Primary Topic
This episode discusses the perceived security failures of the Secret Service and their consequences, particularly in relation to former President Donald Trump.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The Secret Service is criticized for its operational failures which allegedly endangered Donald Trump's life.
- Bongino expresses frustration over the lack of accountability and immediate action within the Secret Service.
- The episode reveals internal conflicts and criticisms among former Secret Service agents regarding current practices and leadership.
- There are calls for restructuring the Secret Service to focus solely on protective duties, eliminating other roles like investigative functions.
- Concerns are raised about the allocation of resources being influenced more by title than by the assessed security threat.
Episode Chapters
1. Introduction to the Issue
Dan Bongino introduces the topic, emphasizing the urgency and gravity of the security failures. Dan Bongino: "We're talking about the safety of former President Trump, an issue that should transcend politics."
2. Detailed Critique of Security Failures
Bongino critiques specific instances and decisions in Secret Service operations he believes compromised safety. Dan Bongino: "How can we trust an agency with protecting our leaders if they cannot manage their own personnel and protocols effectively?"
3. Analysis of Secret Service Structural Issues
The structural problems within the Secret Service are dissected, suggesting a need for overhaul. Dan Bongino: "It's time to rethink how the Secret Service operates, focusing purely on protection."
4. Calls for Accountability and Reform
The episode concludes with a strong call for accountability and immediate reform within the Secret Service. Dan Bongino: "Immediate changes are necessary to restore faith in our protective services."
Actionable Advice
- Educate yourself about the role and operations of the Secret Service.
- Stay informed about public safety and security protocols concerning national leadership.
- Advocate for transparency and accountability in government agencies.
- Support reforms aimed at improving the effectiveness of national security operations.
- Engage in public discussions to raise awareness about the importance of competent security services.
About This Episode
Ron Rowe took the stand yesterday before Congress and proceeded to answer almost none of the questions he was asked. The Secret Service is not saving face. In this episode, I cover the disastrous hearing yesterday as well as Kamala's continued campaign catastrophe.
Donald Trump, Ron Roe, Josh Hawley
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Dan Bongino
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
Dan Bongino
Hey, so big news. Don't miss the radio show today. It is my first interview with senator, now vice presidential nominee JD Vance from Ohio. My first interview after him being selected as the vice presidential nominee. We've had him on before. Big JD Vance fan. If you haven't seen hillbilly elegy folks in the chat, have you seen it? Go for it. Watch it. You'll see right away President Trump made the right pick. 100,000%. Never been more confident, folks. Listen, yesterday we tried the live show for you, Chatster p ones McGraw and Spongino Army. I love you. I'm glad you liked it. I'm not sure I do it again.
I, maybe. We'll see. We got a lot of emails, people who watched it. Later on we call Vod video on demand. I think they felt like they missed the best parts of it because you know what we typically do with these live hearings. I'm talking about, obviously, the Secret Service hearing yesterday, which we took live, is we typically take the best parts. Yesterday from the 11:00 to noon hour we were on the air where some of the kind of more the boring parts, but we didn't really get to the meat and potatoes. Some of it, some of it was good. So we'll think about it. I appreciate those of you who enjoyed it and we're always trying new things. But remember, the show's for you. It's not for me. If you guys don't like it, I don't like it, period. Hey, you've heard me rave about beam every week. Go get it now. They're offering the largest discount at shop, beam.com, bangino. Use code. Bongino. I've got real coverage of this today. Three high points, some election interference stuff, some Kamala Harris updates. Big show, lot to talk about. A lot of news going on. Hey, a small regret is slouching in the dentist chair thinking, I should have brushed and flossed better. You know, a big health regrets going to your doctor and thinking, oh, my gosh, I'm in real trouble. I should have taken care of my body when I was younger. Better health starts today. Today. It's why I use and take field of greens. Listen to me.
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Was I right or was I right?
I'm sorry to say we're always two weeks ahead of the news cycle, but we are. There was zero accountability. I'm ashamed of what happened yesterday. I'm telling you for a fact. I need you to listen to me. Beam in right here. Laser focus on me.
My secret Service colleagues I work with, where nothing like this ever happened at our advances are horrified at Ron Roe ashamed of what this agency has become. I want you to understand that, that the guys I worked with, and I'm not talking about a small cadre of them, I'm talking about a big group of former agents are on fire. On fire about what happened here. They are horrified at what's going on with this agency. No accountability. Yesterday was faux accountability.
I'm embarrassed about what happened. We have no excuses. And then he goes on to make a thousand excuses. The locals should have been there. The locals should have done this. The locals should have done that. It's your freaking job. Has anybody been fired? Nobody's been fired. It's been over two weeks. Is anyone going to get fired for a murder scene and getting President Trump shot in the freaking head. Is anyone going to lose their job in corporate America? If you're working in a shoe store and you sell two or three people in a row the wrong shoe size, you'll probably lose your job. Apparently in the secret Service, you do a shit advance, a garbage advance. A guy gets murdered, two people get shot, the president gets shot in the head, and nobody's fired. It's just incredible, the frustration in working class America with people who get dirt on their fingernails for a living who'd be fired for a thousand times less of a consequence. Event are like, what the hell is going on? What? What do you have to do in the government to lose your job? There was finger pointing, there was no explanations whatsoever. Yesterday's hearing was a disgrace. Let me get to the high points that we missed during the show because they aired while we were on the radio. We did live coverage on the radio, too. I think that went a little bit better cause Jim was nice enough to run it kind of on DVR, so we could skip over some of the filibustering because it was, it was a lot of that.
First, here's Senator Josh Hawley, guy I really like out of Missouri. He asked this, the key question here, folks. I've tried to explain this to you over and over, and I'm sorry, I'm not letting this story go. President Trump was almost killed, and we've got people who are terrible still in charge of the Secret Service that are pulsed, but still putting this guy in danger. I'm not just going to dust this off.
Here's Josh Hawley asking the key question.
Who was the site agent from that day? The Secret Service works on a counterpart system. You have detail agents with Trump all the time. Field officers around the world have explained this many times. When you go to a site in the district of that field office, the field office, which works every day with the local law enforcement, has a person at that site that handles that site. How is this person still of a job? How?
Josh Hawley wants to know, who is this person? Why? The name's not classified. You want to share it behind closed doors, fine.
Why are. Why do these people still have a job? They failed. Someone got killed. Listen to this.
Dan Bongino
Let me ask you this. Who is the lead site agent who made the decision to leave the AGR building completely outside of the security perimeter? Who was that?
Ron Roe
Senator? I cannot give you that name. This person is operational. They're still doing investigations, they're still doing protective visits.
Dan Bongino
Have they been relieved of duty?
Ron Roe
They have not been named by duty.
Dan Bongino
Why have they not been relieved of duty?
Ron Roe
They are still cooperating, not only being interviewed by the FBI, but also by our office of professional responsibility. And we will let the facts of the mission assurance and any further investigations play out.
Dan Bongino
Isn't the fact that a former president was shot, that a good american is dead, that other Americans were critically wounded? Isn't that enough mission failure for you to say that the person who decided that that building should not be in the security perimeter probably ought to be stepped down?
Ron Roe
Senator, I think you're using the word decided, and I think we need to allow the investigation play out to include.
Dan Bongino
Okay, so who did. Who did make the decision, then? If it wasn't the lead site agent who made the decision not to put that in the security perimeter?
Ron Roe
Senator, you're zeroing in on one particular agent. Find out exactly what was the entire decision process. So I think I want to be neutral and make sure that we get to the bottom of it and interview everybody in order to determine if there was more than one person who perhaps exercised bad judgment.
Dan Bongino
Well, sure. My question is, why don't you relieve everybody of duty who made bad judgment? So, yeah, you're right. I am zeroing in on somebody. I'm trying to find somebody who's accountable here.
Dan Bongino
Thank you, Josh Hawley.
Did you hear, by the way, what Ron Rose said there? This got. I didn't see. And me included, by the way. I'm throwing myself under the bus. There was so much bad judgment and ridiculous answers in yesterday's hearing, this got lost.
I just picked this up when I sent this over this morning.
Did you hear Director Roe tell Josh Hawley that the agent in charge of the failed security plan that led to a murder and the president being shot in the head of. Did you hear him say that agent is still operational on protective visits?
Did you guys hear that?
The agent who designed this plan that led to a murder.
A absolute object failure. Did I just hear the director say he. The agent?
It's by. I've heard it's a she, by the way. It's still on protection, folks. In the chat, listening on Apple and Spotify or elsewhere. How many are in the military? I'll bet there were a lot, right? By the way, thank you for your service, patriots, you heroes. So always be your home.
I love you, Mandev.
Thank you for what you did.
But I want to ask you a deadly serious question.
You're in the military. You're in the marines, army, Navy, Air Force, whatever it is you took an oath to serve.
Your commanding officer says, Marine, you watch that fence line.
Enemy approaches that fence line, you take them out, you fall asleep, the enemy breaches defense line, what do you think's going to happen to you? You're going to get freaking court martialed is what's going to happen. And you'll probably find yourself in a brig somewhere.
The agent is still on protective visits.
Are you.
Hey, are you kidding?
Folks, I'm. Again, I'm throwing myself under the bus. So much happened yesterday that that one just blew over my head with all of the other disastrous bombshells that came out of this.
And Ron Roe himself, the director, can't seem to figure out now who made the decision. I'm telling you, I did this for a living. Here is who made the decision to put their fingerprint on this failed security plan that led to a murderous and multiple shootings.
The site agent at the scene from the Pittsburgh field office and a supervisor who did the walkthrough, likely from that Pittsburgh field office. That's who. There's no other people involved.
That's who did it. Ron Rowe knows that. He just doesn't want to tell you that because he's busy covering everything up in his history and others of withholding security assets from the Trump campaign.
They're too busy with the COVID up to actually give you real answers.
There was a supervisor walkthrough at that site.
Who is the supervisor? Who okayed this?
Where's the site post assignment log? I've asked this a hundred times. The site post assignment log, that has the sites. Where is the sod survey? The special operations division survey that should show that building should have been manned by a countersniper. Where is it? Did you not even do one? You didn't even have the time to put one together.
The agent is still on protection.
Really? My apologies for missing that yesterday.
It's been two weeks.
They were responsible. There was a murder.
That wasn't it yesterday.
Senator Ted Cruz. And by the way, you know I don't fall in love with politicians, and I hope their feelings mutual. You should judge me on my content. Not if you like me or don't.
It's outcomes that matter. Hawley did an amazing job. Senator Ron Johnson, amazing job. Mike Lee, incredible job. Mike Lee brought up last night on social media, on XDev, and I retweeted it. It's time for the Secret Service to get rid of investigations. He brought up a great point.
You guys imagine. Justin, this is what Mike Lee said last night. Tell me if this doesn't make sense. He couldn't have summed it up any better.
You're in one of the biggest companies in the world. I don't know, Nvidia. It doesn't matter.
You have a lot of threats. You're the chairman, CEO of Nvidia. You're worth billions of dollars. Do you have your executive protection team doing your forensic accounting, too? Justin, you think it's a good idea?
He's laughing because. But that's what the Secret Service does. You've got a bunch of guys like, hey, keep the president, presidential candidates, the vice president, or families alive. And by the way, while you're at it, go check out this 20 year old who passed a fake $20 bill in 711. What?
Those days are over. They're done. I called for that to be eliminated ten years ago.
Thank you, Senator Mike Lee. But Senator Ted Cruz did a great job, too. You know, these guys, these lawyers really know how to ask questions. I mean, that's what they do. Thank you. I didn't even put this in a rundown. Jim, can you put this in a rundown? If you're watching live, he's. Mike Lee said, whatever entity succeeds the Secret Service, whose demise I predict in the coming years, you're probably right. Should focus only on protecting the president, vice president, families, and major party nominees, along with PI investigations, threat case investigations. Send all other investigative duties elsewhere. Yes, I saw someone complain. That's what we need, another federal agency. No, it's not another federal agency. It's actually slimming down this federal agency and saving money because there's redundancy built in. You got the FBI and Secret Service investigating the same thing. Why, folks, we got to protect these guys somehow.
You want Trump. I don't. You want him hurt? Obviously not.
Here's Ted Cruz. He asked a question at the heart of the problem. I want to just let this play out here for a second. The biggest problem the Secret Service protection model has now, outside of wasting their time on investigations, is they're allocating security resources on who's got the bigger title, not who's got the bigger threat. That makes no sense. That's the reason Ron Roe will not answer Senator Cruz's question here about how many assets were given to Jill Biden versus President Trump. Because they don't want you to know what I just told you. It's all based on title, not threat assessment. Check this out.
Ted Cruz
Speaker one was the relative size of the Trump detail compared to the detail that is assigned to the president of the first lady.
Ron Roe
Senator, the former president travels with a full shift just like the president.
Ted Cruz
What's the. So the exact same size. Is that your testimony that President Trump had the same size detail that President.
Ron Roe
Biden has on the day of in Butler? The agents surrounding him? It is the same number of agents surrounding the president today. There is a difference between a sitting president who also not only.
Dan Bongino
Hold on.
Ted Cruz
You're using president in a way that is not clear. Is it your testimony that in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump had the same number of agents protecting him that Joe Biden has at a comparable event?
Ron Roe
I'm telling you, the shift, the close protection shift surrounded. That's what you asked me, Senator, and I'm trying to answer it.
Ted Cruz
You are not answering it. Is it the same number of agents or not?
Dan Bongino
Ron Roe
There is a difference between the sitting president of the United States and what's the difference? The difference.
Ted Cruz
Two x, three x, five x.
Ron Roe
Command authority to launch a nuclear strike.
Dan Bongino
Sir, I'm not assets.
Ted Cruz
How many more travel with the president that the former president will refusing to.
Ron Roe
Number of Secret Service agents.
Ted Cruz
Stop interrupting me.
Ron Roe
Go ahead, sir.
Ted Cruz
You are refusing to answer clear and direct questions.
I am asking the relative difference in the number of agents between those assigned to Donald Trump and those assigned to Joe Biden. I'm not asking why you assign more to Joe Biden. I'm asking is the difference. Is it two x? Is it three x? Is it five x? Is it ten x?
Ron Roe
Senator, I will get you that number so you can see it with your own eyes.
Dan Bongino
Johnny Angel, 362 in the chat. Just nailed it.
Thanks, Johnny. Quote, Johnny says he didn't ask about the close detail shift. He asked about the entire detail. Johnny angel. That, by the way, that sounds like a comic book character, like out of some Marvel thing. Johnny Angel. Marvel. You should jump on that. Stop being so woke and sign this guy up. You are 100% correct.
Senator Cruz, who is a very, very smart guy, is not asking about the shift around President Trump because, yes, the number of guys on the shift or women is not a lot. Pretty much every protectee, Biden, Harris, and Trump all have the same limited number of people that travel with them. Because why?
Because there's only limited spots on the plane and there's only a limited amount of space in the presidential limo and the follow up.
That's why they're all. What Ron Rowe doesn't want to answer is how many supplemental agents were brought in as post standers to stand post around the shift in the middle ring.
That's the distinction Cruz is getting at that Roe doesn't want to answer. Why? Because what Roe doesn't want to tell you is there were only three Secret Service post standards assigned for thousands of people in Butler County, Pennsylvania. If it was a Joe Biden event, I mean, let's say it was a Joe Biden event and thousands of people showed up, which I know is not going to happen, but say it did one time Kamala Harris had a decent turnout. Atlanta wasn't great, but was decent. I guarantee you there were way more than three Secret Service post standards is that event. I will take that to the bank.
The threat level for Trump is higher, yet he gets less resources. That's the freaking problem.
That's why Roe refuses to answer the question.
You can't. If security assets aren't based on security threats and are simply based on whose ass you want to kiss, the presidents or the vice president. So the first ladies, then why are you even doing this job?
I'd rather bring in some wack and hut or other companies out there who could go hire some navy seals or something. What's the point?
That's why he's not answering.
And by the way, I want to forget this. Sorry, I'm just taking a note so I don't forget for the radio show. One more thing, Ron. Roe, let me give you a little inside baseball. Bringing up nuclear command authority is the biggest bullshit head fake I've ever seen in my life.
Yes, the president can launch a nuclear strike that has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the secret Service. Zero.
The White House military office. Wham, oddhead. Wh mo. That's their thing. We do not guard that. They do that.
They have a. They have their own security operation. We have nothing to do with that. Whether there's a nuclear football with them or not has absolutely nothing to do with the threat assessment against our protectees. We guard the president, not a briefcase.
That's their thing.
Completely separate from us.
They have their own procedures.
He's just making that up.
It's Trump who got shot. Thankfully, no one else did. Nothing to do with him having the football there or not. It's threat based.
This guy got dangerously close yesterday to perjuring himself on a couple different things again, second hearing in a row, Senator Cruz Hawley, Mike Lee Johnson. You should be demanding this guy resign today, too.
I'm giving you, I've warned you about this guy.
I haven't got a single email from a former active agent in support of him.
Quick break. And I want to get to what Senator Johnson said last night on Fox after the hearing because there's something he said here. Senator Ron Johnson, very, very smart. It wasn't, it didn't get a lot of attention, but I promise you he knows something. I promise you.
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Back to the show.
Senator Ron johnson has really taken an extremely active interest in this. He gave Ron Roe a chance. We covered that on Friday. I warned them about Ron Roe. He has been very open. And that's all I can ask for, ladies and gentlemen. Again, I don't want to marry these guys. I just want them to do constitutionally accurate stuff and do the right thing. They do have oversight authority over these entities. They're still a legislative body in the United States Senate.
Senator johnson has taken a real interest in what's going on. Now, I promise you, this sound clip is not the most exciting of the day. It's from the Laura Ingraham show on Fox. But there's something he says here because he's onto something and he knows something's up.
Take a listen. I'll explain on the other side. Check this out. Now is I just need these agencies to be far more transparent. I mean, we're 17 days past the assassination attempt, and they're just basic pieces of information that remain unanswered. That's unacceptable. I certainly pressed acting Director Roe to make sure that the individuals we requested to do transcribed interviews be made available, be made available in days, not weeks. I'm glad that Chairman Peters made the same comment. So did Chairman Blumenthal. So we've got the old bipartisan investigation going. Let's hope it succeeds.
You're probably thinking, I don't get it, Dan. Oh, I do.
Senator Johnson knows something.
There is a letter out there to the secret Service and the FBI to make immediately 13 people involved with this disastrous secret Service security planning available.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, the people on that list know absolutely, categorically know that security assets were denied to the Donald Trump division repeatedly. The DTD.
Johnson knows exactly who those people are. Now can we talk? We have a little heart to heart. Are people watching this, by the way? You're like, yeah, us. I don't mean you. You're here every day along with 140,000 other people.
You know who I'm talking to.
You've come to me for help in the past.
I've helped you.
I've helped you without question because I believed in what you were saying. And I believe President Trump deserved the best security.
I used this show to air your message repeatedly.
In August of 2023, I believe it's episode 2079. In case there's fact checkers out there. You want to go look at it? That's a year ago. It's now August of 2024. You can go look at the show. It's still there. Apple, Spotify and rumble.
I warned you repeatedly that Donald Trump was in danger.
I was basing that on information from people.
Ron Johnson knows who those people are.
It's way past time for you to speak up.
A man was murdered. Donald Trump was shot. Two additional people were shot and were hanging on for their lives. And thankfully, you're recovering a little bit. Now it is time for you to get big.
In the Secret Service, we had this expression, when the gunshots come, you got to get big, not small.
A lot of you ran on the stage. I saw that I wish the evac would have went a little different, but you still went up there.
This is not the time to get small.
You need to start talking immediately because you know for a fact nothing's going to change. You know, the COVID ups began.
And I want to tell you something you may not have heard elsewhere.
Ron Roe was in the protection management chain because remember, there's a number of different branches in the Secret Service protection.
You have investigations, which we shouldn't have, but we do, and protective intelligence. Ron Roe was in the protection hierarchy when the January 6 texts about what the hell Kamala Harris was doing at the DNC when the pipe bomb was found. Remember those texts that disappeared?
Ron Roe is directly involved in that.
You let this guy get promoted to acting director. What I'm getting at is you staying quiet right now is contributing to a massive coverup you're now a part of.
So you have one opportunity. There it is. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Speeding towards assassination. Episode 2079. August 31, 2023. Go listen to it now. Where do you think that information came from?
You cannot stay quiet while the guy who was in charge while evidence was deleted, or what they say misplaced, which I don't believe, the same guys in charge now. We're never going to get to the bottom of this. You need to speak up. I've told you repeatedly, after next week, you're running out of time. There are people losing patience. You are going to be next.
Folks in the chat. Does anybody actually trust the FBI and the Secret Service to conduct an honest investigation right now?
Here. Here's Julie Kelly. The great Julie Kelly. Nailed it. The FBI deputy director, Paul Abbate, was up on Capitol Hill yesterday with one Ron row said they discovered a social media account they believe belongs to the shooter. Crooks that espoused anti semitic and anti immigration sentiment, really making him seem like he's some kind of, like, crazed. Whatever far right. Whatever nonsense they use, that's not us at all, but whatever Julie Kelly rightly notes, this is an FBI planet headline for the day.
Andrew Torba from Gab said that the guy had a Gab account. I have no reason to believe what he's saying is inaccurate. And at the Gab account, said nothing like that at all. It was all lefty positions. So the FBI, ladies and gentlemen, is already busy constructing a narrative that this guy may not have been there to kill Trump, he was there to kill anyone, and he just didn't like immigrants and was some righty lunatic. They're already interfering in the investigation. You trust Ron Roe to make sure all of the evidence becomes available. These people, these 13 guys Ron Johnson's asking about and ladies that he needs to talk to still haven't been made available.
You trust these people? Come on.
The election interference, by the way, is already underway.
This is an absolute 100% interference mechanism to stop the left wing media from covering the story that a rather heroic President Trump took a shot in the head from a left wing freaking lunatic. And the FBI is busy trying to bury the story.
Thankfully, the Julie Kelly's and other people of the world are pointing out that this is crap. Don't believe anything they tell you.
Can't trust anyone anymore.
Oh my gosh. 98.4. But who are the 1.6? I swear these are not real accounts or they just misunderstood the question. Thank you. The great Boccino on the case. Quick break. I'm going to show you another piece of information that you absolutely cannot trust the FBI in the coming months or the intelligence community. Quick break. Hey, windshield. Wow. They're back from wow auto parts appropriately named.
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Notice the red wave talk has died down. Thankfully, we are in real trouble right now.
Kamala Harris is a fake candidate, but the media is doing everything. I'll show you in a minute to retcon and reimage Kamala Harris as this big change agent on the left, she drew a crowd yesterday, folks. Us pretending it didn't happen is doing us no good. Was it a fake crowd? Were they there to see Megan the stallion or whatever? It doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is she's not Joe Biden. And when you have a candidate, please listen to me. As terrible as Joe Biden, who was the worst president in us history, there is a rebound effect from that person just not being Biden. Us saying Kamala sucks and is terrible, yes, you're not wrong, but she's just not as terrible as him. She's as bad as him without the cognitive disorder, that's all they need. Do you understand this? You have to vote like we're one or two points down nationally because folks, we probably are.
They are going to cheat. And the intel community is already knee deep in this, invest in this election season along with Facebook and all these other entities as well. You see this story in the Washington Times intel officials warned enemies are eyeing election infrastructure and voter manipulation. Here we go again.
Foreign governments trying to help Donald Trump get elected. You believe them, folks? Nobody believes these people. Nobody believes these people. They have done this in every single election. They are already meeting with social media companies. No. Dan, wasn't there a Supreme Court case, the Missouri versus Murthy case? Aren't they prevented from doing that for First Amendment violations? No, they're doing it right now. The FBI is actively meeting with social media companies. Again, I ask you all listening at home, do you believe that's to assist Donald Trump in getting elected? Of course not. I don't want the FBI assisting anyone in getting elected. They're there to hurt us. They've done this before. They've got a track record saying nothing about the laptop, the health department and HHS saying nothing about the ineffectiveness of COVID mass, lying about the vaccine pressuring companies. Rob Flaherty from the Biden White House pressuring Facebook. They are doing it right now. They're not even hiding it. Do you see this? The image of Donald Trump story is a few days old, but there's been so much going on. The famous, now iconic fight image from Donald Trump after he gets shot with the american flag. Look at this. Fact checkers say this is an altered photo. Now, they've since retracted that the damage has already been done.
This picture could have went nuclear for days. And what happened? Facebook Instagram meta, they made sure it didn't. Folks, if you think I'm throwing this no red wave, no landslide stuff out there as some kind of just like, chum in the water, because I really think we're going to win. But I just want you, I'm playing a mental game with you. You're insane. I'm telling you as a friend, a colleague, and a soldier in the Bongino army rocking the shirt today, I'm not kidding. We are probably a point behind right now because Kamala is not Joe Biden. The media is in full blown election interference.
Facebook and all the social media companies are with them. The intelligence community is all in on Kamala Harris, and they cannot have a Donald Trump presidency. They will do anything.
Combine this with Operation Retcon Kamala Harris, and we got a problem.
I'll get to that Wall Street Journal story in a little bit. I bet the text thing. Show the New Yorker headline first. You see this front page of the New Yorker, Kamalod. Now they're, they're going back to the JFK thing. The Camelot. They camelot you, by the way, what is she, what is that? What does she say? Is that, is that supposed to, was that a coconut from her coconut tree remark? Because it looks like something different.
Just look quickly come a lot.
These are the same people I played the supercut who were telling you over the last three years how awful of a vice president. She is the worst approval ratings in modern us history for someone in that spot.
You think they care that they flip on a dime?
She is not Joe Biden. I. That's all that matters. Yay. Look, it's cabbala. Just like cabbage. This is. They don't care.
They were to them.
How many times I got to explain this? You can say all you want. Oh, they look like hypocrites. They're not hypocrites. They're not. They believe in hierarchy, not hypocrisy. They are in charge and you are not. Whatever they have to do to stay in charge, they will do in their minds. There's nothing hypocritical about this at all. Kamala Harris was a vehicle for them to take power. Right now is so they're going to celebrate her. Before. She was an obstacle. She was hurting. They thought Joe Biden, Joe Biden gets out now they need her.
This ad, by the way, is going to do some damage. I'm not saying we're going to lose. I'm just saying this race is closer than you think. And if you think otherwise, you're out of your mind. The Trump team just launched an ad. This is one of the more devastating ones of the cycle I've seen in a long time. I want you to watch this and spread this around everywhere you can because this one's going to really sting. Check this out.
You're considered the most liberal United States senator.
We're not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminal.
Dan Bongino
Abolish Ice.
Dan Bongino
Is that a position that you agree with?
We need to probably think about starting from scratch.
Dan Bongino
Say it loud.
Dan Bongino
Say it clear.
Dan Bongino
Everyone is welcome here.
Dan Bongino
Raise your hand if you think it.
Ron Roe
Should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross a border.
Dan Bongino
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. You support giving universal health care, Medicare for all the people who are in this country illegally.
I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public health, period.
Dan Bongino
You support the Medicare for all bill? I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance for people out there who like their insurance.
They don't get to keep it.
Let's eliminate all of that Lawson marathon.
Dan Bongino
Bomber on death row. People who are convicted of sexual assault.
Ted Cruz
They should be able to vote.
I think we should have that conversation. As president of the United States, I am prepared to pass a green new deal.
Dan Bongino
Would you ban offshore drilling? Yes. What is the solution for voters who have jobs and interests in the fossil.
Fuel industry transition into the jobs of the future. But would you support changing the dietary.
Dan Bongino
Guidelines, reduce red meat specifically?
Yes, I would. We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory buyback program.
Dan Bongino
Eugene. QW in the chat. Disagree, mister Bongino. If Kamala's up, the media wouldn't be whitewashing her record, her history. You're missing the point.
You're missing the point. You're acting like this is all legit and on the up and up, folks. You are assuming that people follow politics. Eugene, I appreciate the comment. I'm not trying to be a smart ass with you, Eugene. Qw I thank you.
You are making one big, dangerous assumption, and I'll prove it. You're assuming people have been watching this the entire time like you have and know her record.
Perfect example, what I'm talking about. You realize after the 2020 election, which was not on the up and up 17%, nearly one in five Biden voters had no idea about the hunter Biden laptop.
You're making a biased assessment based on. It's a compliment to you. Follow this every day. You're like, oh, my gosh. No way. Nobody knows about that. The media is just fixing to the regular american public that's not watching it like you are. This is the first time they're hearing about her. You'd be stunned how many people don't even know who the vice president is.
Eugene, that's a big mistake, brother. I'm telling you right now, you better run like we're one point behind, maybe five.
I am not, I'm not putting lipstick on anything. I'm telling you the truth. You are assuming a whole lot. There are people out there who don't have a single idea of a single accomplishment Kamala Harris has ever had, who I promise will vote for her tomorrow because they saw the media's coverage. Kamala. Yeah, yeah. She's like a hero or something.
You are assuming way too much.
I totally disagree with you.
By the way, here's one of our leading contenders for the vice president spot, Governor Tim Walz. I want you to listen to this. This guy thinks socialism is great. I wonder how that's going to play with the South Florida, cuban population, Venezuelans around the country, people who've come here from socialist countries in Europe trying to get away from the tyranny and the political persecution and torture. I wonder how that's going to play. He thinks socialism, it's just like being neighborly. The difference is neighbors don't steal your stuff like socialists. This, this is one of her leading contenders for vice president. You think she's some moderate? Check this out. But we can get out there, reach out, make the case, and for one thing, don't ever, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness.
Neighborliness. Stealing people's stuff. Neighborliness. Socialism is taking by force from the population of people you rule in an authoritarian manner. Taking by force what you couldn't, what you couldn't share in, you know, through some kind of honest, decent republic, representative democracy.
It's involuntary sharing.
You get what I mean? Otherwise known as theft. It's not neighborliness.
Neighborliness is what you share voluntarily, not involuntarily.
If I bake an apple pie for the neighbor, that's neighborliness. If he comes over and steals mine, that's theft. That's socialism versus neighborliness. This is one of our top guys.
You know, this is perfect timing for Eugene. This is for you. Dailymail.com bombshell poll reveals what Americans really think about Kamala Harris's role in Biden's health cover up. 45% of respondents say there was a cover up.
30% said they don't believe there was one or 54% of respondents said it was a cover up. 30% of people say Kamala Harris was not covering up Joe Biden's health problem. Eugene, this is what I mean. With due respect, 30% of people in a poll, 30 out of 100 obviously still don't think Kamala Harris covered up Joe Biden's health condition, despite so many people watching his health condition unfold in a 90 minutes debate just a month ago. You are assuming way too much.
30% of people have no idea, talking about this guy's cognitive disorder and the national security nightmare that was just created by this guy.
The good news is, I'm going to give you the good news and the bad news.
There is a massive cover up going on right now with Biden's health condition, which I'm hearing from insiders is worse than you can imagine. We got the middle east on fire right now. You got the Hezbollah Hamas targets being taken out. Joe Biden is out to lunch completely. Everybody knows it. They can't deal with him anymore. I'm hearing he's a cognitive mess.
That's the bad news. Eugene, here's some good news for you, and I don't want you to think where this is, like a done deal and it's over. It's not. We have a darn good shot of winning. I'm just telling you, any talk of a landslide and a red wave is insane and dangerous.
MSNBC, did you see this? Did this. Voter panel of black voters. So the mainstream media narrative, this is where Eugene's probably right. The mainstream media narrative is, oh, my gosh, Kamala Harris is going to completely, totally change the calculus with black voters again, treating black voters like children, as if black voters who are parents, baseball coaches, school teachers, engineers, cops in the military, all black voters they see, according to Democrats, they think all they see is skin color, which is the most childish, ridiculous, immature, condescending view of black voters I've ever seen.
MSNBC was surprised to learn, not me, that Kamala Harris in their panel didn't change a lot of voters opinions at all. Check this out.
How many of you know a black man who has expressed to you that they're committed to voting for Donald Trump?
For the brothers who have told you that or said that to you, has the emergence of Kamala Harris changed that for those folks?
Why am I airing this? It's an MSNBC panel.
You don't think MSNBC wanted to find a black voter panel that would crap on Donald Trump?
They probably tried and couldn't. That's the point.
You think MSNBC aired that to do a favor for Donald Trump? Are you mad? Are you doing whippets or something? There's zero chance.
MSNBC can't even find anyone.
I don't mean to get anybody overly excited.
I'm just saying, like, let them go overboard a bit with this stuff, too. Let them. Let them talk about a blue wave. Let them talk about a landslide. And just like what happened in 2016 where they were like, Hillary's going to wipe out Donald Trump. He has zero chance of winning. And a whole bunch of Democrats didn't show up. They were like, oh, it's over. I don't need to show up. Good. Let them do this. Here's another one. Here's CNN.
They're obviously trying to find people who hate Donald Trump. They go and grab a couple auto workers. Auto workers, you would think union guys, Democrats, right? Kamala Harris, not so much. Check this out. Did run into plenty of fervent Trump supporters who say the new challenger has only made them more enthused about the former president. Does Kamala Harris getting in the race change the equation at all for either of you?
Ron Roe
Change it, ruins it. If she gets in, we're done. So I don't know what America's done for.
Dan Bongino
Even the guys are laughing. You know why we're laughing, folks? I did tv. I had a show on Fox for two years. You probably saw it unfiltered.
You don't think CNN interviewed probably 50 or 60 people at that site to get someone to say something good about Kamala?
They couldn't find anybody. They got these two guys.
So the bad news, there are a lot of people out there who are just learning about Kamala Harris for the first time and think the media stories are accurate. There are. You look at the poll I just showed you. 30% of Kamala Harris didn't cover up Joe Biden's health problem. Where have you been?
However, a lot of people out there are still not convinced. So that's kind of the good news, bad news. This is the funniest thing, by the way. You're going to see, I'm just going to be candid with you.
You will be dumber after this clip. So let me warn you in advance. Right. You saw it.
Viewer discretion is Justin saying, heavily advised.
There always no cuss words or anything like that. Don't worry if your kids, I just don't your kids watch because you don't want them to be dumber.
I suggest fish oil, some neuro protective compounds before this clip. This is the kind of stuff the Kamala Harris campaign is banking on. Socialism, left wing nonsense, redistribution, defund the police. They have not done a course correction at all. They did this grievance session with Kamala supporters and they brought in this white lady influencer to tell all the white women how they should never correct BIPOc. That's what is it? People of color. But they have all these acronyms.
Watch this. This is about a minute 20. I left it in because I didn't know what point to cut it off because the hilarity just keeps going. This is the Kamala Harris campaign. They're banking on this and they think this appeals to union auto workers and black men and women who work for a living. Check this out.
Ariel Fodor, affectionately known as misses frazzle.
Dan Bongino
To her combined audience of over 1.5 million followers, is here to help gentle parent us through this election.
Thank you. Hi, everybody. I am so honored to speak today. I am like shaking to just be among such incredible company.
We are here because as if you were here earlier, you've heard BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen and get involved this election season. This is a really important time and we all need to use our voices and influence for the greater good. No matter who you are, you are all influencers in some way. So tonight I'm going to share some do's and don'ts for getting involved in politics online and navigating the toxicity that comes with it. And spoiler alert, as much as the toxicity can come from the outside, it can come from us too. So first, don't isolate yourself. We can do our best work when we're in community together like we are tonight because the toxic feels smaller when we support each other. But don't make it about yourself.
As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over Orlando speaking for BIPOC individuals, or God forbid, correcting them, just take a beat and instead we can put our listening ears on.
Dan Bongino
I was reading the chat like, make it stop. Please make it stop. The throwing up emojis, folks. Again, I put that in there solely for your entertainment. There is no educational value to this whatsoever. The show is edutainment, right? Educational entertainment. Hot tip, boogie down productions. There is no part in that at all. Look at this. What the my watching Michael wants Kraken. Reach out to Michael. He wants to file a hostile work environment. Complain for subjecting to this not only once after they cut it, but twice. He's out. Dumber. Evita's worried about the new show. She was like, listen, I show was smart. I'm a very bright young lady. The show took off. I'm now ten iq points dumber. I'm not sure. Why did you ruin this? We were rocket and rolling. Gee just came back from Mars. He's like, I felt more educated. Now I feel that everyone in the room is dumber. My audience will be smaller tomorrow because I played that. But I'm telling you, I'm relaxing lady style. They are banking on this. They think that's a winning message, telling people based on their skin color. You can't speak. You can speak. You your bipoc. You're lgbtqia bio police. See spirit two. Plus, by the way, Bongino is right again, New York Post again, folks, you're always ahead of the news cycle. Did I not tell you Joe Biden and Barack Obama hate each other? I was called a conspiracy theorist again by the leftist. Oh, you're just making that up as if I didn't work in that White House and see the dynamic. They hate each other.
Biden camp suggested that the president quickly endorsed Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama.
Folks, Obama didn't want Kamala Harris. He wanted someone else. So what did Biden do? Biden gave him the double barreled middle finger and endorse Kamala Harris quickly, not even because he likes Kamala Harris to stick it to Obama.
By the way, did you see the quote today? Politico playbook had it out there about the gay marriage thing, how Joe Biden is out there now celebrating that he beat Barack Obama to the punch on gay marriage and actually calls out the Obama administration.
I have been telling you this for seriously, ten years since I've been doing this podcast. Go back and look. These two hate each other. They're just going to be the phoniest thing you've ever seen in the next, whatever, 99 days we have till election day, whatever it is, you're going to see Obama out there with Kamala Harris. Razor. They hate each other, all of them. There is no unity on the Democrat side whatsoever. It doesn't mean they can't win. It just means they are not who they say they are. But they are not going to fix any of her left wing socialist nonsense. They are going to run on stealing your stuff, stealing your guns, ruining your schools, and taking your health care. That is the Harris agenda. Oh, you saw that look. Thank you. Here. This is in playbook today, the left wing political playbook. Biden said, well, I'm really proud of my position. Biden replied, I was the first guy to come out for a gay marriage. And then he added this.
Remember that little problem with the Obama administration? That's a Biden quote. They hate each other.
This is important. I don't just tell you this so we get into palace intrigue. I'm telling you this because going forward, you are going to see the biggest phony act of Democrat unity air quotes you've ever seen in your life. These guys hate each other. Biden's quietly hoping Kamala loses because he feels he got backstabbed, that he wants to teach the Democrats a lesson. Obama's hoping Kamala loses because he wants to stick it to Biden. Biden endorsed Kamala, not because he likes Kamala. He actually can't stand her because he hates Obama more.
This is all an act, folks. It's all bullshit. It's all a stick, the whole thing.
Here's a couple of quick clips today, too. This is important. You know, this woman is, by the way, she's a total gun grabber. A total gun grabber. You want to forfeit your second amendment rights? This woman is to the left of Obama and Biden. Remember this? We talked about mandatory buybacks. Buybacks meaning they come steal your guns. That's what that means. Listen to our answer. Speaker two agenda.
Yeah, I think it's a great idea, but I mean, listen, I don't think we lack for great ideas. As I've said many times, we've been having great ideas for decades. The problem is that Congress does not have the courage to act. And that is why from the beginning, I have said my agenda in attempting to get Congress to act. But if they don't, within the first hundred days of my administration, I'm gonna take executive action. Cause what we need is action.
Dan Bongino
You don't have to listen to me. Just listen to her. She's taking executive action to come steal your guns.
By the way, how do you like the idea of another public safety crisis? Because she's a big defund the policer. She calls it reimagining. She's a defund the policer. Don't listen to me. Listen to her. Check this out. So does that mean you support proposals like what we've seen in Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti saying, take some of the money from policing, about $150 million. Invest it in health initiatives, training initiatives for youth.
I support investing in communities so that they become more healthy and therefore more safe.
Right now, what we're seeing in America is many cities spend over one third of their entire city budget on policing. But meanwhile, we've been defunding public schools for years in America. We've got to re examine what we're doing with american taxpayer dollars and ask the question, are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities? And that's a legitimate conversation, and it requires a really critical evaluation. I applaud Eric Garcetti for doing what he's done.
Dan Bongino
She applauds him for defunding the police.
That's who she is. Don't take my word for it. Just listen to her. And so the downside, Eric, appreciate you. I'm glad. Listen, your comments matter. I'm sure a lot of people are thinking that. The downside, a lot of people don't know Kamala Harris. The media is going to define her as Kamalon. Don't downplay that. The upside, if the people who are paying attention and may vote there is just a library of material. She is crazier than Joe Biden and Obama. Just listen to her folks. JD Vance coming up on the radio show later today. By the way, the last hour of the radio show is only available on locals. The first two for free on Rumble, rumble.com bangino right here on this channel. It's just a different, different video. You just click on it. Very simple. Please give us a follow on Apple and Spotify as well. It's keeping us way high on the charts. A whole bunch of new people have found us. And make sure you follow Evita show, rumble.com slash Bangino report, Bongino report and on Apple and Spotify as well. We love you. Thanks so much for your support. We will. By the way, the Bongino army shirts here for you. Our proceeds go to charity Verde. Told you that. But you are the Bongino army. Gotta rep the cause sometimes. See in a radio show in a little bit back here tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino show.