor, that he's a right winger. He's like, no, no, no, no, no.
I look at things from a psychosocial view. He tried to. And listen, I knew, right? And we exposed him. I knew this guy was just covering and was a right wing actor. But remember what he told me about politics? You know, I'm very interested to speak to you today because in preparation for our interview, I've been watching some of the Fox News appearances, looking at the book, et cetera. I never really saw you as a guy who delved into political issues, per se.
You seem more willing, interested, and I must say, maybe more conservative than I thought you were. Is that a fair assessment?
Speaker D
Uh, not at all.
Speaker A
Speaker D
Because I am. I am so not political, you can't even believe it.
Speaker A
Speaker D
And I'll tell you why. I know nothing about politics, and I.
Speaker A
Know why you say that he knows nothing about politics. Well, that really came out during the Trump interview. We're going to look at in a moment.
Speaker D
It sounds like it.
Speaker A
Speaker D
I talk about these things as cultural issues from a psychological, psychosocial standpoint, how they affect families and people.
And they do overlap with some of the things that politicians talk about, but they talk about it from a political standpoint, funding standpoint, how they can get this bill or that bill through, couldn't care less. But I am interested in those issues in terms of how they impact families in their day to day pursuit of life and peace and being able to raise their family in a healthy environment. So there's a lot of overlap, but I don't talk about it from a political standpoint because I frankly don't know enough about the politics of it all.
Speaker A
All right. He doesn't do politics because he doesn't know anything about politics and it's not partisan. Enter Donald Trump for an interview with Doctor Phil.
And he starts by praying at the altar of Trump and telling Trump how incredibly thick his skin is. Like we're starting off with something that is, it would make north korean news anchors bluff.
Speaker D
I know you got a thick skin. You're not one of those people that's afflicted with the need to be loved by strangers. I get that.
Speaker C
I think that's true.
Speaker D
My question is not how do you do it? My question is, why do you do it? Why do you? Let's face it. I mean, you're a billionaire, you got a great family, you're a very dedicated father. People may not see this in you a lot.
Speaker A
None of these things are true, because.
Speaker D
You keep that kind of private. But my question to you is, why do you subject yourself to this?
Speaker A
Doctor Phil claims to be a foremost expert on human psychology, psychosocial factors, and he thinks that Trump, the neediest and most narcissistic man I think maybe I've ever even conceived of, doesn't need the love of strangers. And what?
How could Doctor Phil get it so wrong? Now, the other really weird thing about this, this entire interview was the way that it was cut makes no sense whatsoever. Unless, and this is like a big unless Trump was saying such demented things that they said, we have to cut this stuff. Here is 8 seconds. And look at the way that they cut this up.
Speaker C
You'd be the first one to do it. I know. You say, what? Let's get rid of these. You know, the money they save and the danger they save.
Speaker A
And look, I mean, what, how do you get a cut like that if you aren't saying we need to micromanage this down to the syllable?
Down to the syllable. And maybe what they've done is they've realized we can't get them to deliver a normal interview, so we're just going to have to fix it in post production. I don't, I don't know what's going on, but the cutting is absurd. Trump talking about the size of Congressman Adam Schiff's head and Doctor Phil trying not to laugh.
And again, remember, Doctor Phil doesn't do politics.
Speaker C
These are not stupid people. I call him watermelon head. He's got the thinnest neck I've ever seen, how it holds up that head. He's got a neck that's about a size six. Very unattractive guy, both inside and outside. And people say, oh, that's such a terrible thing to say. That's okay. Very unattractive guy. Here's the thing.
These are bad people. There you go.
Speaker A
And Doctor Phil just struggling not to smile there.
Trump did mention that he's mad at jews during the interview because we're not supporting him because Jews are very left wing.
Speaker D
So why are people so energized against President Donald J. Trump?
Speaker C
Well, I think it's, to a certain extent, it's habit. Not necessarily against me. I think Democrats vote out of habit. I'll give you an example. I was the best president for Israel ever, Golan Heights, all of the things I did for Israel, and yet I get less than 50% of the votes. It's shocking to me. And Biden's a disaster. And Obama was a disaster for Israel with the Iran nuclear deal that he approved, all that, you know, which was basically a path toward nuclear weapons.
And I say, why? And I say it's habit.
They're used to voting for Democrats.
Black people are used to voting for Democrats, but they're coming off it. They're smart. They're seeing what's happened.
Speaker A
They're seeing, yeah, jewish folks will not be voting for Donald Trump in any serious way this November, that I can assure you. And then finally, non political doctor Phil puts some, quote, statistics up on the screen about how much better things were under Donald Trump. You have to see this.
Speaker D
Everybody calls it inflation, but affordability when we talk about gasoline. Under your administration, average 257 a gallon. Under Biden, 361. 40% more. Under your administration, homes average $320,000. Under the Biden administration, 31% more, $420,000.
Speaker A
So let's pause it right there.
Do people in the audience realize what's very stupid about these numbers in the sense of Doctor Phil using these to justify how great Trump was. You know, first of all, with gasoline average, 257 average. In this case, we don't even know how that was calculated. I've not seen that number. When Trump left office, gas was 287.
The reality is that once you back out, just underlying inflation and the fact that things get more expensive, it would sort of be if, like, I came here and I said, hey, you know what? Trump was terrible on gas prices because they were cheaper under Obama. And then you could come up and go, David, Obama was terrible on gas prices. They were cheaper under George W. Bush. And then I come back and go, no, no, no, they were even cheaper under Bill Clinton.
Once you back out, the fact that we have a background level of inflation, gasoline being 361 now versus Trump's 257, or more accurately, 287, it's not really the big gotcha that you think it is. The other one that's really funny is Holmes. They point out home prices are way up under Biden. Now, I'm not going to deny that when homes get more expensive, they become more difficult for people to afford. But homes also are one of the biggest indicators of how the economy is doing. And homes are the biggest equity stake that most Americans have. The biggest place where Americans have money is in their home. And so you can just say, hey, look at this. Under Biden, Americans have seen their homes appreciate 31%. That is an insane increase to their net worth. What great news. The point here is it's all about balance.
And the fact that Doctor Phil is just saying, oh, home prices being up is bad. Home prices being up has been one of the greatest drivers of increased net worth for people. If you don't own a home, obviously you have a different position. But the whole point here is this is one of the most laughable affordability crisis sort of sets of statistics. Now let's, let's listen to a little more.
Speaker D
Under your administration, interest rates, 3.8 average under Biden administration, 39% more at 5.3%.
Speaker A
Now let's talk about that one. The president doesn't set interest rates. The reason interest rates were so low under Trump is because of the COVID economic disaster and the Fed saying things are bad. So we keep rates low. Low rates are a reaction to economic problems. We now have higher rates which soon may be starting to come down. Part of the reason that rates have gone up is because you don't want an overheated economy. Therefore, the Fed says to slow things down a little bit. Things are so good we can start raising rates. Maybe Doctor Phil is right. He doesn't know anything, but he's certainly pretending to here. So this is to say this would make north korean and russian state tv anchors blush is really an understatement.
And the whole concept of I'm just Doctor Phil, I'm not political. I don't know anything about politics. And then he couldn't be sucking up more aggressively to Donald Trump. It's sad to see, but I can't say it's super surprising.
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All right, as some of you I know saw, I was on the Piers Morgan program last week. I was on quite a panel. And the panel was, I guess, generically about Trump and Biden. You know, how these things are, or maybe you don't. Actually, the way these things often work is they contact you very last second. They tell you, here's the people you'll probably be on the panel with, and then it changes. The topics are given to you an hour before. So needless to say, I ended up on a panel with MAGA guy Benny Johnson and then attorney Alan Dershowitz and then democratic commentator, no, Mickey Const, who we've known for a long time. And then, of course, Piers Morgan hosting it.
And, you know, some of you wrote to me and had a very interesting reaction, which was, you know, David, some of the things you said on that show are different from the things you sometimes say on your show. And that's absolutely right. And now let's talk through it. I'm going to play the, some relevant clips here and I'll kind of give you my sense of what my preparation is like and how it ended up kind of, kind of going this way. So let's listen to the first clip. Speaker one, I still don't know what he was convicted of. Was he convicted of intent cheat on his taxes two years later, although he didn't take it as a deduction. Was he convicted of defrauding voters who obviously knew that he was a sexual scoundrel? Was he convicted of seeking to make an illegal campaign contribution, although the contribution didn't have to be listed until after the election? I have never, in a case where even after the verdict came down, we don't know what he was convicted of.
Speaker F
David Pakman, I saw you smirking quite a lot during what Alan was saying. But Alan, as he said, he's not a Trump supporter and he is one of the most eminent lawyers in America. Does it not concern you that the glee that currently is spewing out from every Democrat poor might be tempered by a pretty hard reality shock? If it plays out the way Allen suggests?
Speaker A
I think Trump's going to lose either way. And why do I think that? Because Republicans have lost everything since Trump won in 2016. 2018 was a disaster. Trump lost 2020. The red wave of 2022 led to Democrats getting a bigger majority in the Senate. The 2023 special off year elections, every abortion related referendum, it's been a disaster. So Trump's going to lose regardless. I don't know how much of an impact this verdict is going to have, but we know what he was found guilty of. You can say, well, I don't know that they should have brought the case.
There is prosecutorial discretion. Hopefully we'll talk about that. With regard to Hunter Biden as well.
You can say the judge should have recused himself because he made a dollar 35 donation to act blue. But to succeed on appeal, you have to point to something the judge actually did that's problematic. And the lawyers I've spoken to can't really point to anything. So I think Allen makes some good points. I just don't see this as the crazy controversy that some are making it out to be.
Some of you correctly identified. You know, David, on your show, you don't say Trump's going to lose. In fact, you often make the case.
You don't know who's going to win. It's going to be super close. It'll come down to probably 500,000 votes in three to five states. Why do you say something different on that show? My approach with these shows is you get a very limited amount of time to talk and you need to make some clear and definitive point, including one that you can sort of plan for ahead of time. And the two points I wanted to make here in order to sort of come off strongest was none of this stuff is going to really matter. And the reason that people like Benny Johnson and others are freaking out is because they've lost everything for almost a decade. In order to make that point, you sort of have to also say, and they know they're going to lose this time around as well.
Call it crazy. This is sort of the world of kind of low rent panels of this kind. I don't know. You know it. You got me. I think it'll be close. And on the show I said, I think Trump's going to lose because you kind of try to come up with something to say that will push back against the talking points that these people use. The other thing that, that I said there also is about the judge, and we were told there's going to be a discussion about whether the judge misconduct. So I kind of go in knowing, listen, you can say whatever you want about the judge. You can say the judge shouldn't have been the judge to begin with, but to get this thing overturned on appeal, you really have to point to some decision. The decision the judge made that was inappropriate. And the fact that he donated $35 to act blue is just not going to cut it. So my approach is, let me have one or two main things to say with each topic that they give us. Here again was Biden dementia, which they brought up.
Speaker F
Joe Biden is suffering some form of dementia. That was the clear conclusion from those who've been around him, and we see enough in public to suggest that may be the case.
How comfortable are you that he is going to be fighting this election and potentially being president for four more years?
Speaker A
Well, worst case scenario, they both are struggling cognitively, in which case, I'd much rather the people around Biden making decisions than the sycophants Trump would put around him, which, with no offense at all, are sort of versions of Benny Johnson, by the way, and the audience. I'm sure we could have a beer together, Benny, and have a great time. But it's not like I necessarily want the government run by people like you.
So I think worst luck scenario, worst case scenario, they're both struggling. You know, at this point, I've interviewed for medical and mental health professionals, two from mental health, two from the neurology side.
So far, they've all told me Joe Biden is experiencing age related aging that you would expect for someone of his age. Trump seems to be seriously, cognitively struggling where he doesn't realize he's saying things that don't make sense. He doesn't realize that he's getting names completely wrong, stories that don't make sense, doesn't know who he ran against, doesn't know who he's running against, doesn't know who he ran against in 2016 or who's president right now. I mean, a level of confusion. And again, I'm neither a neurologist nor a mental health expert. This is what the mental health experts have told me. Now, I will say I read the article.
Some of the sourcing is people that MAGA, Mike Johnson talked to.
That's not super compelling to me. However, I do think Annie Linsky is a trustworthy reporter. I am not pretending this story isn't out there, and I cover it on my show today. I think it's a serious story. Now, ultimately, we found out it was not a serious story. But at least at the time, my thought was, okay, what are my three points here? I'm going to make the point that if we've got two candidates with dementia, Biden's doing a pretty damn good job, and the people around him are the people I want in power. Number two, every expert I've spoken to says the problem here is Trump. And then, number three, I'm not ignoring this story, although I'm sort of suspicious about some of the, some of the sourcing. So again, I just, my strategy to give you a peek behind the curtain is I go in and I'm kind of like, what are the two or three things that I want to say here? I don't know if I want to look at the, there were a couple other clips. There was like a Bill Clinton thing, which I'll play, which, again, it's just like what Bill Clinton did with Paula Jones wasn't a crime. And so I stuck with that.
Speaker F
You've got Bill Clinton, who, while he was president, had sex with an intern in the Oval Office. You've got Bill Clinton, who paid off Paula Jones $850,000 for settling a sexual harassment case while he was president. It didn't happen while he was president, but he paid her off while he was. None of that led to a criminal prosecution. And I would think many Americans, if they're just out of the toxic tribal loop, would go well, surely even the Paula Jones one sounds a lot worse than a consensual fling with Stormy Daniels 20 years ago.
Speaker A
The flaw is that there was nothing illegal about Bill Clinton settling that lawsuit and they were not campaign contributions disguised in this way, which was determined to be criminal. I think Trump will make himself a martyr either way. He's a victim of the system of elections being rigged. He's a victim of the justice system being rigged. He's a victim of the media rigging his microphone and the temperature and the debates. He's always going to be a victim of everything. They've lost everything since 2016, piers. Of course he's going to be the victim because he can't just admit for the last eight years, I've destroyed this political party. We've lost everything since I became.
Speaker C
Let him lose legitimately.
Speaker F
Speaker two well, that's what I was about to say, actually.
Speaker A
All right, so it was a very interesting experience. You know, you have such limited time. You really need to know exactly what it is you plan to say. I think it went well. Well enough. And I don't know if they'll have me back, but it was certainly interesting. I went to a drag show over the weekend or sort of stumbled upon one, and what I saw there stunned me. Now bear with me for a moment so I can lay this out. Last week I interviewed MAGA Republican candidate Royce White, who's running against democratic Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar. And among non sequiturs and lies and misdirection, at one point Royce brought up, apropos of nothing, so called drag strip shows, looking to equate a drag show with what happens at strip clubs. As a reminder, here's how that went.
Speaker B
Why they're bringing their children to drag stripper shows.
Speaker A
Let me ask about a couple.
Speaker B
Do you think that's okay? Do you think it's okay to sexualize children at drag stripper shows?
Speaker A
I don't think the children are being sexualized if they go to us to a drag show. No, I just don't think that that's the sexualization.
Speaker B
You don't think that you don't think children are being. Would it be okay for me as a grown adult male to take underage kids to a regular strip club?
Speaker A
I don't think they're allowed, no.
Speaker B
So why are they allowed to do it? But why aren't they allowed? Why aren't they allowed? Is it because of the alcohol or because of the sexualization?
Speaker A
I don't know the laws around strip clubs. I couldn't tell you.
Speaker B
Maybe you should learn them, though, because you're talking.
Speaker A
All right, so many of you wrote to me and you said, you know, David Royce is being super dishonest. A drag show and a strip club really have nothing in common. Well, I stumbled upon a drag show over the weekend, and I watched a few minutes, and I have to tell you, this might stun you.
None of what Republicans have been saying about drag shows was actually true. The drag show had nothing sexual about it. There were some kids in the audience. There was, I hope I'm using the right term here. There was a drag queen.
I hope it's not a derogatory term. There was a drag queen doing balloon animals. Every kid was there with a parent. No one recruited and secretly forced any children to the drag show against their parents wishes. And I hope this isn't offensive either. The drag show had way more in common with a clown act for kids than it did with a strip club. There was no nudity. There was no sexual content. It was biological. Men dressed in exaggerated makeup and women's clothing and the makeup and the wigs and the whole thing. It has everything in common with a completely benign and typical performance for kids. And it had nothing in common with strippers nor a strip club. Now, this may not come as a surprise to many in my audience, but once again, Republicans have set up this enemy drag shows and they try to equate them to adult strip clubs. And there is simply no reasonable analogy here. So just by chance, I got a chance to do a little bit of investigation into some of those claims that Royce made, and they fall pretty flat. I also want to address the Royce White interview a little more broadly. Instead of a voicemail today, I have an email to put up on the screen for you. Melissa wrote to me about last week's interview with Royce White. And Melissa wrote, latest interview made me a paid subscriber.
The interview with Mister I only eat it strip club restaurants made me finally stop and take the time to become a member. I'd been putting it off. I loved everything about you and your content, and this interview was icing on the cake. It felt great seeing you do your thing, and I got the best laugh. You are keeping me sane through this crazy time. Thank you for that.
Sincerely, Melissa P's. I started watching you the day Howard Stern told us to check you out. That is absolutely delightful, Melissa.
Speaker B
Oh, the bonus show where you want to make money.
Speaker C
Everybody else that makes money to fund themselves is bad.
Speaker A
I heard from about ten or twelve people who said, David I already knew about your content, but that Royce White interview was just something else, and I became a member right away. Massive dumps of memberships as a result. Some people did not like the interview, and there were people who wrote it and said, david, you just shouldn't waste your time with people like that. You know, one of the, one of the realities we have to contend with right now is that I understand there's lots of republicans looking to be reelected who are more normal than Royce White.
But if you look at the kind of upstart challengers on the republican side that are trying to get elected, particularly ones that are in any way in cahoots with Trump, a lot of them are out of their minds. So it's a tougher thing than you might imagine to find the so called normal Republicans. All right, we've got a great bonus show for you today. Texas is asking people, avoid using your cars.
What? Yes. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has agreed to liquidate assets to pay Sandy hook families. And the Trump Supreme Court decision on immunity is imminent.
Where might that go? All of those stories and more on today's bonus show. Don't miss it. Make sure you're signed up at join Pacman.com. and we'll be back tomorrow with a new show as well.