Primary Topic
This episode dives into the world of scams, fraud, and how people creatively and sometimes humorously deal with being scammed.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Scams can happen to anyone, regardless of their awareness or intelligence.
- Being vigilant and questioning unusual requests can save you from potential scams.
- Financial institutions might not always catch fraudulent activities on your behalf.
- Humor can be a coping mechanism to deal with the frustration of being scammed.
- It's important to discuss and share experiences of scams to prevent others from falling for similar traps.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction
Laci Mosley introduces the episode and guest Tony Baker, setting the stage for a discussion on scams. Laci Mosley: "What's poppin', congregation? Welcome to another episode of Scam Goddess!"
2: Personal Scam Stories
Tony shares personal stories about being scammed and discusses various deceptive practices he has encountered. Tony Baker: "I've definitely been scammed. My bank be on it, but sometimes, they miss things too."
3: Listener Stories
The episode features stories from listeners who share their own scam experiences, providing a broader perspective on how widespread and varied scams can be. Laci Mosley: "As always, snitch on your friends, family, and your enemies at scamgoddesspodmail.com."
Actionable Advice
- Always verify the source of any unusual financial requests.
- Be cautious of too-good-to-be-true offers.
- Educate yourself about common scams to better recognize them.
- Use secure methods for financial transactions.
- Share your experiences with scams to help educate others.
About This Episode
What's Poppin' con-gregation? Comedian Tony Baker joins the show to discuss the gambling scandal surrounding Dodgers baseball player Shohei Ohtani's interpreter Ippei Mizuhara. Unbeknownst to Shohei, Ippei allegedly stole around 16 million dollars from him! Stay Schemin’!
Laci Mosley, Tony Baker
Guest Name(s):
Tony Baker
Content Warnings:
Laci Mosley
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Because I got the charcoal mask. Great, because why would I put that on my face when I could drop it in my sink? This is what I get for multitasking. Ugh. Why is charcoal so sticky?
Hello? Hey, Janice. I am so sorry. I thought I was on mute. No, we don't need to reschedule.
I'll just stay off camera. Ooh, yeah, that happens. So start clean with Clorox.
Use Clorox products as directed. Scam, come, robbery and fraud. Scam come robbery and fraud.
What's Poppin, congregation? Welcome to another episode of Scam Goddess, the podcast all about robbery, fraud, and those who practice it. I'm Laci Moseley, aka scam goddess, and y'all already know that I'm very. What? Well, yes.
Excited. Oh, you can see me. I can see you. Yes, I'm very excited to be here with today's amazing guest, y'all. He is a hilarious stand up comedian and actor.
You can check out all his podcasts, including verbal cardio, daddy issues, bald brothers everywhere. You get your podcasts. Also subscribe to Tony Breaker comedy on YouTube, where you can see his podcasts and all his hilarious content. Congregation, please welcome Tony Baker to the show. Hi, Tony.
Tony Baker
Hey, how you doing? I'm so happy to have you here. Thanks for having me. Shoot, I'm honored because I was reading, like, it's like. Yeah, comedian, actor.
Laci Mosley
I know all these things. Well, I forgot we worked together on a black lady sketch show. Yes. What a time. Yeah, that was a good time.
What a time. Boy, oh, boy. You know, it's good to have your instagram. Also is one of my favorite instagrams. The videos that you do, especially.
Especially the ones with the animals with the voiceover. So funny. Thank you. Yeah, animals are funny. They really are.
Tony Baker
Cats are the funniest ones to me. I was about to say, like, if you were gonna be reincarnated as an animal, which one would you wanna be? You wanna be a cat? Yeah. Big cat, though.
Laci Mosley
Okay, big cat, though. A big cat. Like a lion. Tiger. Mm.
Okay. Tony. Tony the tiger. Tony the tiger. Man, I'm coming in hot, and I wanna talk and wear an ascot.
You're like, there, girl. Yeah, I wanna be that tiger. You wanna get soggy at people's cereal real fast. Absolutely. But you can only see me in the wild.
But you are talking in an accident. I want to be at no reserve, no zoos. I want to be in the wild. But, like, what's up, y'all? Now, the wild where, like, they can drive by, though, like, on a safari, and then you'll be like, yeah, but.
Tony Baker
You gotta come into the foliage. Okay. See, everybody about to do that. That sounds like a scam right there. Yeah, it does.
Laci Mosley
Coming in the woods. You gotta come into the woods. And then I holler if someone told me that. Yeah, you just have to come into the woods. And he's really friendly.
Once you get in the woods, nobody's coming at night. It's gonna be empty. I ain't gonna be making no money. You're gonna be talking to yourself, bruh. You gotta.
You might have to stand somewhere. No black people gonna show up. Absolutely not. You'll never see a black person again. You'll never see a black person again.
I would be a rich person's dog. Like, a really. Like, I gotta. A small one. Yeah.
Like a teacup purse dog. So I can go everywhere. Like, I wanna be with somebody so rich that they just have too much money to throw away. Like, they get me doggy massages. Cause, you know there's places that will massage your dog.
Absolutely, yes. And they travel a lot. Dogs be traveling. They be seeing the world. They just be there.
Yes. That's what I want. I want to be in somebody's birkin. Just like, that's not a bad life, though. No, not at all.
Tony Baker
I'm like, you gonna have health issues, though. But I'm gonna have health insurance. That's facts, okay. And you're gonna be eating top tier food, right? Probably better than what I have now.
Laci Mosley
Like a rich versus dog insurance fire. Okay. I'm trying to be a part of it. That's a good pick, right? I think it is.
Blue cross bark shield. Bark shield. I'm trying to get on that earth. See, I already got it. I'm ready.
I'm ready for my afterlife. Okay, so we always ask our guests on this podcast, what is your relationship with scams? Like, do you love them? Do you hate them? Have you ever been scammed?
Have you ever run any scams that are past statute of limitations? We can talk about them. I've definitely been scammed. Cause, you know, my bank be on it. And so one false move, they own it.
Tony Baker
And sometimes I'll see, like, some transactions, I'm like, yo, what's this? And then I'll hit, how are they on it? If you ask them saying, what's this? They supposed to say, what's this to you? Usually they're on it when I'm doing stuff.
And they'd be like, yeah, we noticed that you was in Baltimore. Now it's in Cleveland. Is this you? So I'm like, yeah, it's me. Chill out.
Every time they're on it, it's me. But then I'll catch something on my own and be like, oh, so y'all not on this? See, that's wild. So they playing you. Your car getting declined, and they're like, oh, we were just checking on you, boo.
Laci Mosley
But then when you actually are getting scammed, they're like, what? What happened? They shut me down one time. Like, yeah, we noticed you was in Baltimore, then you was in Texas over two days. It was impossible.
Tony Baker
Like, those are flights, right? You know, people can get on planes, right? Banks really do act like we travel by, like, foot or caravan. They be like, you can't get a horse and buggy to Texas in two days. It's the Oregon trail.
How you get up there that quick? And you got the cholera delays. Like, no, you couldn't have got there that fast. I mean, this is fraud. So then when I got to pull them to the side, I'd be like, yo, I don't recognize these purchases right here.
And so then they'd be like, well, yeah, so I got to start from scratch on everything. And so definitely been scammed on that front. Oh, they shut your car down when they see that. Because I got. Because once you.
Once you say, all right, these are fraudulent charges. You gotta get. You gotta get a new car. You gotta get all this new stuff. So it's just like, you can't use this account.
I had to shut down a whole checking account because of some fraudulent activity. I had to get another one. Yeah, the whole. That's hard. I had to close a checking account recently, and you thought I was, like, trying to, like, adopt a child or something.
Laci Mosley
They were. It was intense, man. I'd be like, come on, yo. And then they're like, if you have any charges on auto pay that come in during the show shutdown period, they will be charged, and then we won't be able to shut down your car. So you gotta start the process all over again.
I said, but y'all can't just close the doors on this. Like, there's no. Y'all can't hit delete. Like, all I need y'all to do. Is shut that little piece down.
Tony Baker
I ain't even looking for the money back. Just. I don't wanna start from scratch. And they be like, nah, I'll start from scratch. They're like, everything has to be as complicated as possible.
Absolutely. That's what we're doing over here. Cause I got scammed. That's your fault. Why you being so scammable?
Laci Mosley
It's like they give you very much victim blaming energy at the moment. They're like, what did you do? Where did you go? This is your fault. Who do you hang out with?
You need new friends. Tough. Says bank of America. And somebody scamming me in terms of. They're reaching out to people that follow me, that I follow, and that I know via email, saying, tony Baker has a podcast.
Tony Baker
He's gonna pay you to be on it. And so. So many people that I know be. Is this you? Like, no, it's fraudulent.
Laci Mosley
It's like, you should know I would never pay you. They, like, $3,000 just to come be on my podcast. I'm just like, bruh, it's not me. Yeah, we don't got. I'm not paying $3,000 for a bike.
Tony Baker
Sorry, y'all. You know, and so they've been doing that for a while now, scamming to be my manager, everything. Wow. Yeah, I've been seeing that a lot. Francesca Ramsey was just talking about how they went through her representation, like, her managers recently, saying that they had an opportunity for her, you know, like, in some creative space, and they were like, we just need to get involved with your Facebook, like, fan page.
Laci Mosley
And then once we do that, it was like this elaborate scam. And they just kept her on the phone and walking through it on Zoom for long? As long as possible. And then took over the page. Yeah.
So they're coming after the entertainment girlies for sure right now. That's crazy. I had one scam. I don't know if I can talk. Oh, yeah, you got a scam.
You could talk about it. All right, so this was years ago, back when I was, like, new and stand up and I had the BlackBerry. Remember the BlackBerry messenger thing? It was like the. I forget what it was called where you could just send messages via BlackBerry, but they weren't considered text messages.
Tony Baker
It was like a little. I didn't know about this. Yeah, so this is like the first signal. Yeah, it was like, I forget what it was called. And so somebody reaches out, like, yo, we doing the talent showcase where you can win, like $10,000.
I'm like, yo, I'm all. I needed, every scrap, right? And so, yeah, I'm down. So hit me on the messenger part. On the BlackBerry, I was like, yeah, so I'm excited.
So he's just asking mad questions. I'm just like, yeah, so what's it involved? Like, you know, when is it? What's going on? He's just like, how open minded are you?
Laci Mosley
Uh uh. And I was like, uh, how open. Minded do you need to be to do stuff? Right? I was just like, well, you know, I won't do, like, you know, I'm thinking fear factor type stuff at this point.
Tony Baker
I'm just thinking, like, I'm not gonna be laying in the tub of tarantulas. I'm not gonna be eating live scorpions. Right. You know, but I'm pretty open minded. He's like, nah, nothing like that.
But how open minded are you? Oh, no, Tony. After the second time, the first time was already a flag. You were like, well, I'm naive, McGee. No nudity, but I will do.
And so I'm just like, watch your feet. So then I got. I was like, what? You mean, like, what's going on? Yeah.
And so he was just like, he wanted me to jerk off. Oh, my God. Okay, in front of them for ten. K, didn't they reach out saying this was for comedy? Yeah.
I was like, yo, I'm like, nah, I'm not doing none of that. But what about the showcase? Yeah, you trying to showcase me in that light? And I was just like, man, I do this for free all the time. They gonna pay me ten k.
You know what I'm saying? I was just like, nah, man, I'm not into that. How about 15k? He kept raising the price. No.
And I was just like, what kind of weirdo is into this kind of stuff? Me. I'm the weirdo. And I'm just like, so when he. Said showcase, he meant personal showcase.
Personal showcase. And I'm just like, so, is there really a showcase? Cause I really wanted this money. Is there really, like, a comedy showcase? No, there's not.
Laci Mosley
Why are you still asking? Cause I wanted the money, Frankie. I needed the money, Frankie. I need that money. Yeah.
Oh, Tony. No. Okay. See, you had so many flags here, and I know you really wanted that bag. Cause as soon as someone asked me how open minded I am, we already know where that's going.
Nowhere good. At least I didn't expect it as a man. But listen, the girls have their kinks. But I'm also. It's hilarious to me that he was like, a showcase when really what he means is, like, send nudes to him.
Tony Baker
Basically, I was just like, nah, I'm not interested. Then he was like, all right, how about you send me some comedian names and then I'll pay you for sending them my way? I was just like, now I'm a pimp. Exactly. Now you trying to pimp me up.
Laci Mosley
So did you put on your gator boots and send the info? Integrity. Integrity, man. It hates on the pockets every time. That pesky little.
Integrity. Stupid integrity, man. Wait, so where did this person slide in your DM's talking about the showcase? Or they. This was via.
Tony Baker
I think they reached out via Facebook, and then they asked for my BBM pin or whatever. Okay, the BBM. That's what it was. BBM messenger or whatever. And so.
And then when I. When we had that conversation, I noticed their profile pic changed, and then I was just like, man, this is some shady. And then. And then I looked at other comedians. They followed, and I was wondering, like, I wonder if they took the deal.
Laci Mosley
They took the. I wonder if they took the deal. This man has taken chuckle fucker. To a new level, man. He was like, no, I literally want just comedians.
It's not like he is. Like, he also didn't reach out to you. Like, you're a good looking man. It's not like he just reached out to you because you were good looking. He also reached out to you because, like, oh, he's a comedian.
Tony Baker
He's a comedian. And if I say showcase to a comedian, that's good enough. And I was excited. I knew. I was new.
I was fresh. I was naive. I was just like, yeah, I've never had any type of weird Hollywood experience. Oh, wow. So I was just, like, fresh eyed.
I was just like, talent showcase. Yes. And then I also love your determination. Even after he was like, no, this is a weird sex thing. You were like, okay, but what about a comedy thing?
What about the comedy show? Yeah, what if we skip the weird sex? Yeah, we do the comedy. He's like, no, no, no. Just the weird stuff is your show.
There's no show. No, you're the show. Can I do a tight ten while I. No. Okay.
Can I do ten minutes of material, whip it out, but not really finish, and then put it back in and get the ten k? Let me know, let me know. Something also tells me that you were never gonna get the ten k even if you did do the weird thing. The strange. He's not giving.
Laci Mosley
Like, he was actually gonna pay the money either way. I need that advance. I need that. He's like, let me get five up front, and then we'll talk. Yeah, I need the five k up front.
Cause how do we know he's good for it? He got other comedian testimonies, right? It's like, no, look at my comedians right here. Kevin Hart loved this. Paid right on time.
Tony Baker
It came in instantly. It was direct deposit. Now it's like an ad for those, like, payday loans. A bunch of comedians, for sure. I was doing bringer shows last week.
I was at my wit's end, and then they came to me and said it was a talent showcase, and I showcased my talent. I'm ten k. Richard. They in front of a mansion off ten k. Like, and that little dog is you?
Laci Mosley
Yes. That little dog is me. And I'm like, yes. Fresh off a massage, man. Tough.
Oh, man, I hate you. That. Had to let that one get away. Tony could have been great scammed. Yeah, I'm sure he got some people.
Okay. Especially, I want to know who he got. I wanted to ask the other comedians, but I was like, nah, let me. Not who he followed. Yeah, he was following him back.
Cause that's probably. Yeah. Oh, snap. They took the deal. They took the deal.
They always talking about Hollywood, like, illuminati stuff. That might have been Mister Illuminati. Tony, you missed out on joining the secret society. Absolutely. Mister Illuminati.
Tony Baker
Mister Naughty. Mister Naughty. He's not Illuminati. He's just Mister Naughty. And we're like, sir, we were trying to get to the other guy.
Laci Mosley
No, it's good. I'm glad you're doing great without Mister Naughty. I'm glad that we don't need him. Integrity. Integrity keeps you broke every time.
It does keep you broke. Keeps you broke. It also keeps you out of jail. Absolutely. I'm wearing my jailhouse.
Tony Baker
I see. Inspired by a little old timey jail hamburger. Remember the hamburger? Of course. You young.
I don't know if you know the hamburger. I've heard of the hamburglar. You sure? Yes, yes. He was still in the burgers with Ronald McDonald.
Cause I feel like Ronald turned his back on the whole crew. It's just him there. Yeah, he turned his whole back on the community grimace. Yeah, he only bring him out once a year for the shake and then throw him away. Fry guy, whatever his name is.
Laci Mosley
Oh, fry guy really got. We don't even. I don't even know who that is. And that's. They claim to fame.
Tony Baker
The fries is popular. Ronald got money, and he switched up on everybody in the gang. You don't even see him in photos with them anymore. No. He really act like he don't know them.
That whole gang is like, nah, I'm good on y'all. A clown. They used to have. They used to have their little play area, and they was like. The crew was in there.
They took them out. Yeah, it's just him with his big. Clown shoes now with the ball pit. That's it. Wow.
Laci Mosley
Ronald, you ain't have to do people like that. You got a little money. He acting real clownish, right? Full clowns. Full clown scams.
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Speaking of clownery, it's time for our next segment here, what's hot and fraud? This is where we warn our listeners about popping scams and the zeitgeist. And more often than not, we get a letter from all of you. As always, snitch on your friends, family, and your enemies@scamgottedspodmail.com. Dot.
Just make sure the scam is retired because we don't wanna. What? Yes. Fuck up your bag. Amen.
Okay, you know, put it down and then tell us about it. I need a fake name from you, Tony. We don't care about gender here, so it could be anything. Okay. I'm gonna go with Duncan Skugsworth.
Duncan Skugsworth. Yeah. The last name is so specific. I thought we were going donuts, but we're going Skugsworth. Yeah.
So Duncan says, hey, Lacey, love the show. Oh. Oh, thank you. And some nice things up here. Oh, okay.
Yes. There's some nice things up top here. Thank you so much. Duncan Skugsworth. Skugsworth.
I appreciate it. So Duncan says, I wanted to tell you about a scam I pulled when I worked at a bar. I know you've gotten all different types of bar restaurant scams, so you may have heard of this before, but I think it's a relatively unique one. I worked at a sports bar in a busy area of Chicago. Love people from Chicago, where I'm from.
You're from Chicago? I love people from Chicago. I never knew you were from Chicago. That's why you love me. Energy.
Yes. Never knew why you love me. Now you know Chicago. Cause y'all just have this real chill energy. I love comedians from Chicago, too.
Tony Baker
We out here, man. Y'all out here. Y'all moved here. What's going on in Chicago? I mean, you know what's going on with Chicago that winter time.
Laci Mosley
Oh, yeah. Though it'll kill you. That windshield. No, forget it. I don't need the wind blowing through me, okay?
I could barely handle Pittsburgh. Oh, Pittsburgh is cold. Yeah, but it's not as cold as Chicago. The wind isn't as crazy. Yeah.
Like, it's that wind that makes Chicago unbearable. I wanted to die. I thought I was gonna die several times growing up on pure cold at the bus stop. Yeah, see, I don't know that life. Cause bus stop, you had to go to school in Texas if it gets too cold.
We've had school closures. Cause it's too cold outside. Yeah, they were like, we closed for cold. We shuttin down the studio. Texas would be like, oh, it's 55.
Oh, that's crazy. Nah, we can't be traveling in that. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Flurry's outside. Close the school.
Hail. You said sleep. Yeah, close it up. We never had snow days. That's wild.
Tony Baker
We was in the full suit. We got on the astronaut suit, going to school. Vaseline down. Now. What was that for the.
That's for the wind. Okay. That's for the wind. It make the wind slide off like punches. Yeah, it was like we were just.
Laci Mosley
Punching you in Chicago, man. It worked, though. Like, my mom would lather us up with the Vaseline so this little part just showing it would help. So y'all just showed up to school just so greasy. Greasy.
Just shining. Wow. Just everything you touch. All the door knobs glistening. We sliding down the hallway, man.
Tony Baker
It was crazy. Oh, lord. Yeah. No, I was only in Pittsburgh, and I bought everything north face had to offer. I was like, oh, y'all got scrunchies?
Laci Mosley
Is that gonna keep my hair warm? I'll take five of those, too. I do not like the cold. So Chicago. So Skugsworthy here.
Skugsworth. Excuse me. Dustin says that it's a small bar, but it would be packed on Friday and Saturday nights during baseball games. And we're gonna stay on a little baseball theme this episode. So it's lit during the baseball games in Chicago, just like any other bar in the area, because it got so busy, we were told to take credit cards for everyone and always start a tab.
And if customers walked out on their tab and we didn't take a card, we would have to pay the bill out of our tips, which I think is actually illegal. Dustin put in all caps. So they were scamming me first. But I digress. I love that you were like, I'm scamming them back.
I'm pretty sure that is illegal, because if they walk out and don't pay their bill, they didn't pay the business. What they gotta do with me, right? Exactly. Why am I in it? Exactly.
Tony Baker
On the tips. All my tips. That's the bread and butter right there, right? Y'all know y'all over here paying slave wages. These tips are all I get, and now I have to pay for.
Laci Mosley
No, that's wild. See, this couldn't work for me, because also, if somebody tried to run out on their bill, you telling me I gotta be Paul Blart, mall cop now. Right now, you gotta chase them down. That's what they want. They want you chasing them now.
Tony Baker
Pulling out the strap as they drive off, getting the plate numbers. I got the plate numbers showing up to the house, right? You gotta be chasing after these damn people. Like, I work for Chicago PD. This is crazy.
Cause if I knew they were gonna take it out my tips, I'm doing just that. I'm chasing you down full tackle on the concrete. See, I feel like if I knew that at this point, I'm gonna do it, but only so that I can sue the place that I work for. So I would chase them for a little bit down the block, and then I, like, trip and fall, skin my knee a little bit, come back in a neck brace. Like, I got injured trying to chase down this person for y'all, and then I'm suing.
You already got the neck brace on too. When you come back in the bar in the neck brace just now. Hey, man, listen. When I chased him down when he. Left, where y'all at?
Where's the manager at? Randy, I told you I couldn't run. I told you that was illegal, and now I'm suing. I also failed. I got shin splints.
Look at my legs. Tony was talking about his shin splints before we started this episode, and then we were trying to figure out what Kira's shin splints, and they were just, like, shoes and also wrists. They was, like, physical therapy, steroid injections. I was like, you know what? That feels extreme.
It does. That feels like a doctor who just hacked into the webmD and added some. Stuff I feel like he did, along. With, like, a company sponsored ad. Like, if you need physical therapy for.
Your shin splints, I'm not an NBA player. I'm at the house. Listen, you might have to do NBA activities with them legs at some point. Nah, I'm done. Okay, listen, if you work in this bar, you gonna need them legs, because you have to chase down your customers.
You gotta run. So continuing with Dustin. There was one busy shift that I was working where a group walked out on their tab, but I had taken their credit cards so I wouldn't get a tip, but at least I wouldn't have to pay the tab. I went to run the card when I was closing out at the end of the night, and it got declined. So, of course they left their card.
Laci Mosley
Cause we don't carry that shit on that card. We don't need that card. So since I went to my manager and I explained that I did everything right and took the card, but it didn't go through. My manager comped the check and threw the card into a folder with all the other left behind cards just in case the owner came back for it. Now, I wanna pause here because.
What you mean they comp the check? Because if you could comp it because I did everything right, that means you could have comped all the other checks where people did everything wrong and ran out on the bill. They shady at this bar. Is this a policy or is this a manager policy? Cause now I'm wondering if the manager is scamming too.
And it's like, well, if people run out on their tab, you gotta pay for it from your tips. And then they go and comp it and keep the cash. That's crazy. Cause why I gotta pay for my tips? Like, it's not like you're taking it out of my check.
Which would be something that leaves, like, you know, a paper trail. Yeah, the tips can be traced. I think you might have been getting scammed by your manager for sure. Cause he copped that bill a little too quickly for me. Yeah.
Tony Baker
Especially in Chicago. A little small bar. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that manager, I think. I don't know if this was a company policy.
Laci Mosley
I feel like if you talked to anybody higher up, they would've been, like, what they did? What they'd have like. But we have so many comp chucks on here. What do you mean, they ain't that shady? Where Craig at?
Yeah, Craig was stealing. Craig the manager, he's a thief. And I love that for him. Craig's always stealing. I ain't never met a Craig that ain't stealing.
Tony Baker
Craig. When you name your baby Craig, you know you naming a thief, he's stealing off the top. He's stealing pacifiers, right? He was stealing from the womb. Craig's always come late.
Laci Mosley
They don't ever be born on time. They steal it from the womb. You gotta evict a Craig. They come out with extra organs from the mind lab. I need these for liver.
Tony Baker
Oh, this was yours? My bad, my bad. Throw it back in there. I know you wanted your liver, man. Yeah.
Laci Mosley
I feel like Craig is one of those where, you know, in pregnancy, like, you can lose bone density and so you can lose teeth. I feel like Craig has taken all your bone density and marrow teeth gone. Yeah. He come out rolling your teeth like dice. Oh, you needed these.
Tony Baker
I didn't know. My bad, my bad. Come out talking, literally. Craig walks out of the womb, okay. And he's taking things with him.
Laci Mosley
Okay. He's leaving with something very much pigeon toe, too. Oh, you definitely pigeon toe, for some reason, can't run very fast, even though all he does is steal. Right. And you do need both.
Tony Baker
You can catch him, though. He be like, oh, you caught me. Aw, that's crazy. My bad. There's always a good sport about it.
Always. I know. You needed your appendix. Oh, here you go. Come on.
Craig's adorable. So, Craig, we looking at you, manager. So a few months later, Dustin said I was cleaning out that folder with all the leftover credit cards in it and destroying the old cards. We'd clip the receipt to it, and if the date was more than three months old, we'd just get rid of it. I came across that dud credit card again.
Laci Mosley
I recognized it because the name on the card was similar to one of my friends names. Oh, okay. I figured the owner wasn't coming back for it. Honestly, I think he knew damn well that card wasn't gonna go through when he handed it to me for the tab. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's why they walked out.
Cause they were, like, for sure they ain't worried about that. So it says, I put the card in my book, and a book is like a server book. So when you're waiting table, sometimes you'll have, like, a little foldable book where you put all your receipts and your cash for the whole night. And then at the end of the night, you count it up, you return your receipts and everything. So she put it in her book, which she keeps with her all night.
Or she, he, they, whoever we're talking about. So the next time, Dustin says, the next time, I got a large tab, paid in cash. I left the tab open. At the end of the night. I told the closing manager, a different manager, the same story, and the tab was comped, so I got to pocket the cash.
Tony Baker
Oh, well.
Laci Mosley
The scammy became the scammer, right? I'm a scam. Everybody gonna scam me, it's gonna be me, right? And it feels like everybody in here is scamming, so you might as well get yours. Get yours off the top.
You actually getting it from the middle? Cause I think the manager's getting it off the top, and then you getting something from the middle. Everybody robbing this business, and I'm here for it. What's the statute of limitations on theft? On petty theft?
Tony Baker
Yeah. I don't know. You gotta prove it first. Hmm. I might just be telling a hypothetical story.
Laci Mosley
Who knows if anybody got robbed? Cause hypothetically, you know, I was skimming off the top at one point in time. Oh, you were? Yeah, but I don't know. No, no, you're good.
Just don't say the business. You sure? I'm good. Yeah. You good?
Tony Baker
You didn't know a minute ago. Now you know I'm good. Okay. Because you weren't saying it was something that you were gonna say. It was something I was involved in.
Laci Mosley
Okay. Back in the day. I have to say the business name. Yeah. So you know what kind of business?
We'll keep it vague. Food. Food business. Okay. Food business.
Tony Baker
And it was the late nineties. Okay. Okay. Please. This place probably not even in business no more.
No, they're still in business. Okay. They still there? Okay, we are good. In the state of California, the statute of limitations is one year to the offense date.
Laci Mosley
We talking about the nineties? The late nineties? Yes. This is in New Mexico. Thank you, Judith.
We got the. But we in California. Okay, so. So it was like. I'm still not gonna say the business name.
Tony Baker
Don't say the business. Okay, Tony. Don't say the business name. But it was like. All right, so it was Chili's, was it?
If people paid the exact amount in exact cash, sometimes I would keep that. Okay, that 211, like, if it was $2.11. $2.11? Yeah. It wasn't that major.
Laci Mosley
It'd be like, oh, Tony, you had us. You got Judith over here looking up case law and whatnot for $2.11. I'm not Danny Ocean. I'm not Ocean's eleven out here. You know what I'm saying?
Tony Baker
It's like, yo, they gave me $2.11 exact. So I would just keep it. Now, how do you cover up for the $2 being missing? So I knew how to open the register without printing the ticket. Ah.
So I knew how to open the register. So, on the camera, you still see. Me doing the money and everything. Yeah, but I was like, oh, yeah. See?
Laci Mosley
Okay, so I know that was, like, an old school register then, too. Yeah, it was old school. Yeah. Cause I worked for a place I'm pretty sure was a drug front. You can hear about that in my book, where I could also have access to the.
So I know what you're talking about. And then once I had a job in the Hamptons, where I. Cause our. Oh, my gosh. I don't even care.
I could say this man's name. Cause I hate him. I'm like, but his first name was Bertram. And you are a piece of shit. Hope this gets back to you, raggedy bitch.
Tony Baker
Damn. But he was the manager, and he was coked up all the time. Yes, I said it. Allegedly. And he would disappear.
Laci Mosley
But I knew the manager's codes. So I would check people out. I would fix checks. I would do all this and close people out at the end of the night, run their reports and everything. And at the end of the season, the owners of the place, these two Aussies, were like, lacey, we know that you like this.
One girl was hating on me. So she told them that I had this code. And so they had sat me down. Cause I was thinking about working for them in LA when I first moved here. And they were like, well, Lacey, we know you have the code to check people out and run their checks at the end of the night.
And I was like, yeah, I was just doing it because our raggedy ass, bitch ass Bertram was disappearing all damn night to do illicit drugs and be a creep and nasty man. So somebody had to do the job. And they were like, well, yeah, but, like, shit, you could have been stealing. And I was like, I could have. And I think the way I said it, they were like, oh, I guess she wasn't.
Cause I was thinking, like, damn, I could have. How? And they were like, you could have closed, like, cards, checks to cash, and then took some of the cash off top, and they were telling me all the stuff I could have been doing. And I was like, well, damn, I wish I had been. Damn, y'all wanna open up one more week?
Tony Baker
And when they said that, you said I could have. Yeah, you said it in the question. Like, I could have. But I think I was a little too elated about it, too. I hadn't been, obviously, but they were like, you could have been.
Laci Mosley
I can't even do an Aussie accident. Y'all know I got laser disc. That's it. But they were like, you could have been closing checks to cash and stealing it. And I was like, I could have.
Tony Baker
Dang. Damn. Are y'all gonna tell me this now? Well, you ain't tell me this from the trunk. I would have been stealing, man.
Laci Mosley
I would've been taking something from the top, the middle, the side, the side, the back teeth. I've been shaving it all around, man. Your business would've been a circle by the time I ended. Would you would have, though, if you knew? Nah, I wouldn't have so much money.
Integrity. And also, it just wouldn't have been worth the risk because we made so much money in the hamptons. It was a pop up in the hamptons. Like, who? The money was like water.
Tony Baker
That's crazy. Yeah. So we didn't even need to do all that. People believe it's like $10,000 tips. Like, yeah, it was crazy.
Laci Mosley
I was Paul McCartney's. Paul McCartney's personal server. When he would come in, he would call and ask for me. Yeah, he was tips McGee. He would be tipping now.
He wasn't the one who gave the ticket. That was other people. You know, we get up nice and intact. What was the Paul McCartney tip? It was good.
I don't remember what it was, but I remember always being very happy with it. It was above, like, a few hundred bucks. Wow. Yeah. Each time, no matter what, you know what I mean, Paul, I'm not trying to put you out there, but I mean, also, like, we know you still got money.
Tony Baker
So he spread it up. He's great. I love him. Hey, Paul McCartney. Was it vegan?
Laci Mosley
His wife is. Yeah. She loved, like, we would make her eggplant dishes and stuff like that. Why do I still remember? Wow.
Trauma. Not them, though. They were great. But, yeah. So I'm on board with this scam.
So to wrap up Dustin's story, Dustin says, as with any bar, there were a lot of. There was, like, a lot of turnover. So I would pull this every few months as we got new managers. I used the same card every time that I just kept in my book and would only do it once per manager. It's not believable for this to happen to someone multiple times.
That's smart. See, I like, you did that, Dustin. You were like, oh, I'mma pull my little card to cash bid on each manager one time, and then that way, they won't catch me. Cause if you get greedy, you get caught. Absolutely.
So I feel like this is good. You didn't get greedy either. Tony sold $2.11. You know what I'm saying? $2.11.
Tony Baker
On a hot day. It'd be like, $12. So I can get. Wow, you were robbing the blind so. I can get a new CD that came out.
Laci Mosley
Not for the new CD. Yeah, I remember outkast, second album came out. I was like, all right, I need $16. Andre 3000 would be proud of you. I mean, you know what I'm saying?
Get it however you can and give it to Outkast. That's money well spent. Come on. So, anyway, Dustin says, I guess this was a two for scam. It works the way I pulled it.
And, like, if you're a bartender or a server at a busy spot, but also, if you don't have money to go out, leave a credit card that doesn't work to keep the tab open and walk out on it. Although I don't encourage the second one as much, because managers at bars can be dicks. And I'd feel really guilty if a bartender had to pay for my scam out of pocket. Now, they should not be making y'all pay for the scam out of pocket. For legal reasons, I am not going to advise you to take a defunct card to a business.
But, you know, you could.
It's ill advised. Right? But also, nowadays, you can't even really do that kind of stuff at restaurants because they come up to you with the card. Reader. Now.
Tony Baker
They do. It's right there. It's all, like, right there. They enter your order sometimes from the portable ones right in front of you, which I really like that. I wish they had that when I was a server.
Laci Mosley
Cause from the table to the walk back to the register, the Pos system to put in the order. Ooh. I can't even tell you how many times I would forget the order. That's a. Man, that's a lot.
Tony Baker
Yeah, that's a lot to keep track of. Normally, I was really strong, but sometimes if I had to walk past somebody and they'd grab me and ask for something, I'd have time to write it down. And then I would have to put on a whole show. I would go back to the table and be like, y'all are missing something, aren't you? And they'd be like, oh, yeah, we're missing the chicken wings.
Laci Mosley
I was like, I told them to put them chicken wings in 20 minutes. You know what? I'm going to the kitchen right now. I'm a cuss. Everybody out.
I can't believe they did this to y'all. What's y'all named? Sarah. John. Sarah and John.
Y'all my favorite customers. Hold on. I'm about to go fight them. And then I go to the kitchen and be like, boy, y'all, you put. It all on the tip.
Oh, yeah. At one point, we had a meeting, a server meeting, and I got in trouble for that. They were like, y'all cannot be blaming the kitchen when y'all forget to put orders. I was like, who did that? That's treachery, though, man.
Who did that? Cooks was who said that? Getting thrown under the bus. Oh, I was throwing them under the bus hard. Then I go in there all buddy buddy, like, hey, y'all, can y'all do me a favor?
And then I come back outside like them raggedy bitches said, it'll be five minutes. I hit one of them, too, in the eye. I threw his face on the grill. I laid his cheek right there on the grill, and I cussed out the oven. For as long as y'all been waiting for these wings.
Yeah. And I threw lemon pepper on the side of his face. Play with me and my customers. Anyway, y'all need anything else? I blew that cayenne right in his eyes.
Anyway. Y'all need anything else? Treasury. Oh, lord. Listen, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Y'all can't affect my tips. They not tipping the kitchen. I am. That's facts.
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That's quince.com goddess. To get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince.com goddess and fraud. And on that note, let's move into my favorite segment, historic hoodwinks. This is where I will regale Tony with a famous concave or a group of criminals.
Maybe we like them, Tony. I don't know yet. Maybe we hate them. We'll see. I want your opinions all throughout.
Tony Baker
Let's get it. So, we're talking about a scam. Y'all have been in my DM's. Y'all have been all over asking about this. So we're talking about Los Angeles Dodgers slugger and pitcher, Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter, Ipe Mizuhara.
Laci Mosley
They've become key players in a federal investigation of illegal sports gambling. Man. Oh, and look at Shohei. Shohei. Kinda cute.
Okay, listen, if I were ever dated athlete, it would be a baseball player or a softball player. Longest contracts, money, no CTE. Man. That's real, though. Okay.
Tony Baker
The hair is luxurious looking, right? Low impact. Yeah. They be wearing necklaces. What other sport can you wear?
Laci Mosley
Like a full chain. Full chain, mid game. Glistening. Glistening. Why?
Like, why y'all got drip on. I love this for us. So, a little bit about Shohei and Ipei. So Shohei and Ipei right here, obviously, Shohei's in the Dodgers jersey. And then Ipei looks shady as hell.
Tony Baker
He do look shady. Look at his hair. Look at how his hair on the left is flowed up, structured. Look at his on the down. Well, see, when you a scammer, you don't got a lot of time to do your hair.
Laci Mosley
You know what I mean? Like, it looks like he's constantly running from the law. A little sweaty. Look how he looking at show hair. He plotting right now.
Yeah, epay is plotting right now. How can I put this money down on gas? He's thinking about lies. He about to tell people he owes some big money. We getting your kneecaps.
If we don't get that, his face is given. Like, the kneecaps are in jeopardy. Look at him, man. Every step he takes, every move he makes, he thinking about the kneecap. Tough.
So about them. So, ohtani, I'm gonna just call him Shohei from here out. So, Shohei the baseball player, made his baseball debut with the Los Angeles Angels six years ago. In December, the Dodgers signed him to a ten year, $700 million contract. Man, that's a 700.
Tony Baker
That's almost like the 211 million dollars. That's like the 211. I was. I was skimming off the top. I don't know if it's the 211.
Laci Mosley
This is the 211. You could have been stealing more than them. 211, 700 million for ten years. For $700 million, like Shohey, you better also build a new Dodger stadium from scratch. Like, you gotta have incredible risk.
700 million, that's big money. See, also, are you single? Show. Hey, if this works out and you don't go to jail, we should talk. You are beautiful.
Tony Baker
You better not be doing some wild stuff with that type of company. Why would you even want to scam if you got $700 million right now. Show, hey, I'm on your side, because I don't see any incentive for you to. That's the scam. The scam is the contract.
Laci Mosley
Literally. He already won. Listen, if I make it $700 million, everybody will be having a background check in my life. Tough. Like, I'm gonna run one on my nail, lady.
Like, y'all not getting me close to any crime. Anything that could take me out of my money, please. So, with most of this money deferred until after the agreement expires. So this is the largest in baseball history. But most of the money is, like, deferred, so they don't gotta give him 700 million, like, straight out the gate.
Tony Baker
Okay. You know what I mean? So Shohei is expected to supplement his salary with an estimated $65 million in commercial endorsements this year alone. And, I mean, look at that face. Very commercial.
Laci Mosley
And a full head of hair. Like, yes, he should be selling Pertz. What else? Life alert. Anything?
Yeah. Think about why is this young baseball player selling life alert? But now. You know what I mean? Absolutely.
Millennials, let's get involved in life alert now, because Shohei told us to dangle. So Ipei met Shohei when he went to Japan to work as an interpreter for the Hokkaido Nippon ham fighters of Japan. So this is like, a professional baseball team, right? The Hokkaido. So though he was born in Japan, Ipe grew up in diamondbar and built his life in California.
Do you know where diamond bar is? Yes, I've been there before. You have? Is it nice? Yeah, it's nice, but it's like a outskirts of La type vibe.
Tony Baker
But it's on the nicer end of it. But it's nice. But it doesn't have any character, no personality. It's just, like, nice big houses. Like calabasas.
Yeah, kind of like that. Well, how it used to be before the Kardashians moved there, and now they. Have stuff kind of like that. So it's like, you can get a nice big house, but everything outside of your neighborhood is gonna be the same old, same old shit. Right.
You know what I mean? Yeah. So deep in the burbs, but, like, rich birds. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. So that's where he's from. He's born in Japan, but he lived in diamond bar, California. Okay. So I'm glad you're here, Johnny.
Laci Mosley
I didn't know anything about diamondbar. Diamond bar. Okay. So when Shohei Ohtani signed with the angels, he brought Ipe Muzahara with him. Since they've both been close friends and even training partners.
Now, IpE don't look like he playing baseball, but I guess they training partners, right? So according to IPE, off the field, they hang out and play video games together. So he was like, hey, bestie. Like, pull up. I'm about to make 700 mil.
He was like, okay, bestie. So on March 20, the Los Angeles Dodgers fired E Pei. Several days before, the LA times had learned of a federal investigation into suspected illegal sports bookie Matthew Bowyer. Yes. Which included a document relating to the investigation with Shohei's name on it.
So, remember when I was saying, like, if I have 700 million of them things waiting on me, right, everybody's gonna be investigated by me first? Absolutely. Because why is Shohei's name on this? He's like, now why am I in it? Yeah, hold on.
Tony Baker
I ain't do nothing. So this is Matthew Bowyer. Okay. He's the sports bookie. I've never seen a sports bookie in a bowtie.
Me neither. That tie is doing extra, too. Wow. That means he's, like, outsourced the kneecap breaking. Like, he doesn't even do it anymore.
Laci Mosley
He's got a whole team of people, like, on independent contractors on 1099s, man. They get paid per kneecap. They file an invoice. He beat your kneecaps in with the bowtie tied to the bat. I feel like he's got enough money.
He's not doing the beatings anymore. He's got to outsource that. He goes to the gala, and then he gets a text. When the kneecaps are done, he gets a text of the kneecaps. They extract them.
He gets a text if he get. That kneecap and he got a bowtie. Bow is in his last name. Oh, wow. Maybe that's his signature.
Tony Baker
That's his signature. I like it. Yeah. That's how you find people tied up in a bow. When they get kicked, that's how he threatens you.
Like, when you owe the money you ain't paid, he just send you an envelope. Inside of it is a bowtie. It's a bowtie. Your family, like, it's just a bowtie. You don't understand.
You don't know what it means. I'm about to get tied up, man. So the IR's and Homeland security. Uh uh. When Homeland Security gets involved, you really have done something bad wrong.
Homeland Security? The Homeland Security. Wow. The security for the homeland. Now they're gonna be looking at the whole country of Japan.
Like y'all knew about this? Mm. Mm, no, ma'am. But also homeland security. I feel like gambling.
Laci Mosley
That feels too low stakes for y'all. Yeah, I feel like y'all should be securing the Homeland a little more. I'm not in danger of getting gambled on. Right. Like, homeland Security's supposed to be protecting.
Tony Baker
Us all as a nation. Yo, they gambling on us. They gambling on us, y'all. I saw somebody shooting dice, and it hurt me, and my son had me. On the roulette table.
Laci Mosley
Yeah. What does this have to do with us? Homeland security? Y'all supposed to be doing bigger things, like stopping terrorists. Come on, man.
Tony Baker
We ain't really tripping on gambling like that as a country. How much is y'all budget for this gambling stuff? Cause I need y'all to redirect that money. They snatching us up, throwing us in vans, putting us on boats, and making us shoot dice. It's crazy out here.
I don't know where I'm at. Not the gambler trafficking man. So Homeland security, for some reason, is involved. They're currently handing the investor. I'm sorry.
Laci Mosley
They're the people currently handling the investigation into Bowyer. So he's yet to be charged with a crime, but federal agents raided Bowyer's San Juan Capistrano home in October. And as a part, this was a part of the investigation. So they raided his home. Am I saying that right?
Capistrano. San Juan Capistrano. Sounds good to me. I mean, San Juan. So we gotta at least begin as manager.
So from March 15 through March 20. So five days, the accounts of Shohei and his interpreter, homie Ipe, and their, like, their connection to the investigation had been overseen by us attorney's office in Los Angeles. And their account seemed to change by the hour because it says on March 15, the LA Times contacted Shohei, our baseball king. They contacted his agent, and they heard back from a publicist, Matt Hiltzik. Oh, look at this.
Only for him to say, shohei has no comment. So, mind you, they reached out to LA Times, reached out to Shohei's agent and was like, hey, can y'all tell us anything about this? The agent calls the publicist is like, hey, Matthew, can you get on this? Can you. Can you tell the LA Times what's going on and tell them, nothing?
Tony Baker
Yeah. And so then Matthew Hilzic reached back out to the LA Times and said, no comment. Wow. Nothing. So Matthew Hilzick has worked with figures including Johnny Depp.
Laci Mosley
Oh, Alec Baldwin. Oh, and disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein. Hey, his resume. Why is this show publicist, his big shade, like, sho, hey, if you are not guilty, boo. Boo, why do you have the guilty man publicist?
Tony Baker
Dang, that's the guy. Wow. They're like, who is your attorney? Oh, I got the guy who represented the unabomber, Ted Bundy. It's like, no, but I didn't do the murder.
Laci Mosley
No, not me. He also repped OJ Simpson. It's like, mm, did you not? Did he really? No, I'm sorry.
Tony Baker
No, I was about to say, if. Your attorney had those credentials, it's like it's given guilty, right? So if you're publicist is someone who represented Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp, who like long string of domestic violence situations. Alec Baldwin shot a woman on set and Harvey Weinstein, well, we know he did everything to everybody.
Laci Mosley
He a demon. So it's like, if that's your publicist. Show, hey, that's not a good look. Show. Hey, that's not a good look.
Hey, Shohey, what you do, and Harvey. You know, it didn't help him. Yeah, at one point, I don't know why Harvey just didn't stop paying for a publicist. Cause there's no one who can spend this. There's nothing you can, there's no spinning out of this.
Tony Baker
Save money, man. You're gonna need it, right? This is anchored. There's no, we cannot spin it. You're done.
Laci Mosley
Yeah, you're done, you bastard. So Shohei's circle also retained Andrew Brettler, a West Hollywood lawyer who's represented Chelsea Handler, as well as several celebrities caught up in sex scandals, including Armie Hammer, Prince Andrew, and convicted rapist Danny Masterson. So I want to say, starting off here, Andrew Brettler, West Hollywood lawyer. He rep Chelsea Handler. So she's separated in this to be like, Chelsea Handler just had him as a lawyer.
And then it's like, also some shadier characters, like army. I like to eat people. Hammer, right? Prince Andrew, aka Epstein's homie, homie home dog and friend, and convicted rapist Danny Masterson. Danny Masterson, their seventies show.
That's not when he liked him to be. No, I'm not gonna say that. So. But yeah, again, shady characters that this lawyer represents outside of Chelsea Handler. These other people, man, sucks.
Weird. So Brettler, who's the West Hollywood attorney, fielded questions about whether Shohei himself engaged in illegal gambling, known or unbeknownst to him. So you know how when you gamble sometimes, but you don't know you're gambling? Yeah. You know when gambling just happened to you and you be like, oh, my God, I gambled.
You know, you wake up and it's dice in your hand. You're like, ah. Oh, snap. I just. And then when you go, ah.
They hit the table, right? Seven. You know how you can accidentally gamble, right? Y'all ever tripped and gambled? It happens all the time.
Tony Baker
One time I was in Vegas and I was just walking through the casino. I was just going back to my hotel room. I was just going to eat. I tripped and I rolled and I landed at the blackjack table. And I was just like, hit me, you know?
Cause James Brown was in my headphones. I was like, hit me. And then they hit me. And then I ended up winning. Yeah, you got 21.
It was all accidental. It's all accidental sometimes. It's crazy. I've gambled unknowingly so many times. You have a fall trip or fall and land at the horse track and you just like, man, that's crazy.
Laci Mosley
That's wild. And then lucky day, he won. Yeah, wild. There are literally casinos chips from the aria in my apartment right now. Yeah, it happens all the time.
It's an accident. I snack on casino chips. They're tasty. They were just throwing me with Dorito. Yeah, a little low salt casino chip.
Tony Baker
You know what I'm saying? Low sodium. So meanwhile, E pei, his homie, made statements saying that Shohei had only paid his gambling debt. So all he did was pay off Ipei's gambling debt. So Shohei saying, like, look, I'm sorry, epay saying, look, my homie, shohei, the baseball icon, with his 700 million things, he helped me out as a friend and paid off my gambling debt.
Laci Mosley
But he himself had never gambled notes to him. Yeah. Okay. Number notes, we don't know. But notes, though, not.
No, never announced. Hmm. That's a good friend. So when the LA Times contacted the major league baseball organization on March 17, inquiring about the federal investigation, they responded that they were unaware of any investigation. So the LA Times, which LA Times, y'all were really being haters right now.
Like, why y'all making it hot? Nobody's talking about this. All of this gambling is unbeknownst. Yeah. In your city.
Tony Baker
He plays for your city. LA is benounced in it. Right? Like, why are you benounced in it? I guess that's your job as the newspaper to, like, be announced.
Laci Mosley
But, you know, you're a little too. Loud, maybe having been for breakfast. Right. The best part of waking up is Benoistin in your cup. So they hit up the MLB and was like, hey, are y'all nonst?
Okay, well, we about to bknounce to y'all that y'all need to look into Shohei, okay. Because he doing something sketchy. All right. So, at first, the story was that there was no link between Shohei and Ipei's gambling. So he's saying, this is separate.
That's my friend e pei's gambling. But me, shohei, all I'm doing is selling axe body spray, and I'm out here playing on the field. That's it. That's it. Counting my 700 million.
Tony Baker
Come on. Now. I go home, I get in my bath of coins like Scrooge Mcduck. I jump into a bath of coins to relieve my shin splints, and then I go to bed. The shin splints is real out here.
Unbeknownst. Unbeknownst to many. That's crazy. So, on Ipei's end, he has consistently said that he has a gambling addiction, and he abused his close friendship with Shohei to feed his addiction. So he was like, I'm addicted.
Laci Mosley
You know, I wake up, and I'm thinking about dice. I go to bed, and I'm thinking about horses. You know, he said, this is my personal problem, and I was using my friend, and that was wrong. Again, making sure that Shohei is not in the light. But, shohei, I'm questioning.
Because your representation is giving, like, I did a crime. Yes. You know, it's that pedigree, man. It's that Brettler and that other guy. Yes, yes.
And the publicist who are both publicists for shady characters. I've also never understood this, because if you are a shady, like, character and you hire a shady lawyer to try to, like, get you off, if that lawyer has people in their past cases that didn't get off, like, if I hired a lawyer for something that I know I did with Shady, I would want their clientele to be people who also did shady things. But nobody ever heard about it, right? Cause if your whole roster is people that we know got convicted, then why are you my lawyer? It's too high profile.
Tony Baker
And your track record is like, yo, you got some laws, big losses. Like, Jonathan Majors, the attorney that he hired for the domestic violence cases in New York. That woman has lost hella cases for, like, high profile people who were entrenched in crime. And then he lost again. And he lost.
He lost. I feel like. Yeah. But I guess it's like, how maybe were you guilty? You got to go to somebody who will make you lose less it's like, you gonna lose, but, like, let's get it.
Laci Mosley
Like a cute little loss. Yeah, let's get a slap on the wrist. Lost. Dang. So these attorneys out here eating with the losing record.
Eating. They, like, I rarely win cases, but they be hiring me. They sued his disheveled. They be like, hey, man, trust me, it ties over here. I said, all right, sho.
Hey, yeah, let's talk about your case. So it says here the un army hammer were eaten. No, that's not me. That's not you. Okay, hold on.
These are old notes. Armie hammer was eating a woman and. Oh, oh, that's not you. What were y'all doing? Gambling.
Oh, hold on. So it says here that your wife do not. No, that's not you. Okay, okay. So you shot somebody on the set?
Like. No, that's not me. Oh, hold on. Hold on a second. What's your name is again?
I got it in alphabetical order. Oh, that's wild. Oh, oh, oh. Tiny interpreter. Translator.
Tony Baker
Got you. Yeah, I'm in the know. I'm in the know. Your lawyer saying, I'm in the know. I'm in the know.
Laci Mosley
It's crazy. No, I'm in the know. No, I know. That's. Here's the thing.
Tony Baker
Like, I feel like this is what I'm thinking might be the case. Cause I don't know Shohei like that. I don't know if he had a gambling addiction prior to his illustrious lifestyle, major league baseball career. And what I'm thinking is, maybe he was gambling because, you know, people always want more money. And then he depends it on the interpreter.
The interpreter takes the rap for which Shohei will give him more money on the back end when the smoke clears. Maybe to keep his name clear, to be like, yo, I got you. Just take the l on this one, and then I'm gonna take care of you on the back end. Yeah, right. That's like how you get somebody to go to prison for you, like, do a bid.
Laci Mosley
It's like, come on now. I'm the one with the talent, right? Your talent is doing prison for me. Right. And my talent is getting us the bag.
So when you get out, you. It was like, how did he did shine? Yeah. Or how allegedly. I'm not gonna say that name, but there's some other rappers who allegedly did the same thing.
Yeah. It's just like, yo, just eat the year. Eat the years. I'm gonna take care of you. And I got your family on the outside.
You gonna have all the ramen you want in there. Tv privileges. Your commissary gonna be thick. It's gonna be thick with an l in there. Since you've taken the l, you gonna.
Be making all types of prison delicacies. You make all the Laffy taffy you want. So on March 19, epay told ESPN. Epay, why are you talking to ESPN? You're talking a lot, man.
Why are you talking so much? You are the homie friend. You are the. Interpret this. Hush, right?
Tony Baker
Translate this. Hush. Yeah. Ipe, can you translate this for me? Ipe, what does this mean?
Laci Mosley
What does that mean? Ebay, we need that. Yeah, translate that. Silence. Why also, why are you talking to ESPN?
What do you even do, bruh, that you need to talk to ESPN? You are a translator. You talk for somebody. If that person. It's like being a puppet.
Like if somebody got their hand up your butt, why are you moving? Right? Like, you know, he ain't saying that, but I'm gonna say something. That's not what we're paying you for. That's not what we're paying you for.
Okay. You talk with. When he talks. So Ipe tells ESPN that Shohei paid his gambling debts from betting on international soccer, the NBA, the NFL, and college football. So Ipe said, I was out here betting on everything.
If it could move, I was betting on it. You know what I mean? He was like. I was walking past a local preschool. I was putting money on who gonna get they teeth first.
You know what I mean? Like anywhere I could bet, I'm betting, right? If true, this would put Shohei in big trouble. The MLB prohibits players and its employees from betting on baseball under any circumstances, from betting with illegal and offshore bookies. So I imagine that epay thought he was covering his homeboy's back.
Cause he's like, he never bet on baseball. All we did was the NBA, the NFL, soccer, and college football. Never. No baseball. Right?
Okay. We never got. Took out the ball game. No peanuts, no cracker jacks. Yeah.
Tony Baker
No bats, no. No tobacco. No worry about that. Okay? It was root, root, root for the home team, but that's it.
Laci Mosley
Only root, no bet. Take me out to the ball game. None of that. No bet on the home team. Big batter, big batter.
No, that would have been a shame. Okay? We would never. But at the same time, obviously, Ipay doesn't know the full rules, so he's naming things that aren't baseball. But if you're doing illegal betting with bookies, you're breaking the law.
Tony Baker
Oh, God, dude. Cause also, if he's paying your debts. Essentially, what you're saying is that whenever you would lose, he would pay the loss. So what happens when you win? Oh.
Laci Mosley
Hmm. He gonna need that money back show. So then is he just. He's just. You're paying him back for the debts that he paid for you?
It feels like they're trying to launder their own bets here. I'm a little curious also, ipe you too loud. Why? Don't talk to people unless you are court ordered to speak loud, man. Don't say nothing unless Shohei talking, right?
If he not talking, you not interpreting what's going on. So, that same day, a camera at the south korean exhibition series game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Diego Padres caught Shohei and Ipei chatting and laughing in the dugout. So the same day that Ipe is on ESPN saying like, look, Shohei just helped me with my gambling addiction, that's all. Then you'll, five minutes later, cut to, he's hanging out in the dugout of the Dodgers game. This was after he got fired.
No, this is before he got fired. This is before he got fired. Okay. Yeah, so we jumped backwards here for a second. Gotcha.
But, yeah, so. But this happened after his interview on ESPN. So he went on ESPN and was like, my homie didn't do anything but help me out because I got a gambling addiction. And then he was, like, hanging out with him in the dugout right after. Gotcha.
Which is very brazen. So just hours after kicking it in the dugout, Ipe confessed to the Dodgers organization. Ipe also walked back his claims and said that Shohei had no knowledge of any of his gambling and that he stole the money through wire transfer of $500,000 each. So at first, he's like, oh, Shohei was just helping me pay off my desk. Cause he's a good friend.
And then he found out, oh, that's still illegal. You know what? Shohei never even knew. I robbed Shohei. I robbed him.
He went to bed, and then I robbed him up good. It was unbeknownst. It was unbeknownst. I went in here, say, when I. Said I borrowed it, it was unbeknownst.
Borrowed. Unbeknownst. Aka theft. Cause at first it was benounced. First it was, you know, then it was unbeknownst.
I actually forgot. He did not beknow. He never beenew. Actually. My bad.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was unbeknownst borrowing, which is what we call theft. That's crazy. So Shohei otani, he continues to claim that he never made bets for himself or through someone else, nor did he knowingly pay anyone's gambling debts. So, remember, at first, Ipei was like, oh, he was just paying my debt.
Cause he a good friend. And then Ipei got fired when he said that. And then he was like, oh, actually, when I said he was paying him, he didn't know he was paying them. I robbed him. And Shohei saying, I never knew about any of this, right?
I'm Bennett. I am not in it. I'm Bennett. I am not Benoit. So he's saying, I never knew about any of this.
Tony Baker
But at the same time, his boy was like, he was covering my debts. His boy switched his story about 5011 times. So at first, his homeboy was saying, you know what? He was just helping me with my debts. Cause I got this gambling addiction.
Laci Mosley
Then when he realized that was still kind of illegal, he was like, okay, actually, I was robbing him to pay my debts, unbeknownst to him. And then Shohei is saying he never be knowing. He never be knowing. And he's also saying that he never paid. And low key, I think he's saying he never got robbed.
Tony Baker
Hmm. He's saying he's been it. He's not in it at all, so. Cause he said he just never paid them. So.
Laci Mosley
Okay. So the Dodgers have since tapped on staff interpreter will Ireton to replace epay. Will Ireton is longtime Dodgers employee, and he's fluent in Japanese. Okay. And he's done several jobs with the team, including interpreting for ex Dodger pitcher Kenta Maiada.
Tony Baker
Okay. So they do, like, game preparation, analytics, and like to recruit free agent pitchers. So, basically, whenever Shohei is on the field or he's at practice or whatever, your interpreter's there with you. So that. Oh, okay.
Laci Mosley
We're running this drill, and we're throwing this pitch. I don't know things about baseball, but it's like, the interpreter would be telling you everything the coach says the entire time. These people get paid pretty well. That's a strenuous job. Yeah.
Like, all you're doing is interpreting the entire time. The coach be cussing you out. He got to be like, he said, get you. And now he's like, what is bitch in Japanese? Right?
One moment. Yeah. So, in a press conference held on March 25, Shohei read his statements in Japanese, and they were interpreted by Ireton. And these statements are accusing IpE of stealing at least $4.5 million from him through nine bank wire transfers last year. Now, Shohei's like, he did rob me through nine bank wire transfers for his gambling addiction.
Tony Baker
So now he did rob him. That's what he's saying now. With. A minute ago, he was like, nah, I never knew nothing about nothing. And then the dude was like, nah, he was helping me cover my debts and that Claude had mercy.
Laci Mosley
Yeah, he went from, I was not benounced. I was unbeknownst to. Now he's like, oh, now I've been knowing I've been wrong. This is shady, right? Cause your story isn't adding up either.
The math here, Shohey, but I love you still. I love you still. C two is seven. So we have a little video here of this conference that we can watch. Also to note that at the end of this press conference, no questions were allowed to be fielded.
He said, no questions. That's it. Wow. He said, no questions. No English.
Okay. We say Kurasai. No questions. Kurasai. All right, let's see a little bit of this.
Tony Baker
So, I never bet on baseball or any other sports or never have asked somebody to do it on my behalf. And I have never went through a bookmaker to bet on sports.
Up until a couple days ago, I didn't know that this was happening.
He did. He said he didn't know this was happening.
Laci Mosley
He said, leave me alone. Just go over the results. Right? No conclusion. No.
Tony Baker
Ipe has been stealing money from my account and has told lies. Can we pause, Judith? Because now I'm looking at this Ireton guy. A little funny in the light, because, you know, I'm familiar with japanese people speak it, but I'm familiar with the cadence in the language. He said a lot more than what Ayrton is summarizing here.
Laci Mosley
Like, why are you not giving us a word for word? Like, he said he never knew. And then he write down on the right, I feel like he said, it wasn't me. Shohei talked for, like, two minutes, and then Ironton was like. He said, nah, I feel like he said more than that, ireton.
Tony Baker
He said he don't know what y'all talking about. He said, stay out my business. That's not what he said, ireton. What did he say? He said, hush, y'all.
Laci Mosley
He said, my arm hurt. Like, that's not what he said, ireton. He's speaking for so long, dude. You can continue. We'll listen to one more of Ireton's interpretations.
Tony Baker
Last weekend in Korea. Media has reached out to a representative in my camp inquiring about my potential involvement in this sports betting. Way more than that. The only thing I know matches up is that he said my twice. And I saw him when he was talking.
He did this. So I was like, okay, okay. The mind matches up, but it still feels too short. It still feels way too short. And also, if we're gonna have a press conference where we're not fielding questions, bro, you are literally reading a statement that's in front of you in Japanese.
Laci Mosley
We couldn't have just translated that statement and had homeboy read it and you just sit there or, like, why don't you have the interpreter interpreter not have the statement that he is clearly reading in Japanese, interpreted already in English over there? Cause he over here looking like he interpreted live. And I'm like, I know homeboy is looking at a piece of paper that has the whole thing on it. You can't just read it along with him and tell us what it say in English. What is going on here?
This also feels like a scam to me. He jotting down and also, shohei, you are not looking very convincing here. Like, when we get to the stealing moment, he was like, he's been stealing from me. He was like, ma. Like, was this supposed to be sincerity?
He was like, I didn't do it. Unbeknownst to me. Unbeknownst to me. This really hurts my heart. Yeah, my heart.
And that's the part. Cause usually when you really remorseful, it's a two hander. It's like. Cause unbeknownst to me. Unbeknownst to me.
Yeah, that's how you know I'm sincere. It's all raining. It's r and b. It's all choreography. It's r and b would be out in the rain.
Tony Baker
In the rain, no shirt. Cause unbeknownst to me? The gambling was unbeknownst. That's the debut album, unbeknownst to me. Featuring the hit single the gambling.
Laci Mosley
Was unbeknownst to me. That's why I show I need this. Okay. The gambling was unbeknownst to me. Cause he was talking and he was like, nah, it wasn't him.
Yo, I've been scammed. I've been scammed. Yeah, that's what I can do. Marianne's gonna dance his way in here and be like. Like, touch, beau, do do do.
Oh, man. Oh, no. So no questions were allowed at this press conference. And Shohei did not address how e Pei or anyone else would have been able to access his bank account. He said he accessed it.
Don't worry about the accessing or how that happened, he just know he accessed it. So following the LA Times breaking of the story and contacting the MLB, the league announced they were launching an investigation into. Into Shohei and Ipei. Shohei has played in every Dodgers game since the story broke. While the investigation continues, he is expected to be their designated hitter in most regular season games this season.
So they say, you know what, we're gonna investigate. And I feel like that investigation looks a little bit just like this. Like get benounced. Benounced. I don't see nobody who be knowing or benounced.
Tony Baker
Right? Yeah, as long as he's playing well, I don't foresee them finding anything suspect. They like, man, he killing, right. We can't find that. We can't find.
Laci Mosley
It's also unbeknownst to us when we did our investigation, very unbeknownst, we didn't see nothing. We saw absolutely nothing. We looking, though? No, we are Stevie Wonder, though. We haven't seen anything.
So on April 11, 2024, e pay was federally charged with bank fraud after allegedly stealing more than $16 million from Shohei. Dang. So they not homies no more. $16 million. I just don't feel like I lose $16 million.
Now. I will say sometimes money can. If you have a lot of it, it might get a little. But I'm a be known that I'm. A see, I'm a be knowin where my money at.
Tony Baker
I'ma see that 16. Look, he was busy pitching and hitting and being a designated hitter. He ain't have time to be knowing. You steal $2.11 from me, I'm gonna see it. So if you were your employer, you would have got caught.
I've been like, where's the 211 at? I'm missing an outcast CDs worth of money from the register. 1699 is missing, but no, y'all made 100,000 that day. But now that's what I call theft 1699, unbeknownst. Yeah, so he's saying 16 million also.
Laci Mosley
He would have had to, I guess, the federales, I don't know. I'm calling them federal. Right, but I guess, like, the feds are putting up these charges because, like, he was federally charged with this. Yeah, so this isn't like a civil suit where, like, shohei's trying to get it back. So it's curious to me is how they figured out where this money went and how the feds got involved.
So according to the US attorney Martin Estrada, authorities obtained recordings of phone calls during which epay allegedly imper allegedly impersonated Shohei in order to gain approval to transfer the money. Wow, that's crazy. 16 million. Even though he's worth. Even though the contract is worth 700 million.
Right. And he's probably made money with the angels even before he got this dodger. Yeah, it's supposed to be like $65 million. Still a lot of money. Oh, it's a huge.
That's like, that's not a. Someone's gonna notice that. Like, if he has sold, like, 500,000, like he was saying before, like, a couple transfers, even 4.5 million is more, you know, believable. And that's what Shohei was saying at this press conference, that it was around 4.5 million, but now it's jumped to. 1616 is a lot.
So he took that 4,000,004 times. Okay, listen, so they're also saying that he diverted notifications and security alerts to his own phone and email. Now that I'm thinking about it, if Shohei had to call his american bank, now, would epay be interpreting that? Oh. Or would he be like, let me interpret your Social Security number.
Hey, everybody out there. I need to interpret y'all Social Security numbers and y'all's driver's license. Can they routing numbers? Send that to me so I can interpret that. I gotta interpret that routing number.
Tony Baker
Yeah, that's crazy. And that account number. Okay, but it's just for interpretation. Okay, that's it. That's crazy.
Laci Mosley
So Ipe was in the unique position to do this because he was the designated intermediary between Shohei and his english speaking banks. Exactly like what we were saying. Nobody, man, nobody. I mean, like, when it comes to numbers, though, I feel like if I need an interpreter, if they're like, okay, what's your Social Security number like? I'm gonna just write that down.
Tony Baker
Yeah. Wait, japanese number characters are different. Huh? The bank's just gonna have to get on Google. Okay.
Laci Mosley
We need some interface here. We can have a middleman here, right? Cause is his bank american or is it. Well, he has some american banks. Cause he gets paid here.
But then he also has his banks in Japan. So his american banks, you know where he works, right? You know, probably the large amount of his income. Yeah. He pay head act.
He said, I'm a pay myself right now.
Tony Baker
Dang, man. So additionally, Ipei told Shohan's, or Shohei's agent, who does not speak japanese, that Shohei wanted the account to be private and unmonitored by his team. So Shohei has an account that is monitored or would potentially be monitored by his team. There are certain people on my team, on the accountant side, that have access to my bank accounts. And, you know, we've had very many a conversation about that.
Laci Mosley
Cause, you know, if somebody's got access to your bank account, you gotta hit them with that joke. You know what I mean? Like, oh, yeah. But if you steal from me, we not just going to court. Like, I'm gonna pop the trunk, right?
You gotta stop abruptly, like, here. I'm gonna pop the truck. I'm gonna find you just, like, a real quick. Yeah, yeah. Just so you know, I'm, like, a little crazy like this.
Tony Baker
Just so you know. No, yeah, it's cool, you handling my money as long as I don't gotta handle you. Take good care of my money. Now. I'm headed to the gun range.
Hit me up later. Yeah, hit me up later. Yeah. Let me know what the tax projections are. Okay.
Laci Mosley
I'm gonna finish with my knife fighting class. Send them a picture of your gun. Like, this is the one. This is my new baby right here. I started taking stabbing 101 this week.
We're focused on shaking. So, you know, I got a picture. Of a baseball bat with a bowtie on it. Like, just getting it in, that's all. Yeah, I got a few baseball bats with spikes on them.
That's for just when I'm picking apples. I like to hit the apples with a baseball bat. That's a little something I like to do. Yeah, I'm pretty good at it. I got impeccable aim.
Tony Baker
I also like to keep an eye on my accounts, you know. That's one of my hobbies. Did I ever tell y'all, got fingerprints. Crazy. This is my little quirks.
Laci Mosley
I love quirkiness. That's all. That's all. Nothing to that, but so ipe told Shohei's agent, like, you know what Shohei said? Y'all don't gotta look at the accounts, okay?
He said, actually, never look at them. And don't be alarmed if lots of money moves into my account. That's actually what he said right now. And Shohei probably sitting there like, what did you tell him? That I said, I want a cheeseburger.
I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I told him. Wow. So if convicted, ipei could face up to 30 years for taking advantage of Shohei as not only his friend, but primary connection to the english speaking world. Wow.
And I think that's an important point because he was the homie and, you know, homies can steal from each other. But this is also someone that you've severely taken advantage of in the way of, like, you're supposed to be. I would imagine an interpreter as someone that you have to trust. One of the most people that you have to trust, right? Yeah, like, you.
Because otherwise, you don't know what people are saying right to you about you. You know, you don't know what's coming in and then what's going on. You know, I gotta trust you to say exactly what I said, and I gotta trust you to tell me what they said. So it's life in this person's hands. And, you know, people flip words on a dime.
And then what if, like, shohei's like, tell the coach I said, I wanna do it one more time. And then ipei's like, oh, coach, he said, you a bitch, and he ain't doing this no more. And he'll beat your ass. And you sitting there like, you thinking. Everything'S all good, and you're like, why is he trying to punch me now?
Like, what happened? Yeah, what'd you say? And then you could just say anything. This is such a vulnerable position. You know, I'm gonna be on Shohei's side and say, he didn't have anything to do with this.
Just cause I wanna be on his side. You gotta be innocent. But at the same time, this is really messed up. If this is your friend and interpreter, and they just been lying to you the whole time. Cause then you don't know what's true.
But also show, hey, duolingo, get with that passive aggressive album. Start letting him cuss you out for sure. And start learning English. Because this is a big, vulnerable spot to be in. That interpreter is wild for even risking something like this.
Honestly, I guess it was the addiction of it all. Cause I bet, like, if he didn't have a gambling addiction, then he probably wouldn't have risked his job. That probably pays really well, has amazing perks. You know what I mean? Like, la Dodgers.
Like, that's a popping celebrity sports team. And this man needs you everywhere. Like, you can't take a shit without, you know, his toilet probably is one of them japanese ones that talks to you. So he gotta have ipe out right behind the door. Like, I'm ready to flush.
And he's like, flush now. Like, he probably needed him for everything. He probably had all the perks in life. That sounds like addiction will take from you. Addiction will take from you.
And if he was, like, trying to get the bag. Oh, man, that is not right. Wowie. Oh, wowie. That's crazy.
Yeah, this is wild. So, to wrap this up, epay surrendered to authorities in Los Angeles on April 12 of this year. He was released on $25,000 bond and will return to court for his next hearing on May 9. That's a cheap bond. It is.
They don't think he's a flight risk. He was born in Japan. I'll be out of here. Yeah, I'm not going back to diamond bar. A lot of coop.
You already got people probably trying to break your kneecaps. Like Mister Bowtie, I'm out. Cause Mister Bowtie wants your kneecaps. And then the feds, they want your soul. They want your soul.
Tony Baker
30 of. All, right. Off of your life. Dang, man. Now bowtie not looking so bad.
Laci Mosley
He just want the capital knee. You might even get it back. He might say the knees over the 30. Yeah, I take the knees over the 30. Yeah.
I don't need to run real fast, right. You weren't the baseball player. You pay. You don't really need a knee cap. You still have a knee, just not the cap.
Tony Baker
Knees is overrated, man. That's like this drink right here, you know, like, this is nice. It's nice to have a bottle cap. Nice to have a kneecap, but not necessary. It's not 100%.
Laci Mosley
30 years of my life. I need that. Especially when you take it all down in once. You never even need the cap. Yeah.
Like, how much walking do you do on a daily average? How much do you use your kneecap? Let's talk about that. You might not need that epay. I would run.
I would definitely run. Cause it doesn't seem like America has many good things left in store for you. I'm flight risk, McGee. I'm out. Yeah.
So 25. Jeez, Bond. They were really kind to me. I'm a gamble on that. I'm out.
Right. That's his last gambling. Guess he's gambling with the bond. I'm a gamble with my freedom on this one. And just take off.
Yes. And just go to Japan? Yes. This is your last gambling stint in America is to ditch your bond? He can hide in Okinawa, man.
Tony Baker
Just be low key out there chilling. I love that we're both like, yeah, be a flight risk. Go ahead and get on that flight. Maybe he had to forfeit his passport. Probably.
Laci Mosley
We don't know. I'm sure it was something. Cause, man, $25,000, that's nothing. But, hell, even if you have to forfeit your passport, you pay you better get yourself a rowboat and, you know, some electrolytes and hit the open ocean. Just rowboat all the way over you.
Row, row, row your boat all the way back to Japan. Okay. It's a long trip. Gently across the Pacific. You got it, man.
Tony Baker
You got it in you. You can reflect.
Laci Mosley
Someone rowing across the Pacific is so unhinged. That's a great workout. That's a great death sentence. Once you get to Hawaii, you like, ah, I'm a stretch in Hawaii. Hawaii.
Yeah. Yeah. It's not too bad. Okay. Diamond bar to Hawaii.
Tony Baker
All right. And then I'm gonna. It's doable. Take a break, and then I'm gonna just push the rest out. Yes.
Dang. Oh, goodness. E pay well. I hope you got some money to e pay the government. And bowtie, you're dead.
Laci Mosley
Well, that brings us to the end of a fantastic episode. Thank you so much for being here today. Thanks for having me. It was a good time. And we always ask on this podcast, where would you like to be found that people can listen to your social media, please?
Cause it's always so entertaining. You can find me on Instagram. Tony Baker. Tony Baker comedy real on TikTok. I hate that I had to use that name, but my name was already taken.
Tony Baker
And then Tony Baker comedy on YouTube, and. Yeah, yeah, Tony Baker comedy real, like, that's a real account. I hate that name over there. But Tony Baker Lacey on every platform. See, you got uniform.
Laci Mosley
Well, except for TikTok. There is a little girl who has diva. Lacy. Don't bother. But, yeah, so I'm Lacy Moseley on TikTok.
So she did get me. She got me on the talk. But you know what? That app is for the children, so, rightfully so. She beat me there, as she should.
Tony Baker
Right? But, yeah, if y'all want to follow me in my shenanigans, D I v a l A C I D. Valacee on all platforms, y'all. You can pre order my book. See, it is a real book.
Laci Mosley
It is not a scam. Tony, can you tell the people who are listening that you can physically see the book right now? I can see the book right here. I can hold it. Yeah, it's a book.
Yeah. Touch it. Touch it. Yeah, the pages. You felt the words in there.
There's words in it. Pre order my book, y'all. In the footnotes of this episode, you can pre order scam goddess. It's a very fun book of true con in my life. That has been one long scam that continues every single moment I draw breath.
And then if you want to see the photos of Ipei and Shohei, pull on up to scam goddess pod on Instagram. If you want to chat with me, scam goddess pod on Twitter and congregation, y'all get out there and, you know, either be known or be unbeknownst whichever suits you in the moment. Oh, I'll be saying that all day, right? Unbeknownst it was not benounced to me, gab goddess.
This has been an Earwolf production in association with Team Coco, scammed by the stars and is hosted by me, Lacey Moseley, aka scam Goddess. Our producer is Judith Cargbo, and our audio engineer is rich Garcia. Research for the show is done by Kalin Brandt. Stay scheming.
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Tony Baker
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Laci Mosley