Primary Topic
This episode explores cutting-edge technologies that are already transforming our daily lives, such as lab-grown meat, vertical farming, and sponge cities, along with insights on embracing and learning from failure.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Emerging Technologies: Innovations like lab-grown meat and vertical farming are on the brink of becoming mainstream, offering sustainable alternatives to traditional methods.
- Sponge Cities: This new urban design approach aims to mitigate flooding through enhanced water absorption and management.
- Cultural Acceptance of Tech: The success of new technologies often hinges on cultural acceptance and the readiness of society to embrace change.
- Embracing Failure: Learning to view failure as an opportunity for growth can lead to greater personal and professional development.
- Future Predictions: While it's challenging to predict specific outcomes, understanding current innovations provides insight into future possibilities.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Mike Carruthers introduces the topic of life-changing technologies and the concept of failing well. Discussion includes the prevalence of speaking anxiety and its impact on communication skills. Mike Carruthers: "Some experts estimate that up to 77% of the population has some level of speaking anxiety."
2: New Technologies
Exploration of innovative technologies like lab-grown meat, which could revolutionize the food industry by reducing the need for livestock. Jay Ingram: "You can actually grow generation after generation of those cells in the lab without ever taking cells again from an animal."
3: Sponge Cities
Discussion on how sponge cities can alleviate urban flooding through intelligent design, potentially transforming city planning. Jay Ingram: "It's estimated that if this were applied on a large scale to countries like the US, you would have much less damage from stormwater."
4: Embracing Failure
Insights from Amy Edmondson on the importance of intelligent failures and fostering a culture that sees failure as a learning opportunity. Amy Edmondson: "Intelligent failure... is deliberately meant to be provocative."
Actionable Advice
- Explore New Foods: Try incorporating lab-grown or plant-based meats into your diet.
- Advocate for Urban Sustainability: Support urban planning initiatives that integrate green technologies like sponge cities.
- Normalize Failure: Shift perspective to view failures as essential steps towards success.
- Stay Informed: Keep abreast of new technologies that could impact your life.
- Engage in Lifelong Learning: Continuously seek knowledge and skills to adapt to changing technologies.
About This Episode
The season during which you were born may have an effect on your health. This episode begins by revealing a study from a few years ago that shows some interesting differences in children who were born in the summer versus those born in winter, spring and fall. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/babies-born-in-winter-are-bigger-brighter-and-more-successful-5336850.html
Some new and fascinating technologies are already starting to change lives around the world and will soon be affecting you. These are not far off in the distance technologies – they are here right now - from sponge cities to meat grown in a laboratory, to all the things that AI can do. Here to reveal and explain some of these new technologies is Jay Ingram. He hosts 2 national science programs in Canada, “Quirks & Quarks” on CBC radio and “Daily Planet” on Discovery Channel Canada. Jay is author of 19 books including, The Future of Us: The Science of What We'll Eat, Where We'll Live, and Who We'll Be (https://amzn.to/3WdMNqX).
Failure is no fun – but it is inevitable. Failure turns out to be an excellent way to learn and improve our skills and abilities. Still, failure carries a stigma. People often believe that when you fail, it makes you a failure. Parents often want to protect their kids from failure. That turns out to be a very bad idea. So, we are going to talk about how to fail well with my guest, Amy Edmonson. Amy is a professor of leadership and management at the Harvard Business School and she is author the bestselling book, Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well (https://amzn.to/3xRCxe0).
How you handle and store the food you buy at the grocery store can lengthen or shorten the time before the food goes bad and you have to throw it away. Listen as I explain the best tips to keep food fresher longer. Source: Shop Smart magazine (no link)
Mike Carruthers, Jay Ingram, Amy Edmondson
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Guest Name(s):
Jay Ingram, Amy Edmondson
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Mike Carruthers
Hey, here's something you should know. Some experts estimate that up to 77% of the population has some level of speaking anxiety. I actually thought it was higher than that. Strong communication is a critical skill for success, which is why I'd like to recommend a podcast I know you're going to love called Think Fast Talk smart. Produced by the folks at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Think Fast Talk Smart is the number one career podcast in over 95 countries.
And here's why. Each week, Stanford lecturer Matt Abrahams, who, by the way, has been on this podcast a couple of times, Matt sits down with experts to discuss the best tips to help you improve all kinds of skills from making small talk. That leaves a big impression, keeping your nerves in check while speaking in front of crowds. I mean, there's a reason this show has over 42 million downloads and counting. Youll hear from people like neuroscientist Andrew Huberman on how to manage speaking anxiety, speech writer and bestselling author Daniel pink on how to take risks in your communication, and psychologist Kelly McGonagall on how to harness that nervous energy to fuel powerful presentations.
All that and so much more is available on think fast talk smart. So what are you waiting for? Listen every Tuesday, wherever you get your podcasts or on YouTube, and you can tell them I sent you today on something you should know. Could the time of year you were born impact your health? Now?
Then, new technologies that are already changing how we live, from sponge cities to AI to meat grown in a lab. Take a blood sample from a cow, get the sort of stem cells out of that, start growing them, and you just turn it into meat. The principle is intact. It's just how do you get it to industrial scale and how do you get people to accept it? Also, how to keep more of your food from going bad.
And failure. We're all going to fail, so let's learn to fail well. And it's not thick skin per se, right? It's just more healthy recognition of what life is all about. Life will have ups and downs, and the ups are all the sweeter for the fact that they're not the uniform.
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So here's an interesting question. Hi, welcome to another episode of something you should know. The question is, could the time of year you were born have an effect on who you are? That's kind of the theory behind astrology, I guess, that your birthday has something to do with who you are. But what I'm going to talk about is something very different.
Psychiatrists and anthropologists from Harvard and Queensland universities studied children from birth through age seven several years ago, and they found that babies born in the winter were significantly longer at birth than babies born in the summer. By age seven, they were heavier and taller than those summer babies. They also had larger heads and scored higher in a series of intelligence tests. The study also found that babies born in the fall live the longest and suffer less illness in old age. Good news for the summer babies is that they tend to be happier, with a brighter outlook than grumpy winter babies.
Spring babies were found to be the most prone to illness, but their eyesight seemed to be better. And that is something you should know.
If youve been on planet Earth long enough and you take notice of it, you can see how things have changed. Change is often slow and gradual. But when you look, you can see that life today compared to life, say, 25 years ago, is very different in a lot of ways. And I always think its fun to imagine, well whats going to come in the next 25 years based on where we are now, whats likely to change in the way we live our lives. Not so far off in the future that its impossible to predict, but in the near future, what are some of the technologies that are already here just not commonplace, at least not yet here to reveal and discuss some of this is Jay Ingram.
Hes host of two national science programs in Canada, quirks and quarks on CBC radio and Daily Planet on Discovery Channel, Canada. He's the author of 19 books, his latest being the future of the science of what we'll eat, where we'll live, and who we'll be. Hey, Jay, welcome to something you should know. Great to be here, Michael. Thank you.
So you're a science journalist, so I can see how you would be predisposed to liking this. But why do you think this is an important topic to talk about? What's coming or what's on the horizon or what's already here and hasn't really gone mainstream yet? I think people should be aware of the vast array, or at least a selection of the vast array of technologies that exist today that could well have an impact on our lives in the future. But rather than predicting specifically, I prefer to look at a choice.
Jay Ingram
And I think the more we think about those today, think about them seriously, the better off we'll be in the future. But I'm not. I try and stay away from picking winners, but, you know, to go into the future blindly without even knowing what people are doing today, I think, is a mistake. So I think an interesting place to start would be food, because we all got to eat. And food technology keeps changing the kinds of food that we can eat and what's available.
Mike Carruthers
And of course, now there's like, you know, new kinds of meat. There's plant based meat that people seem to like. And, but then there are people who, who advocate, you know, that we should do away with meat. There are some people that would like to advocate that, but it's not realistic. And in fact, if you pay close attention to technologies that might seem promising on the surface, like lab grown meat, you can see that there is now major pushback against it, especially from big meat producers who get their meat from the traditional sources, live animals.
Jay Ingram
And I like the idea of lab grown meat. I don't think it's as distasteful as some people think. But this is the thing. You have a technology that while small scale at the moment, if it were able to be scaled up from, let's say, flasks in the lab where it is now, to vats, giant vats, then you might make some inroads, and you never have to kill an animal, you just keep its cells reproducing. But culture and social forces and political forces all have their way with these technologies.
So look at vegetable based, so called vegetable based meats, like beyond meat companies like that. That did exceptionally well when they first went on the stock market. And it looked like they were the big thing. And then they didn't exactly collapse, but their value dropped by about 50%. And it doesn't seem to me that they're making many inroads now.
And, you know, you can, I mean, honestly, one of the most fruitful areas could be growing insects, not to eat whole. Like, everyone goes, ew, I don't want to eat a grasshopper. But you know what? You don't have to. You grow a billion crickets, you turn them into flour.
You feed animals with that protein source, and therefore you've taken a lot of pressure off growing stuff for animals, which you could now grow, use the same land to grow for humans. And I think that's a huge potential. It's already really scaled up in Africa. But again, it's going to be the cultural acceptance of something like growing crickets. That is going to be tough.
Mike Carruthers
But that's happening now. And in fact, I mean, you could buy cricket flour on Amazon and many people do and eat it. That's right. But how many? Well, I don't know.
Jay Ingram
Not many is the answer. You know, and the other thing is, you're right about meat. So especially from a north american perspective, there are a lot of people who are turning away from meat and, you know, eating pulses like lentils and stuff like that, and those are healthier diets. But, you know, there's a very interesting correlation that has held for decades that as soon as the take home pay, the money in the pocket of people in a country grows, their taste for meat grows with it because below a certain level of income, it's just too expensive. But people, I mean, and I'm saying this in general because it's been in generally, this is true in the past, they'll turn to meat as they start to get the income.
So there may be a hump that we have to get over where, you know, most of the world has reached their point where they, they get their fill of meat and they may start to follow the health advocacy and turn to vegetables, but we're just not there yet. But I live in a province in Canada, Alberta, where raising cattle is a big deal. And I can tell you, you raise the idea of plant based burgers, you get a lot of pushback. What is laboratory meat? What is it?
There's something that's been used in labs for almost a century now called tissue culture, where if you take cells, like individual living cells from an animal, and you put them in glassware in the lab, and you add a medium that has nutrients in it, they will divide and reproduce, and you'll eventually, in the lab version, get a layer of cells covering the glass in that bottle. So they are animal cells that came from an animal. You can actually grow generation after generation of those cells in the lab without ever taking cells again from an animal. So now take a blood sample from a cow, a prize cow, in fact, and get the sort of stem cells out of that. The cells that can grow into, say, muscle cells start growing them, but you got to grow them on a vast scale that has never really been done before.
But if you can get them growing, then what you get is a massive cell, muscle cells, which is like a steak, right? It's a mass of muscle cells with fat cells and other things in it, and you just turn it into meat. And, in fact, you could do this with pet food today pretty much. I mean, my dog doesn't care what the meat looks like. He'll eat it anyway.
The problem is that humans want a steak and a marbled steak, just the right color. They want a little bit of blood in it. And so this complicates the issue tremendously. But the principle of growing muscle cells in the lab, which are essentially meat, is intact. It's just, how do you get it to industrial scale?
And then how do you get people to accept it? Oh, yeah. I mean, you can just imagine the pushback to that. I mean, it just seems so Frankenstein ish, ghoulish to be making meat in a lab. People just aren't.
Mike Carruthers
I mean, people will taste it, right? Oh, I gotta, you gotta try this. But to really serve it for dinner, eh, I don't know. But I will say this. There are chicken nuggets on sale in Singapore right now that are lab grown chicken nuggets.
Jay Ingram
Now, I haven't tasted them, and in fact, I have had vegetable based chicken nuggets and compared them to real chicken nuggets, and I don't think they're as good. So that's the other thing, right? It's familiarity. I know what a steak feels like in my mouth, what it smells like, what it tastes like. If the lab grown steak doesnt meet those measures, doesnt meet that threshold, im not going to like it.
Mike Carruthers
What about other food technologies, not meat, but other things that is here or on the horizon that looks promising. Yeah, weve been talking about meat, but if you go to the other side of the plate and think about plants and the vegetable component of your dinner, vertical farming is a technology that a lot of people talk about. So in essence a greenhouse, but vertical. And you could probably take a 30 story building and fill it with lighting and that raises energy demand. So you got to park that for a moment.
Jay Ingram
But it's not actually difficult to grow crops, fruit like strawberries, lettuce, all kinds of greens, especially in a huge building where you have no insect pests. You control the climate precisely so you don't get drought, you don't get anything like that. And the other virtue of it is I live in Canada. We don't grow a lot of greens during the winter, but you could in a, you know, a vertical farm, so that instead of importing lettuce from California, say you could grow it ten blocks away and have it fresh. But again, one of the issues, and I mentioned energy, one of the issues here is, okay, you've got to heat it and you've got to provide light.
Where are you going to get the light? Well, maybe you'll have solar panels generating the electricity to power the lights to let the plants grow. There is a kind of an irony there because you're taking sunlight, changing it to electricity, then changing it back to fake sunlight to grow the plants. But how else are you going to do it? You're not going to get enough natural sunlight in the winter in a lot of parts of the world, vertical farms have started.
They're working on a scale that is okay. But any of these things that we're talking about, whether it's lab grown meat or vertical farms or insects, the scale has got to be enormous, at least from where it is today. Let's talk about transportation because we were supposed to have our flying cars already and we don't. What's on the horizon? What's new in transportation?
I'm more interested, actually, although the car is obviously a big deal in what airplane traffic is going to be fueled by. Airlines are now experimenting. I'll get to your flying car in a sec. Airlines are experimenting with biofuels. So you take something like food waste and you process it to get something like kerosene and you fly planes with it.
You know, at most what I've seen so far is passenger jets flying, let's say, from Washington to Miami with one engine fueled by regular fuel and the other fueled by biofuel. But again, it's got to scale up really fast. Anyway, the Paris Olympics, you've got to go, I guess, because they're promising to have some version of flying cars to get people from the outskirts of Paris down to the Olympic facilities. We're talking about new technologies and new ways that life will change in the very near future, and in some cases already. My guest is Jay Ingram.
Mike Carruthers
He is author of the book the Future of the science of what we'll eat, where we'll live, and who we'll be. EBay Motors is here for the ride. Remember when you first saw the potential and then through some elbow grease, freshened stalls and a whole lot of love, you transformed 100,000 miles and a body full of rust into a drive that's all your own. With over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die, you can make sure your ride stays running smoothly. Brake kits, LED headlights, exhaust kits, turbochargers, bumpers, whatever your baby needs, eBay Motors has it.
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Find out how to bring your ideas to life@dell.com. Welcome to now. So Jay, can you explain sponge cities, which is a concept I don't think most people have heard of. But with all the recent floodings that we've seen all over the country, all over the world, this idea may be really something. So explain sponge cities.
Jay Ingram
There's this concept where instead of having a lot of surfaces, like parking lots, where the water can't possibly stay, it has to flow over the parking lot into a drain somewhere. Instead, you design the landscape in a way that there are opportunities, small ponds, maybe, porous road surfaces, opportunities to allow rainwater and melting snow not to flow away. And it's estimated that if this were applied on a large scale to countries like the US, you would have much less damage from stormwater, you'd have much less maintenance of stormwater sewers, and you wouldn't have nearly as many floods. There was just an issue of Wired magazine talking about this, where these areas in Shanghai, China, have been converted from basically wastelands. That water was just pouring over into parks, and it's all just to capture the water before it goes away.
So, you know, it may be, and again, you know, I don't like to make predictions really, but it may be a combination of sponge cities, better housing design, much more use of solar cells on roofs. I mean, really, I think every new house should have solar panels on it. Why wouldn't you? It's free energy, and so it may be tinkering with those kinds of things, rather than a whole radical new design of houses. It's interesting because you've said several times that these things would have to scale up.
Mike Carruthers
And we just had a mathematician on talking about the linearity bias, and that people worry that things aren't going to scale up, but they usually do. And he gave the example that back in, when COVID first started, and they were trying to get people vaccinated, all these news reports, it's going to take ten years to get everybody vaccinated, because there's a bias that it will continue at the rate it's going now. And clearly it didn't. It scaled up really fast, and a lot of these things, it seems when the need is there, they scale up really fast. Yeah, that's interesting.
Jay Ingram
Now and then, I think there was a general perception that this is a pandemic and a lot of people are going to die. So let's get this rolling. And one shouldn't ignore the fact that a lot of really good experimentation on mRNA viruses, sorry, vaccines, had already been done. It wasn't like we were starting from scratch. But you're right, I don't disagree that there's a linearity of bias, but there has to be a kind of acceptance.
And if you can get people behind some of these ideas and see the sense in them, and they don't cost them an arm and a leg, then I think you can get things going. It may be that food might be a little tougher than, say, designing a city to absorb the water, or putting solar panels on a roof. I mean, once you've got solar panels on a roof, you don't pay any attention to them changing your food habits significantly. Maybe. On the other hand, you know, what people don't remember is that sushi was a nonentity in the late fifties in North America, and then some of the first sushi bars started in the United States.
Now I'm doing this interview from southern France. If I walk out my door here, I can point to three sushi places within the first block, so it can happen. So in all the research that you did, what was maybe one technology that you uncovered or you researched that really kind of blew you away? That's really fascinating to you. You might be surprised when I say this, but prosthetic limbs, because for too long, people with arm leg amputations had to make do with, like, honestly, it's not much of an exaggeration to say a hook for a hand and a peg leg for a leg.
But together with AI and the miniaturization of electronics, prosthetic hands and lower legs and feet are becoming way, way more sophisticated. Now, you might argue, well, that's a small percentage of the population. Yes, it is. But you know how it works, that you make huge advances in one area and suddenly you see spill offs going off in all directions. And so that's something that really impressed me.
And of course, the other thing is just AI in general. I wouldn't want to predict. I don't like to predict anyway, like I said, but I wouldn't want to predict anything about AI because it's just moving too fast. I mean, chat GPT is what, year and a half old? Okay, so what about ten years from now?
Where are we going to be? These things are hurtling along, and AI already is making a huge impact in medicine. One of the huge medical issues we're going to face in the next ten years is dementia, and the number of people with dementia. AI is going to do a way better job of not only predicting if someone's going to get it, but also helping to design drugs, which we don't really have yet, to ease that person along and allow them to live many more productive years. So I would say prosthetics for that targeted audience, but AI for all of us.
Mike Carruthers
Well, we could talk about other technologies that are here, or almost here that you write about that. I mean, we could talk for a long time. We're out of time, so maybe another day we'll have you back. But I enjoy talking about this more than I enjoy talking about predictions way off in the future, years and years away, because usually they're wrong, whoever is making the prediction. But this is stuff that's already here.
And, you know, I look forward to tasting laboratory grown meat one day. I've been talking to Jay Ingram. He's the author of 19 books. His latest is called the Future of us, the science of what we'll eat, where we'll live, and who we'll be. And there's a link to that book in the show notes thank you, Jay.
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Mike Carruthers
If you look back over your life, you can spot the failures. We all have them. And there are different kinds of failures. The kind, in retrospect, you could have prevented if only you had done something different. You know, like you burned your dinner because you got involved in a phone call and forgot that there was something on the stove.
You could have prevented that. And then there are the kind of failures you had to try, like interviewing for a job you didnt get or asking someone on a date but were turned down. You failed, but you had to try. Life is full of failures. And I can assure you there are more to come in your future and mine.
Here to talk about failing, and more importantly, failing well, if thats possible, is Amy Edmondson. She is a professor of leadership and management at the Harvard Business School and author of the book right Kind of the science of failing. Well, hi, Amy. Welcome to something you should know. Thanks so much for having me.
So let's start with you explaining what you mean by failing. Well, because it sounds kind of like an oxymoron. I mean, failing is the lack of doing something well. So it seems like we need an explanation. Well, there are two parts to failing well, and indeed one part is preventing preventable failures.
Amy Edmondson
Now, that might sound almost definitional, but I promise there is a method to my madness. The other part is promoting what I will call intelligent failures and welcoming and valuing them for the new knowledge they bring. Yes, failing well is deliberately meant to be provocative. But it does have those two important components. So let's talk about those components, dive right in and explain them.
So, by and large, preventable failures occur in familiar territory. They occur in places where we already have a recipe for success, a process that can lead to the results we want. I'll define failure as an undesired result. And undesired results can range from, you know, I accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the cookie recipe and they taste awful, to a scientific experiment where I am hoping against hope that my new hypothesis is right and that I will have a breakthrough scientific discovery over here. And alas, Mother Nature had something else in mind.
But the only type of failure that is legitimately useful, valuable, should be welcomed into our lives and workplaces is intelligent failure. And those are the failures that happen in new territory, new to the world, or new for us. If you're a scientist, it's new to the world. If you're a kid learning to ride a bicycle, it's new for you. Where you are in pursuit of a goal, you have enough.
You have the available knowledge that exists about how to get the result you want, you have a strong belief that it might work, and yet you're wrong. And in that case, it's almost impossible not to fail. I mean, I can't imagine there's any kid in the world who tried to ride a bike the first time and just took off. I mean, it just doesn't happen. You just don't think it can happen, right?
You don't hop on that bike and sail along perfectly the first time. But going back to that kid on the bike, or maybe the scientist in the lab, when you get on the bike the first time with high hopes of nailing it, and you don't, it hurts. You're laying on the sidewalk crying, or you're failure has a bad connotation. No one gets up and says, yeah, look at me, I failed really good, and now I'm going to try again. Nobody does that.
And yet the extent to which you can do that or get closer to doing that, is the extent to which you'll learn faster, be happier, and probably. Take more smart risks just by having it not hurt so bad. Yes, in fact, you could say by having more rational self talk or rational reactions. Like if you're the kid learning to ride the bike and you fall off after 30 seconds or 10 seconds the first time, you should say to yourself, good first try. And indeed, nobody ever learned to ride a bike without falling off quite a few times before they got the hang of it.
Like I'm on schedule. I'm on program. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do in pursuit of this wonderful goal of freedom. So here's what I wonder, as I observe people in the world, some people are able to take failure, rejection, those kinds of situations, easier than others. Some people seem devastated by it.
Mike Carruthers
Other people, eh, no biggie. Move on to the next. And I wonder if the people who are so devastated by it are better off avoiding those situations where they're likely to fail and be so torn up by it or dive into those situations, because the more exposure to failure, the more used to it you get. Well, I guess. I mean, that's a possibility.
Amy Edmondson
And honestly, I don't have data on that. But what I can say with some confidence is that you can develop your failure muscles. And actually, one of the things that does help people, especially kids do that is participating in competitive sports. Because the beauty of competitive sports is that it is always the case that one team wins and the other team doesn't. And so you get more.
It's disappointing every time, but you get more comfortable with that and realize that it's actually part of it and that it makes the losses make the victories all the sweeter. And I think that's true in other areas as well. That's just one arena where you can kind of develop that experience, that disappointment doesn't mean devastation. Don't you think, though? Or.
Mike Carruthers
Well, I don't know. I'm not gonna tell you what to think. That even in sports now, in kids sports now, we try to sugarcoat, like, you're not. You didn't fail, you didn't lose. Cause you're a winner.
And, yeah, but your team lost 19 to nothing. And I completely agree with you. And I think we are doing. Giving. Doing a disservice to these kids because we are inadvertently sending the message that only success counts.
Amy Edmondson
Therefore, we're sort of lying to you right now, telling you you succeeded even though you failed. And so we're making failure more toxic rather than less. So how would you, if your kid lost 19 to nothing, what would you say to him? Well, that was a big loss. Let's take a look at it together.
Let's figure out which skills are most in need of development, and let's develop a training plan. Now, if you're losing 19 to zero every single time, maybe this isn't your sport. Let's shift to something that you might enjoy or have a steeper learning curve on. It's not the case that everybody should be good at everything. But it is the case that nobody ever got good at something without effort, without repeated attempts to improve and then earnest examination of what worked and what didn't and using that examination to make changes going forward.
Mike Carruthers
Well, I think that's one of the complaints and criticisms of a lot of parents today, is they kind of try to protect their children from failure, and kids have to fail in order to grow. It is so natural as a parent, because you love your kids, you don't want them to suffer, to try to protect them from failure, to try to sort of intervene and either be the snowplow that smooths the road ahead of them in ways they're unaware of or otherwise tell them in the example you just provided that, oh, no, you did great, when in fact, you did okay, but there's lots of opportunities to do better. And I think what the research would suggest is those kids are not being well served by that approach. They need to have their small, safe failures in a way that allows them to grow and learn and expand and develop the skills for withstanding life's inevitable setbacks. I don't know if you looked at this, but it seems to me that failure is a little easier in numbers.
Like, if you fail alone, it's a lot harder to take. Cause it's kind of like. Feels like it's all your fault. That's true. I didn't look at that in any systematic way, but I couldn't agree more.
Amy Edmondson
It's certainly emotionally easier to be a part of a team that just lost the match than to be the individual out there on the tennis court that lost the match, and you feel all eyes are on you and you have no one commiserate with. But that, too, I think probably a healthy mix of both is what works to continue to develop what I keep referring to as failure. Muscles. And it's not thick skin per se. Right.
It's just more healthy recognition of what life is all about. Life will have ups and downs, and the ups are all the sweeter for the fact that they're not the uniform experience. But if you didn't get those messages growing up, if you're a big boy now and a big girl now, and you have to live your life in big boy land and big girl land, how do you develop that muscle and not be devastated every time things don't go your way? I think the best way is to just start by taking more small risks. You know, pick up a hobby that you.
Pottery or, you know, watercolor painting, or maybe a sport pickleball pick up. Yeah, pick up. Pickleball. Pick up something that you don't yet do, that you know, at the outset, you will not be brilliant at it on day one. So it's a.
It's a given, right? So it won't be a disappointing fact when you encounter it. And that just gives you more of this absolutely essential experience of doing and trying things that you're not perfect at and realizing the world didn't come to an end. In fact, it's kind of fun. It's kind of fun to play around with something new.
Mike Carruthers
It seems that one of the things that hurts so much when people fail is they think about what other people must be thinking. And my sense is they're not thinking anything. They don't. They're not holding you accountable and thinking you're horrible. They're probably thinking, good for you for trying.
Amy Edmondson
Absolutely, 100%. They may not be thinking of you at all, but, yeah, they see it as brave. They see it as fun. They see it as sometimes, oh, I'm glad it wasn't me. But good on her for doing that.
In fact, we like people, people better when they are honest, authentic, fallible human beings than when they're know it alls or I'm so perfect, aren't I? You know, nobody really likes those people. So we err in thinking people will like us more and respect us more when we appear to be perfect, when in fact, the opposite is true. Well, it seems like the whole subject, the whole connotation of failure, just has really bad pr because. Because success, yes, people who are successful, usually the story glosses over all the failures it took to get there, and it's just success.
Mike Carruthers
It's all by itself and yet so much of life. I mean, the kid on the bicycle. Ask any stand up comedian. Ask every stand up comedian. The first time they got up to do comedy, they bombed.
They failed miserably. But they came back and they got better and better and better, but nobody gets up there and just nails it. I don't think that's ever happened. No. In fact, I was playfully, just for myself, came up with the term elite failure practitioners to describe super successful people in every field, from celebrity chefdom to science to Olympic athletes and so on.
Amy Edmondson
And I'm like, these sort of super high achievers in different realms are not people who have failed less often than the rest of us. They're literally people who have failed more often than the rest of us. And then I decided, no, why keep the term private? I'm going to use it. They're efPs, elite failure practitioners.
They're the people who have mastered the art of failing well, and look where it gets them. Yeah, but people have heard for pick your example, Babe Ruth got the most home runs, but he also had the most strikeouts. But it's. It doesn't seem to help. It's.
Mike Carruthers
It still hurts. Yeah, failure hurts. It's true. It's true. You know, and if we talk to those people, they don't jump up and down with joy when they experience a failure.
Amy Edmondson
But they have learned that, yep, this is part of the journey. And if I care enough about excellence or about where I'm headed or what my goal is, you know, that the go to the Olympics or to, you know, have a national television program as a chef or, you know, you name it. If I want that enough, I am willing to fail. I just have to be. It's logical.
Mike Carruthers
I heard something recently, I think it was a guest on this podcast who said that kids today, a lot of people today, one of their big goals is to be famous and not famous for anything, not a famous baseball player. They just want to be famous, and they don't want to fail. How can you fail at being famous? There's nothing to fail at, but you can't just be famous. Well, some people are.
Amy Edmondson
It seems like a hollow goal, doesn't it? Yeah. At the very least, right. I mean, because it's devoid of passion for the content area. And I think that the best kind of fame comes from a real passion for something, whether it's a sport or science or becoming an effective business leader, because you really do want to make this particular impact on the world and that, I think you need that.
Mike Carruthers
But it does seem like a real mindset shift is, I mean, how many times when the going gets tough, the tough get going. We've heard all the cliches and everything, and, yeah, they're great, but you've really got to change the way you view your failure, or it seems like you're never going to get anywhere. This is, of course, very closely related to the wonderful work by Carol Dweck and others on the growth mindset or the learning mindset, as opposed to the fixed mindset. When people internalize that idea that they just are who they are and that's a kind of a fixed, you know, that's their personality, that's their ability level, then they truly don't want to be caught out short. But if they have a growth mindset, they know that where they are and where they want to be are simply a matter of hard work and good learning along the way.
Amy Edmondson
And it's, I think we're seeing, I mean, ironically, because there's more and more evidence that that's powerful. We're seeing people heading in the other direction, just as you were saying. Yeah, that's kind of sad, I think. Yeah, it's like people want the easy way. Well, people vote.
Mike Carruthers
I mean, who wants the hard way? But the fact is, there is no easy way. Much of the time, that road is closed and you've got to get there the other way, and people seem to be less willing to do it. I couldn't agree more. And I think that, yes, the hard way is essentially the only option or the only way.
Amy Edmondson
And also, I think people fail to realize the extra joy and exhilaration that comes from accomplishing something hard. You don't really get that much fulfillment from doing something easy. Right. And what you were saying earlier is that it feels better to have failed and then succeeded than to have just succeeded. Because then, I don't know, it's like good and evil.
Mike Carruthers
You can't have one without the other. It's just, you have to feel that. Yeah, it's like dark and light. I mean, they kind of. They're two sides of the coin.
Amy Edmondson
And you pretty much have to experience, you have to have both in your life for a full and effective life. Well, I love that you start the book with Winston Churchill's quote of success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. I think that nails it. I think that just nails it. I think so, too.
I think so, too. And then I always want to be clear that I care equally about the sort of less kind of sexy part of failing well, which is preventing accidents and failures in familiar territory as best we can. So talk about that. Well, it's everything from, you know, don't text and drive. Right.
That would be. That would be an example. If you text and drive and then get into a car accident, that is not a failure that we value. That is a failure in familiar territory where we all know that you don't text and drive. So you made a mistake.
It's a mistake. You could have, you know, if you have no self control, then put the phone in the backseat, do whatever you have to do. And, you know, life in, say, a factory is full of opportunities for basic failure, you know, error induced safety problems or manufacturing problems that are utterly preventable when we follow best practices. And best practices are everything from getting the right training to wear your safety goggles, to speak up quickly if you see something that doesn't seem right so that we can catch and correct it before a failure happens. So in other words, I am a huge fan of discipline and excellence in familiar territory, as well as a fan of thoughtful experimenting in new territory.
Mike Carruthers
Well, it does seem that the difference, that's the difference between a mistake and failure, that those. Yes, a mistake is texting and driving. That's a dumb mistake you made. It's not a failure. Right.
Amy Edmondson
And it doesn't turn into. Well, it turns into a failure if you have an accident. And here's the problem. If you text and drive and don't have an accident, you have made a mistake, but you haven't paid for it. And now you may be tempted to make that mistake again.
So I define failure as an undesired result, not as an action. Well, I think people generally want to sweep failure under the rug. We don't like to talk about our failures, but I like how you kind of champion failure and want us to embrace it, because success without failure isn't so much successful. I've been speaking with Amy Edmondson. She's a professor of leadership and management at Harvard Business School.
Mike Carruthers
And the name of her book is right kind of wrong, the science of failing. Well, and there's a link to that book in the show notes. Appreciate you coming on today. Thanks, Amy. Mike, thank you so much for having me.
Amy Edmondson
It was great talking with you.
Mike Carruthers
I'm one of those people who, I don't know, I just really, really hate wasting food. And I came across this article in an old shop smart magazine, which was a magazine that was published by consumer Reports some time ago. They stopped publishing it, but this is about ways to store the food you bring home so you don't have to throw it out. First of all, they suggest you hurry up because food can start to go bad in as little as an hour. So when you go shopping, get home as soon as you can and put your food away quickly and put things in the right place.
Milk goes in the back of the fridge. Eggs stay in their carton and put them in the back of the fridge, not the door, and they'll last about three weeks. Meat and seafood should be kept low and in the back of the fridge. But if you're not going to use them within a few days, freeze them. Check the temperature of your fridge.
It should be 37 or 38 degrees, and your freezer should be set at zero zero. And don't overstuff the fridge or the freezer. The way they work is air has to circulate. And if it can't circulate, the food can't get cold. And you shouldn't stack meat, pieces of meat, on top of each other.
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Mike Carruthers
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