Primary Topic
This episode primarily discusses concerns about political violence and the manipulation of public perception by various actors in the lead-up to the U.S. elections.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Concerns About Election Integrity: Bongino discusses how certain narratives are being pushed by the media to delegitimize election outcomes favorable to the right.
- Warnings of Political Violence: He warns his audience about potential violence instigated to disrupt the political process and blame certain groups.
- Critique of Media and Intelligence: There is a strong distrust towards the mainstream media and intelligence communities, accused of bias and misinformation.
- Big Tech’s Influence: The episode touches on how large tech companies influence public opinion and privacy through data manipulation.
- Need for Preparedness: Bongino emphasizes the need for his listeners to be aware and prepared for the tactics he describes as being used by the left.
Episode Chapters
1. Introduction to Political Violence
Bongino sets the stage by discussing recent trends and events that suggest a buildup to politically motivated violence, emphasizing the need for vigilance among his listeners. Dan Bongino: "Folks, it's going to get worse. If the debate goes poorly on Thursday, you are going to see even more of this."
2. Media Manipulation
This chapter dives into how narratives are shaped by the media to influence public perception, particularly regarding political violence. Dan Bongino: "They are trying to take what they do, flip the story around, slap it on top of a MAGA label and say, look, you guys did it."
3. The Role of Big Tech
Discussion on how large technology companies and their control over data can affect public opinion and individual privacy. Dan Bongino: "Companies aren't just selling products anymore, they're selling you."
Actionable Advice
- Stay Informed: Regularly seek out multiple news sources to get a complete picture of current events.
- Privacy Protection: Use tools like VPNs to protect personal data from big tech companies.
- Community Awareness: Engage in community discussions to better understand the local implications of national politics.
- Election Participation: Ensure you are registered and informed about your voting rights and procedures.
- Critical Analysis: Develop skills to critically analyze media messages and recognize bias.
About This Episode
Just listen to them. In this episode, I cover the abundant signs that the left's inevitable next step is physical violence, as Trump gains ground in the polls.
Dan Bongino, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Maxine Waters
ExpressVPN, Tommy John
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Discussion of political violence and strong opinions on public figures.
Dan Bongino
Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
You know, I gotta tell you, I got a little nervous. You know, I love the show. I love the audience. I love to see the show grow and sprout like a chia pet head.
And, you know, we're all perfectionists here. So we're all panicking. We're like, man, we had such a rough audience yesterday live, but then the video on demand, the watch numbers were, were above average. I'm like, what's going on, ladies and gentlemen? We found a little glitch. It's going to be repaired over the coming days, so you should see the live stream numbers back to normal. A lot of people weren't showing up on, so make sure you update the rumble app. We had a little issue there. So thank you, though. You know, listen, man, I love you guys. And I thought somehow how we something up? So big show today. Listen, this is going to be a serious show. It's going to be a lot to take. I've been warning you about desperation time setting in with the Biden camp, and they're going to start doing what desperate people do, which is desperate stuff. Political violence, cheating, illegals, voting, gag orders, everything. It's all here right now. A beamstream powders, a science backed hot cocoa for sleep, but no added sugar. Go to shop beans. Beam.com, bangino. Use code bongino for up to 45% off. I got that. And also be very careful, folks. I would not be surprised if something happens between now and the election. And you shouldn't be either. And they try to pin it on the MAGA hats. The mega hats did it. Don't, don't trust the intelligence community. You saw what they did the last election. Hey, huge tech corporations in America may not do a lot of giving, but they sure do a lot of taking.
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Again. Given America the double barrel middle finger, inventing the hunter Biden laptop has all the hallmarks of a russian operation fairy tale.
I would not be surprised. And you need to be ready for this. And it really pains me to tell you this, man, as a citizen of the republic, I never thought we'd be here. Obviously, we're living in a police state. Now, we already know that political, political opponents are being thrown in jail of the Biden regime.
But, folks, if we win in November, which seems probable, I wouldn't say likely, but probable, we shouldn't get too excited. I'm going to hear any red wave talk here. If we win in November, the likelihood of political violence by the left is strong.
They're going to justify it with all kinds of crazy bullshit. They're going to justify it with all kinds of stories and fairy tales are trying to stop nazis. They're trying to stop fascism. And one of the things the left does in advance is they try to precondition you to a narrative because they know the dumb asses in the media will gladly suck up the narrative and parrot it. So what better way to preemptively distract you from left wing violence? If we're to win in November? What better way than to condition the media to put it out there that the violence is going to be on the right, on the Trump supporter side, even though they have no evidence that's absolutely, that's actually true. Why would the right engaged in violence if Donald Trump wins. I've got a really bad feeling that I'm having. I think you guys can sense my hesitancy here because I don't want to say this thing the wrong way, and I don't want to.
I'm really worried.
I feel like they have some kind of plan if they sense the polls going really bad. Number one and number two, Joe Biden doesn't get out of the race again. Look at this.
Wow. That's like some hardcore goosebumps there.
I'm afraid they. Their backup plan is to get Joe Biden out of the race. If Joe Biden does not get out of the race, folks, the violence could get ugly with them. You, all you have to do is listen to the left and how they precondition you. They always do this thing, the dipsy do, flip a roo. It's a joke. I call it that. But none of it's funny where they flip the story.
And in order to isolate you from the truth, they want violence associated with one side, and that's us. I've noticed a lot more of this lately. I want you to listen very carefully here to Maxine Waters. And I know the, you know, the initial reaction at the jump is going to be, well, Maxine Waters is crazy.
She may very well be crazy, but what she's doing isn't crazy. She's doing exactly what I just said. She's preconditioning you to a narrative, to associate violence with us so they can be a crackdown after the election and do something stupid before Trump is sworn in. Check this out.
What do you see as their legacy today, especially as the nation faces more threats of political violence like the ones you face?
Maxine Waters
Well, first of all, I want to thank all of those people who joined in the civil rights movement, who are not black, who are not people of color, who join with us to try and get justice and equality in this country. But we see they were killed. They were murdered. And I do believe that, you know, having listened to Donald Trump so many times and having the attack, the insurrection that took place on the House of Representatives, in Congress, on the Capitol, on the Capitol grounds, that we could be in for more killings like that.
Dan Bongino
Folks, all you got to do is listen and take it in. You know, last night I was bored. That movie, quiet place, was on cable, and I put on 15 minutes of it before I went to sleep. And the creatures in that movie, they have these, these, these big, huge ear like ears that can suck in the sound and sense little shit. That's what I've got for the left. Everything's a dog whistle. And she does two things. One, she has to put a racial narrative and part of racial narrative on top of this. She has to layer it on top because she knows a racial narrative will one generate support? She believes in the minority community that this is somehow racial because they're bothered by Trump's black support. But second, did you notice how she has to constantly. The January 6 narrative is so important to them. What happened on January 6 to them has become a central feature of what their crackdown on free speech and their police state war on us has been. This will be the excuse forever. The excuse forever will be. We can't have another January 6. The catch is they haven't. They still haven't told us what happened on January 6. They are justifying the tyranny using the January 6 narrative. But remember, they still haven't told us what happened on January 6, which is making a guy like me, who, you know, I don't jump out in front of a story. I don't want to be first. I want to be right.
That's bothered some people. But that's okay. My reputation is intact. I am not, I'm not susceptible to nonsense.
I am getting very skeptical, very skeptical, extremely skeptical of even the mainstream republican narrative of January 6. At this point, folks, the pipe bomber on January 6, nobody knows who he is. The secret service texts on January 6, nobody knows where they are. The FBI informants on January 6. Nobody can seem to answer. Why?
Because if you get the truth. Follow me. Maxine Waters is going to be isolated. And this, we've got to be careful to avoid another January 6 narrative falls apart. Because the January 6 narrative may not be the story you've been told.
Maybe they're telling you a story.
Maybe they're not telling you the story.
Here's what makes me even more suspicious. We all know Adam Kinzinger is a total piece of human garbage. What is he, like, a five foot two pile of human waste or so? He's also a coward and a chump who's a. Whose parents probably tell everyone they have no kids if they're smart. Here's crying. Adam Kinzinger, cable news network, yesterday, again, I want you to listen for the narrative. This guy's obviously a disgusting piece of filth and a liar. We already know that about him. They did the best they could to hide evidence in the January 6 thing. And by the way, I expect a full investigation of this clown Liz Cheney and the others. Once we went back to the White House, and I hope we do, here's crying Kinzinger with the exact same narrative.
We got to be careful of this violence. We don't want another January 6. It's almost like they're preparing you for violence. Listen to me. Go back to the beginning of the show. It's important. I'm going to say it over and over. They are in desperation mode now. It's going to get worse. If the debate, if, if the debate goes poorly on Thursday, you are going to see even more of this. It's like they're preparing for violence and they need an excuse. Just listen to them. Check this out.
Speaker one.
Yeah, Jim. I mean, look, he is a complete, we know this. This isn't a surprise. He's a deep narcissist. This is a man that only cares about himself.
He only cares about his reputation. The fact that he could possibly lose. He's trying to initially inoculate people against believing that he lost because he, he's a loser. But the other thing that does, which we saw in 2020, is it does convince people that an election is stolen. And when you look in a self governing society, we have to know that our vote counts and that whoever gets the most votes is going to win. If you convince a significant amount of the population that their vote doesn't count, violence is the inevitable next step. It's not a surprise, folks.
Dan Bongino
Here's where this gets really, really weird for them. And I want you to think this through. You're going to remember this episode. I promise you. This is a really important segment. If Donald Trump wins, I want to get ahead of ourselves. You get my point. Can't say that up. But if he wins, why would the MAGA crowd, why would the right riot and cause violence?
You see what they're doing here?
They're trying to somehow provide air cover. They were instigated. They're fighting fascism.
There are provocateurs in the crowd, you may say, well, that's what they do. Exactly. That's my point.
They're trying to take what they do, flip the story around, slap it on top of a MAGA label and say, look, you guys did it. Who'd be dumb enough to believe that? The answer is the left wing media here, I'll prove it to you again, folks, I'm telling you right now, they have got these, they are getting ready for violence. And you better be ready.
Here's America first legal, a great account. I've been pushing a lot lately because we got to follow each other on social media at America first legal on x, they note that a group member, that group we were discussing yesterday that DHS, Brennan Clapper advisory group, this swampy, deep state group. One group member noted that prior to January 6, analysts thought it was inappropriate to collect intelligence on Americans. Following January 6, however, they observed that there had been a change in collection and reporting methods. Look here.
After January 6, which they can't seem to explain. The pipe bomber, the FBI informants, the Secret Service tax. Before January 6, they didn't really report or collect, so they say, on american citizens after January 6, it was no longer inappropriate to do that. They had to change their collection mechanisms. Folks, do you see how important this January 6 narrative is to them if it falls apart and. Wait, what? I should lay out the narratives. Pretty simple. MAga rioters caused an insurrection, nearly took the country over. That's their narrative. Stop laughing. We get. It's ridiculous and stupid. I understand. That's their narrative. That's our story. Not this story.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the problem.
We don't know this story yet.
There's a lot of suspicion, folks, in the chat. I get it. I totally understand. You're like, hey, here's a story. They set us up. I get it. The problem is they're hiding the evidence.
They're hiding the evidence. If they set us up, they have the texts, they have the emails. The FBI, the secret service, whoever was involved that day or not involved, they have the info and we don't. It's asymmetrical information warfare.
They can play hide the ball as long as they want. Do you get what I mean by asymmetric? They can go and subpoena or just take your metadata, which they have. They have your information, but you don't have theirs. So it's impossible for us to prove what they did while they can continue to blame us for what they did.
Has anybody on the left even bothered to ask these simple questions? Why don't we know who the pipe bomber is? Why don't we have the secret Service text? Why won't anybody answer about FBI informants? Is any. Is there any honest actor left on the left?
Just answer the questions. It will put a lot of this to bed, folks. I'm going to say it again. Desperation time. You better be. Your eyes better be open. Clockwork orange style, man. Your head on a swivel like Reagan from the Exorcist. Remember that still? Movie scared the shit out of me, man. I'm not going to lie. That movie got. I watched that movie one night. I was a secret service agent. At times, I was supposed to be a tough guy, right? I was in the middle of the hills, Okura Motor Inn in Utah, working the Olympics. And I was working midnight. So I get off, I think, 536 in the morning, still dark. I watched the exorcist, the director's cut. I gotta tell you, I went to sleep that night, one eye open, like, looking around, waiting for Reagan to pop in.
You better keep your head on a swivel, man. Be very careful who you let in your groups. If you got someone in your group, hey, take this to heart. The judge is ruled. Judge Bongino is ruled. Take this to heart.
You get a guy joins your face group, Facebook group, or whatever, true social group, whatever it is, in two weeks, walks into your club, 47 and five minutes after he's walking, he's like, hey, guys, I got a battle plan to go and blow up the Capitol. Holy shit. You better, you better ice that dude out and notify the cops quick, because let me tell you something, you're being set up.
You're being set up.
Oh, that's not going to happen. Did you read that last tweet I put up by America first legal? Did you read that these are DHS advisory groups run by the very same deep state people who told you Hunter's laptop was fake and Donald Trump was a russian asset. You think they don't get. Not going to do this again.
Do you see this guy? Finally we get a guy with some balls. This guy was on with Jack Paso big. You know what? This would be a good. Jim, do we have a guest? If we don't have a guest today, book so big, be good to come on today. If he'd asked Jim if he got a guest today, this because I'd like to talk to you about this. Same. Here's this representative Burlson. I think he's from Missouri. He's on real America's voice with pesobic. He's talking about now basically decommissioning this January 6 committee, which they believe could do something to get rid of some of these subpoenas and contempt the Congress thing. This is the kind of balls we need to fight back. And to get the information we need. Why are we sitting back and taking this stuff? Check this out.
Representative Burlson
That declares the January 6 committee to be an illegitimate committee, that we send a message to the Justice Department that any court actions or prosecutions should be dropped or set aside, that any sentencing should be commuted, and that the speaker of the House is to instruct the attorney general on the decision of the House.
And hopefully we'll be able to take up this resolution and pass it that.
Dan Bongino
Declares we need more of this, not less of this. We need people to grow some grapefruits, man. Grow some balls like this guy, and start doing stuff like this. Because, folks, the people you're dealing with on the left are not sane or rational. They're not. They're trying to basically distract you from the violence, the authoritarianism, the tyranny. They are 100% planning. How do I know? I always bring the receipts. Because they were planning for violence in 2022. Do I have to? 20 to 2020 slash too?
Look, remember this transition integrity project?
How many times have I mentioned, as you all in the chat are probably sick of it? This was a swampy left wing group that was absolutely planning for violence if they lost the election. It's written right here, here in their own document. Look at the date.
August 2020.
Planners need to take seriously the notion they're talking about the election. If they lose, planners need to take seriously the notion that this may well be a street fight, not a legal battle. Technocratic solutions, courts and a reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here. Wait, Michael, leave that up a second. Look what they're doing. They're talking specifically about a street fight and all you lefty a holes out there. Oh, Dan, you're being dramatic. They're playing word games. They really mean a legal battle. Can you guys read that for me? What it says next, not a legal battle. Oh, they mean technocratic solutions. No, they don't. They're saying right here, technocratic solutions are not the answer. They mean the courts. Courts are not the answer.
Norms. Norms are not the answer either. When they say a street fight, they mean a street fight.
Folks. They were desperate in 2020. They got, they thought they were going to lose. What saved them? Chat. What saved them in 2020? 1st person to get right. I'll tell. Name you on the air. What saved them in 2020? Anybody know now they've got, they haven't pulled the rabbit out of the hat yet. Anyone? Anyone? Come on. Someone nailed us. Cheat. Yeah, yeah, we get the cheating, but how did they. We get the cheating? What? Covid? Yes. Who said it? Broadcast news. No, I'm sorry, Craig. W got it first. Yes, sir. The COVID Covid helped them cheat. I'm sorry. It should have been clear. Yeah, obviously they cheated, but Covid save enabled the mail in balloting.
What are they going to pull out of their hat this time? The answer is, I don't know. But desperation time is here.
That's why you're seeing this push to get illegals somehow registered through the public benefits process. You're seeing the gag orders, the police state go crazy, all this debate nonsense with them where they're already scamming on the debate.
Folks, get ready. Violence, the police state cheating. Desperation times here. I'm going to show you more evidence here. It's right in front of your face, folks.
They are getting ready for the worst. You got to be prepared for this, you know?
I know. I gotta get this. Keep that up. Just one thing, guys.
I love you guys so much. And ladies, I mean, I'm really a little emotional today because I'm really into this show.
But I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't mean it's kind of a snowflakey way, obviously, or anything like that. I'm a little bit anxious about this because no one saw Covid coming. No one. Let's be honest, no one saw that coming. We're gonna shut the world down for some virus that was like a flu and we just weren't ready.
A lot of people were really confident Trump was going to win that thing, and they managed to scam.
I don't know what they're going to pull out of their hat this time, but I feel like if we at least warn people when it happens, we'll be a little bit more prepared instead of being caught on our heels.
You have no idea what they're capable of. Well, actually, you do. You have a lot of ideas, but some other people don't.
All right, quick break. I'll get back to the show. It's good because I like to say a little lighter for me, Tommy John. Geez. Favorite elevate every morning with Tommy John's second skin underwear. What you put in your pants can make or break your day.
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It is critical you keep that up there. It is critical you guys understand this. There is no proof required.
The US Election Assistance Commission sheet only asks for a sign for you to basically sign, under penalty of perjury, that you, the applicant, are a citizen.
No proof, zero.
Now, it's illegal for foreign nationals to register to vote or cast ballots in federal elections. But tens of thousands of non citizens have been discovered on voter rolls. Recent audits and investigations have shown. That's not my opinion. That's a fact.
These audits have discovered these. There's no proof. All you got to do is this, folks, I want you to watch Elizabeth Warren here. Well, first, let me put, let me put this post millennial article first in case, again, you think I'm making this up? They are desperate.
They have been interested in flooding the voter rolls where people don't belong for a long time. But it appears now that they're in panic mode and doubling and tripling down on getting as many people there that don't belong there to flood the thing post millennial. Tom Stevenson welfare offices are giving out voter registration forms to illegal immigrants without proof of citizenship. That's not happening. Yes, it is. It's right there.
The date on the article are the halcyon days of June 24.
I think that's yesterday.
It's happening now.
Violence, voter fraud, threats of violence. This stuff is real.
These state ags have to look into this immediately.
Here, watch Elizabeth Warren freaking out here on a left wing cable news network as she's asked a simple question about the flood of people coming in the country illegally. The reason they're not going to stop pushing people into the country, despite the fact Biden's underwater by almost 20 points on the immigration issue is because now they see it as the only way they can possibly fleece this thing in the swing states is by flooding the voter rolls with people who don't belong there. Check this out.
Maxine Waters
There have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border thus far in Bidens term. There were just over 2 million in Donald Trumps entire term.
What did the president do wrong?
This isnt about what the president did wrong. Remember on the very first day that he was sworn into office, President Biden asked Congress both for the resources and for comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans blocked it, blocked it, blocked it, blocked it. Donald Trump didn't have that either, senator. He didn't have that either. And there were 2 million during his entire turn last fall.
Dan Bongino
Folks, I want you to understand, they will never, ever let this go. They're not, they don't care what you think you understand. It doesn't matter who's killed, it doesn't matter who's raped. It doesn't matter who's murdered, robbed, how many home invasions, it doesn't matter to them.
This is really sick stuff.
This is evil. When I say to you there's a spiritual war going on right now, I don't mean it some weird, bizarre way. I mean there is some evil energy out there. I don't understand.
I don't, you don't get it either because we're not in the spirit realm. We're here in the material world as we know it.
We're not in the spirit realm, but there's something going on right now. These people are evil.
There are people being killed. There are people being murdered, raped. It's happening every day now by people who don't belong in the country. They were here illegally. And the Biden team and Elizabeth Warren and these lunatics will defend this thing for one reason. Why, again, they are desperate to save and hold on to their power base. They don't care who dies.
You know, I'm going to stay tuned. I'm going to play this after. This is really, this is kind of sad. Coming up. I'm just going to get you ready right now. Coming up after the break. But you need to hear it.
Quick break. Get back to it.
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Okay, getting back to my point, sad to watch, but you need to see it. This is the mother of the twelve year old.
She was brutally killed, sexually assaulted. The suspects are illegals from Venezuela.
The administration, ladies and gentlemen, does not care. They are in desperation mode. They want to flood the rolls. They don't care who dies, who's tortured, who's killed. If they cared, they would do what, they would do something about it.
I want you to watch the mother of this twelve year old. It's about 30 seconds of a longer speech she gave, and this is tough to watch, but you need to see it. Check this out.
Mother of 12-year-old victim
Look at the people that are here.
They care about you.
Dan Bongino
What is your message as her mother.
Maxine Waters
To the justice system?
Mother of 12-year-old victim
Please don't fail us. Please don't let us down. The city of Houston has done everything in their power to bring this to light, and now it's the justice system to do their part as well. It's a community effort, it's a partnership. We all have to follow through and we all need to give them their punishments that they deserve, because my baby didn't deserve this.
Representative Burlson
Dan Bongino
The worst thing you can do to a tyrant and an authoritarian is pull away their ability to enact tyranny.
The worst thing you can do is suck away their power base in a zero sum game and give it back to the people. They are freaking out and it is going to get a lot worse, I promise you. Do you see this tweet from Paul Villarreal? He said there's an ad running in central Pennsylvania from a left wing Pac named Pennsylvania values. The spot tells MAGA Patriots that President Trump doesn't want them to vote by mail. Why is the ad being run? Because they understand if we're stuck with mail and balloting, which in this election we are, and the left swamps the process, but we don't they're going to win. This is the kind of stuff, you know, it's amazing. Wasn't a Mackie. What wouldn't he put in jail for a meme? What's going to happen to these people? Nothing. Because we live in the freaking police state, man. And they are in absolute desperation time. And by the way, the dude in the chat trying to challenge me on the COVID stuff. Yeah, no shit. People died. People die of all diseases, the flu and otherwise there would, what we did was absolutely ass backwards, okay?
Priming people's immune system by priming them to get infected by sitting in the house and not exposing them to other people and pretending natural immunity is not a thing is a freaking bass awkwards way to handle it. The what? I mean, what else could you possibly want to hear?
Pushing this dopey vaccine down their throats, telling them to stay out of school.
We're seeing a reemergence of all these weird diseases. What the hell do you you crazy?
This is, that was nuts. They did it for one reason. They wanted to make sure people stayed away from each other because they wanted Trump to look bad. Number one, like he was handling it poorly. And number two, they wanted to manipulate the election. The history is clear, folks. Here's another thing they're going to do in desperation time, which is right now, these gag orders, this police state is real. Jack Smith, the special tyrant need Donald Trump case about the January 6 episode. Jack Smith was pushing in court yesterday, unbelievably, for another gag order, as Julie Kelly reports. And I'll go into it in a little more detail tomorrow. It appears now that the FBI staged this photo op with COVID sheets. They brought in, then leaked the picture. And you've still got insiders defending this thing.
They leaked the picture. Classified, classified. Oh, look, they were just cover sheets. They weren't Trump's. Why did they take the picture and leak it? Because we're dealing with a police state in desperation mode. They're pushing for a gag order now. Why? Because they don't want Donald Trump in the debate to be able to talk about this.
By the way, I wouldn't expect a ruling till after the debate from the Supreme Court. I could be wrong, but I don't think they're going to distract from the debate.
Representative Burlson
Dan Bongino
I could be wrong, but the ruling on the presidential immunity case. Here's John Turley yesterday. Again, not a big maga guy. He's on Fox News talking about how absolutely crazy Jack Smith pushing for a gag order on the January 6 case is this is unprecedented. Again, this isn't a big maga guy. Check this out.
Representative Burlson
There is this anti free speech culture that's taken hold of the government, academia. What the, what Jack Smith is arguing here is really alarming. That is, this is far outside the navigational beacons for a proper gag order. She's saying, I want to gag the leading presidential candidate from criticizing the department, criticizing the FBI.
I mean, just trying to get your mind around that. But this, unfortunately, has been the signature of Jack Smith, who seems to believe, as Oscar Wilde did, that nothing succeeds like excessive.
Dan Bongino
Do you see what's going on here? They want Biden to have an asymmetric warfare operation in the debate. They want Biden to be able to attack. This is what Jack Smith's up to with the gag order.
And Turley kind of gets to it, but hints around it a little bit. I'm going to be a little more direct.
They want Biden to be able to go on the stage because he can't defend his record at all. Inflation, the border. And they want Biden to make Trump look like a threat to democracy. So they want to keep constantly to go back to the beginning of the show and Maxine Waters. They need to bring up the January 6 narrative over and over and over again, even though nobody knows what the real story is, because the government's hiding a ball.
But they don't want Trump to be able to fight back, folks. Everything they do, they do deliberately. Think about what I just told you. It's actually evil, but quite clever.
They use the DOJ and Jack Smith, this tyrant in court.
Luckily, they got Judge Eileen Cannon, who seems to be very skeptical of all this bullshit. They're trying in court to win the debate in court so Trump can't fight back when, when Biden says to him, look, this is a threat to democracy. Instigator riot on January 6, and Trump has a gag order.
Evil. But think about it. Clever.
These scumbags thought of everything.
Only reason we got lucky is we got a judge who seems to take her job seriously. Judge Cannon. That's the only reason he was. Byron Donald's on Fox yesterday, nails it in this clip. They don't have anything else. The Biden team doesn't have anything else but the threat to democracy narrative. That's why they need the gag order on Trump, because they don't want him to fight back. Here, watch this. I don't know how Joe Biden's going to defend his record, because he can't.
Neil Cavuto
So what?
Dan Bongino
He's going to try to do, in my view, talk about January 6, talk about what happened in lower Manhattan. But if you get into the lower Manhattan conviction, that's going to demonstrate the.
Neil Cavuto
Two tier justice system of justice that.
Dan Bongino
Has so many Americans frustrated with what's going on in Joe Biden's America.
Folks, this debate is going to be an epic, life changing moment in american history. I am really strongly encouraging you now, though, do not again underestimate Biden. Anyone. You know what they're doing this week? They're at Camp David. I don't know if they have him sleeping till noon, whatever they're doing. I don't know if they've given him extra cups of coffee. I don't know what the hell they're doing with Biden, but he's up at Camp David for a reason. I've been up there many times. It is really secluded. I'm going to tell you where it is. Some may know, some may not. But I'm telling you, it's in the middle of nowhere. It is extremely hard to find, and it's in the middle of nowhere. There's no media around. There's no media even close.
I don't know what they're doing up there with him, but this guy can show up. Anyone can do an hour and a half. It's not even that. It's going to be close to an hour. Anyone.
Do not underestimate this guy.
They tried to hide them, and the only reason they agreed to this early is because if he flubs it, there's going to be super desperation time. And if he doesn't get out of the race, I don't know what they're going to do. Jerry Baker had a piece about this in the Wall Street Journal yesterday that the only reason the left agreed to this, the precariousness of his position was that Biden proposed this encounter. It's a testimony to what the bad shape he's in electorally. This is why I'm telling you desperation time is here. Throw that piece up. They noticed that Biden's already managed to get away with jettisoning.
Jettisoning most of his traditional ways in which the president's held to answer the public. He's had fewer press conferences. He's given no interviews.
Folks, this is why they're in total desperation mode, them agreeing to this early debate. They know they're in trouble. However, there's a problem. Listen to me. This is the problem. I've been trying to get through to you the entire time. Take it in. Tattoo this on your brain. The staff agreed to this early debate because they need time to get rid of this guy if he performs poorly, but he has to leave.
If he doesn't leave, the left is going to go crazy, folks. They set up everything in this debate, this debate. I still think it was a good idea for him to do it. Donald Trump. I do. I'm not going to change my mind on that. We'll see afterwards. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong the next day. If it turns out terribly, I still think it was a good idea because Joe Biden is a train wreck with no emotional control. And they remember the state of the union was still terrible.
Everybody gives them credit for it. It was still awful and it was not adversarial. You know, there's no one screaming back on a microphone. I mean, they can respond, but there's no one with a microphone. Trump has a unique ability to get under everyone's skin on the Democrat side. But they're trying everything to make sure this debate is slanted in one direction. In one direction only.
Did you know this?
I mean, I thought this was common knowledge. I was stunned how many people just figured this out the other day. I'm glad Paul Sperry put this out the other day because this is critical. Do you know the debate moderator, Dana Bash, or Dana bad, whatever the hell she calls herself?
They're insisting they can be impartial. I mean, it's a debate. You're not supposed to be debating Trump. You're the moderator.
You know, Dana Bash was married to a Russiagate conspiracist, a Biden donor, and Brennan aide Jeremy Bash. Oh, who also signed that intel statement falsely implying Hunter's laptop was russian disinformation.
Folks, what a coincidence, bro. The husband was one of the 51 dipshits who signed a Hunter Biden laptop memo.
Can you imagine? Can you imagine for a moment if the shoe was on the other foot and the, let's say, oann or newsmax or Breitbart was moderating, moderating a debate and some guy caught up in an anti Biden conspiracy theories wife was a moderator?
Are you for real?
If I were Donald Trump, that's the first thing. That's absolutely the first thing I would call out to. I'd say, listen, folks, I'm sorry. I know IQ Kevin a lot. It's not my job to give Donald Trump tips. He can figure it out on himself. Certainly doesn't need my advice. But that's one of the first things I would point out. I would say you know, this woman right here, her husband was part of the conspiracy to make you believe that this guy's son, in fact, didn't do what we all now know he did. I'm just saying before the debate starts.
I know he said it, right?
So crazy. You know, it's how all these people on the left seem to know each other. So weird.
Here's Donna Dana Bash, whatever her name is, also on CNN. She's going to be an unbiased moderator. I'm sure she's very upset. She thinks it's unfortunate for America that the legislative branch can do legislative stuff when they're talking about Trump being kicked off the ballot. Check this out.
Maxine Waters
Unfortunately for America, the court isn't necessarily wrong that this is the way the framers wanted it to be. They wanted Congress, the people who are closest to their constituents, to be able to make the rules of the laws.
Dan Bongino
You really believe that this woman even has it in her, even a shred of decency?
Folks, these are not, these are not partisans. These are ideologues. There's a difference. There are Democrats who could probably moderate a debate some and do it fairly. I mean, I could think of a few media people who I know have reported on left wing nonsense is a very small number. There are also conservatives who can fairly criticize Republicans. We do it all the time and engage in a fair and moderate debate.
Or moderated debate. Excuse me, this woman, are you nuts? Her husband is one of the lunatics involved in the intelligence conspiracy theory.
She doesn't seem to know how the government works.
You expect them to ask honest questions about Biden on inflation? Their constant lying about how Biden got into office and inflation was 9%. They just made that up.
Hat tip maze. More here. Here's just a straight up contradiction. Biden versus Biden. Biden when he gets into office, you're going to hear first and Biden now on inflation. You think they're going to ask honest questions and hold them to account on this? I'd be stunned if it happens. Check this out.
And by the way, talk of inflation.
The overwhelming consensus is going to pop up a little bit and then go back down.
No one's talking about this. Great, great. You know, taking blame for inflation? No.
Representative Burlson
Why not?
Dan Bongino
Because it was already there when I got here. Man, I like that. Biden. Who did that? Biden versus Biden. These guys are doing the wrong thing now. It's like they're even my show anymore. I don't want my names even on. I like it, though. It's pretty good thinking, folks. The guy can't even debate himself. You expect Dana Bash, whose husband is part of the anti Trump conspiracy theory, one of the big ones. You expect them to be honest.
This administration, their hallmark is bullshit and lying. That's all they do. They are never going to get called on the carpet about this stuff. Remember, when it's a Republican and they're asking a question, they won't let it end until they get an answer with the Democrat, they'll ask. They maybe do a follow up, and they'll let the lie go, and they walk away. There's a difference.
Here's Janet Yellen the other day on Cavuto. Again, no big Trumper. I think we all know that.
And Cavuto is like, why do you guys keep lying about this 9% inflation thing? You expect Dana Bash and Jake Tapper to nail this guy to the wall on this?
This is Janet Yellen. Janet Yellen, the lead money person in the bah, in the Biden team. She just is incapable of telling the truth about this. Insanely, insanely easy to debunk lie about 9% inflation when you get in office. Check this out.
Neil Cavuto
He keeps saying it was 9% when he took office.
You're the top money person in the White House, and you know that was not the case. Have you ever tried to pull him aside and say, mister President, just so you know, inflation was not that high when you took office?
Maxine Waters
Look, the pandemic had hit, the economy had hit America and the world with full force at the time that President Biden assumed office, which is why it was so low.
Dan Bongino
Neil Cavuto
Which is why it was so low when he took office. So I just, I know the factors behind that and what was going on, and you're quite right to point that out. But he doesn't, he doesn't say that.
Maxine Waters
Well, inflation hit 9% at its peak.
Neil Cavuto
16 months after he took office.
Maxine Waters
That was due to inflation, was lower before the pandemic. That's absolutely true.
Dan Bongino
They simply cannot say they lied. My problem with this is with this debate, you've got a series of easily debunkable documented lies. If Tapper and Bash can't get out of their ideological bubble and stay, Mister Biden, yes or no? Simple answer. Was inflation 9% when you took office or not?
We don't. Yes or no?
If they can't do it, they're not worth it. Forget it.
Mister Biden, you said the border is secure. Here are the numbers. 7 million plus encounters, millions more gotaways, 2 million under Trump more than three times and your presidency isn't even done. How can you tell us the border secure, Mister Biden?
They won't do it. I'm telling you, they won't do it. Or they'll ask it. They'll let him filibuster and they'll move on. And then with Donald Trump, they won't stop until they get an answer.
Guaranteed. They're liars about crowds too. Let me show. I'm going to let you in a little inside baseball. You guys ready? It's going to be a pretty cool segment. Okay. I got a little inside baseball for my last line of work. The Democrats are notorious for fudging their crowd numbers, okay? Because they can. There's a reason the Democrats fudge their crowd numbers all the time, because they know the media will play along with Republicans. It's really hard to fudge your crowd. No, fudge your crowd numbers when I say, hey man, we had well, well over a thousand people at a book signing. The left wing media, if I can't provide some evidence of that, will lose their minds. The Democrats, it doesn't matter.
So Biden and his paid influencers online wanted you to believe that they had this really packed of rally. Was it in Pennsylvania? Put up. There's what it actually looked like. Look, they had half the arena, half the arena curtained off.
Folks, I've seen this over and over. I did advance work for Obama for about two and a half years now. I'm not going to be a bullshit liar like Janet Yellen, Biden and others. Obama and in some places could draw a pretty decent crowd. But Obama, at least second term, Obama never drew the crowds they wanted you to believe. Never. I was there. Don't tell me media dip shits. I was there. Matter of fact, I'll give you a specific example. Shit like this happens all the time.
Newark, New Jersey, the devil's arena. Was it prudential? I forget exactly where they played. Forgive me, not a huge hockey fan, so, you know. But the New Jersey devil's a hockey team, right? He's doing a rally. Where was it? John Corzine running against Christie at the time. Obama shows up. The staff is telling us because remember, we have to go and plan the magnetometers, the metal detectors, and based on the flow rate, we have to bring in a certain amount of magnetometers to make sure we can get all the people in within, say, a two or three hour window. So you're relying on the staff. We don't know how many people it's not our event, it's theirs. We just do in security for it. The staff comes to the event. I think I'm the lead or the lead adviser advising someone else on the trip. And the staff says to me, 22,000 people. Now, at that point, nobody really knows I'm a big Republican, right? So I'm thinking there is no freaking way 22,000 people are going to come here to see Obama and John Corz. I know where. So I pulled one of Stanford's aside. Long story short, I'm like, how many people you think we're going to get? He goes, listen, between you and me, no more than like 8000. Sure enough, about 6000 people showed up, about a quarter of what they thought, and they did exactly that. They put all of these banners and curtains around to make the thing look full.
Donald Trump, folks, you're the media. If there's a single empty seat, they're like, oh, my gosh, Donald Trump failed to bring in a crowd. Look, there's an empty seat in the third row up there, folks. Everything they do is bullshit. Next time you hear about biden pulling a crowd, I want you to do what that person did. Go look online. People always post cell phone videos. I guarantee you you will find those curtains either in the upper deck halved because they can't fill an arena. Right there. You see, the whole thing is empty. And by the way, all those people backstage, those are like what we would call ARp, like arms reach program people. Those are typically the local Democrat club. They're going to show up no matter what. If Joe Biden was like weekend at Bernie's and they wheeled him in there, you know, under fentanyl or something like that, and they just moved his mouth for him like a puppet, those people would show up.
There's nobody there.
That's a stunt. The Democrats do it all the time.
All right, folks, I want to prepare you as well. If you do vote for Biden, if you decide if you're one of these middle of the road type people and you can't figure out what's up in this next election, I'm going to warn you right now, if you want to get f, then you want your wallet to shrink dramatically. And I'm telling you, I say this as objectively as possible. I'm a Trump person. I get it.
It's tough to be objective. I'm telling you this objectively. I'm removing myself from the politics. It is a simple fact that if you vote for the Democrats in the next election, you are about to crush the economy. They're talking about it openly.
This is the single most important economic story of our time.
I don't know if you just missed it, but the Supreme Court, in an absolutely dreadful ruling just last week, basically opened the door to a wealth tax. Please don't tune out. This is important. I know the economic segment some of you hate. This involves you and your wallet. It doesn't matter if you're 100, heir a thousandaire, a millionaire or a billionaire. This involves you.
They opened the door, the Supreme Court, to a wealth tax in one of the worst decisions I've ever seen. It didn't get a lot of publicity. The case is huge.
The second they did this, already the Democrats are out proposing. What's a wealth tax? It's a tax on unrealized gains. You own a house, you own art, you own stock, you own bonds.
You want to get taxed on that? What do you mean, when I sell it?
No, I mean right now.
Elizabeth Warren last week. That's convenient.
Right when this ruling was coming down, said she'll still hold the middle class tax cuts that expire in 2025 hostage if Republicans don't agree to. So corporations and people who earn more money than she thinks they deserve, she wants to let all the tax cuts expire. Meaning your taxes will go up then to be accomplices. She says, to another bonanza for America's billionaires. What does her plan include? A 2% annual tax on the net worth of households with more than 50 million in assets.
Now, you may say to yourself, why would I give a shit about people who have more than 50 million in assets and a wealth tax? Ladies and gentlemen, they own a significant chunk of the stock and real estate market. They happen to be wealthy. I'm a capitalist. I don't really care if they happen to be wealthy. You know who I care about trying to get wealthy? Me. Just like you care about trying to get wealthy, too. I don't give a shit what Stevie down the street's doing.
So why does taxing Stevie going to hurt you?
How do you think they're going to pay this massive tax bill, folks, if they're not liquid, which is all of them, no one keeps 50 million in the bank.
Yes, they're going to sell their real estate and sell their stock. Well, wouldn't that flood the market with stock and real estate and basically crush the economy? Yes.
So why would the Democrats do it? Because, like I said in the beginning of the show, you're dealing with evil. They are desperate. They don't care if Joe Biden wins and the Democrats get the House and the Senate. The filibuster is gone. The wealth tax is real. And you will remember this show when the stock market gets halved and the real estate market collapses because of their wealth tax.
Pass this on to your friends, man, because they're talking about it right now, openly. It's not a secret.
They will absolutely annihilate and decimate the economy if they win. And your wallets next.
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You just heard the Dan Bon Gino show.