Primary Topic
This episode of "Fraud Fridays" delves into various amusing and audacious scams, featuring guest Lilan Bowden. They discuss cultural scams, historical figures, and personal anecdotes of trickery.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Awareness of common scams can protect one from potential fraud.
- Historical scams provide insight into the psychology of con artists.
- Personal vigilance is crucial in daily interactions and transactions.
- The entertainment industry occasionally glorifies scammers, impacting public perception.
- Legal and ethical boundaries in scamming highlight the importance of moral judgement.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction to Scam Culture
Lilan and Laci discuss the appeal of scam stories and introduce the theme of the episode. They explore why scams fascinate so many people. Laci Mosley: "Scams are like real-life dramas, right in our backyards!"
2: Lilan’s Scamming Antics
Lilan recounts her childhood scams, providing a humorous look at her early knack for deception. Lilan Bowden: "I used to charge my classmates for fake fortune readings!"
3: Famous Scams and Scammers
The conversation shifts to notorious scams and scammers, analyzing what makes these stories captivating. Laci Mosley: "These stories are wild, they show just how bold scammers can be!"
4: Ethical Lines in Scamming
They debate the ethics of scamming, considering where lines should be drawn. Lilan Bowden: "It's all fun and stories until someone gets hurt."
5: Closing Thoughts
Final reflections on the role of scams in society and their portrayal in media. Laci Mosley: "Scams are a mirror to our society's values and vulnerabilities."
Actionable Advice
- Educate Yourself: Learn about common scams to better protect yourself.
- Critical Thinking: Always question deals that seem too good to be true.
- Protect Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing sensitive information.
- Check Sources: Verify the credibility of people and businesses before engaging.
- Report Scams: Help prevent others from falling victim by reporting scams to authorities.
About This Episode
Good Friday, con-gregation! We revisit our episode with Lilan Bowden where we break down the hipster who started scamming before it was cool. Plus, remember when Soulja Boy was up in that copyright infringement? Stay schemin’!
Laci Mosley, Lilan Bowden
Guest Name(s):
Lilan Bowden
Content Warnings:
Laci Mosley
Y'all, hormones. It's impossible not to have them. There's over 1000 hormone disruptors in our food, our water, the air, the clothes, the skincare, the dryer sheets, everything. Child is a scam to the hormones, okay? Plus we have natural hormonal changes that our bodies go through.
Like, what's going on with my body? Like, I am now in my thirties and my skin is acting like a teenager. What is going on with the hormones? Which is why I love hormone harmony. It contains science backed herbal extracts called adaptogens.
Okay, so adaptogens help the body adapt to stressors like chaotic hormonal changes. It's perfect for women struggling with PM's, menopause, and more. Honey, y'all know I work hella jobs. Hormone harmony has really helped me, like, regulate, especially like sleep and just relaxation and calming down and not panicking as much. They've got 17,000 reviews, so you don't even have to listen to me.
But get into it. And for a limited time, you can get 15% off your entire order at hormone mammoth.com Dot. Just use the code goddess at Checkout House of the Dragon is back for season two, and so is the official Game of Thrones podcast. After the death of the King, the realm is split in two and the royal line of succession is called into question. Join hosts Greta Johnson and Jason Concepcion as they go behind the scenes with the show's cast and crew to unpack who deserves to sit on the Iron Throne.
Guests this season include a medieval consultant who unpacks what it would really be like to live in Westeros, the sound designer responsible for the dragon, sound effects showrunner Ryan Cundall, who speaks to the mistakes both sides made in season one and who you should pay close attention to in season two, along with some of your favorite cast members. First, Jason and Greta recap season one. Then they'll unpack season two after each episode airs on Max. Watch the HBO series House of the Dragon, streaming exclusively on Max, and listen to the official Game of Thrones podcast on Max wherever you get your podcasts. What's Poppin congregation?
It's your girl, Lacey Moseley, aka scam goddess. Welcome to an episode of Fraud Fridays, where we release older episodes from the scam goddess vault. That's right, fraud Fridays is where we bring back your favorite episodes from behind the paywall. Enjoy this episode from behind the Paywall, and as always, stay scheming. Scam cun robbery and fraud scam cause robbery and fraud scam goddess.
What's poppin congregation we are back with another installment of Scam goddess. It is I. Wow. What if I just said, it is I all the time? It is I, Lacy Moseley, aka scam goddess.
Welcome back, y'all. And one, two, three. Say it with me. I am very. What?
Yes. If you don't know what that blank is, then you don't listen to this show often enough, and I will not tell you. But yes. Guys, I am very excited for today's guest. You have seen her as a star of the hit show Andy Mac.
You can see her currently on always Sunny in Philadelphia. She has a film that's popping on the circus right now. Y'all. Y'all needs to be streaming. Becoming Eddie Henny.
Okay. The girls are loving it. I have Miss Leelon Bowden. Oh, my gosh. That intro just got me excited about myself.
Lilan Bowden
Yes. I'm so cool. That's exactly what I want the intro to do. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I get it wrong, and everyone will always reach out to me and tell me when I got it wrong. Or they're like, you fucked up her name.
Oh, yeah. From, like, the episodes I've listened to, your fans, like, keep you. Like, they watch everything, and they're very particular. They scam you. They scammed me.
Laci Mosley
Cause I thought I did this. I started doing this. Cause I was like, oh, this be fun. I'm doing this for me. And then at some point, it turned, and now it's like, if they get angry, I'm like, I'm sorry, guys.
What did I do? You now serve them. Yeah, I'm trying to get my power back. Yeah, the power balance is influx. No, it's fine.
I love it. I love the enthusiasm. Wow. Okay, so, wait, Leelan, what is your relationship with scams? Like, have you ever been scammed, or have you ever done a scam, lacy, that you can talk about?
Lilan Bowden
I'm so glad you asked. I'm obsessed with, like. Okay, so I'll go with my interest first and then my experience second interest. I am obsessed with scams. I love con men.
I love cult leaders. I mean, I don't love love them, but I love learning about them. Like, I was all about that soho grifter. Oh, yes. Anna Delvey.
Anna Delvey. Icon, icon. That documentary about that wine guy, the guy who's just like, Rudy. Yes. I mean, you know.
You know all these things. I talk about them like they're my old friends. I'm like, oh, Rudy the homie. Yes. Great.
Laci Mosley
Drink on deck. Yes. I'm just. I can't get enough of professional liars. I just think it's great.
Lilan Bowden
And then personally, I feel like the reason why I love seeing documentaries and stuff about, like, Colson's games and stuff like that. Cause I'm so trusting. Like, I feel like I am just right there as a great target. So it's like I have to do everything to protect myself. But before this podcast, I was thinking about, like, me in 6th grade, and I ran a scam.
And I ran a scam. I was in 6th grade and I told people that I could read fortunes by, like, on their hand, not like a poem reader. I had made up my own system. So I remember this. Like, each tip of your finger stood for, like, some type of aspect of your life.
Like, the pinky was your career and the ring was your relationship and, you know, self. Like, those match categories. Like, and at 6th grade, everybody's, what, like eleven? Yeah, like, yeah, ten or eleven. I think it was ten, but yeah.
Laci Mosley
So what are they gonna do? Say, like, I didn't get the car. I wanted, like, ten years later, like, you got plenty of time to run from this scam. I like this. They can't find me.
Oh. I charged everybody a quarter. Yes. And we made some coin. Literally, we made some coins.
Lilan Bowden
And then I continued a different one in 7th grade where I don't know if this is, like, a scam scam, but I think it was very smart on me. Right after Easter, tootsie pops were selling for a quarter a bag because they were Easter themed. Markdown. Yeah. And so I was like, hey, dad, buy me, like, five pounds of tootsie pops.
Or just like, 30 pounds of Tootsie pops. Like, tons and tons of tootsie pops. And he was like, okay. And I kept them in my backpack in 7th grade, and I would sell them for a quarter each to classes. Wow.
Wow. I made quarter money. Leila, you're a serial entrepreneur, and I love it. I love that you were out here slanging tootsies and fortunes, kid. Fortunes.
Laci Mosley
Wait, so do you ever. Do you remember any of these fortunes that you ever told or what types of things you would tell the children? Yeah. I mean, it's so weird. It's like someone else was driving the car.
Lilan Bowden
I didn't have any conscious thought of. It's just like, I know what I'll do today. Maybe you were clairvoyant. Maybe this wasn't a scam at all, and I was just channeling my divine powers to enlighten these 6th graders. But, like, so I would push around.
Like, I claim to see images in the tips of their fingers. So, like, they would give me their hand, and I would kind of, like, kind of, like, squeeze the tip of their finger and, like, move the blood vessels around and be like, okay, so apparently you're going to have, like, three children. Like, one of the. One. One of the tips of the fingers were just for children.
Just for the children you're gonna have. You know, like, I mean, it wasn't terribly, like, thought out. You were giving the girls an experience, though. You're rubbing the tip of their finger. You, like, you know, close your eyes or whatever.
Laci Mosley
Also, like, kids. I wonder how many people were like, oh, see, a psychic once told me in school that I would have three kids. Like, how many lives you changed the course of? Oh, my gosh, probably zero. Like, probably 100%.
Somebody's holding on to that leela and fortune waiting for their porsche and their two and a half kids. I mean, think about, like, did you ever play m a s h when you were, like, a young one? No, I don't dabble in the devil. See, there you go. Well, I got mansions all the time when I played m a s h.
Lilan Bowden
No, I'm not. Sometimes I got apartments and then Shaq mansion apartment. Shaq house, which is. I always got Shaq. And then I started cheating.
Laci Mosley
Cause then I was like, oh, you gotta just count. So I'd be, like, making sure my number was, like, odd enough that it would never land on Shaq. Oh, that's like, that's also smart. That's, like, counting cards. You have to think about that.
Yeah, but it feels like if you have to count that, it's probably, like, why you even play it if you don't believe in the fate of it. But I always got Shaq, and then we would do it with random celebrities, and I would always get, like, urkel, or, like, what's the one who bit somebody? Ear off. Who's nibbling on the ear? Mike Tyson.
Lilan Bowden
Mike Tyson. I always get, like, mike Tyson. Oh, my gosh, I definitely. I definitely got Urkel and then. And, like, I wasn't a cool kid, so, like, friends were like, yep, that makes sense.
Hahaha. I hated it, so I scammed it. Right? And I appreciate that. I love this scam.
Laci Mosley
I approve of this scam. Yeah, we would do it with b two k, too. And I would always end up with somebody bootleg, like razz B. Nobody ever wanted to be with Raz B. I mean, mostly it was his name.
Like, who thought of this name? Like, it sounds like a. I'm looking up a picture. Cause it's like Lil Fizz, who is cute. Omarion, who's the cutest in my opinion.
Then J boog, who's also cute. And then there's Razz B. And it's just they gave him the worst name and he also was my least favorite. That's so funny. Oh, good old Razzie.
That's a deep cut for some of you guys. Well, I like these scamps. I think that this is very enjoyable. You may not be as much of a mark as you think you are if you were running these little cons. Oh, my gosh, this means so much.
Well, guys, let's get into our first segment, which is what's hot and fraud. So I'm gonna share with you a listener letter. We just get your opinions all throughout. This one comes from. Oh, she says, insert compliments regarding your show.
Oh, thank you. So sweet. I guess I have to call this person by the name that they put in here. But you can't figure out who it is that easily, I think. But it's important.
So I think that's why they wrote it this way. They didn't say, leave my name out. So I'm like, okay, okay, that's my disclaimer. Allegedly. Allegedly.
Okay, don't sue me. Okay? If you sue me, I'll be showing up with my billboard lawyer. Y'all know how I do. I'm gonna cruise Hollywood Boulevard, find the nearest abugado.
Okay? And I'm gonna have a neck brace, so don't sue me. Okay. So I've been hesitant about emailing you my scam, as it's impossible to retire it. Mmm.
I have. But what the heck? It's 2020, right? It sure is. And everything's on fire, literally.
So. So you go ahead and share your scam, girl. So she said, this is. This scam is my life, literally, unknowingly granted to me by my parents. I'm sure you see by my profile picture that I'm a white female.
Yes, I do. You cute, too. Hey, girl. She says I stand 5ft tall. On a good day of note, I did bribe the DMV to put that I'm five two on my driver's license with is another scam I admit to engaging in.
I love that. I didn't know you could lie about your height. I could be 6ft. I'm five'one. On a good day.
I'm pretty short. And I was so short that I was close to, like, getting, like, little people benefits. So I didn't know that I could cause like when you get a little people, you can get a handicap sticker, you can get a stipend. And I was like, hmm. But then I didn't make it.
Like, I got. By the time I was 18, I was over 5ft. And I think you have to be like four eight or 411. It was something attainable for me. So I could have gone to the DMV and just lied on my driver's license and been like, yes, I am four nine and scam the government.
But you know what? I can't be scamming against people. So it's fine. But I didn't know that you could do this. And now I want to.
Maybe I could make myself 6ft tall. I feel like I have a tall personality I could pick up. You do have a tall personality. I mean, I don't know how that. Would help me in life, but maybe.
Lilan Bowden
I know, like that's especially. I feel like height. With women you're like, what is the like? What benefits me when, you know, we. Don'T have an ideal unless you want to be a model.
Laci Mosley
There's really no ideal height for women. However, for men, I do feel bad because it's like if you're like five six and under, you know, life is hard. It's rough. It's rough out there. Like, you know, from my, from my male friends who are on dating apps, they're getting killed out there, you know.
And it's just the abs. You meet a guy that height in person, you're like looking for chemistry. You're looking at, you know, they eyebrows or if they under the fingernails is clean. You know, you're looking for something like that. You're not looking at their height as much, but on a website for some reason.
Height. Yeah, it's. Yeah, yeah. And any man who says that he is five nine is a liar. Five nine is not a real height.
You heard it here first. Okay. Everybody who's five nine is five six, seven or lower. No one is actually five nine. Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
There now you know. Oh my gosh. Whenever I see five nine on a date nap, I'm like, now why you over here lying liar. Just tell me you're five six. I like a short king.
Okay. We're gonna be down on the ground to find a change together. Cause I'm short too.
I can make that joke. I'm short. So let's move on into doctor Sharma here. So she lied to the DMV. Wonderful.
I love it. She says, I work as a nurse practitioner. Though the role of mid level providers is controversial, I'm lucky enough to work in roles that give me a significant amount of autonomy. Okay. I mainly work in family medicine, adolescent medicine, addiction medicine, and psychiatry.
The point I want to make is, no, I'm not a doctor, but yes, I know my shit. Okay? This is giving me very Jada Pinkett. She had a tv show called RN. I think that's what it was called.
Oh, it was called Hawthorne. But then the r and the n were capitalized. That's what it is. Okay. So she was on this show, and I think it got canceled.
But I always loved the idea of this show. Cause it was a nurse who, like, knew better than all the doctors and was always, like, cussing all the doctors out. And I was like, jada, this ain't a real thing.
Jada would be in the hospital, like. I need twelve cc's. Like, you can't order medicine. You are a nurse. She's like, get it to me now and give me a knife.
Like, give me that knife at the hospital. And the nurse show up as scrubs, and she about to cut on you with some shit. Like, that's what Jada's show is about. I need to watch this. Ron, we were talking earlier about, like, doctors not knowing everything.
Lilan Bowden
Maybe you need that nurse with a knife. You need a nurse yelling for a knife for you. It could save your life. I need Jada pinkinspoons just showing up at all my doctor's appointments. Like, you don't know what you're talking about.
Laci Mosley
Give me a knife.
It's like, ma'am, I just have asthma. No, the knife. We gonna fix your asthma right now. I'm your nurse, and this is no shade to nurses at all. Cause this is a hard job and it's a lot of schooling.
I'm just saying that show cracked me up. Cause she was like, when I tell you there's never been a show that was more like book doctors. Oh, that's so funny. It was great. I wish I had stayed on.
I thought it was hilarious. So is it. I haven't watched Hawthorne is. It's not supposed to be hilarious, though, right? No, no, no.
Lilan Bowden
Oh, you know, I'm looking. I'm looking at the screenshot of it. You are so right in tone, like, I don't know. Can you see this on my dirty phone? Not really.
Laci Mosley
Oh, yes. Yes. Like, she's running with, like, a tank top on and her, like, shirt, her doctor lab coat busting open with, like, name tags just like flying in the wind. She's got a pedia on her skinny jeans. And why is she.
Lilan Bowden
She's running to get a knife. Why is she the first one running to get the knife? Where's the doctor?
Laci Mosley
Oh, man, I love it so much. And I love that they had to make it sexy that, like, her lab coat bustles in the wind as her breast and her name tag flap up and down like, what is this? I have never seen nobody in a wife beater at the. If you show up to my hospital in a wife beater and tank top.
Lilan Bowden
Also, like in mid stride too, so it's like flapping behind her like a cape. I mean, everything in the hospital is an emergency. You can't be running around that bitch all the time. You'll get tired, you need breaks. I love it.
Laci Mosley
So, doctor Sharma, I feel you. She said, I know my shit. Okay. Many doctors, I'm sure, are well meaning no shade to doctors. Most of you are great, but refuse to consult with anyone whose name isn't followed by MD or do.
Lucky for me and my straight off the plane from Ireland, mom's heritage. My first name is Sharma. In Ireland, it's short for Sharon plus Mary. In India. It's a very common surname.
Historically specialized as priests, teachers and protectors of sacred learning across generations. Someone did their googles. Wow, wow, wow. She said. I lifted the quote straight from Wikipedia.
She said, the scam is, I never correct anyone when they call me Doctor Sharma. It's assumed it's my last name. Families think I'm fancy, doctors will take my calls, and my patients have another obstacle removed from their access to care. Win win. Question mark, I hope.
Also, if anyone wants to ask why I didn't go to medical school, feel free to ask me about being a young single mother at 19 and find it unrealistic to spend $250,000 in debt in addition to taking care of another human. I love being a nurse and I'm grateful. And I was able to graduate school and become a nurse practitioner. Luckily, my very cynical now 13 year old and I are doing just fine. Fine, fine, fine.
Oh, I added that. I blame a lot of that on mine. Okay, okay, girl, we got to a little existential moment here at the end. But I do appreciate sometimes, you know, you write a letter, but also you just want to. You want to be able to just like, say some things, you know?
And that's okay, sis, she said. And in conclusion, all my life I had to fight.
Okay, sis. It's interesting because I've seen this done before. I've done this myself. My name is Lacey Moseley. Not a lot of people will assume that's black.
So, I mean, it's opposite here. Cause this is a white woman. But I have definitely let people assume that I was white until, like, the very last moment. That's really interesting because, like. Like, a.
Lilan Bowden
Like a doctor is, like, a definable thing. But, like, I could imagine someone being like, oh, I thought you were a doctor. But do people say to you, I thought you were wet? They say it mostly with their ass, you know, like, they open the door, and then they get a little wider, like, hey. And then they ask me, like, are you lacy?
Laci Mosley
And I'm like, yup, that's me. Wow. And I don't know if I've talked about this on this show. I do so many podcasts, but I used to babysit, and I had a babysitting service in my neighborhood until my parents ruined it. Shout out to them.
They ruined my business. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't want to tangent on tangent, but, like, how did your parents ruin your business? Okay, I'll tell you how they ruined my business. It ties into this.
So I would leave these little door tags that I just printed off of computer paper and cut and put a little rubber band through on people's doorknobs. Now, this is back in the day when you off, you advertise your babysitting service to your local neighbors, right? And, you know, you didn't have to be on care now, you didn't have to have a certificate of CPR. You didn't have to pass a background check. You just had to be, like, 13.
And people would leave their kids with you. Simpler times. They're like, are you 13? And a woman? Get in here.
Get in here. Watch these kids. Get in here. One of them needs insulin. You'll figure it out.
They just leave. They'll tell you which one needs insulin. Just leave. You'll figure it out. You get it?
We call them faing tea. You'll see.
Like, people didn't give a fuck who they left their kids with. So I would leave these little tags, and then when people call me, I kind of code switch. I'm like, hi, yeah, this is lacy. And then I show up. I'm like, hey, what's up?
What up? Key is that? Yeah. Where's feinty?
So I used to do this, and then by the time they were ready and made their plans to go out, my black ass. Already there. So they about to, you know, let me in and let me have snacks. So the reason that this ended was because I had cheerleading tryouts once, and I got called back, and so I couldn't go babysit like I was supposed to. So I sent a friend.
Cause I'm telling you, in these times, if you were 13, I just sent another black 13 year old over there. I was like, my homegirl gonna come over there, Aaron, she gonna babysit your kids. And I was like, but I'm sorry. I was, like, a good business person. So I was like, the next time I babysit for you, it'll be free.
Okay? So cut to. I babysit for them. These motherfuckers leave at 07:00 they don't come back till, like, 130 in the morning. I had fallen asleep.
Remind you I'm 1314 years old, right? Falling asleep in one of the little girl's beds. And my parents are blowing me the fuck up. They're pissed. And so they caught, and I was like, oh, they haven't come home yet.
And my mom was like, they haven't come home. I'm about to call CPS. I was like, oh, no, no, no. Oh, my gosh. She was like, who do they think they are?
They got my black baby out here working. Like, we need they money. We don't need they money. And so I. I love your mom.
Yeah, I left, and the dad, like, gave me all the money in his wallet. When he got back, I could tell he was visibly drunk. And then they didn't drive me home. I walked home and I lived, like, a couple streets away. And it's like the suburbs.
It's super safe. At least I felt like I was. But when I showed up at my parents doorstep, my mom was like, and they didn't drop you off? So I went upstairs and thought it was all over, and I went to bed. Turns out my parents had drove back over there.
Lilan Bowden
Oh. Cussed them out. And was like, we don't need your fucking money. She will not be babysitting for you ever again. Like, a mess.
Laci Mosley
And then they told the whole neighborhood, ruin my babysitting service, champ. Oh, my gosh. You know, I gotta say, though, it is so, like, heartening to hear, like, a mom, like, go to bat for her kid like that. I feel like my mom would be like, what are you doing? My mom always would side with whoever else.
Lilan Bowden
It didn't matter who they were or if what they did or anything. She'd be like, what did you do wrong? It was like, I never could win. And so just hearing that your mom was like, we don't need your money. Like, it's so, like, I love that.
Laci Mosley
Yeah. After that, I got an allowance because I think they were trying to be like, oh, we don't want to spoil you. Like, you have to know the value of hard work. But after that, they just started giving me money. They were like, you ain't working for these white folks.
You are not they place, you know. The value of hard work. You're fine. You're fine. You have some money.
I was like, so you went over to their house at 02:00 a.m. and gave them a slavery speech, and now my business is shut down. Thanks, guys. I'm so sorry about your business, but I love everything else about the story. I would rather have free money.
Honestly, I would rather have free money for my parents any day. And I respect and love their choices, and I think they're hilarious. It was just funny to me because I never found out from them that they wouldn't cuss them out. I found out from, like, one of my other clients. Oh, my gosh.
Lilan Bowden
That's. I mean, I just think that's amazing. I, like coming from, like, a family whose parents are very uncontraversational. And, like, also, I think it's, like, kind of, like an asian thing where it's like, you mistrust your child and you trust all adults, you know, like, so it's just like, oh, this is fun. This is fun to hear.
For me. I love it. Right? My parents had that, too, until it was very clear that because of where we live, there's just so much racism that they couldn't trust anybody else. So then it became, like, me and my parents loved to, like, my parents threatened to sue the school board.
Laci Mosley
Boy, wow. Think about it. I'm loving all of it. People were doing racisms to me, and my parents really felt, especially my mother, felt the need to be like, we. Have lawyers, and awesome.
That's not how she talks at all, but she's amazing. You know, I got lucky, but because. I mean, the other. The other under the spectrum is you could get parents who are just like, please just do what the white people do, which is, like, very, like, I'm more familiar with that. Right?
Lilan Bowden
Please, like, just be nice to the white people. And that's survival. You know, we all have had to do that because it's just simply survival. So I fully understand both sides of this coin, but, guys, we're going to take a quick break for some non scam advertisements. We'll be right back.
Laci Mosley
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All right, and we are back, and it's time for my favorite section of the show, historic hood Wings. This is when I will regale miss Leelon with a very famous con caper, maybe a scammer worthy of our praise. We'll see. I never know until the end. We'll get her thoughts all throughout.
She'll interject. She'll ask questions that I may or may not have the answer to. That's why we have Google. And if not, I may make it up. But I always tell you guys when I make things up, just to be fair, I want you guys to accurately quote at dinner parties that you go to.
Okay, so today we're talking about Kari Farrell. She's a 20 something socialite that scammed her way around Salt Lake City and Brooklyn. Her scamming consisted of using aggressive sex appeal. Aggressive sex appeal. Okay.
Very interested to see what aggressive sex appeal spells out and wild lies to get money, event admission, and social status. Okay, let's let Leelan see a picture of Kari Farrell. So, as a teenager, Kari was 17 at the time. She would hang out in Salt Lake City on the straight edge scene. Do you know what straight edge is?
Lilan Bowden
It's like you aggressively don't do drugs and drink liquor, and then you also beat people up. Who do I think? I don't know. Yeah. I'm like, how do you aggressively not do drugs?
Laci Mosley
Like, I know how you aggressively do drugs, but, like. Like, you're sitting in house every day. Like, I'm sober. I'm sober. Well, you have to go out and impose your will on others is my understanding of, like, people who are, like, aggressive, straight edge.
Lilan Bowden
You know, they're like, nobody. Nobody does drugs. You go to bars and just, like, judge people. Like, oh, you buying another shot from, like, my. From my.
Not. I mean, this could be outdated information or just incorrect. But, like, I do, like, a lot of like, a lot of strange people start fights. Like, they, like, literally just start fights, you know? Well, I guess you gotta get your aggression out somehow if you're not gonna pick a vice.
I know. There it is. Okay, so here she is. She hung out on the straight ledge. Yeah.
Laci Mosley
So she's a cutie. So she was hanging out on the straight edge scene aggressively, not doing drugs or alcohols. That's where she met Casey Hansen. Ooh, that name. Who was a couple of years older than her.
She just kind of messaged me out of nowhere, commenting on my MySpace profile picture. That's what Hanson said. So Kari told Hansen that she was 18 and had graduated from high school that year, even though her driver's license said she was 17. So I love this, coming back to the driver's license, especially since the DMV lets you hook it up because I didn't know you could make changes. I think they just don't check.
Lilan Bowden
Like, I mean, no one, no one there loves. Loves what they do. I think no one's passionate about working at the DMV. You know, no one's. No one's putting on their badge.
And I think spritzing themselves with like some Mario Badescu, you know, spray and being like, today is a winner for me. I used to think that the DMV was a hater job, but after spending an extensive amount of time there for many traffic violations and refusals to register my car. I will not, I will not outwit. Agree. What are the straight?
Laci Mosley
Is people there? They're aggressively not drinking. So I was aggressively refusing to register my car. And I used to have an old lady who I would go to every time I forget her name. But it took me so long to register my car that by the time I came for, like, the last time, I was like, oh, where's miss so and so?
Cause she already know my history. They're like, girl, she retired. I was like, what? No, that's why she was so happy. But she was hooking it.
That's right. That's probably why she was hooking it up. Cause she would give me permits on permits on permits. I had so many operating permits taped to my fucking car, bitch. You know, I will say, I think I've seen the one person who I saw it, I think likes being at the DMV.
Lilan Bowden
I just, like, everything expired at once. My car broke down and my license expired and I wasn't able to go online to get it renewed, even though I could have. And like, there was. And also, like, during quarantine you can't get anybody on the phone. They cut, like, they shut down all the phone lines, which seems like the.
Laci Mosley
Thing that's the safest to be on. Yeah. Like, how y'all gonna be like, oh, it's quarantine. We can't handle phone calls, but I can't. Through the line.
Lilan Bowden
Yeah, like, it should only be phoned, but, no, it's. It's 3 hours in the sun. That's. That's the new way to talk to anybody at the DMV, is 3 hours in the sun. But, like, there was a guy there who was in knee high boots.
Like, knee high military boots. Oh, wow. And, like, this was a hot, hot day, and he was just strolling out, and, like, he would hang out inside. And finally, when I got inside, where I had to wait in my, like, segregated, like, little square away from everybody, you know? Like, he was, like, right next to me, and I was like, so do you ride a motorcycle, or do you ride horses or something?
Laci Mosley
He's like, figure out why he got on these boots. I mean, these boots were so outrageous, you know? And, like, otherwise, extremely normal dude. Extremely, extremely normal looking dude. Like, not like a punk style thing, you know?
Lilan Bowden
And he was like, no, I love boots. I have about 50 pairs just like these. Wow. Albert Einstein of boots. He just.
His whole thing was, he loved boots, and he loved big knee high boots. Does not do an activity that corresponds with those boots. The rest of the wardrobe does not match. Just, I love it, and looked like he was on a great time. The one person.
The one person. That's all that matters. As long as he's having a great time, we're pleased. Well, so she said that her driver's license was wrong. Cause she said 17, but don't worry, girl.
Laci Mosley
I'm 18. Okay. So Kari said that the reason her driver's license was weird is because her birth certificate is a little off, and she had been adopted from South Korea, so she had a whole backstory as to why it's not the right age. That summer, Kari Farrell moved in with him and shortly got a fraud alert from her bank account saying that someone tried to cash a check of hers. So this is Casey Hansen.
She was like, hey, Casey, I'm definitely 18 and not a minor, and I just graduated from high school. Can I live in your home? And Casey. Casey said yes. So as soon as she moves in, the bank is like, hey, Carver girl, um, something weird is going on with your bank account, sis.
So, because of this, she wasn't able to pay rent for a bit. So she told Casey, like, hey, the bank called and said that I tried to deposit a fake check, so I actually can't give you no rent right now. Okay. So the first light scam. So a few months later, she told Hansen that she was finally able to access the money that she hadn't been able to get because of the previous fraud on her account.
She started depositing all these checks into my account, literally depositing 300, 500 and $1100 at a time. So this is Casey talking. Casey says that Kari kept saying she couldn't use her ATM card, telling him, you cash these checks and give me the money. Oh, Kyrie, this is the oldest scam in the book. And I talked about this on.
You'll hear me talk about it on a different episode, too. But my little sister fell prey to this scam. So, no, it was an accident. But, guys, if anybody tells you they can't deposit checks in their bank account or, oh, you know, my bank account not working right now. Can I use yours?
Never let anyone use your bank account. That's the weirdest thing. That's like somebody saying, oh, my toothbrush not working right now. Can I use yours? I mean, there's.
There's some things that should only be for you. Yeah. Like, yeah, like a toothbrush. I would lend a toothbrush and be like, keep it. But, like, the bank account is like, that's like, yeah.
Anyway, girl, something wrong with my Social Security number. Can I use yours? Yes, like, I just need to borrow your social just for real quick. No, no, no, it's gonna be cool. Just real quick.
Let me have it. So he should have known better. One day, Kari gave Chris Hansen. Well, I call him Chris Hansen now. His name is Casey Hansen.
I just don't like that name. I don't know why. So one day, Kari gave Hanson a check for $1,200. And he asked the bank teller, are these good? I assume they are, because you guys just keep giving me money, and you're a bank.
But can you check on this? And the teller said that they were good. Hmm. Okay. I mean, I appreciate him asking about it, but, I mean, if the bank is giving you money, I would just not ask no questions.
Lilan Bowden
Right. Like, that's how you know it's good, is that you get money. If it's met, you don't. So this went on for a total of $10,600 before the bank belatedly realized that the checks were written from an account that wasn't even open. Damn.
Laci Mosley
Okay, I'm sorry. If we tend in the hole, that's when we got to call the f, the d, the I, and the c, because I will not be giving you this $10,000. Y'all need to call. Isn't the bank insured? Okay, you better get Jake from Allstate on the phone or whoever the fuck.
Jake from state Farm, bitch. Or the black man from 24. Okay, Flo, you better call her. Cause I'm not giving you $10,000 back. I know she just works in cars, but, like, Shirley, Flo has been on the scene.
Lilan Bowden
She knows people. She can call people. Progressive progresso soup. I don't care who y'all have to call, but you're not getting it from me. It's not.
Laci Mosley
No, no, no. Also, like, I wish that he had recorded this conversation that he had with the bank teller that was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, your checks is good because they were not. So he tried to break up with her, Kari. That's when she told him she had cancers. And then later on that she was pregnant.
Lilan Bowden
Oh, no. She just. She just threw the kitchen sink. She did everything. She was like, I have cancer and a baby.
And also I.
Laci Mosley
Rest. I have your social and you have mine, right? Did you say restlessly? She was like, I have a restless leg appointment. Then I gotta go to oncology.
Then I gotta go to the Ob gyn. And also my teeth don't work. I need your teeth also. Then I'm going to the dentist. Did I have these ailments before?
You said you wanted to break up. No, but today I found out that I have a baby and also a baby. I'm so sorry. And the baby also has cancer, so I'm gonna need extra money. And I would never even joke about that.
You don't want that juju out there and shout out to the people who are battling it, y'all. Cause it's tough. But. So she told him all the lies she could think of. And then the day after Kari turned 21, in February 2008, she went to jail for fraud for three months.
So, guessing that's the fraud of those checks that she was writing from the bank account that was never open. I love that she got up to ten k before they realized, though. That's a lot of money for the bank to be like, oh, yeah, actually, we weren't. Oops. Oh, yeah.
Lilan Bowden
No. It's so wild how much it seems like, you know, like. Cause Soho grifter has all. Anna Delvey, like, had that whole thing, too, where all, like, she was just getting by on fraud. And fumes where, like, she would just be mad.
She'd be like, I'm an heiress, right? And, like. And they'd be like, okay, sorry. Here's, like, 100k, right? They were like, yeah, I'm gonna pay for this hotel with wire transfers eventually.
Yeah. And they're like, okay. She's just so mad. I guess we'll just let that happen. But, you know, like, I think I feel like there's an episode where you talk about, like, either this or a version of it, but I remember when I was, like, a barista still and just hanging out with all of my other barista friends, and there isn't a savings account that any of us have, you know, and we're talking about, how do we pay rent?
And one of my friends had this great idea. He was like, you know what you do do this advice. Always write a check to yourself, and then it'll. And, like, if you're, like, kind of in a money transition, and so then the. The bank thinks that you have extra money, and then you can use that in between time before they realize their error to, like, uh, to.
So, like, so you can, like, start, right? So you don't go negative. Yeah. Like, banks charge people for being poor. If you like, I know bank of America.
Laci Mosley
It's dollar 35 for each overdraft fee. And if your accounts overdrafted and anything else hits, like, a recurring payment auto pay, they charge you another 35. And it's so predatory, it's so gross, and a lot of banks do it. And what's interesting to me about this is, like, so I'm going to note the timeframe here. This is February 2008, when she got pinched, right?
So the housing crisis, you know, a little bit before that. So the banks were on some fuck shit, right then. Anyway, you know what I mean? Like, I feel like just, like, every bank was doing a lot of coke and really loving balloon payments and.
Lilan Bowden
Sure go nuts, right? And this fraud, even though check fraud has been going on for forever, this specific kind has been harder. It's still hard right now for the banks to flag immediately. It takes some time, and by the time the bank has realized, they're probably already gone. And a lot of times, your bank will flag a check now if it's over $1,000.
Laci Mosley
But if it's right under that at, like, 800, if it's installments of smaller amounts of money, they can't flag it as quick. And then you can get them coins and be on your way. You know what I mean? So I'm sure by the time Kari had robbed people, all they could find was the back of her head, because she was headed the other direction. She was moving.
Lilan Bowden
She was going. So when she got out of jail, she found a new roommate and friend she'd known for several years. And according to Hanson, she scammed the new guy out of $3,000. This is when she started telling people that she was working for Golden Boris, a company that does Coachella, and that she was soon going to transfer to New York. Now I'm confused.
Laci Mosley
Why would she go to New York to work for Coachella? I guess Coachella is stationed in New York. I would assume that that was a Los Angeles thing. I don't know exactly where Coachella is planned. You know what?
Lilan Bowden
This is very clever, because it's like, if you give to a person two pieces of conflicting information, they may not just ask questions. You know, if, like, she was like, oh, I'm going to Coachella, and I'm going to be, like, leaving soon. In California, people were like, oh, where? You know, like, they have a frame of reference, but she gets them off the game, right? It's like, I'm going to go to Coachella, but I'm transferring to new York.
It's a whole thing. People think it's a whole thing and they don't ask. Yeah, it's a whole thing. Used to just be like, long story short, but now it's like, it's a whole thing, is all my lies are bundled into. Um.
And there you go. Right? I'm seeing most of their venues are on the west coast, so, yeah, I don't know if golden voice is in New York, but you know what, girl? I appreciate these lies. I will continue.
Laci Mosley
So this is mostly just paraphrased from the observer. So shout out to Dory Shafrir. Sorry if I said that wrong, but shout out to you. So this is scamming vice. So, after she told all these lies and got all these coins from just regular, everyday Joe Schmo's, who are probably just very enamored, because remember, Kari is fine.
She moved on. So now she's scamming vice. Kari walked into the vice magazine office in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, to interview for an administrative assistant job. They thought that she. That they had hit the jackpot.
So remember, she said she was moving to New York even though she was working for Coachella, and then she went to vice. Okay, so she's. So one of these lies is, like, a soft one. She did move. She actually did move for a job.
Lilan Bowden
She self transferred? Yeah, you know that self transfer benefit package? Like, you know how one is self employed? She's just. She's self employed.
Transferred to a new employment. Okay, you get it. So, Karina, they write this description. I don't. Kari petite, 22 years old, of korean heritage, had a huge tattoo of a phoenix across her chest and a cute pixie haircut.
Laci Mosley
She was talkative, funny, charming, and adorable. She had a tattoo on her back that read, I love beards, bitch. What? Oh, wow. She quirky.
Quirky. Oh, my God. Now I love beards on your back, sis. Okay, so she was. Okay, I like beards too.
I don't like them that much, so. But, you know, if you do. So she told them that she had been working for a concert promotion company, Golden Voice, in New York, and they hired her on the spot. Okay, so there must be a New York office of golden voice a few days later. And, I mean, she looks the part of someone who works for Coachella.
You know, she's got the tattoos. She's got the ironic, I love beards. This feels like a girl who would have that mustache tattoo on her finger and then, like, put it under her nose sometimes. Remember when that was a thing that everyone was getting that I know so many people have a finger mustache tattoo. Oh, my gosh.
Lilan Bowden
You know, I would like, through, like, andi Mac sometimes I just be in conversations with teens at that point where people were talking about, like, oh, I gotta get a little finger mustache tattoo. And I was desperately trying to be like, this feels really good at 16. And I guarantee you, you will be so upset in, like, a year from now. Don't. Three months.
Three months. You'll be so upset. I've never understood fad tattoos. I'm like, okay, clothing. Yeah.
Laci Mosley
Cause you can take that off. We all look like a dumbass in jout fits in the early two thousands. But I can't take off a fad tattoo. Like, I remember Rihanna got the stars behind her ear going all the way down, and then all the bitches had to have some stars on their neck, and I'm like, are you gonna want those stars? Listen, a lot of people love their tattoos, and some people like to get impulsive tattoos, which I think is so cool.
They just go in the shop and pick something, which I'm like, you know what do. Yeah, I feel like. I mean, real, real statistic. Absolutely not. But if I had to make up one, I would say 50% of tattoos are impulsive.
Lilan Bowden
Impulsive tattoos based off of nothing. I'm not gonna doubt that I don't think. I think it's real. I think this might be. This made of statistic is probably definitely.
Laci Mosley
I believe it, and I've always imagined myself in another life. Or maybe this. We'll see. I'm just having little, tiny tattoos. Like, I have so many hot little friends with, like, little, tiny tattoos that are, like, I'm a bad girl.
Little, tiny, little, tiny tats. They get them, like, on their wrist and in the inside of the arm and, like, ooh. Like, they're just little secrets for you and me. Oh, I've tried. Like, I've thought, like, yeah, I could get a tattoo that'd be fun.
Lilan Bowden
Fun, you know, and never, like, how I know fad tattoos, like, happen because they're like a. Like a cousin of impulsive tattoos, right? Like, you know, if you're impulsive and you see things happening in the world, you're like, yeah, why not? The only time that I got extremely close to getting a tattoo of, I don't know, I just made the decision to get it is I had done a Sci-Fi film with, do you know the actress Taryn Manning? She plays Pennsyltucky on Orange is the new black.
Laci Mosley
Oh, yeah, she's great. She's great. Yeah. So we did this really just, like a Sci-Fi channel film, and we had a cast party, and everybody just, like, we were drinking and having fun, and we were walking past the tattoo shop, and Taryn was like, oh, shall we get tattoos? Shall we?
Lilan Bowden
Like, I mean, I don't know. Maybe not verbatim. Ladies, gents, shall I invite you to a tattoo getting. But, like, the atmosphere was so perfect. I was like, yeah, absolutely.
We gotta get tattoos. And fortunately, it was like, two in the morning, and yet still, the wait to get a tattoo was, like, 2 hours. Oh, wow. So then you had time to sober up, get tired. Once I heard two in the morning, like, 2 hours from now, I was like, oh, definitely not a tattoo.
Definitely not. But I was about to get a, like, taryn Manning suggested tattoos, and I was like, mm, 100% admit. Absolutely. I did not know what it would be. I feel like if they'd had the needle ready, you'd have a tattoo.
Laci Mosley
If you walked in, the guy was. Like, fresh needle, 100%. I'd be with a tattoo right now, and I would be. So the only thing I know about it is that I would regret it. There's nothing I could get that I don't think I'd regret.
I know what you mean. I was watching this show called trinkets on Netflix, because I'm watching everything on Netflix now. And it's about these, like, beautiful girls who steal and. Cause they steal. Cause they're in pain in their little lives.
And it's cute, but they go to a party that's like this big hipster college party, and there's just someone doing stick poke tattoos on the front porch. And they all get one. And I'm like, okay. The hipsters, they got this. It could have been me.
Lilan Bowden
You know, I am, like, prime demographic for that to accidentally happen. She sort of like, I don't know how I got this tattoo. Everyone said. They said, shall we? And then next thing I know, I had my arm out.
Laci Mosley
What do you expect? They asked so politely. And I was having a great time. So she looks the part, right? So vice is like, oh, she looks so cool.
She just worked for Coachella. Like, we're definitely hiring her. So a few days later on the job, one of Miss Farrell's new colleagues came by her desk. And this is all a quote from him. So he said.
He came over and he said, excuse me, miss. Is your boss downstairs? And then she. Kari thought that that was very polite, that he said, excuse me, miss. Okay, y'all.
Basic as fuck. And after that, she started talking to him, instant messaging him. And then it escalated from there. I want to know what your aim, like, off screen password is. This is probably work.
Instant message, right? Cause, like, ain't nobody on aim no more, right? I mean, like, what? I can't imagine. Like, no one says instant message now, you know?
Lilan Bowden
Like, so what kind of platform is it? It's gotta be one of those office ones. Cause I know they have those. And then they talk in the little office chats on there. So some kind of message.
Laci Mosley
Office chat slack, or whatever the fuck. Honey, I don't work in an office. Y'all shout out your favorite office insta messaging services. I wanna know. So within a half hour, she was asking him questions about his sexual history, how many women he'd slept with, and so on.
He says, she was coming on to me, and I was super into it. The first part of it, he says. Then he realized I could have fun after work. But then I was like, let me check this girl out. So, basically, his horny man voice was like, we're at work.
But then his penis was like, yeah, but we horn it. And then he was. He was like, but what about work? They were like, but what about me? Your penis?
Lilan Bowden
I love this. Penis voice is also kind of like a cartoon twenties gangster. Yeah. What about me? What about me?
Laci Mosley
Your penis. So he decides to check her out. Now, see, this is what I don't understand. Cause this gives me, like, hater vibes. Like, if you thought the girl was cute and you was trying to talk to her, why you googling her?
Don't you just get on Instagram? Okay, so this is what, 2009? I'm guessing Instagram was around, right? No, I. Whitney, I don't think it was.
So. Okay, so this is probably pre Instagram, or at least pre Instagram's height, where everyone has a profile. Everyone has, like, a significant amount of information online. So he did a Google on sis, which I'm like, damn, if we had Instagram, she probably would have gotten away because he would have just went on the gram, clicked around. I like to click on people's tagged photos to see who they really are.
Lilan Bowden
Ooh, yes. The tagged photo section. That's where, you know, tag photos and captions. Like, look, we all went through a phrase where every caption was just a drake lyric. I don't fault you for that, but some of y'all.
Laci Mosley
Y'all be getting out here trying to give me a whole inspirational speech when you know this picture is about your swimsuit body. Like, please stop. Like, just post a quote, then I'll read the quote. I like quotes. Like, how you gonna give me a picture of what, yo, you bent over with your cheeks out talking about some.
You know, God throws many challenging things our way. And during this quarantine, I've made a lot of self discovery. And I'm like, yeah, I'm making self discovery, too, of your booty hole. And I didn't plan on doing that today. Like, they be playing anyways.
So he googled her, and he found a photo of her on Salt Lake city police department's most wanted list. Wanted on five different warrants, including passing $60,000 in bad checks, forgery, and retail theft. Damn. Wow, wow, wow. Kari was only employed at Vice for about half the week, but it was a busy one, according to a vice employee.
This employee says, we found out that she had been calling up clubs saying she wanted to be on the list, was from Vice, and was going to review the show. So as soon as she got this vice pass card, she got on the phone and said, hey, girls, I heard P. Diddy's white party is tonight, and I will be there evaluating the white for Vice. So I'm going to need all access vip. She's using her credentials, and fast.
She said. Then we got a package from HBO with the flight of the Concords DVD that she had requested for review. She was like, that's really endearing. I think that's really charming. I love that she.
Yeah, like flight of the Concorde sits like, you couldn't just buy that box set. She was like, no, I'm reviewing it. Send it to me for free. Also send me pompa moose Lacroix. I'm reviewing that Vice Ciroc watermelon also will be reviewed for Vice.
Lilan Bowden
I would just also like to review you know a like twelve pack of like nice socks. You know, like they should all match. Review it. Advice. Review it for Spice.
Those little ankle socks. So my. So you can't see my sock. I need them. Tampons.
Laci Mosley
Reviewing for Vice. Like it's just getting very specific. Tampons? No type of tampons? No, just any that you got.
I gotta review them for Vice. So then Vice found out that she had booked a table at the box for the surprise birthday party of a publisher of vice. In correspondence she said, I'm emailing you from my personal email because we are having server issues. Don't contact the publisher. It's a surprise.
Lilan Bowden
Wow. Wow. So the vice, or. Excuse me. The box is in New York.
Laci Mosley
I've actually been to the box. It's kind of an exclusive nightclub. I don't know if it is anymore. But back in the day, like around this time specifically, it was pretty exclusive. A lot of celebs like to go there.
It's a pretty small nightclub. There was a lot of cocaine happening. There was an act. There's like a lot of wild burlesque. Burlesque acts.
Like one of the acts was this guy who would like pee on people in the audience. Like he would pull his penis. Typical burlesque. You know how burlesque go? Some feather, some music, some piano, people in the front row.
Like this was just a thing. Like people would do drugs on stage. People would simulate sex. I don't know if they had sex. I can't remember.
But if they didn't, they probably, they probably did. I mean, like if they're peeing on people. My producer, my producer Chelsea says that they definitely had sex on stage. And I. Wait, Chelsea, have you been to the box?
I'm curious. So Chelsea says that our producers, by super producer Chelsea Jacobson says that her friend used to intern at the box. Bitch, how you gonna intern at a nightclub? I hope she was getting paid. Intern in turn at the nightclub.
Lilan Bowden
No, she has to watch people being peed on. And not getting paid.
That's so upsetting. What kind of work it like? Oh, this internship to work will lead to. Will lead to opportunities. This is resume gold.
Laci Mosley
I don't think this internship leads to any opportunities. Sorry to your friend Chelsea, but I find this hilarious. So the box is, like, exclusive. It's very horned up. It's very drugged up plays, and at the time, it was very exclusive.
So she's saying that she's throwing surprise birthday parties so that she can get an exclusive vip table at this club. I'm like, did she write anything for Vice? Or did she just keep pretending that she was gonna write something for them? Yeah, so far it's just reviews. And they're not actual reviews.
Lilan Bowden
It's just things to review. So let's get into her explicit small talk. So despite not having vice connections after being let go after she literally was mailing everything, like, why did you have a mail to your house?
Yeah, I mean, if you're lying that much. After a four pack of Goodyear tires showed up advice for review, they let her go. Oh, I'm making up the tires. But, you know, she was sitting there. Might as well send some tires over there.
Laci Mosley
So she continued to make friends quickly. Mostly guys. So even after she was let go, my girl Kari was popular. Okay. So she met Bobby, a 23 year old student, at girl talk concert in Manhattan.
So she met him at a girl type concert, and he's a 23 year old student. I can't read. Well, so what girl talk. What was they? Songs.
They had some songs. It was, like, all these type of, like, mashups. Like, girl. Girl talking. Did they make, you know, like.
Lilan Bowden
I'm sure, like. I don't know. I get girl talk confused with, like, diplo. I'm trying to. I'm looking on here.
Laci Mosley
I'm like, what's the girl talk essentials? They're both bounced at. Let's hear some of this. That sounds terrible. Okay, let's try this.
Get to it.
Okay. This could maybe be kind of vibey. They're on the 2010s. Dance party essentials, so they must have had some song. That was kind of cute.
I'm just trying to get a feel for the vibe. Girl talks to dj concert, I believe. Yeah, it's a man. Yeah. I would say I sound hella old, but these people are from the past, so I'm just a young, hot Gen z baby.
JK, I'm not Gen Z. Okay. I can't even find nothing. But anyway, so they're at this concert, apparently during the girls were loving the girl talk. So she meets this guy.
The guy says, bobby. He says, long story short, I go home with her the next morning. We exchange emails. It turns out that night, she stole my cell phone. But it was done in such a way that it wasn't until months later that I realized, oh, okay.
He didn't realize that she stole his phone. He did realize that his phone was gone. Okay. I was about to say, how was it months later, how she finessed you so good that you just one day. You wake up, and you're like, wait a minute.
Lilan Bowden
I've been making calls on this banana for the past three months. Holy moly. I'm about to say kari is a finesse. Then if she had you talk to the damn banana. But okay, it makes sense.
Laci Mosley
He was saying, like, I didn't realize she stole it until many months later. So they continued to date even though she robbed him, and he would visit her from New Jersey quite frequently. Bobby recalled that she had a debit card that never seemed to work. She could only get cash out of it, not use it as a debit card. It only worked at this one bodega near her apartment, so she would borrow money and promise to pay it back.
Now, I know that, you know, there are smaller credit unions. I know there are smaller banks, but I have never heard of the bank of just one atm at my bodega works. No, no, no, no, no. They're like, no, our car works here. Okay.
Yeah, here, Ann. No, no, no. Just here. Like, you have to go to this bodega in Brooklyn.
You have to fight off the bodega cat and use the one atm where. We work that's very cat is mean. We have a bank. Great bank security. It is the cat.
We've never been robbed. Never had a rat. Never been robbed. So she's constantly borrowing money from Bobby. She's like, sorry, Bobby, but, you know, my bank account ain't in Jersey or anywhere but that bodega.
So she's constantly borrowing money, saying that she's gonna pay it back so soon. Later, she told him she was afraid that she might be pregnant. Okay. Going back to her good old truth. We know this one.
She said that she took six tests. Three were positive and three were negative. Wow, the ingenuity here. I told her to go to the gynecologist and get a real pregnancy test, and we'll move forward from there. After Bobby found out that she had been lying about everything, he cut her off.
In addition to Bobby, there was 28 year old Joe that she met at a Brooklyn bar. He was celebrating his birthday and invited her to party the next night, she told Joe and his friends that she was working on a book for Vice, a coffee table book of photographs of men with beards posing next to her. I love beard tattoo. Wow. And that's why she has it for this coffee table book.
Lilan Bowden
I believe of all the lies, out of all the lies she's told, that the aspiration to do that coffee table book is real. I do, too. It feels sincere. It also feels like something at the time that hipsters would be into. If they sold this book at fucking urban outfitters, everybody would have this book on their fucking wooden three prong ikea table.
Yes. Yes. And that's where it lived. Yes. So I'm not.
Laci Mosley
I'm not against this hustle, she says. So she has this thing with guys. This is Joe talking. She has this thing with guys where she talks about sex really upfront and kind of puts people off balance. Another guy said a bartender passed him a note from.
Another guy said that a bartender passed him a note that read, I want to give you a hand job with my mouth. And it was signed Korean Abdul Jabbar.
Lilan Bowden
There's so much to unpack.
Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I read that real time. I'm gonna. So she gave.
Laci Mosley
Kari gave the bartender a note to send to a guy that said, I want to give you a hand job with my mouth, and it was signed Korean Abdul Jabbar.
Sorry. Okay. So sorry. You are so chaotic, and I love it. I love it.
Lilan Bowden
Oh, man. Not Korean.
I mean, yeah. Like, that's one of those things that short circuits my brain. Like, where I'm, like, where do I comment? How do I. Like.
Laci Mosley
I see drawers. I have a suitcase, but I simply cannot unpack.
Girl, I'm gonna let you have that. I'm short circuiting. So another line, another time. A patron at a Williamsburg cafe, Fabiens said that Miss Farrell passed him a note which read, I want you to throw a hot dog down my hall. These are.
These haikus? These are. These are. No, these are, like, the jokes that, when email became a thing that, like, ten year olds would be, like, send in long lists, and then if you did not forward to, like, 20 people in three days, then you'd be cursed. Like, I mean.
Yeah. Cause it doesn't feel like if I read that, I wouldn't be like, this is sexual. I would. I don't know why. Hot dog down, my child.
Lilan Bowden
Who has heard of sex, right? Who's heard of the whispers of sex. The urban legend of sex. Because you know what I mean? It's like she said it's up to be provocative.
Laci Mosley
She's like, I get a note from Kari. It's like, I want you to put your dick in my eye. And I'm like, what am I supposed to do? Is this horny? Should I be horny for this?
Lilan Bowden
I'm upset. I don't get what you want from me. What's your favorite? Oh, my gosh. It reminds me of those jokes about those sex jokes about the sex therapist being like, all right, and then you have to throw grapes at your wife.
You don't have talking about. I do not know what you're talking about. Anyway, bye. No, I do want to know, though. They like.
Like, there's, like, there's, like, a sex joke out there where, like, a sex therapist, like, recommends that the wife throw donuts at, like, the husband's member, and then, like. And then, like, the husband has to throw grapes at his wife. Oh. Like. But here's the thing.
Don't remember the punchline, and that's fine. Everyone make up your own punchline. Send me your best punchlines for that joke. I will also say that it sounds like Kari watched american pie and was like, I'll just be Stifler. There you go.
Yes. She was like, I am Stifler. I just talked him in. Like, I'm Stifler. Great.
Laci Mosley
So the last section here is not getting caught. Oh, Kyrie. Kyrie, is you free, girl? Yes, Kyrie. I hope you free out there, girl.
I hope you throwing hot dogs down all your hallways, sis. Mm, mm, mm. So my weiner has a first name. Okay, so not getting caught. In 2009, after stories started coming out about her scams, she began tweeting about her scams.
This is not a confirmed Twitter account, but if it's her, she's funny. So we don't know if this is her Twitter account. She's not verified. Twitter hasn't started verifying scammers yet, which is disappointing. Is she still on certified robberies?
So this is in 2009. She started tweeting these stories. So April 16, 2009, we have Kari Pharrell, who we can only assume is the real kari, allegedly. She says, me faking cancer, and then she puts a less than sign. She said, that's not as bad as DiCaprio faking being a doctor and treating patients.
And catch me if you can. Okay. That's a movie. Yeah, that's. Okay.
Lilan Bowden
She knows that DiCaprio didn't really do that. He played an like, what are you like that. That was a character. I mean, it is based off of a real person, but, like, not leonardo dicaprio. Okay, girl, I don't know where you're going with that one.
Laci Mosley
This tweet says, not covered by gawker yet. When I'd ask a guy for a cigarette, and then I'd say, I don't smoke. I just wanted something of yours in my map. Okay.
Lilan Bowden
Okay. Okay. Here's a new game to play with your friends. Think of a. You get a topic, and then you think of a kari pharrell joke.
Laci Mosley
Yes. Or kari pharrell pickup line. Quarantine. I want to hear your best kari pharrell pickup lines. This one says, ladies, step one.
Oh, kari kar. Okay. These are kari's words. I do not want to be canceled. Okay.
These are kari's words, not mine. She says, ladies, step one, be asian. Step two, find a white guy and make him do a bunch of crazy shit for you. Step three, rinse and repeat. Okay.
I have no confidence in that. Kyra says the one thing I've learned from all of this, because this is when the backlash just coming out about her scams. She said, it's how gullible white guys are. Okay, again, Kyrie, your words. I tend to think white men are very smart, or at least very cunning.
That's why we're all under their rule.
Lilan Bowden
I don't know. Does she like, we're not under the rule of the smartest white guys? No, this is very true. See how they brainwashed me? I didn't even want to call him smart, but I did.
Laci Mosley
There's a little white man who lives in my head. I'm still trying to run him out, but he's there. Oh, yeah. Sometimes he gives me great advice. He's like, take up space, open your legs when you sit, don't apologize, and make it plural.
So. And then this one says, wait, who put this cell phone in my pocket? Question mark. Wait, what? So remember, she stole that got cell phone?
Yes. And he didn't realize until after a month that she stole it that he was like, now she tweeting, wait, who put this cell phone in my pocket? Kiki kee. Kyrie, you. Funny and problematic as fuck.
Ooh, problems. But also hilarious. Her most recent scam was trying to get into fashion week in 2018 by saying that she worked there. Wow. So New York Fashion Week in 2018.
She was like, hey, no, I work here at New York Fashion Week. I'm employed by New York fashion week. I'm a fashion employee. Yes. New York Fashion Week employee.
That's me.
Lilan Bowden
Here's my badge. Oh. I showed it to you really fast, but he saw it. Okay. You saw it.
Laci Mosley
Flip it up real quick. Hit him in the face, Kari. Wow. So she's out there. She's still scamming.
And that's what I love for her. I love that she's free. I love that she's basically doing sexual harassment at local bars and pubs. Right? I mean, yeah, because, like, this is not.
Lilan Bowden
You described it earlier as being, like, using aggressive sexual prowess or something like that. Right? Like, so this, I think. I mean, yeah, but, like, some of the things that she's doing are, like, walking that tightrope. Like, the tightrope to wear.
Like, I mean, if she. If she's coming on strong to her, like, work employees, you know? Right. That's weird. Appropriate.
That's an HR situation. But I guess. Does it count if she was never really hired? Well, look, she was hired for advice. Well, she was.
Laci Mosley
She was hired, yes. But vice didn't care as much about her inappropriate workplace behavior as they did about the fact that she was reviewing Samsung flat screens. She was like, hello, 1800 apartments. I need to review an apartment for vice. Yeah.
I need to live there for a year. Reviewing new bamboo fabric mattress.
Lilan Bowden
Oh, my gosh, Lacy. The things I would review in this quarantine are a full mic situation. Like, a full mic stand. I would love to review a new mic. I would love to review, like, a desk lamp.
Like, a desk lamp set up. Like, a desk light for zoom calls. Oh, my gosh. The things I would review if I. Were Kari, what would I review?
Laci Mosley
Hmm. I would review weed. Sodas. There you go. Because I recently found them, and I'll have, like, one at night, and it's lovely, and it's not alcohol.
Relaxed calories. And so I would review those. I would review squirrels. I see a lot of the same ones, and I just want to know what's up with them. Sometimes they fight.
It's very aggressive. As squirrels in my neighborhood, and they be boxing outside. I will say during quarantine, squirrels. It's. It's squirrels time.
Lilan Bowden
Like, they're. They are doing things I have not seen squirrels do. Like, there's a park where I walk my roommate's dog sometimes that's close to me, and, like, squirrels will, like, walk up to me, like, eat a. Eat a nut, and then look me dead in the eye, be like, oh. Yeah, they don't give a fuck.
Laci Mosley
They don't give a fuck anymore. That's my scariest. Like, I was hiking the other day, and this is very not black of me, but I was hiking. Went up to the top of Griffith observatory, but it was too late at night, so the sun started setting fast as fuck. I'm dancing, having a good time going down Griffith.
And then as soon as I, like, before I know it, it's, like, dark as hell. Then this pack of coyote deer. I don't know if they were coyote or if they were deer. Cause it was kind of dark. And they came long legged, spindly, aggressive.
Yes. I was terrified. They came up out of the brush and then they crossed my path. And I was hiding in the corner and I wanted to, like, put my flashlight on, but I didn't know, like, dear old run away. But coyotes might be like, what's good, bitch?
Like, it's coyote time. And then, you know, I'm not. I'm nobody's road runner, honey. So they would have got my ass. I would have been snacks.
So I don't even know how we got there, but squirrels, like. Like, the dog will bark at squirrels. The squirrels now, like, they stand their ground. Usually they're like, yeah, a dog. And now they, like, walk down the tree and, like, they face him vertical because the tree is vertical.
Lilan Bowden
And so, like, they'll face, like, the dog. I'm walking vertically right in the eye and be like, hey, you. I love that flex. They're like, can you. Can you be upside down on a tree?
Laci Mosley
I think not. You might want to not fuck with me. And it makes her mad. You can tell she was just upset about it. She's like, yeah, we're all getting punked by nature.
You know, the air quality, the fires. Oh, it's the earthquakes. Like, nature's like, bears are out. Bears are just like, hey, bears, like, sup?
I love it. I love it for animals. I love that this is their moment. 2020 was only a good year for animals. Right?
Right, guys, we're gonna take a quick break for some non scam advertisements, and we'll be right back with the end of the show robbery at Amica insurance. We know it's more than just a car. It's the two door coupe that was there for your first drive, the hatchback that took you cross country and back, and the minivan that tackles the weekly carpool for the cars you couldn't live without. Trust Amica auto insurance. Amika empathy is our best policy.
Ooh, do you feel that in the air? Yes. That is summertime. It's in the breeze. It's in the trees.
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They have premium european linen dresses. I have one in green. And, oh, when I wear it, it is a show stopper. Blouses, shorts from $30, y'all, washable silk tops, which I told you, I love those. I actually went back and got it in navy.
I got it in the white, like cream. And I just know when I wear it, I'm going to feel like Diane and Keaton on the beach thinking about my life. Like white cream. Are you kidding me? Is giving rish okay?
Quince is that girl. Y'all know you see me in their pieces all the time. Get into it. Get warm weather ready with quince. Go to quince.com goddess for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns.
That's q dash e.com goddess to get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince.com slash goddess and fraud. And we are back. And it is the saddest part of the show because I have to let Leela go. But also before she goes, before you step out that door, girl, let's talk about the scammer of the week.
Now, the scammer of the week is a charlatan that we like to honor. We give them praise. Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we don't fuck with what they're doing. But for the most part, we do like to glorify them.
So today's scammer is one that you all. No, he's made some of my favorite gifts and memes that exist out there. This is Soulja boy, off in debt. Ho. Watch me crank and watch me roll.
Watch me crank that superman. Yes. And everyone you. Yes. We're talking about Soulja boy, who spells his name.
S o u l J a. Okay, if you don't know, now you know Soulja boy, so I know you're thinking, Soulja boy, a scammer. Absolutely. You had no question in your hearts and minds. I know you didn't.
He revolutionized music. He revolutionized clothing. We were all with skinny, tiny bodies with triple xl clothing. Shout out to Soulja boy. So Soulja boy has a new.
It's not new anymore. It's been out for a couple years. But he has a gaming console that's basically in a lawsuit scenario with Nintendo right now. So Soulja Boy released questionable gaming consoles on his website, and the remote resembles a PlayStation. So he was like, because, you know, when you.
I'm not a big gamer, so don't be gaming community. Don't come fight me. But you can only play certain games on certain consoles. So that's how Xbox Gamecube. PlayStation, Nintendo.
All the girls have different operation systems, and then you can only play certain games on them. So Soulja Boy was like, what if I made a GameCube play box station where you can play all your games? He truly is a pillar of the community. So his confidence was high enough for him to tweet, heads up. For anyone who thinks that Nintendo is gonna sue me, you are.
And he says, the r word will redact it. He said, nothing's gonna happen. Everything's legit. My console isn't going anywhere. Trust me.
You trust me. How about the big. Get my scam on. The feds look at me. They say, what's up?
So he hopped about the bed, and he got his scam on, which I truly love. He says, wait, so if you saw a gaming device by Soulja boy, would you be inclined to purchase? I mean, since I'm not inclined to purchase gaming devices. Like, that's a hard, hard pass for me. But, like, I mean.
Lilan Bowden
But you know, what if I were, like, a gamer? I mean, soldier boy is so recognizable as a name that I'd be like, sure, what's up? I mean, do I have the extra funds? Have I been reviewing so much stuff that I have all this extra stuff for free that I have cash to burn and I can spend on a Soulja boy gamecube? Nintendo, if I step into your home.
Laci Mosley
And you have a soulja Boy game, Nintendo cube. Here's what I do, Lacey. Here's what I do. I wouldn't buy it. I just work.
Lilan Bowden
I just tell people I work for. Vice and review it, and that's what I'm talking about. And the student has become the teacher. So Soulja Boy quickly ran into major problems. Duh.
Laci Mosley
Soulja game, which is what he called it. Okay, easy. I got an Xbox, a PlayStation, a Soulja gang.
So he ran into this problem because he was running illicitly obtained games without a license. Duh. Consumers also reportedly found a number of Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis games upon booting. So he would already even have games on it. When you plug the joint up.
Lilan Bowden
This is recognizable as, like, Sega Genesis games, okay? These include a Super Mario world, two, Yoshi's island, the Legend of Zelda, a link to the past, and many others. These are Zelda's. Expensive. Like, that girl has never come down in price.
Laci Mosley
So three weeks after launch, soldier boy admitted defeat. Defeat. Because, yes, you stole everything. Soulja boy, you can't be stealing like this. Also, like, in.
Lilan Bowden
And obviously, so, like, at least make it like Megins of Melda, right? People know. No. He said. He said, no.
Laci Mosley
We have the real legends of Zelda. He added the girls. So Nintendo threatened criminal charges against him, forcing the rapper to stop selling and promoting both systems on twitter. Soulja boy merely wrote, I had to boss up. I didn't have a choice.
Wait, so Soulja one? Yes. No, you didn't have a choice. Cause they said jail.
They say you going to jail. Or you can go to jail. Or if you would like, you can go to jail. You can call it bossing up. You can call it that.
Cause I had a boss up before I got locked up. Okay? But I love. At first he was like, these are legit. Like, no, Soulja boy, you can't.
You think nobody thought it would be great if we didn't have to buy all these different gaming systems? You didn't think there was, like, maybe some rules or laws that were prohibiting that? He's like, how could I have been the first? I like to think of this. I'm the first.
Lilan Bowden
Damn, I'm smart. But I want a Soulja game. If there's some way for me to get a limited edition Soulja game. I don't even play games like that, but I just want to have one as a collector's item. Zachary, that's the tragedy of this, is that if.
If Soulja boy put out some, like, worked with, you know, a video game company, and it's like, hey, I want to work with you, want to put out. And it's gonna be Soulja boy game, and it's gonna be me. You gotta be the protagonist as Soulja boy. Crack that all over the neighborhood. Yeah.
And it'll be my adventure. People would buy it, right? If you get. He already has name recognition. You get it.
He didn't have to steal other names. He had one right there. So close, but so far, Soja boy. Well, I just wanna say I appreciate you hopping out of the bedroom and turning your scam on. Okay?
Laci Mosley
That was beautiful. And, guys, that concludes this episode of Scam Goddess Leelan. We always ask people, where do you want to be found? I would love to. If anything you want to promote, I love that you give me the choice of where I want to be found.
Lilan Bowden
Don't just go out and find me. Don't be at the dog park when I'm trying to walk my dog and fend off squirrels, please. I would love for you to find me at your friend Leelon on Instagram and Twitter. Yes. And as always, you can find us at D I v a l a c I, diva Lacy.
Laci Mosley
That's me. For all of my shenanigans. And then if you want to follow the podcast scam goddess pod on all platforms, and if you want to snitch on your friends and family, just make sure the scam is retired so we don't fuck up your bag. Unlike Doctor Sharma, who's definitely still out here scamming with his name. We use the real name.
She said use the real name. Okay. But I guess that speaks highly. I guess that's nice that people are like, oh, instead of discriminating against indian american doctors, they're like, oh, she must know her stuff because she's an indian american doctor. But also, she is a white lady scamming on brown folks.
So I don't know. Is she Jessica Krug? I don't know. No, no. She's not doing an accent.
Look, this is her name. She didn't. She didn't. She's just using her name as well. Yeah, Jessica, like, created a whole name.
Lilan Bowden
Jessica created an identity and an affectation that was very upsetting. Fuck outta here. We actually talk about her in another episode, so I won't do that too much for you. Okay. We'll be hearing about her.
Laci Mosley
But you know what I would say, I like doctor sharma. I just hope that she's, like, running around, practices, screaming that she needs a knife, tank top out, and, you know, white coat flapping in the wind, just like jada pinken. Those are my hopes for her. Guys, why am I still talking? This episode is over.
Leela's a friend. So then I just start talking. Okay. Anyways, I think that's all I have. All right, congregation, stay.
I've got it. All right, guys, so, we just ended the episode on the hip grifter, aka kari pharrell, and we realized that there were some tweets that we missed. Oh, they're so good. So, on May 4, 2009, kari Pharrell says, they'll never catch me. Cause I'm fucking innocent.
And then October 1, 2009, she says, I'm inmate hash 29558 at Salt Lake City Correctional Facility, 3415 southwest Drive. Like, she puts the whole. Oh, my gosh. All the information. I think the saddest part about seeing these two tweets back to back is the they'll never catch me.
Lilan Bowden
I'm innocent. Two retweets, four likes. I'm inmate numbered bubble two cheats.
Laci Mosley
So from May to October. I guess she was chilling. They pinched you in October, and now you in jail. I just love the confidence of, like, they'll never catch. And then.
Okay, so look, y'all, they actually did headquarters. Not an acknowledgement too, of, like, okay, so I was wrong. Just like, the facts are. Yes, I want to amend my previous statement for the four people who saw it on Twitter. They actually did had caught me.
So if you would like to send me my books. Damn, Kari, I'm mad they put you away like this. Over $60,000 worth of bad checks. Like, that's not even, like, that much. I mean, here's the thing is, I mean, I'm gonna.
Lilan Bowden
I'm gonna introduce a concept that I'm just making it right now called relative crime. So if, like, right, if it's like, $60,000 from a charity, that's real bad. But if it's $60,000 from a guy who makes billions of dollars, maybe they do. We don't know. Maybe.
Probably not. But maybe, right? Like, who really suffered here? Bank of America. They'll be ight.
They'll be fine. Mister America will be absolutely fine. Who is this? Mister Fargo? Mister bank of Wales is good.
Please call me bank of. Excuse me, bank of. You'll be fine. Wells. Wells is doing great.
Laci Mosley
Chase. He couldn't be better. Like, yeah, Chase has always been good. The girls are fine. First national first.
I call him because we're homies. 1st. 1St with his cousin. City middle name bank. Yes.
Lilan Bowden
My favorite from the national family. Everyone knows I hate TD Bank. I don't even have a reason to hate TD Bank. I just, like, have talked shit about them so much that people who love TD bank want to fight me. So, yeah, I hate to see this happen to you, car.
Laci Mosley
You know, hopefully you're having a. You had a fun time in jail. She obviously got out and kept scamming, and that's why I love her. Shout out to Kari. Scam goddess.
This has been an earwolf production in association with Team Coco. Scam goddess is starring me. Duh. Scam goddess, aka Lacy Mosley. Scam Goddess is produced by Chelsea Jacobson and engineered by Marina Faiz with research by Sherilyn Vera.
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