699. Andy & DJ CTI: Hundreds Of Arrests At UCLA Campus, Agencies Keeping Info From Trump & Whistleblower Dies
Primary Topic
This episode tackles significant societal and political issues including massive arrests at UCLA, governmental transparency, and the death of a whistleblower, discussed in a high-energy, speculative, and opinionated manner by hosts Andy and DJ.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- The hosts express significant concern over the scale and manner of the UCLA arrests, seeing it as indicative of broader societal and legal issues.
- There is a deep-seated mistrust of government operations, especially regarding transparency and honesty with the public.
- The episode highlights the dangers faced by whistleblowers, suggesting that their deaths could be connected to their attempts to expose truths.
- Andy and DJ critique the mainstream media and government narratives, encouraging listeners to question and analyze the information presented to them.
- The discussions reflect a broader skepticism about the integrity of institutions and the state of democracy in the U.S.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction and UCLA Arrests
The episode kicks off with a direct dive into the recent events at UCLA, where riot police arrested hundreds of protesters. The hosts question the necessity and motivation behind such a large-scale crackdown. Andy Frisella: "Now, police, this headline, this article reads, police moved in on the UCLA campus early Thursday morning and made hundreds of arrests to clear the Gaza camp protest."
2: Government Transparency and Information Withholding
Discussion on allegations that government agencies kept crucial information from Trump during his presidency, reflecting on the implications for democracy and public trust. DJ: "It's important that we call it out. Have you guys seen this? This headline reads, House passes bill to expand definition of anti-semitism amid growing campus protest over Gaza war."
3: Whistleblower's Mysterious Death
The hosts discuss the suspicious death of a whistleblower, linking it to a pattern of dangers that truth-tellers face when challenging powerful entities. Andy Frisella: "Guys. Andy, headline number one. Let's just get straight into it, man. Headline number one."
Actionable Advice
- Stay Informed: Regularly seek information from multiple sources to get a fuller picture of current events.
- Engage in Community Discussions: Talk about these issues in your community to spread awareness and foster informed opinions.
- Support Transparency Initiatives: Back organizations and legislation that aim to enhance transparency in government and corporate practices.
- Protect Whistleblowers: Advocate for and support laws that protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
- Exercise Your Rights: Participate in peaceful protests and civil engagements to express your views and influence change.
About This Episode
In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the hundreds of arrests as riot police clear UCLA's campus, Matt Gaetz calling for an investigation after OMG report reveals deep state agencies may have kept intelligence from Trump during his presidency, and the second Boeing whistleblower who died suddenly.
Andy Frisella, DJ
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DJ Cruise
Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case cloak clothes. What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys.
Andy Frisella
Today we have Andy and DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're going to do. That's what CTI stands for. Cruise, the Internet. We're going to put up topics of the day on the screen here.
We're going to talk about what we think is true, what we think is not true. We're going to speculate, we're going to give opinions and then we're going to talk about how we, the people have obligation to solve these problems going on in the world. Other times you tune in, we're going to have q and A f. That is, you get to submit questions and we answer them. Now you can submit your questions a few different ways.
The first way is, guys, you can. Email those questions into ask andy@andyforseller.com. You with us? All right. Just making sure.
All right. Or you can go on YouTube and you can go in the comment section and ask your questions there. Other times we have real talk, five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. Usually that comes out on Sunday, maybe audio exclusive. That's what, that's what it usually is.
Just on the audio platforms. And then we have 75 hard verses. 75 hard verses where somebody who has completed the 75 hard program and used it transform their life comes on and explains how their life was before, how their life is now, and how you can make the mental transformative change that they have also made in their lives. 75 Hard is the initial phase of the live hard program. It is available for free at episode 208.
There's also a book available on my website called the book on mental toughness. It's at andyforsella.com dot. It's an amazing book. We can't keep it in stock. It will explain the live hard program top to bottom, ins, outs, all the nuts and bolts.
If you're one of those people that likes all the details, that's what you're going to have to get. Plus it has ten chapters on mental toughness forward by Tim Grover. It's a quick read. It's easy read, but it's very valuable read. And you get it on my website.
Fee. We have a fee for the show? The fee is tell someone about the show. At least tell one person, make one post about the show if it brings you value. Okay?
We go through a lot of time and a lot of expense to produce this show. You're going to notice that I don't take advertising dollars to produce this show. That means I pay it out of my pocket. And I ask very simply in return for that, if it's valuable and you find it valuable, please share it. I asked you guys the other day to share the show and bring me one person.
You guys went out and did it. We went to number one. Interesting. That's how it works. All right?
And the higher we get ranked, the more people listen, the more culture and society changes. So do your part. Share the show. Don't be a ho. Share show.
DJ Cruise
Don't be. Oh, yeah, yeah. Don't be a fucking ho. All right, whatever, man. Yeah.
What's going on? The deal? Yeah. You guys know what's up? Yeah, yeah.
Real recognize. Real. That's right. Mm hmm. On phone them.
The what? Huh? What'd you say? I'll phone them. What's that?
Just, like, on your, on your, on your. On your partners. You know? I'm saying, I'm phone them. Is that some black shit?
Andy Frisella
Mm hmm. Okay. Yeah, I'm phone them grave. Well, you've. You've exceeded my level of MMC on top.
DJ Cruise
You know? I'm saying, like, you. You start. Yeah. All right.
Yeah, yeah. All right, moving on. Let's get into it, man. Cuz, I'll tell you this. I was putting.
You're putting the show together today, man. There is some interesting shit going on. Tried to cover a plethora of topics. Yep. And I think when I make some laughs, share some jokes, and deliver the truth, as always.
So let's just get into it. Let's get into it, guys. If you do, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to andyfacella.com. That's where you guys can find them. We'll link them on the website.
Andy Frisella
I'm ready to go. Where we going? I'm just saying I'm ready to go. Oh, why is that? I'm all hyped up on this first form energy drink.
DJ Cruise
That it? Yeah. Now, we don't run ads on the show, so it's definitely not an ad. But if we did. But if we did, it would definitely be for this amazing berry dream first form energy.
What's it taste like, Andy? Tastes like berry dream dreams of berries. Berries and dream. Berries and cream. No dream.
Andy Frisella
I love this flavor, bro. This is, this, this is the shit, right? I don't think I've had that one, bro. It's. I think I tasted yours.
Okay. Orange? Yeah. Orange is still the king. Debatable.
Cherry lime is for peasants. We know that. Okay, but uh, so it's coming in the last place. But I'm tell you what, this berry dream, it's up there with the orange. Dude.
DJ Cruise
Is it really? Oh, dude, yeah, it's good. Yeah, I feel like I tried it when it first came out. I took a sip of yours and it was good. Yeah, it was good.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, you probably, probably tasted better cuz you got a little bit of my. So that's what I think. I actually thought it might have affected the flavor a little bit. Made good like getting like you probably, probably grew. No, I was like, it was like, like subtle hints of like hot dog water a little bit.
Oh really? I bet you dance better. Your dick got bigger. Your credit score went up, baby. Yeah.
DJ Cruise
On the way to the top. You checked that bank account? Had an extra zero in it? Well, yeah, yeah, see, yeah, it was. Before all the numbers.
Andy Frisella
All right, let's get into it, man. Guys. Andy, headline number one. Let's just get straight into it, man. Headline number one.
DJ Cruise
Now this is an interesting. No foreplay today. Yeah, you know, like I said, man, we got a lot to cover. All right. Got a lot to cover.
Andy Frisella
I trust you. And you know, we just gotta get into it. Yeah, we gotta get into it. This is like a quickie. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm gonna take my time.
This is a quickie but a longy, right? Yeah, it's quick, but it's long. Yeah. Mm hmm. And thick.
DJ Cruise
Girthy. Yeah, it's a robust show. Robust, that's a good word for it. Robust. We're classy over here.
Robust. Pinkies up, guys. Yeah. Headline number one. Now this is an interesting dive into this.
And of course we got some Andy Domus action in this. In this headline coming here in a couple of minutes, so stay tuned. Let's dive into this. Headline number one reads, update. Hundreds of arrests as riot police clear UCLA's Gaza camp.
At least one officer injured. Now these protests, they're heating up all over the country, right? All of these Ivy League schools, there's massive protests. We had one here at Washu the other day. There was like 150 people locked up, you know, and things are heating up.
Okay, now, police, this headline, this article reads, police moved in on the UCLA campus early Thursday morning and made hundreds of arrests to clear the Gaza camp protest. The. This occurred after authorities warned that the encampment was, quote, unlawful, end quote, and that everyone must leave the area. Now here's a video clip from those arrests. Clip is here.
It just, it just. I mean, it just. It looks crazy. Now, we. We know these stereotypical, you know, activists, nerds.
We've seen them. Yeah, they're out there with their fucking trash can lids and their fucking pool noodles. So they upgraded, though. They. I know, I see they all got the same tents and the same equipment.
They've upgraded. Have you seen this clip of this fucking. Oh, they got umbrellas now? Well, no, what they did is, you know those, like 55 gallon yard waste trash cans? Yeah.
They cut them in half and use a shield. That's the shield, bro. I want you to see this. I want you to see this clip, cuz this dude gets fucking hammered. Watch this.
Look at him. Whoo. Yeah. Go, guys. Whoo.
Fuck fascism. Full speed. That's. That's the top speed for those guys right there. Yeah, yeah.
Andy Frisella
You gotta learn today, bro.
Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. This a long ass run to do that. He gets fucking leveled. And the cop barely pushed him.
Too much anime. Too much anime, man. Too much. Too many hot pockets, bro. Beat that kid's ass.
Pull out that nightstick and beat the shit out of that kid. Police brutality. Like, bring it back, bro. You sneezed on the dude, bro. Listen, these guys are frail and we.
Bro, probably most of them are fucking vegan. Yeah, okay. That's the crazy thing, man. Cause I remember the freshman 15 like, I felt like. You 15, huh?
DJ Cruise
Yeah, it was a little bit more than 15, but, like, bro, like, I mean, that was like a thing now. And I feel like now these freshmen, they're, like, losing it, huh? They're not gaining anything, motherfucker. These guys ain't the same as you. Yeah, that's true.
Andy Frisella
These are little nerds that play dungeons and dragons in their fucking basement, bro. Notice how white they are? They never see the sun, bro. These guys are lucky they're not, like, on fire from the fucking sun hitting their skin. Like, these guys might be vampires.
DJ Cruise
They might be. You know what I'm saying? Like, bro, look at him run, dude, look, look. Is this the whole. Do you got more?
Oh, yeah, I got more. Okay, I'm gonna say my commentary to the end. I got a lot to say about these fuckers. I hope they bring that shit to me, bro. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
I really do. Please, you nerds show up where I'm at, please. I'm gonna have my antifa axe. Yeah, we're gonna go to fucking work. Let's go to work, man.
DJ Cruise
But. But, yeah, these protests. Now, listen. I mean, you know what they're advocating for, what they're, quote unquote, protesting for. You know, you guys can have your own opinion on that.
I am a firm believer in the constitution of this country. First amendment is there for a reason. Right? Everybody has the right to peacefully protest and assemble. That's in our God given rights as citizens here.
And I also believe equally in the second amendment, which is there if people fuck with the first right. And so, like, I'm all for it. Now, there is a line. There is something that is happening right now in this country that is kind of shifting the dynamics and narratives that are going on right now. And it is dangerous to our democracy.
And I think it's important that we call it out. Have you guys seen this? This headline reads, House passes bill to expand definition of anti semitism amid growing campus protest over Gaza war. Right now, like, I feel like on the surface, it. You know.
All right. You know, anti semitism, people could have their own arguments about it. They could believe it's bad and dangerous. Sure. That's up to you.
But to go into specific legislation for our lawmakers who are in office to represent us, the american people, this takes us a whole step further, because it has nothing to do with Jewish Americans. Yeah, that's the danger of it. So let's dive into this a little bit. The House passed legislation Wednesday that would establish a broader definition of antisemitism for the Department of Education to enforce anti discrimination laws. The latest response from lawmakers to a nationwide student protest movement over the Israel Hamas war.
The proposal, which passed 320 to 91 with some bipartisan support, would codify the International Holocaust remembrance alliances definition of anti semitism. Very, very important to stop here and recognize that the International Holocaust Remembrance alliance is not a United States organization. No. It is a foreign organization. Right.
Andy Frisella
So understand that. Right. Keep going. This is not just a normal ngo. This isn't Americans saying this.
This is. We are bait. We are making a law based upon some other country's opinions about what our law should be. Right. And it copy, literally, verbatim copies their definition of it, which is fluid.
They can decide at any time. They can change the definition anytime, at. Any time, because the way the law. Is written, it says, we're using this person's. The International Holocaust remembrance alliances definition.
So we don't. We aren't in the law. We are not clearly defining what. First of all, hate speech is free speech. And if people don't fucking like it, that's.
That's fine. But the truth of the matter is, is that wouldn't you rather hear the hate speech and then make them look stupid and make. Let them make themselves look stupid? Do your own hate speech. Yeah, bro, listen.
No, it's not do your own hate speech. It's when dumbasses expose themselves. That's on them. They have to live with the consequences of that. So.
So to say that, you know, someone can say, hey, well, so now we. We can't find out who the fucking actual people are that are shit bags. Right. You see what I'm saying? Right, right.
Like, bro, if something is hate, it should be easily opposed and discredited. Right. You understand? Right? Society deals with that on.
That's right. Yes. They say this guy's a fucking big it. Fuck that guy. Mm hmm.
Yeah. A real bigot. A real big, like, the real stuff. 100%, man. Now, Matt Walsh, who I am actually a personal fan of.
DJ Cruise
I like this guy. I actually talked. I got to go see him. When he came here to slew and. Didn'T a bunch of little nerds show up?
Yeah, it was cool. Yeah, it was cool. But. So he's covered this a little bit. He put out a tweet and saying, quote, the vast majority of Republicans just voted for a bill to criminalize criticisms of the israeli government.
That is what this bill is about. Yes. Okay. If the bill passes, you will be guilty of hate speech. If you, quote, apply double standards to the government of Israel or accuse it of genocide.
This is honestly one of the most insane pieces of legislation I've ever seen. Now, here are four points inside of this bill that I think are important to show. The first one, denying the jewish people their right to self determinations. Exam examples given. By claiming the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor.
So you say that straight to jail. Okay. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. So basically, holding Israel accountable to their actions. The israeli government holding them accountable to their actions and not anybody else that are commit like that.
Straight to Joe. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism. Examples given. Claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel to characterize Israel or Israeli. So Jews did kill Jesus.
If you address any truths or facts, historical facts or things that are long been considered as historical facts. Straight to jail. Straight to Joe. And the last one. I thought this was interesting drawing.
This is really interesting drawing. Comparisons of contemporary israeli policies to that of the Nazis. Now our good buddy Matt Kim, who makes great content. You follow? You follow.
Andy Frisella
He's coming on the show. Oh, that's fucking good. Yeah, we got. I like his, his outlook on things. He posted a video also.
What I like about his stuff is that it's unemotional. Oh, it's completely. It's just very much what it is. He does such a great job. Does a great job, man.
DJ Cruise
And so he. So he posted a clip about this, this topic. Let's see what he has to say. The House just voted on HR 6090, the Anti Semitism Awareness Act, 320 to 91. I told you, free speech is at risk.
Christianity is at risk. They're coming for your freedom and values. They're attempting to pass a federal law making it illegal to criticize Israel and utilizing the definition of anti semitism by a group called the International Holocaust Remembrance alliance. Who is this group? Long story short, it's not american.
Why are non american organizations defining our words and laws? Under this new bill, the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law. I'm not advocating for anti semitism or hate at all, but I do know that freedom of speech is at risk. And freedom of speech means that we need to live with words or ideas we don't agree with. Here are a list of things that would be considered illegal if this bill passes the Senate and gets signed into law.
Saying Ben Shapiro loves Israel more than America. Illegal. Saying jewish people are responsible for the crucification of Jesus. Illegal. Saying jewish people control the media, economy, and government.
Illegal. Saying October 7 with his inside job, illegal. Being a Holocaust denier, of course. Illegal. Saying George Soros is trying to create chaos and usher in a new world order.
Illegal. You may or may not agree with any of these statements. That's not the point. The issues, opinions, and beliefs are yours and yours alone. You are allowed to hold them regardless of what the government tells you to believe.
Free speech is the cornerstone of our society. First they take your words. Then they take your ideas and ability to communicate. Next were nothing but slaves serving their dystopian oligarchy. So that's Matt Kims, who I thought covered that beautifully.
DJ Cruise
And now let's go. Let's go check in with Israel and the people of Israel. This is coming from the Jerusalem Post. This headline reads, over half of Israelis believe Netanyahu should resign immediately. Over half, 58% of the israeli public believes that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resign immediately, including 28% of those who voted for the bloc that supports Netanyahu, according to a poll published by n twelve on Tuesday.
Additionally, 48% of Israelis believe Defense Minister Yuv Galant should resign immediately. 50% believe IDF chief of staff Hersey uh, he levi should resign immediately, and 56% believe she bet, uh, head Ronan Barr should resign. Now. Uh, what does that say, Andy? What do you got on that?
Andy Frisella
Well, first of all, look at what they're trying to do. Okay, well, let's go, let's go back to the, to the riot things, right? I do find it in. I do believe, I agree with you that freedom of assembly and protests should be allowed. I personally think it's funny what's happening, because these are the same people who did BLM.
And the reason that they're doing what they're doing now is because during BLM, they got away with it, right? They fucking did whatever they want. They didn't get arrested. And there is a hypocrisy in that in itself. So it's okay for people to protest black people.
And what's going on with George Floyd, who was a fucking criminal, who got. And it's okay for black people to burn down their own neighborhoods, but you criticize Israel, you criticize jewish people, quote unquote. Now all of a sudden, they're moving in and arrested them right away. Well, Andy, hold on. What do you mean by that?
DJ Cruise
It's almost like you're saying there's a, there's a double standard here with what they, what, what's allowed to be criticized in society. It's almost, you know, like, like it's interesting you say that, because Biden just comes out and condemns all of the protests going on, saying, quote, the order must prevail. Why didn't they do this during BLM? It's funny you say that, Andy. What did, what did they do during BLM?
Oh, I got a headline here from 2020. Biden opened his statement on this stuff by saying, quote, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. George Floyd's last words. But they didn't die with him.
They're still being heard. They're echoing across the nation. Or when he said that, when he said that. And they speak to a nation where everyday millions of people, not at the moment of losing their lives, but in the course of living their lives, are saying to themselves, I can't breathe. And even on the anniversary, our administration, this current administration, continued to push the allowance of this sighting that, you know, everything is okay.
It was a summer of protests that we haven't seen since the civil rights errors and the sisty prote protests that peacefully unified people. Peacefully unified people absolutely lies. Peacefully unified people. Do you not remember? Do you not remember Nancy Pelosi saying, people are going to do what people are going to do?
They're just going to do what people. Do you not remember Kamala Harris? Like, literally. And by the way, what was the other lady's name? Maxine Waters.
Oh, that bitch. Telling people to fucking confront people, getting their faces. Getting their faces. Blah, blah, blah. Right?
Andy Frisella
And then we have these people on television, on interviews, saying, burn it the fuck down. Like, bro, and they didn't do shit. No. And like, I'll be honest, like, I mean, if you just look at these. Two pictures real quick, bro, they look the same.
DJ Cruise
I mean, I think the George Floyd shit was ten times worse. Oh, yeah, bro. No, I'm saying, like, the same kind of. It's the same people. There's a big difference here of what happened.
Andy Frisella
Well, dude, did you see that? A bunch of the people that were arrested, they weren't even students of the university. Paid protesters, by the way. They're paid protesters. And guess who they were?
Guess who? Your old boy Andy told you. What? What he tell you? Oh, I believe he told you.
Wait until the riots start between the migrants and the citizens. So now the migrants are being paid to go protest. God, dude, why can I see this shit and no one else can fucking see it? Okay, so there's that, all right? And we got a bunch of young little kids that don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Screaming and hollering and pouting and doing the same shit. Running around with trash can lets. They have no sense of reality. And to be completely honest, they deserve to get their asses kicked. All right?
That's the truth. They deserved it in 2022. All right? Not in 2022. In 2020 also.
DJ Cruise
Yeah. All right. And I see what you did there. Yeah, I knew that might be confusing for some people, but the point is, is that it should have happened then and it didn't. And now we see that the cops actually have the potential to go do their job.
Andy Frisella
Hey, motherfuckers, do your jobs. Or, dude, even just comparing that to. J six, bro, do your jobs with the criminals, too. What? Like, what?
DJ Cruise
What is allowed? But, like, yeah, that's right. That's allowed. But then who's allowing it? That's right.
Andy Frisella
Can't criticize what's the point of it? And then that article on the Jerusalem Post shows that the jewish people don't support the Jews, okay? So all you fucking idiots out here keep saying it's the jews making blanket statements about an entire fucking group of people, when in reality it's no different than Biden and us, right? We fucking hate this guy. Most of America hates this guy.
Most of the jewish people hate their guy that's doing all this shit. Oh, and by the way, here we are with our fucking government. See? Do what this really is. This is pandering, okay?
In 2020, they pander to black people. Yeah. Now they're pandering to jews who fund their fucking campaigns. That's what they're pandering to, all right? And now you have all these people in the United States government who are willing to pass this anti free speech legislation based upon quote unquote hate speech, when in reality it's to make it impossible for us to speak publicly about what's actually going on.
Like Matt Kim said, you can't criticize Klaus Schwab. You can't criticize George Soros. You can't criticize Israel. You can't say they take it too far. You can't say they're committing genocide when they fucking are.
Okay? And by the way, we shouldn't be involved in any of it. I don't give a fuck. All right? Real talk, you guys fucking saying, oh, you should pick a motherfucker.
I'm on America's side. That's what I care about. I care about our country. I care about our money staying here. I care about our citizens.
When our citizens are all taken care of and our cities look fucking amazing, then we could talk about dealing with the rest of the country or the rest of the world. We cannot do that right now, all right? And that's what I'm about. I am pro America. I am everybody else.
Not second, like, 10th, I don't give a fuck. The first ten spaces. America after that. And after we're good and our cities look like they should, our streets look like they should, we have no crime. We have prosperity.
Things are going well, then we can turn our focus to maybe helping some other people. But right now, no. And we are intentionally being bled too thin so that it makes us vulnerable for collapse, okay? Or conquering. That's what's going on.
So this legislation is bullshit. And anybody who speaks out about it, and then you guys say they're anti semitic. That's bullshit too. We're sitting here saying the jewish people don't even agree with what everybody calls the Jews. And like I've been saying for years and years and years, it is a small group of people who happen to be jewish who are committing amazing fucking collaborations.
They're very smart, they're a gang, and they are running shit. And by the way, they're hiding behind all the good jewish people that really have no idea and do not agree with their own government by statistical reality that we're looking at right here. Okay, so what do we have then? We have rogue people at the top in our government, and all the governments in the world making decisions that are harmful to the people, the citizens of the world. And we, the citizens of the world, need to start standing up against this shit.
And anybody who votes for that, anybody who voted for that limitation, that what. We'Re talking about here, the 300 and some odd people that voted to pass. They all need to be out of the government. Yeah, all of them. All of them.
Whoever voted for that, they got to be gone. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think. I think too, man, to add on to this point, if you guys needed a clearer understanding or a clearer connection of the dots, right.
DJ Cruise
That this is not an intentional push to weaken the country, both financially, morally, physically. Right. It's very, very simple. Because when you. When you take a step back and you look at the fact, okay, we're sending billions of dollars to this country to help them protect themselves from this attack that they incurred.
But then when you go back to 2021 and you look at the afghan withdrawal and the weapons that we left over there, and then you look at the $6 billion that we sent to Iran, and then you see how that stuff funnels down and goes to the opponent of the so called country we're supposed to be supporting, and you look at the fact that we're supporting. Wait, so we're supporting this side and this side? Yeah. Why would we do that? Why?
And at the same time, we, our taxpayer dollars in the amount of billions is going to both sides. Yep. To continue. Yep. It doesn't make sense.
No, it makes perfect sense. Makes sense for them. Makes perfect sense. And, like, I'm sorry, like, yes, Joe Biden's an idiot, all right? But these 320 people that are supporting this shit, they're not that dumb.
They're evil. And you can't tell me that a reasonable person with basic common sense could not understand the implications of how that would work. You can't tell me none of them knew. Oh. That that money or those weapons that we left in Afghanistan would end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists in Palestine.
You can't tell me they didn't see that coming. You can't tell me that they didn't think that the $6 billion we sent to an enemy state. We get funnel. Yeah, right back in. You can't tell me that.
Andy Frisella
No, they fucking do it on purpose, bro. Yeah. And, dude, this comes into why there's a. Dude, this. This is much bigger than people realize.
Why is there a war for every generation of men? Why? Because they want to call the strongest, most patriotic men by lying to them about going over and saving freedom and democracy and getting a bunch of them killed. Because they know those are the most hardcore, patriotic, testosterone filled males, and they don't want those people to live on, because eventually, those people notice what the fuck is going on here, and they have a revolution. So that's why there's a war.
Every generation of men for almost everybody. Okay. Yup. And. And, dude, when we look at this, you know, just like I said, you know, like with the LGBTQ movement, right?
Gay, straight up, regular gay people who just want to be left alone have to speak up against the trans shit or they're going to get lumped in with it, right? The. The. Not the. Not the trans, I'm minding my own business shit, but the drag queen indoctrination of kids.
Children. You know, we're here. We're queer, we're coming for your children bullshit that they all chant. Regular gay people have had to stand up against that. And.
And because they've stood up against that, they have not been grouped in with that. Right? Okay. Gays against groomers. All these people have done a really good job of say, hey, we ain't with that shit.
Right? Regular jewish people that are just regular jewish people who are not with this shit have to get vocal about what's going on here because there. There are people out here on, you know, across the spectrum who are saying, it's the Jews, and that means them, and it's not them, and that's very dangerous. That's how genocidal shit happens. So we need to understand.
But as I've said a gazillion times, there are bad people and there are good people and there are bad people and good people in every single culture in the world. It's. It's been going on for 12,000 years. So for us to say or get behind people that just keep saying it's the Jews is not accurate, because even the Jews aren't for the Jews. You see what I'm saying, when 58% of jewish population of Israel is saying, hey, fuck this guy, how can you say they're with that?
DJ Cruise
Right? All right, so those people, that 58%, which over here, it's like 70%, they got to speak up and they got to say, hey, we ain't with that shit, man. You see what I'm saying? And there is a bunch of Jews that are showing up at these protests and saying, hey, we're not with this shit. You know, we are starting.
Yeah, starting. But that has to be if we want. If we want this shit to fully be exposed and we want these criminals to fully be standing there with no clothes. And. And we could clearly see what's going on.
Andy Frisella
The regular jewish people, like, we all know a bunch of them. They're all regular people. They're cool as fuck. They're out here doing their thing. They got to stand up and say, hey, fuck that shit.
You know what I'm saying? Because it's easier to hide behind 14 million or whatever it is. That's what they're doing. That's exactly. Yeah.
DJ Cruise
And it's easy to hide. It's easy to get lost in the sauce there, you know? But fuck, you call them, ten out of them. Ten of them by name. That's right.
Can't hide. That's right. By name. Who are the fucking people doing this? Who are the actual human beings doing this?
Andy Frisella
Forget the fact that they're jewish or black or white or fucking anything else. Who are the motherfuckers doing this? Oh, it's Klaus Schwab. It's Soros. It's Netanyahu.
It's fucking 20 other motherfuckers, 100 other motherfuckers. It's Biden. You know what I'm saying? Call them out. Call the.
Make the list of the people doing it and stop generalizing entire fucking groups of people. That's. That's not right. It's not accurate either. No, no, no.
DJ Cruise
I mean, final little thing on this, too, I think, you know, out of all of this, there is some, some. Some light in here.
Biden is doing some good things. He's uniting America. And he got both pro Hamas protesters and Trump supporters to both unanimously, collectively chant, fuck Joe Biden. I thought was cool. Both sides.
That's unity, bro. Well, listen here. This is a whole nother dynamic, okay? The Democrats have really fucked up here. Oh, yeah.
Andy Frisella
Because they put themselves in a corner that they can't fucking talk their way out of because Biden will not fucking speak against Israel. Because that's where all the funding for their fucking party comes from, okay? Plus their strategic alliances, plus their information they get from Mossad there, plus all the blackmail Mossad has on Joe Biden and everybody else have to. They fucking have it, bro. Because Epstein worked with the CIA Amassad, to get all this information.
Same thing with fucking Diddy. That's what this is all about. So they have all the shit. So he has to fucking support him or they're going to fucking burn him, right? But he can't.
He can't, like, he can, you know, on the down low kind of say, oh, well, they need to stop, right? But he can't really do anything but support them because if he does, they'll all be exposed. Does that make sense? Makes perfect. Okay, and so that risk of losing your entire.
That's right. His whole base went to fucking pro hamas. And in reality, let's be real. When we observe what's happening, they should. It's a humanitarian issue, right?
You could say whatever you want. These motherfuckers are terrorists. They fucking hate America. They're this and that. This.
Maybe they wouldn't hate America so much if people actually said, hey, we don't like that they're just getting genocided. That's not okay. Right? You know what I'm saying? Maybe they wouldn't hate America.
If we don't want to send our fucking troops over there to fucking ruin their fucking countries every fucking ten years, okay, for nothing, for our monetary gain, that's reality. And it's not unpatriotic to say that we shouldn't be doing those things. We should be protecting our borders and building our country and making sure our people are prosperous and let these motherfuckers do what they're going to do, and we will be better and more powerful than them. And that way, if they ever step the line to us, we'll fucking destroy them. It's very simple, man.
DJ Cruise
It's very simple. Guys jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. This is american citizens and world citizens against tyrants. That's what this is.
Andy Frisella
This is not fucking this. We got to stop falling for this shit. And by the way, why is George Soros allowed to do all these things? Why? Why are these people allowed to fund all this disruption and do all these things?
Fund these protests. Fund the both sides of them. Fund the prosecutors in these cities that won't prosecute criminals. Fund the. The worst possible candidates for.
Why are we allowing one family to do that? See what I'm saying, how'd they get. Their money.
By destroying countries if guys. Jumping on the conversation, man. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's head to the comments. Yeah, these, uh, these comments, man, are getting fucking wild.
DJ Cruise
All right, you guys need to calm the fuck down. All right? This first comment, we gotta address the. Elephant in the room. What's that then?
Andy Frisella
These motherfuckers calling you out for not training. We've adjusted. What? Tell them how many days in a row you train. We're at four.
You're at two. Oh, two. No, no. I did a ruck on. On Sunday, so.
DJ Cruise
Month. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Today's win. Here's what the people want it, brother. People.
Andy Frisella
I'm gonna. I'm gonna ask you every show now, cuz. We're gonna make it happen. How many days are you doing it or what? How we're doing it?
What are we doing? We're fucking about to become ribs and dick, bro. Yeah, we're getting jacked. Tan juicy as fuck, right? Yeah.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, but that's not what I was saying they were tripping on. I'm just saying I saw some of those comments. You guys could fuck off. Some of that rude shit. Don't be rude.
Andy Frisella
It's all right. No, it ain't all right. No, because you know. You know it is, cuz I. It's.
DJ Cruise
It always feels good to prove somebody wrong. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, uh, but they're still tripping, though, on some other shit. This. This comment comes from.
Definitely not DJ 69.
When will one pb releasing their sperm protein supplement asking for a friend? Will the ingredients be ethically sourced? Yes, they will all be hand sourced the old fashioned way. My superior athletes. Yeah, he.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, that guy looks like he wants one of them sperm. Oh, that's you.
DJ Cruise
They fucking wild it. Yeah. Now we. I think we'll, you know, we'll let someone else fucking lead that one. Capitalism, guys.
There'll be other companies for sure. This next one comes for. I got. I got a couple here. This next one comes from at Skywest.
Andy Frisella
Where did he find that picture of you? I don't know. I think that's from a CTI post. Yes. From the Fantastic Four.
Yeah, fantastic three. Fucking suge Knight up there. Fuck suge. Morning. Maybe Sugar Ross dick boss.
Sugar Ross the dick boss. This next one comes from at Sky V. West says if DJ doesn't get a trophy or two for the Buster jokes, then real af is as rigged as the election. What's the buster jokes? The dog from the other day, what was the jokes that they turned white.
DJ Cruise
The vitiligo dog buster. Black lab. White lab now. Yeah. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
Oh, bro. Yeah, that was pretty good. The cop one, that was borderline. He got approved for the credit card at Petsmart. That was funny.
DJ Cruise
That was decent. Okay. All right, all right. Madot. A trophy.
Andy Frisella
No, this is rigged. No, that was funny. I laughed, but I think he could do better. I think we got to have, like. I think if we're giving out trophies, bro, they got to be like 711 on the moon type.
Yeah. That was the funniest fucking moment. I mean, I'm just saying, I feel like that qualifies, bro. 711 on the moon was the funniest moment ever in real life. That's true.
DJ Cruise
All right. Yeah. I mean, but, like, it's not about topping that. It's not like the greatest joke of all time. Trophy.
It's just a trophy for a good joke. Just saying, man. Oh, so you like those 8th place trophies? No. You did come from that era.
Andy Frisella
How many 8th place tropes? I did not. Yes, you did. No, I did not. Bro, I fucking won.
Is that how you got your football career going? What's that? You got one of them, you know, 8th place scholarships? No. Yeah.
DJ Cruise
No, it's like 20th. 3Rd. Yeah. No. Fucking third.
Get out of here. This next one comes from at solid state. 406. He says my nephew is seven, and him and his friends at school definitely call each other Biden lover. Or you voted for Biden as the highest possible insult.
Andy Frisella
Those are. That's what I'm telling you, dude. Even the kids know what's up. Yeah, that's right, bro. I've been telling you, man, there's a big shift.
Hey, did you see the college boys fucking keep the flag from the ground? That was badass shit, bro. Those guys. Listen, guys, I know there's a lot of young, young men listening to this show. That's the shit we need.
We need you guys to stand the fuck up and fucking stand for America. Bro, you got guys that your age, 1819, 2021. They founded this motherfucking country and wrote the laws. You guys are out here fucking around, man. Like, this is your responsibility.
When you see people flying other flags instead of the american fly, you take that shit down, burn that shit, and put our flag back up. I fucking love that video. Was great. It gave me a lot of hope for our young men. Oh, yeah.
I appreciate you guys. Yeah. And then this last. Have them dudes come on the show. Figure out who they were.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, I think I was the one. Guy, dude, I guarantee they fucking listen, dude. Yeah, guys just hit us up. Come out here. Yeah, this last comment, I don't really know what to make of this.
It says, this comment comes from at Brian sale, 977. Dj, your juice snot right. He said, you're just not right. That's not what he said. You're just not right.
You juice not. You juice not right. I juice not right. You drink juice not some who. What?
Andy Frisella
I'm just saying. That's weird. Yeah, I don't know. How about you get a grammar book? We don't get any more, bitch.
You didn't get any fucking. We don't have any. Like Vlad, the fucking ice queen. Like we had last one. Yeah, I need to check in on him and see how he's.
Yeah. Is he still fucking, you know, he's. Probably still doing the same shit. Yeah, he ain't gonna change, bro. God, everybody love that one.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, people did like that one. Yeah. Who like though? Guys, we do appreciate you guys for being real ass fans. I'll try to get you a ice queen next time.
Andy Frisella
Yeah. All right, do it. Yeah, I got you. Oh, I like putting people on the blast, bro. I used to do that all the time on Instagram, man.
DJ Cruise
And I like, I started my space and shit. No, and when I used to post on Instagram, people would talk shit and I just blast them the fuck up and they'd have to delete their fucking page, bro. That's great. I think that's beautiful. Yeah, but I got away from it.
Andy Frisella
Now we could just do it on the show in front of like 20 times the people it. Yeah. Well, guys, let's keep this cruise moving. We got, uh, we got Hitler number two. Hairline number two reads.
DJ Cruise
Matt Gaetz calls for investigation after OMG report reveals deep state agencies may have kept intelligence from Trump during presidency. Did you see this, bro? Bro, bro, did you see this? Let's be real, though. Hold on, hold on.
Andy Frisella
Do you got it? Yeah, oh, yeah, I got it. Hold on. Let's save the commentary. All right.
I'm just. I'm not. I'm not really surprised. Alright, so we gotta watch the video. You got the clips?
DJ Cruise
Of course I got, but yeah, so. So on Wednesday, Representative Matt Gaetz announced that he was calling on the select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government to launch an investigation into allegations that federal agencies withheld information from former President Donald Trump during his time in office. The allegations stem from an undercover operation conducted by O'Keeffe Media Group or OMG. In which a Deloitte contractor, working as a project manager in cyber operations with the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA and the National Security Agency or the NSA, divulged secrets about a coordinated effort to withhold certain information from the former president. Now, this is Representative Matt Gates tweet that he posted out along with the letter, the certified letter that is launching this official investigation into this.
But what's he talking about here? So. So James O'Keefe, he. He releases this video. So here's the clip.
So how long have you been working at the CIA.
Andy Frisella
Then? I have a TsSCi with a full square polygraph. That means that I'm fully vetted. Amjad Vasisi shows her his CIA identification badge. Now, where does it say it?
Does it? Hey, that's the point. That's the point. What's CMC? China Mission center, darling.
That's my mission center. Gotcha. Amjad talks about. About how the CIA kept information from Trump. Darling kept information from him.
From Trump. Yes. He's an idiot. There are certain people that would give him a high level overview, but never give it to me. But you all do know why his whole leak feels he dropped.
Andy Frisella
I'm John Facisi. States of higher ups within the intel community, including CIA directors Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel, and the upper levels of their staffs colluded to withhold information from sitting President Trump. So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we're not going to tell Trump. The higher ups. The higher ups.
We put it this way. The executive staff were talking about the director and his subordinates. Like, what titles are they? Director of the CIA. Director of the CIA would keep.
Yes. Are you guys still watching him?
I would say yes. It sounds like you guys are still watching him and his teeth. Of course. Of course we are. Nothing goes by without somebody watching Amjad facisi also states as fact that Trump is under constant surveillance and even claims they were spying on his ex wife.
We also have people that monitor sexuality. So you guys have human sources, like wiretapping? Is that. How did you guys figure out that Trump was colluding with the Russians? Did you guys use.
So the intel community was able to use FISA to spy on Trump and his team? And that's how we found out that he was colluding with the Russians. Was it the CIA or the NSA that spied on Trump? It should be all about. So you're.
You're saying that we, you, your agency. A lot of the agencies. He's not gonna get it every elected again. I've gotten a match. I gotta.
Andy Frisella
We have a choice here. To learn about our democracy or to leave in some fucking madman who wants to be a dictator. Does it say the CIA on religious. And then I worked at NSA for two years. For a year, okay?
DJ Cruise
And I was doing some really cool. Cyber stuff, which I cannot tell you about the office of director of National Intelligence. First of all, he's into some weird shit. First of all, this bro's got no game, okay? Like, you fucking old crusty stupid.
Andy Frisella
She must be really hot. Yeah, she must be smoke. Yeah. Because this dude has completely lost all sense of what the fuck he should and shouldn't be doing. Yeah, which is what happens when you're sitting across from the hottest chick you ever saw in your life, bro.
DJ Cruise
Think about if you're stupid. Think about it. He's used to seeing the fucking pool noodle people, bro. This motherfucker's telling this motherfucker, you put. A dime in front of him, bro, he pops a blue, he's ready to go.
Andy Frisella
Hold on. How is this dude not picking up that she is legit grilling him? Like, she didn't even do a good job of, like, working in, like, it was straight up, like, an interrogation, which can only work if she's of level 15 smoke. Yeah. She gotta be 15 smoke.
Yeah, bro, no doubt. So this fucking moron, I'm jot Anton Fasisi, he's trying to impress her. Like. Like, oh, yeah, I've got top security clearance. I, you know, I work DMC, darling.
Darling, I'm. You know, bro, you don't want that. Blue chew to wear off. That's what it is, bro. He's popped that blue.
What a moron. Okay, so let's start there. This guy, for somebody that's supposed to be smart. Yeah.
And by the way, bro, you need to go to game school. That's some bad game. Yeah, fuck, man. But that's what I'm saying, man. He's used to, like, going running, bro.
Just comes across as like, he's begging for the pooh nanny. You know what I'm saying? Like, oh, hey, you know, I'm so cool. She taps my. She tapped into the primal essence of a man, bro.
DJ Cruise
There's the chase. It's the hunt, you know? I'm saying? No, you're supposed to get them to hunt you. Yeah, yeah, that's real game.
Andy Frisella
Yeah. That could be another podcast. That's a different. Point is we'll do that on QA. Yeah, the point is, is this fucking guy, like, he's already sounds like he's begging for the pee.
Look how cool I am. I got CIA card. I work with NSA, right? I know all kinds of shit. Let me tell you about it.
DJ Cruise
Oh, you want to hear our national secrets? Touch my pp, please. Yeah, dude. What a douche. Please.
Now, the interesting thing here, though. So the CIA, James O'Keefe, who's fucking awesome. I really like James O'Keefe. I think he does some amazing and really, really great work, you know? So they called the CIA, like, they were able to call their, like, the press spokesperson.
And the CIA has had to officially release a statement on this matter, which James, of course, tweeted out as well. James Tweet says, quote, CIA comment. The official appears to have had been terminated as a result of our reporting today when the CIA was actually. Comment. O'Keeffe Media received an exclusive statement on the record from a CIA spokesperson today.
Here is the exclusive exclusive comment. It was nice speaking with you. As discussed, you may attribute the following on the record statement to a CIA spokesperson. Quote, these claims about CIA are absolutely false and ridiculous. CIA is a resolutely apolitical institution that provides intelligent support to policymakers, including the president of the United States, irrespective of who occupies the office.
We are a foreign intelligence focused agency and do not monitor the former president. The individual making these allegations is a former contractor who does not represent CIA. In other words, we investigated ourselves and. Cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing, correct? Yeah.
Andy Frisella
Let's talk about this. You got more? Well, I mean, you know, Trump responded to it. Okay, Daddy. Trump responded to it.
DJ Cruise
He responded. On Thursday, Donald Trump reacted to a bombshell report from O'Keeffe media group that revealed federal agencies may have withheld information from him while he was president. The former commander in chief said he was amazed that someone could openly admit doing openly admit something so damning. Quote, it's shocking to see how stupid somebody can be, Trump said in an interview with James O'Keefe, referring to Amjad for Sisi, the Deloitte contractor working as a project manager in cyber operations with the CIA and NSA, who has been tricked into divulging secrets about his job. Quote, Central Intelligence Agency.
This is not an intelligent guy to be openly talking to a woman who walks up and asking questions. Trump acknowledged that for Sisisi, may have been trying to impress his date, but nonetheless urged the agency to fire him. So, yeah, I mean, let's get into one. I'm not surprised, but what's your take on this? Well, I mean, look, there's been a lot of evidence that what he's saying is true.
Andy Frisella
You know, Tucker Carlson said that this was true, and he got fired in, like, two days. Okay. And it really makes you wonder who the fuck's running shit. And I think at this point, we all know that the CIA has more power than the presidency. And the government been like that for a long time.
For a long time. Since 1963. Right. Okay. And you guys can go Google what happened then.
And these people, I. My opinion. What's my opinion? I think he's telling the truth. Yeah, 100%.
DJ Cruise
Well, my question is, what's the. What if you have an intelligence agency? Speaker one. Dude, I think what happened is they allowed Trump to come. They lost the election.
Andy Frisella
They weren't planning on losing. They said, fine, let him in. We'll fucking handle him. Pompeo said, we'll handle him. I'll be his handler.
I'll kiss up to him. I'll make sure he thinks I'm his friend, which he's clearly shown that he's not his friend. And I think that, you know, they did. I think this is how they worked their way through the presidency, which is a lot of. I think it's probably a big reason why a lot of the stuff that Trump said didn't actually come to fruition, right?
So could be so, you know, I don't know, dude. Like, I like real talk. We need a clean sweep of all of these agencies, bro. There should be no IR's. Shouldn't exist.
Should. There should be no FBI, ATF. There should be no ATF. There should be none of these agencies. They're all against freedom.
And they say, oh, well, we focus on foreign intelligence. The fuck you do. You guys got a domestic terrorist watch list. You fucking passed the Patriot act, telling american citizens that you wanted to know what was going on in the other countries. And everybody was like, yeah, and you didn't tell them, oh, we can use it at home, too.
Otherwise they would have said, fuck off. Right? So they've been spying on us for years. You heard it out of the dude's mouth. Of course.
Nothing happens unless we see it. Like, they're spying on anybody. Anybody who's even a mon. Like, bro, I guarantee you, bro, they listen to every fucking phone call I make. I guarantee you they listen to every single thing that anybody has.
I guarantee they listen everything Rogan says. I guarantee they listen to everything any patriotic or controversial american says 100% of the time. That's what these people do. And then they all. We're working on.
We're working on international security threats. The fuck you are. If you were working on international security threats, you'd have the border closed unless. They can call it international security. That's because that would be the definition of the one world government.
I mean, here's my thing. You're the sitting president of the United States, okay? And then your members of these agencies, who are a part of the executive branch, who report directly to you, right, are directly, allegedly, directly, intentionally withholding information, intelligence. What do you call that? Treason?
DJ Cruise
What do you call it? That's treason. Let me actually, your business owner, right, you own. You're acting in the interest against the american people. What is the, what is the consequence of that?
Like, what do you do with. Well, they don't have any, bro, that's the deal. These people do not have any sort of rules or laws or regulations. People assume that they, they obey the laws. They do not obey the laws.
Andy Frisella
You heard the guy. How do we get information? We fucking steal it. No shit. They don't need a warrant for anything, dude.
These people do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want it. There's no accountability. And, bro, we can't have that, right? Because they've infringed on our freedom. They're infringing on what this country was founded upon little by little by little.
And it's happening at a faster and faster and faster rate. And until people understand that all these CIA movies and all these FBI movies that make them look like complete heroes and badasses are made up shit propaganda for you to believe how they are, okay? They are not that way. And we've had people who were in the CIA come on the fucking show and explain that these people are not for you. And I'm sorry, you guys, that listen, that you're good people, because I know there's a lot of good federal agents, because we know.
We know who they are. A lot of them. You guys need to fucking take a stand inside your own organizations, even if it means your fucking job. You need to be telling the truth. You need to be blowing the whistle and saying, hey, this is what the fuck is actually going on.
Because, bro, if we don't, these people are going to run our country into the fucking dirt. In fact, they already have. Yeah, man. And you know, and here's the thing, man. So this comes out, there's not a lot of people covering it.
DJ Cruise
This is a massive deal. But what are they covering? Oh, Trump again, won't commit to accepting the presidential election results. That's the main story that they're talking about. But, hey, would you.
Do you fucking blame them? Do you blame them? Former President Trump on Wednesday wouldn't commit to accepting the 2024 presidential election results, echoing comments he made during the 2020 election campaign. Quote, if everything's honest, I'll gladly accept the results. Now, how do they, you see how.
They do this shit with the headlines, man? Trump said he won't commit to accepting. No, that's literally the first fucking thing he says. If it's honest, I will absolutely will, bro. This is the, this is the fucking marxist media, far left language trick.
Andy Frisella
They try to get you in this fucking hold, right? Oh, well, you accept the. What do you mean? What do you mean? I'll accept it.
So, so if I say I accept, you could do whatever you want, and I have to accept it? Like, it's very clear that these people do everything they can to get the result that they want. They don't care about the american people, and that's Democrats and Republicans. And so these people are willing to lie, cheat, steal, make fake ballots, do all kinds of crazy shit to win, and they're going to do it again. And people think they're not.
So we as citizens have to make it impossible for them to do it again by showing up at the polls, making sure no bullshit happens, watching what's going on very clearly in real time. And if that's not organized, you need to organize it. That's real shit. And these people who, they think that, you know, we have to accept whatever result, bro. Do we not remember, like, the polls right now?
The polls are like, oh, Trump leads by nine points. Yeah, he fucking did back then, too. Okay, and what happened at 03:00 in the morning? Oh, we had this straight up vertical spike of hundreds of thousands of votes that happened across swing states, across the country. We went to bed believing Trump would be.
Would win the election. We woke up, it was a completely different story. And they had the pipe bursting in Atlanta. They had, you know, remember when they were counting votes up in Wisconsin or Michigan, they put all the paper in the window. They wouldn't let people see it.
Like, bro, they very clearly cheated. Very clearly cheated. Okay? In 2020, something about it. It was a fucking coup.
It was a fucking coup. And we. If you don't believe it was a coup, look what they're doing. People say that's the best administration ever. What are you talking about, dude?
What are you talking about? Are you just repeating what they're telling you? Are you literally that fucking stupid? Well, Trump won't commit to accepting the election. Yeah, of course.
No shit. Because the. The integrity of the election is in question. Yeah, man. For 75% of America.
Okay. Across the cross aisles now, they put this fucking picture up like he's some, like, fucking, you know, evil villain guy. That looks pretty bad. I thought I look, I like the picture. I think it's great.
I think you should run out like doing the hogan. You should. Instead of that. He does, huh? What's that?
DJ Cruise
Little dance. I wish he stopped doing that. You know, you. You know how to do it. The fuck are you talking about?
Andy Frisella
I don't even know what you're talking about. Oh, you know what I'm talking about. Little dancing dance.
DJ Cruise
You know. You know how to do it. I seen you do that one.
Andy Frisella
DJ Cruise
Yeah, man, listen, it's. It's complete bullshit, man. It's complete bullshit. That's a pretty cool pick, though, dude. I do like it.
Andy Frisella
It looks like he's gonna come out an iron man suit. They tried to use that as like a, you know, I like it. I think it's a great picture. I might take one just like it. Yeah, that's badass, bro.
They don't like that one? No, that's what, that's what MSNBC used as their picture for the article. Supposed to like, dude, you know our friend up in New York I was talking about the other day? Which guy? The young guy.
Yeah. He was trying to tell me. He's like, dude, they're going to prosecute him and everybody's going to hate him and this and that, bro. Isn't it funny how the more they push on him, the higher his poll numbers go? People understand what's happening, and these people are painted in a corner where they have to push hard to get the result they want, but as they push hard, these stupid narratives, they're pushing people away.
And even democrats are realizing, holy fuck, dude. This is actually communism coming to roost in the United States of America. It's no longer the Democrat party that I thought it was from 1520 years ago. It's. It's completely different thing.
And they're waking up and saying, dude, I'm not with this. And the more they do this, the more that's going to happen. And so we're going to end up with a situation around election time where a vast majority of people are pro Trump, and I think they're still going to try to cheat the election. And if they do that, I think it's very dangerous. Yeah, very dangerous for our democrats.
I don't think people are going to sit by and let it happen this time. Yeah, no, no. Well, that's what Trump said. I don't think the military is going to sit by and let it happen this time. I think people are legit realizing, I mean, do you know how many people we get, like you guys who listen, you know how many people we get from the military that write in, they're like, bro, we get what's going on.
You see what I'm saying? Like, bro, there's, there police. Police understand it. Everybody understands it, bro. So what are we supposed to do?
Just to let them do it? Just let them fucking. I mean, I'm not saying they're gonna, but they've already shown that they are. And it would be interesting because, you know, how communism works is like three pushes forward, one step back. And I wonder if they won't feel so much pressure that they understand, you know, they got.
Cause they're in a weird spot. Right. If they let Trump win, they risk being held accountable for all they did during COVID all they've done this entire time, especially with them prosecuting Trump and breaking the precedent of former people having immunity. So that's really what I see here. I see a precedent being broken that will end up biting these people in the ass.
DJ Cruise
Right in the ass. Yeah. Flat, randomly. I think that's why Trump keeps saying it. Trump keeps saying, if you guys prosecute me, that means that the president is not immune.
Andy Frisella
And do you not think that Trump's. Just gonna fucking use that same exact. Exactly. Yeah, 100%, man. There do.
These people are digging their own holes. Well, that's the other thing too. You know, communism is like that, but. But it also will eventually turn into the same where it's been slow and steady and then all at once. Yeah.
DJ Cruise
You know, and I think all. I think the, all it wants push is going to come before the election. Yeah. Well, there's no doubt about that. No doubt about that.
Andy Frisella
Guys. Jump in on the conversation, down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. That being said, let's get to our third headline, headline number three. We gotta go back about a month, maybe two months.
Okay. There was this headline that came out saying Boeing whistleblower John Barnett is found dead in his trunk outside a South Carolina hotel just days after testifying and lawsuit against the aviation giant. You guys may have seen this. I remember seeing this. I think we covered it.
DJ Cruise
I don't know if we covered it. I know we talked about the airplanes and shit, I think. But, yeah. So that one of the guys that was a whistleblower, he. He was found dead in his truck in a hotel parking lot from what they.
They say is, quote, unquote, a self inflicted gunshot wound. Okay. That's what the cops said. That's what the coroner said. They're all on the same, same esteem.
And this, this is John here. Now, in the email, they called his death tragic. His lawyers responded saying, quote, today is a tragic day. Knowles wrote, revealing that Barnett was supposed to do day three of his deposition here in Charleston on his air 21 case, referring to a federal law that provides whistleblowers protection in the aviation industry. Now, there was, you know, so that goes through Boeing.
One of their spokespersons released a statement saying. Boeing released a statement saying.
A spokesperson from Bowen released a statement saying that they were saddened by Mister Barnett's passing. Now, so you have that about two months ago. Well, then something interesting happened, because it wasn't just one whistleblower. There was two whistleblowers. And that second one just.
Just died suddenly, is what they're calling this one a fault. A former quality auditor at Boeing, supplier Spirit Arrow Systems, was among the first whistleblowers to allege spirit leadership had ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 Max. He died just this past Tuesday. The Times reported that Dean had a major role in the case that was in the allegations going against Boeing. Joshua Dean.
Yeah, they said that he died from MRSA or strep or. I'm sorry, MRSA or staph infection and pneumonia is what they said. Now, a former quality auditor at Boeing. Supplier spirit Aerosystems, and one of the first whistleblowers to allege spirit leadership had ignored manufacturing deep defects on the 737 max. He died Tuesday morning after a struggle with a sudden and fast spreading infection.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, so this guy was a quality auditor and was getting deposed in this case. Right? And all of a sudden he gets an infection. MRSA or strap, and fucking dies. Right.
DJ Cruise
Right. Now, can't you. Can't you give that to people? Like, can't you. Well, mercy.
So staff infections, I mean, it's typically like, you got an open wound and then. Yeah, but, I mean, couldn't you, like, have it. Staff in a fucking syringe and inject it in someone? Potentially. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
I don't know, you guys. Let me. Let me know if I'm right on that. I don't know. Yeah, I mean, but the thing is weird, like, he lived in Wichita, Kansas, which is where spirits base.
DJ Cruise
He was 45 years old. And he was described to be in good health and was noted for having a very healthy lifestyle. And he died after two weeks. He was in critical condition for two weeks. Now, another Boeing spokesperson that came out and made another statement.
Our thoughts are with Josh Dean's family. The sudden loss is stunning news here and for his loved ones. And now DJ. All right, you got a picture of Hillary up here with mustaches and in disguise, right? No.
How the fuck does Hillary have a connection to this? I'm glad you asked. Let's go back a little bit, because there was this massive expose. Hillary is one of the top, if not the top, stockholders for Boeing. Did you know that?
Andy Frisella
Nope. Yeah. And not only is she a top stockbroker, do you remember when she was the. Is she still. Oh, yeah.
DJ Cruise
I mean, she's still. How do you know that? Do you know that for sure still? Yeah. I mean, speculating.
Andy Frisella
Because this article's from 2014. 2014. Right. But watch how this plays out. Okay, so the thing is, do you guys remember when Hillary was.
DJ Cruise
Was in charge of the state Department? Right? She was. She was the. Right.
Like, she let the State Department. Right? You mean right when she said it wasn't a big deal those guys and Benghazi got killed, right? What's it matter? Right?
Andy Frisella
What difference does it make right now? We talk. We talk all the time about how these fucking politicians, man, they, you know, insider trading or, you know, they make these deals, and you know, that money gets funneled back somehow, right? We talk about that shit all the time. And it's funny because you go back to 2014, this headline reads, for Hillary Clinton and Boeing, a beneficial relationship.
DJ Cruise
So back when she was secretary of state, on a trip to Moscow, Moscow, Russia, Hillary Rodham Clinton played the role of international saleswoman, pressing russian government officials to sign a multi billion dollar deal to buy dozens of aircraft from Boeing. A month later, Clinton was in China, where she jubilantly announced that the aerospace giant would be writing a generous check to help resuscitate floundering us efforts to host a pavilion at the upcoming world's fair. Boeing. Boeing, she said, quote, has just agreed to double his contribution to $2 million. So she was going around on this little trip back in 2014.
Right. But then something happened. Then something happened. Russia folded to Hillary's demands. And in 2012.
I'm sorry. In 2010, two months after Boeing won its $3.7 billion russian deal, Boeing, the company, announced a $900,000 contribution to the William J. Clinton foundation, intended to rebuild schools and earthquake ravaged Haiti. Now, it isn't that's a little weird. A little bit.
That's a little bit. That's a little bit weird. Right? Like, so I got, you know, you go to Russia, you strong arm the russian government, the russian government has to pay out almost 4 billion fucking dollars. You get a million bucks and you.
Get a million bucks off of it to go. And that's just this one thing. That's just how much other shit did they do? Right? What else?
That was just, that's the money that was earmarked just for Haiti. That's right. Right. So, and yeah, like I said, I, I don't know how much she owns, but the article that I. The information I was able to vote, she is one of the top, if not the top stock owner for Boeing.
Andy Frisella
She allegedly. Allegedly. Cuz you don't know right now. And all I'm saying is good old Hillary, she does have some evidence of some interesting stuff happening to people who were, you know, coming out and talking and then, you know, dying of self inflicted gunshot wounds on airplane crashes. All I'm saying.
It's all I'm saying. Andy, anything on this?
I mean, I think you laid it out pretty good, bro. I mean, these guys, these guys are running business the old way. You know, you talk some shit, you get put in a hole and it's very obvious. And you know, this is the dots clearly connect of what's going on. Anybody who can't see it is fucking idiot.
DJ Cruise
I mean, just the timing, right? Like, you listen, dude, it's not coincidence, it's. Listen, what it appears to be is what it is. So simplest answer is always the truth. Yes, or whatever that.
Andy Frisella
So like we could sit here and break it down and say it could be this, it could be that. No, two fucking witnesses don't just magically disappear when they're trying to testify about how these motherfuckers aren't putting the proper parts or taking the proper precautions to make their airplane safe to fly because they understand that if that actually comes out as fact, it'll bankrupt their company and ruin their lifestyles. So again, greed is driving the plays here. Yeah, well, like, but any dj, what, what effects does it have on the case? Well, I don't know.
DJ Cruise
If you're a fucking whistleblower and you just seen fucking these two dudes die. Suddenly and maybe you don't want to. Say anything, you think, how easy is it gonna be for you to get up there? Yeah, but see, this is where collective whistleblowing has to happen. Yeah, meaning like when we talk about the agency guys, like.
Andy Frisella
Like, they can't. They cannot stop all. That's right. They can't. Cannot fucking arrest you all.
They cannot prosecute you all. So organize within the organization and come out as a collective, saying, this is what it is. That's what needs to happen at Boeing, too. Yeah, they can't. Hillary, all of you.
Yeah. It's impossible. Yep. That's a good picture. Yeah.
Yeah, she looks better than she normally looks. Yeah, it's a fucking improvement. I do like the. The western mustache. You like that one?
That's a good one. Like that? Looks good with that. Yeah, better. I mean, she looks, you know, like she's been out on the range for a while with all them fucking wrinkles and shit.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, man. She's. She is my number one. Yeah. Least liked person number one.
Andy Frisella
Yeah. Yeah. Guys, I want you guys to connect some dots. You tell us down in the comments what you guys think. Let us know.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, just let us know, man. Bro, the most important story that we've covered on this show today is this ban of free speech regarding the anti semitism. Like, you guys, like, if they push that through and that becomes law, which it has become law already in a few different states, you cannot call out what the fuck is going on. So, like, these guys have lost control of speech. What topics that to topic to?
Andy Frisella
Yeah, they have lost control of what's topic one? Hello? They have lost control of the narrative because of the Internet. They invented the Internet, the social media network lifelog, okay? They ended that project, which was run by the CIA.
The very next day, Facebook was founded. They invented social media to fucking spy on you and get everything to know everything about everybody. And then the Internet becomes this way of life for so many people, and it's so vast and so big and so fast that they can't control the information anymore. And so now that they can't control the information, they're. They're.
People are understanding what's happening at an accelerated rate. They're losing Gen Z. They're losing black community. People are. They're losing Muslims, they're losing everybody.
And so their response to that is, well, fuck it. We'll just make it illegal. And anybody who says it will intimidate him or put him in fucking jail. That's the deal there. So any politician that votes for that is a threat to America.
And it's probably the most important story that we've covered in a long time because it. It will keep people from actually calling out what's actually happening. And the cre in the creation of this one world government that the World Economic Forum has been working on since the fucking seventies or sixties. Yeah. You see what I'm saying?
DJ Cruise
This is a mat. It was a massive step up from just the, you know, up is down. We'll just change the. The verbiage. We're now making it illegal for you to call either.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, bro. And that means that people need to speak up against it even more. Yeah, 100%, man. Because like we said, dude, they can't arrest everybody. Everybody should be calling this shit out.
DJ Cruise
100%, guys. Let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck this, where we bring headline up, we talk about it, and we get one of those two options. Now, Andy, you are a metal guy. You like metal.
Andy Frisella
Yeah. And so I thought you might like this. Might like this. Thumbs up. This headline reads, Metallica gifts Texas high School band $15,000 worth of equipment for tribute performance.
It's pretty cool. So a Texas high school band won $15,000 worth of equipment thanks to the generosity of legendary rock band Metallica. Born high School, located in Kendall county, is one of the winners of the world's famous groups for whom the band tolls. Contest that challenge schools around the United States to create performances that incorporate Metallica songs. Metallica songs.
Sorry, what's the songs? Damn it. Songs. Let's hear some Metallica songs, guys. Songs.
DJ Cruise
Yeah, baby sauce. All right. Contest that challenge schools around the United States to create performances that incorporate Metallica songs. Oh, you think we're editing that? Oh, fuck yeah.
Andy Frisella
Okay. Damn it. The group is doling out nearly $200,000 in equipment to prize winners across several categories. Born tied with a school in Malvern, New York, for best performance by medium sized high school, reports KSAT. The teen musicians at Bourne submitted a four minute medley of some of Metallica's most famous songs, including the namesake of the competition for whom the Bell tolls, enter Sandman, fade to Black, seek and destroy, and master of puppets.
DJ Cruise
The prize money was used to buy an entirely new baseline to replace those used since 2010. We also purchased several new instruments, so our incoming freshmen all have instruments for the marching and concert season, born band director Daniel Pearson said. We've also purchased an instrument that will give students with financial need access to a high quality instrument through the school. The full list of winners, which KSAT obtained, shows that the prizes went to high schools and universities all across the country. So there's a prize list there.
That's fucking awesome. I got. I got the clip. So Metallica gave away all these prizes. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
That's fucking awesome. 200 grand. Yeah, that's awesome. 200. 200 grand went to Auburn, eastern New Mexico University, Octon High School in Vienna, Virginia, and so born high school Malvern.
DJ Cruise
They both got 15,000 each as it's high. Yeah, it's pretty fucking cool. I got the submission here. Okay, hold on. Before I say that.
Andy Frisella
If you fucking say in the comments, oh, Matoko's worth $500 million, whatever. Fuck. And they should have gave way more. I'm going to fucking block you. We're going to block you.
DJ Cruise
You will no longer be a real. I'm so fucking sick of people criticizing people for not giving enough. If you haven't given more than that, you shut your fucking mouth. So just know that if you say that shit in the comments about these guys because they didn't have to do shit. And by the way, nobody has to do shit.
Andy Frisella
And every time I've ever given money, it doesn't matter if it's fucking what the number is. Everybody always says the same shit. Well, you could have gave a lot more. Fuck you. Okay.
What did you give? If you didn't give more than this? You shut the fuck up. Yeah, that's very, very fair point. Yeah.
Yeah. Do you want to watch? You want to see the dance band submission clip? Here it is. From Bourne High School, the mighty Greyhound Band and color guard.
See that? It went, from whom the bell tolls. Anderson. That's fucking sweet.
DJ Cruise
Andy taught me that.
Never lay.
Andy Frisella
Bro. He's playing that on a Kirk Hammett guitar. That's the same guitar Kirk Hammett plays from Talica. No shit. Yeah.
Well, one of them.
That's pretty cool. Yeah, that's cool, man. They need a little more fucking. It needs a little more edge. A little bit more.
I like it, though. More what, Andy? Edge? Yeah. Edge.
Like, you need like a hard new word. Huh? New word. Yeah. Change it.
Give me. Give me another word. Give me another adjective. Sauce. More sauce.
DJ Cruise
Okay. Another word. Juice. Juice. Okay.
Andy Frisella
DJ Cruise
So, yeah, I was gonna say black. People and these more black people. A little bit more low. Yeah. Is that what we're doing now?
Andy Frisella
Is that. I thought that. I thought an affirmative action got canceled, bro. Saying, brother, love beat on the fourth measure there. Okay, well, look, man, I don't.
I don't disagree. We need a little more something. Maybe it is black 13%. That's. I don't fucking know.
I don't know. But accurate representation, my opinion was I need a little more hard baseline. Yeah. You know, I'm saying a little more bass, a little harder guitar. Yeah.
If you're gonna do Metallica, we got. It's got to hit a little bit. Mm hmm. You know, it was a little soft, but it was great. I thought it was great, man.
DJ Cruise
I think it's cool. I like their music, man. They did a great job. I think. I think what they did in general is fucking awesome.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, dude. You know, Metallica's touring with five finger in Europe this summer. Zoltan invited me to go. We should go. You know, just, you know.
DJ Cruise
You gotta go. Okay. Yeah, but I'm saying, like, that'd be like, let's fucking do that. I think it'd be fucking great. Yeah, bro.
Andy Frisella
Watch Metallica and fucking five finger play from the fucking back of the stage in front of a million fucking people. Yes. I better be insane, dude. We got figured out. Let's figure it out, then.
Let's fuck around and find out. Let's do it. Yeah. Thumbs up on this. Fuck yeah.
DJ Cruise
100%. Guys, I love Metallica, bro. I know you do. It's a good. I like a lot harder shit than that, too.
Yeah, but like. Like the hard stuff. Well, yeah, like that eight inch hard stuff. You know, I'm saying that's what I like on the weekends. What, you two?
Andy Frisella
You one of us? Fuck yeah. Yeah. All right. What?
That's in these days, I bet. Yeah. In the butt, guys. Sandy, you see what I did there? No.
DJ Cruise
Okay. Why are you gonna repeat it? That's cuz it wasn't funny. You guys can just rewind it. You guys.
Okay. We all caught it. Audience, I get it now. We all. We all fucking got it.
Andy Frisella
I was saying. Okay. Yeah. Would you go to joke school for that?
I'm just trying, man.
DJ Cruise
You guys make some fucking jokes. Yeah. Yeah, but, guys. Andy. That's all we got, man.
Andy Frisella
All right, guys, we appreciate you. We love you. Don't be a ho share the show. Went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got up on bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case closed.
DJ Cruise
Went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got up on bank roll can't fold dust a no head shot case closed.