689. Andy, William Bates & DJ CTI: 911 Call Services Go Down, Katie Couric Says Trump Supporters Need Deprogramming & Furry Terrorizing Middle Schoolers
Primary Topic
This episode delves into several contentious issues affecting modern society, including systemic problems in emergency services, media biases, and unusual social phenomena affecting schools.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Systemic Failures Highlighted: The episode highlights serious vulnerabilities in national emergency services, suggesting potential cyber threats as underlying causes.
- Media Critique: There is strong criticism of the mainstream media, particularly targeting Katie Couric's remarks about Trump supporters needing 'deprogramming'.
- Cultural Decay: Discussion on furries in schools serves as a metaphor for broader societal issues, with a call to address these bizarre trends that challenge conventional norms.
- Call for Action: The hosts advocate for stronger community and personal responsibility to address and solve societal issues directly.
- Support for Traditional Values: There is a strong push towards embracing traditional values and skepticism towards the progressive changes in society.
Episode Chapters
1: Introduction and Overview
Hosts introduce the episode's contentious topics, setting a combative tone for the discussion. Andy Frisella: "Welcome to reality, where we cut through the noise of modern society."
2: The 911 Outage
Detailed discussion on the simultaneous failure of 911 services across multiple states, with speculation about cyber attacks. William Bates: "It's concerning that such a critical system can go down simultaneously in different states."
3: Media Bias and Political Commentary
Critique of Katie Couric's statements and the media's role in polarizing the nation. Andy Frisella: "It's absurd to think that a large segment of the country needs reprogramming."
4: Furries in Schools
A bizarre trend in schools discussed as symptomatic of cultural decay. DJ CTI: "When kids are distracted by such nonsense, it's a sign that society has lost its way."
Actionable Advice
- Educate Yourself on Issues: Don't rely on mainstream media; seek out multiple sources of information.
- Engage in Community Discussions: Participate in local forums and discussions to understand and solve community issues.
- Promote and Uphold Traditional Values: Encourage respect for traditional norms and values in your community.
- Be Proactive in Local Governance: Engage with local government issues to safeguard community interests.
- Teach Critical Thinking: Help younger generations develop critical thinking skills to analyze and understand societal issues better.
About This Episode
On today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by William Bates. They discuss 911 call services mysteriously going down in four states at the same time, Katie Couric saying Trump supporters need to be 'deprogrammed,' and middle school students walking out in protest after being terrorized by them.
Andy Frisella, William Bates, DJ CTI
Guest Name(s):
William Bates, DJ CTI
Content Warnings:
Discussions on societal decay and controversial political opinions
Andy Frisella
Yeah went from sleeping on the flow now my jury box froze fuck up. Bow fuck up stove counted millions in a cold bad bitch booted swole got her own bank roll can't fold dust. A no head shot case cloak clothes. What is up, guys? It's Andy Vercella, and this is the show for the realists.
Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to motherfucking reality, guys. Today we have Andy and. And DJ Cruise, the motherfucking Internet. That's what we're gonna do.
CTI. That's what it stands for. Cruise the Internet. We're gonna put topics up on the screen. We're gonna speculate on what's true and what's not true.
And then we're gonna talk about how we, the people, have to solve these problems that these dumb asses create in our society. All right? Other times on the show, we have shows within the show. We have Q and a f. That's where you ask questions and we give you the answers.
Questions can be about anything. Personal development, business, entrepreneurship, what's going on in the world. Typically, we like it about personal development, how to make you guys better. Cause that's part of the equation here, how we're gonna make the world a better place. You could submit those questions a couple different ways.
The first way is, guys, you can email those questions into askandyndief.com, or you. Go on YouTube in the comments section of the Q and a episodes. Drop your question in the comments, and we'll pick some from there as well. Other times, we have real talk. Real talk.
Just five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. We do audio exclusive real talks. We're going to do one of those tomorrow for you. So tune in on Saturday on audio exclusive. Get that little heat.
And then we have 75 hard versus. 75 hard versus where someone who has completed the 75 hard program, which is the initial phase of the live hard program, comes on. The show talks about how their life was in disarray before they did the program and how they got it online and are kicking ass. And then we talk about how you can do the same. If you're unfamiliar with live hard and 75 hard, you can get the whole program for free at episode 208.
It is the world's most popular transformative mental program in history. All right, there is also a book on this, the book on mental toughness. And you can get that book on my website, andy, for sella.com dot. It encompasses the whole live hard program, ups and downs, lefts and rights, nuts and bolts. Gives you all the details.
If you're like me, you'll love it because I have to know all the details before I do things. But it's unnecessary. You don't have to buy it. You can just get the program for free at episode 208. The book also includes ten chapters on mental toughness, why it's important, how to cultivate, and how to use it in your life, along with some case studies on some very famous people, how they used it to become the very famous people that you recognize.
Now, we don't run ads on the show. We have this thing called the fee. We say, pay the fee. That doesn't mean give us money, although we will take it. But what it does mean is that, you know, support what we got going on.
I financed the show myself. I don't want to be told what I can and can't say for that reason. I just ask very simply that you support us and you spread the word, and we're constantly battling censorship, shadow bans. We're dealing with some of that on yesterday's episode. And we asked very simply that if you like the message, if you think it's important, if it gets you better, if it makes you think, makes you laugh, gives you a new perspective, is something that you think is important, that you please help us out and share the show.
So don't be a ho. Share the show. All right. What's up, dude? What's going on, man?
Nothing, dude. Yeah, I got a little special one. We do got a special one. We got our good buddy will bates here. What's happening, brother?
William Bates
Hey, how you guys doing? Good. Yeah, man. So if you guys don't know, Will. Will has a very popular Instagram account.
Andy Frisella
Will be inspired. That's correct, right? Yes, sir. Yeah, we'll be inspired. You guys should follow him.
He does some amazing content on what's going on in the world. It's. It's good fun, but it's also educational. Yeah, it's funny, man. Thank you very much.
He also happens to be fucking swole.
I don't even know how to say it, bro. The first time I met Will, I met you up at. Yeah, at the gym up here in Gravoid Bluffs, and I was like, damn big, dude. Yeah. How tall are you, bro?
William Bates
Six four. Yeah. Six four. That's it? Yep.
Six four. And, will, you walk around when you're not dying in for a show? Right around 265? Good Lord. Fucking ripped and jacked.
Andy Frisella
Fucking. Yo. Yeah. Extra tan.
Oh, dude. So what's good, man. Much. Just getting ready for this show. Next Saturday, do the NPC Midwest and got some events coming up with the nonprofit will be inspired Warriors Fitness fund.
William Bates
We have a golf tournament coming up May 13 and then we're gonna do some fun things over the summer as well. So what is that? Dive into that a little bit because that's your nonprofit that you run for veterans, right? Correct. It's military veterans, first responders, active military and their families.
We help with fitness memberships, mental health counseling, just kind of anything to support or assist mentally and physically to help with PTSD, depression, this stress, anxiety and things like that. That's awesome, man. That is awesome. Now, how long you been doing your tournament? The tournament we started back in.
So this is the third annual. So we started it back in 21. 21, yeah. Yeah. That's awesome.
So, 21, 22. Well, cool. I'm sorry. 22. Yep.
22 was the first year. So we started the foundation in 21, and then 22 was the first golf tournament. That's awesome, dude. Yeah, man. Father, husband, just all around badass.
Andy Frisella
That's right. That's right. I love it. I love it. And he's like, you know, he thinks.
Outside the box, which box that they. Can find us to. Who's us?
What, you. What do you mean? We? People. Us.
Right? Yeah. No, man. No. Awesome, dude, man.
Awesome. Awesome, dude. Glad to have you here, brother. Well, you guys wanna do some cruising? Yeah.
You wanna get into it? Alright, well, so before we get to our headlines, I saw this video and I just thought it was. It was perfect. It kind of encompasses what we need right now in America and what's. What's really, really important.
We talk about unity a lot on this show, and I think it's very, very important. And so I wanted to play this clip because I think it just embodies exactly what we need right now. And it gets a little deeper, too, specifically about who shared this video. But here's the clip. Can't we all just get along at.
William Bates
The red house furniture? We can at the red house.
Andy Frisella
I'm Richard, aka big head. I work at the red house and I'm black. I like pumping iron and pumping furniture into people's homes.
I'm Johnny, aka Tngage. I work at the red house and I'm white. I like deer hunting, bass fishing, and extending credit to all people at the red house. I'm black and I love the red house. I'm white and I love the red house.
I'm a black woman and I love the red House. I am white. And the red house is for me. At the red House. Who made this?
Andy Frisella
This is real. This is a real commercial. I got the sofa. It's perfect for a black person or a white person. This mattress is perfect for a white person or a black person.
At the red House, where black people. And white people buy furniture and hispanic people, too.
William Bates
You can't forget the hispanic people. That's a real commercial. Oh, dude, that's a real commercial. But how they gotta give the white people the. At the red House.
Andy Frisella
Why we gotta do that? Why we do that? They could have spiced it up a little bit more. They gave us white people the two cheesiest parts. Hey, listen, you know, it is what it is, man.
William Bates
You know, I was dying on his little handshake where he was shaking that little. It's so awkward. But that's a real commercial. I was able to factor. I like hunting and fishing, bass fishing.
Andy Frisella
They call me ten gauge. It's gotta be a community service program. I love it, though. I love it. Now, the interesting thing, though, is who shared this?
Who shared this? And it is from a couple of weeks ago, but Snoop Dogg shared this. He's the one that shared this on his instagram with the caption, just get along. And I thought that was interesting. I thought that was cool to see coming out of left field there.
He does seem like he's coming around. It's coming around a little bit to more unity stuff. Yeah, for sure. Like, I remember when he dropped that, that, you know, fuck, fuck Donald Trump song or whatever, you know? And it's like, you see that.
It's just like, dude, like, to be so influential, you know? And, like, that's what you choose to influence, you know? But, yeah, it definitely is. He's definitely coming around, and the comments were overwhelmingly very, very good. This.
This commercial single handedly ended racism. That's the most popular con or one of the most popular comments. Yeah, this other one. I'm glad they included us Hispanics. I would love to lay on a couch like that.
Yeah, man. I thought it was because we do need unity right now, man, and we need to get back to shit like this, bro. I don't think that that's. I don't think that that's not how it is. Like, when you go out in the real world, everybody's cool, and everybody's looking at each other like, can you believe these dickheads are trying to make everybody hate each other?
William Bates
Absolutely. Like, I don't. I don't know. I don't see any of this weird shit in real life, other than on the Internet or on tv? Yeah.
Andy Frisella
I mean, want us to see it? Yeah. I mean, you know, occasionally. But you're talking about, what, 1%, less than 1% of the time. You'll see some.
Some fucked up shit. Like, you know, maybe if you're a police officer, you see more of it. But the reality is, man, I think most people are on the same page. Most people are cool. They.
They want to stop getting robbed of their taxes and stop being artificially divided and, you know, divided along racial lines or economic lines or religion lines, like, bro, nobody's with that shit. Absolutely. And that's why this shit is so funny and people like it so much, because they're like, yeah, that's. That's some good shit. You know, and that's the good part about humor to, bro, humor is universal, you know, and for a long time, you know, humor was.
These young guys don't. Don't remember this, bro. Like, if you go back to the eighties and nineties, fucking, everything was game, bro. Everybody talked shit on everybody. Everybody made fun of each other, and it was funny.
And then all of a sudden, you know, they. They ended desegregation in the schools and started making. Gave it 20 years and called everybody racist. And now fucking everybody's weird, you know, it's like, dude, we already fucking. This is not a deal, you know?
What's your look on this? Because, how old are you? Well, I'm 39. 39? About the same age.
Yeah. So, I mean, have you seen. What have you noticed the most? I guess with. With just society when it comes to.
William Bates
Racial tension, I think, like, he's saying it's like, everybody's cool until they get on the Internet, and then, like, you're oppressed or you're offended. You're this, you're that. Like, and that's what bothers me about people that I know in real life that, you know, will be at the gym or we went to school, we ain't have no issues with people at all. Like, live good lives and had great friendships. But then on the Internet, everybody's against you.
Everybody's doing this, everybody's doing that, and you're just a victim of this and that. And then you go back to real life. See you at the gym or wherever, and like, oh, hey, what's going on? What's going on? Everything.
Hey, bro, you can't have both ways. Either you're a victim or you're not. Like, it's like, what's the deal? But you know, obviously, you know, there's people that want us fighting amongst each other, so they perpetuate these things online or in the media all the time. I'll take it back to when I was in, like, middle school.
I'd watch certain movies like american history x every once in a while or Rosewood or whatever, which two movies I probably should have been watching or whatever. But not in middle school. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, but high racial tensions and stuff like that. And every time I saw movies like this, I would make you angry.
It triggers emotional response, which certain things are designed to. So it's like, I think they're just putting certain things out there to trigger these emotional responses to get people riled up and against each other, but day to day basis, people actually get along without the nonsense that they keep putting or pushing. Yeah, it's interesting. You don't see. You don't ever see.
Andy Frisella
You don't ever see white on white crime on the Internet. And you don't ever see black on black crime on the Internet. Every single time they show these incidents, if we're paying attention, it's white on. Black or black on white. That's right.
And it's designed to stir everybody's emotions and get everybody pissed off. And, dude, when you think of the millions of videos of millions of crimes that are out there, like, literally every week, and it just so happens that it's always the same story, you know, I think people have caught on to it. You know, I think the first, you know, when George Floyd happened, you know, I think a lot of people were emotionally charged, and that really stirred up a lot of shit. And I think as time has gone on, people have started to realize, oh, this wasn't exactly what we thought it was. And, you know, we saw guys like Snoop Dogg and these other main guys saying some, you know, divisive shit that, you know, they're starting.
I think they're starting to realize, like, hey, you know, this isn't. We're falling for a play here. You know, it's not a. It's. It's not reality on an everyday scenario, you know?
Yeah, we just need a. To get. We got to become more like the red house. That's all I'm saying. Well, sweet, man.
Let's get into this crew. I mean, what do you think, dude? Yeah, I mean, no, I would like to start seeing, you know, what we know is true in reality to overwhelm the Internet, you know, I'm saying, like, more of this shit, you know, more. More, like, post this stuff. You know, I'm saying, like, let's, let's show online what it's like in reality.
That's what I would like to see, dude. I think humor is the key, bro. Yeah. I think comedians are going to save the world. Like, the content you make, how you make it, like, in a phony way.
Scramby egg. Yeah, dude, that, that's the stuff. That's the stuff that is gonna make people, like, say, yeah, this is ridiculous, you know? Yeah, I get a lot of comments saying, like, you know, thank God, and somebody saying it and stuff like that. And it's just, it's awesome.
William Bates
There's so many people that, you know, agree with you, but they don't want to share, put it on their page. Yeah, yeah, they don't want to say it themselves and everything. Like, yeah, I feel the same way. This, this, you know, but yes, if people would. If people would say that publicly, we would solve a lot of these problems.
Andy Frisella
Yeah, 100%, man. Well, let's get into this cruise then, guys. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to Andy for seller.com. You guys can find them link there. That being said, headline number one, let's just do a little world global temperature check, maybe.
All right, headline number one. We got a couple of things to go through here. First things up is 911 call services mysteriously go down in four states at the same time. Hours before ABC reported DHS is concerned emergency services are target for cyber attack. So this is, this comes out.
Yes. So DHS released a bulletin saying that emergency services were being targeted for cyber attack. And then a few hours after that bulletin goes out, you got four states whose 911 emergency systems go down. The states were South Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, and also Texas. Now, it's so interesting how they try to cover stuff up, but you, let's roll over to CNN.
They released this headline that says 911 service provider Lumen blames 911 outage on installation of light pole.
One light pole for four states.
And they even admit that in the article how like, yeah, I mean, this doesn't make sense, but that's what we're going with. The article reads, the outage of 911 system in several states Wednesday evening was caused by the installation of a light pole, according to Lumen, a company that supports some of those systems. On April 17, some customers in Nevada, South Dakota, and Nebraska experienced an outage due to third party company installing a light pole unrelated to our services. Lumen global issues director Mark Molsen told CNN Thursday morning. An outage was also reported in a fourth state, Texas Molten said Lumen, a networking company that provides enhanced 911 services to local communities in multiple states, does not provide 911 services in Texas.
So how is that affected? So wait, does it make sense? They're fucking lying, you know, but criminals. Taking out light poles, that's what it, yes. That's what it is.
It's nationalist. That's what it is. It's fucking white people. That's what it is. That's what it is.
Fucking, I'm so fucking tired of what. I'm, listen, I'm, I've had it up to here with it. Me too. Yeah. That's seasoned chicken.
Fucking gross.
Fucking smell like baloney. Yeah. Yeah. Hot dog water.
No, but you know, it's, it's interesting. So I mean that, you know, I saw this, you know, I saw this when it came out last night. You know, it was interesting. So is not much of this come out? I think the timing of everything is a little interesting, but, but maybe, maybe a little bit more to, more, more to come on that one.
Other things. Checking in on the global stage, Israel. They aborted their plan to carry out a retaliatory strike on Iran. Netanyahu decided not to proceed following a discussion with Biden. Not sure what the discussion was, but I'm sure it had something to do with money.
Either a package is being held or some type of something going on there. But it is interesting why the all stop was, was given and no go caught, no go signal was given. You know, Iran did launch more than 300 drones and missiles over the weekend in an unprecedented attack on Israel. And Biden told Netanyahu to know. And so I'm sure has something to do with aid packages, which let's talk about eight packages here for a second.
House GOP erupts into name calling and fresh threats. The Johnson over effort to pass aid. So right now there's a single bill measure going on to put more money in Ukraine. Right. And everybody's kind of up in arms, of course, because nobody wants more money to go to Ukraine.
This is CNN's article. They're actually trying to threaten Mike Johnson, the speaker, to step down. Threatening. They're going to kick him out of his position if he tries to push this through because for whatever reason, he's kind of flagship in this effort. Right wing lawmakers are ramping up their threats to remove Speaker Mike Johnson from his role after Johnson's supporters pushed him to make it harder to oust him from the speakership.
Seen in another articles reported Thursday morning that according to multiple GOP sources, Johnson is being lobbied by his members to raise the threshold required to trigger the procedure to oust the speaker. So they're really trying to get him out right now with that because of this bill that they're trying to pass to give more money to Ukraine. Now, Major Taylor Greene, she just put in some, some new amendment suggestions to this bill. Why do you always call her majory? What is it?
It's Marjorie. Oh, see that r in there for the j? Oh yeah. Oh, that's fine. They fuck up my name all the time.
That's because your name is like Davioni, right? Yeah. Right. And that what it is? Majory.
William Bates
Yeah, the r is silent. Devioni oni. Yeah, Marjorie. Okay. I'm sorry, MTG, but she put in amendments in this bill that members who vote for the aid would have to go conscript to the ukrainian army.
Andy Frisella
I like that. I like it. Absolutely. I think that's how it should be. That's how it should be.
Kids too. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced an amendment to a foreign aid bill to require members of Congress who vote in favor of providing aid to Ukraine to join the country's military. The Republican Georgia congresswoman proposed amendments to the long negotiated foreign aid bills for Ukraine and Israel on Wednesday night after House Speaker Mike Johnson told representatives that they would vote on three separate bills. A further bill is being put forward by the Indo Pacific region, including military funding for Taiwan. Green, who has long argued against providing any further funding to Ukraine, introduced three amendments to the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations act.
One of her amendments states that any member of Congress who votes in favor of this act shall be required to constrict in the ukrainian military. So my good pass might not. I don't know, but that's how a fucking should be. Absolutely, dude. I agree, man.
You know, these people send other people's children to die, you know, for these wars that don't end up meaning anything, that end up just making them a whole bunch of money and taking a whole bunch of money out of our pockets, which is double salt in the wound, right? You take their kids and you take their money and you make them poor. And these people are out of control, dude. They're running wild. They're.
They're out of control. They. They are drunk on their own power and there needs to be some. Some constraints and limitations and maybe if something like this were to happen, they think twice about having to go to war. Yeah, that should be for any, any war.
I agree. Yeah. Not just funding it, but like any conflict that we get into. Yeah. Nobody supports this man.
Nobody supports this man. Nobody. Nobody. Go back a few, a few slides back. One more.
Oh, the Netanyahu conversation. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think that, I think that didn't just have to do with money. I think it also had to do with, you know, Joe Biden's in a very unique position right now because a lot of his leftist base is pro Palestine.
So they got themselves twisted up a lot right now, you know, and it's, it's interesting. And I don't think they can navigate out of it at this point in time, you know, so, you know, I don't think those, like, do you see any of these pro Palestine people voting for Biden? No, I don't think so either. I don't think they'll vote for Trump, but I just think they probably won't vote. Yeah.
William Bates
Yeah. Yeah. That's a good point. Yeah. It is such a, it's so interesting how the left always finds themselves in these, like now.
Andy Frisella
I think a lot of pro Palestin Stein people will vote for Trump. Yeah. But I'm just saying, which would, might be kind of weird because he's very, he's pro Israel, but, you know, it's going to be interesting. I think Biden's got himself in a pretty big bind with his own, with. His, I would say, I mean, like, I would say, yeah, Trump's pro Israel, but I also don't think that means he's like anti Palestine.
You know what I'm saying? He still doesn't believe that they should be. Trump's policy says he's pro humanity. Right. That's what I'm saying.
Yeah. One interview where he said, I'm tired of people dying. Yeah, exactly this, that. I'm tired of seeing people die. I'm tired of paying for it.
Yeah. Because, like, people, that's the other thing. People don't, people forget to like, you know, all those, those drones and all of those missiles that Iran just fired, guess who gets, who's, guess who bought that shit. Oh, yeah, dude, we did. We were.
That was from that $6 million. That's right. Elliot Davis, you paid for it. You.
And then we're also paying for the fucking shit. To shoot the shit down. Yeah. We're paying for Americans. The american citizens are paying for these wars that they do not believe in or want.
And then, and then they, we go to the gas station. We can't afford gas. We go to the grocery store, dude. The average Americans paying like $9,000 more to live than they were just two years ago. You see what I'm saying?
And, like, dude, we're paying for this shit that we don't want. These people are completely. And I'm not talking Democrats. I'm talking all of them. They're completely off the reservation and out of touch with what the american people want.
And everybody should remember this come election time, not just for the presidential election, but for all. Everyone. Yeah, man. It's. It's fucking stupid.
Yeah. Guys jumping on the conversation. Let us know what you guys think. Down. Yeah, I want to know how many of you guys think, like, legitimately.
Tell me. How many of you guys think that we should be paying for these wars out of our tax dollars at all? How many of you guys think that your tax dollars should be sent overseas for any reason at all, considering the shape of our own country? Please let me know. Cause I would like to get a temperature check on that.
Yeah, that's real shit, man. Well, speaking of the comments, let's go cruise some. Okay. We got some good ones today. Oh, do we?
Yeah, we do. This first comment, uh, it comes from at. I am DC 322. Okay. He says, I'll be honest, some of this issue talk about is too toxic to listen to early in the morning.
But do you, bro? And then one of our listeners replied, listen at night?
I love our listeners. Great. They're so fucking funny. Great. Respectful.
Yeah, bro. Hey, listen, nobody's begging you to listen. I'm not. I'm not twisting your arm, man. You didn't decline my invite.
I don't really care if you listen or not listen, but here's the thing I will say to you, bro, is as frustrating as it is for you to listen to, it's ten times more frustrating to have to come in here for me, being where I'm at in my life and have to talk about this. This is not what I want to do. I've worked my whole life to become successful in business, and honestly, it's hard for me to enjoy it when I know that the world is falling down. And the reason that I talk about these things is for people like you, brother, who are trying to come out here in the world and do things and create things and build things. And I'm an entrepreneur, and I recognize that in the current state of reality, it's going to be that much harder for an entrepreneur to build what I've been fortunate enough to build.
This country has treated me very well, and I want to protect that for guys like you, man. So I understand. Yeah, dude, some of it can get under your skin, and some of it can be frustrating, but sticking our heads in the sand and saying, hey, this is too toxic to listen to. I'm going to just go look over here. That's just going to ensure that we never get where we want to go.
So I can understand that, bro. And I can relate to that because I got to come in here and talk about it. And there's number of days that I come in here and talk about it, dude. And I leave here so angry that it really just ruins my day the rest of the day. So I feel that, man.
No disrespect, but, you know, we also have a responsibility as citizens to know what's going on, and that's why I do this, man. So I feel what you're saying. But, you know, we do got to pay attention, and we got to take action. Drink some coffee first. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I do love our guys telling. Them have a first form energy that'll get you going. Nah, man, that's not. You know, I get it. I get it.
William Bates
I'll wake up early in the morning. I need. I need this to get me through some of that. That cardio, bro. By the time I wake.
Andy Frisella
By the time I wake up, dude, you've already shared the show every day, dude. I look at will is the first dude that shares the show. That's real shit. The first dude. And I, by the way, I fucking really appreciate it.
William Bates
I appreciate you. Yeah, yeah. Well, we got one more. Gotta address some. Some bullshit.
Andy Frisella
Oh, okay. This comment. This comment comes from at Ryan Underscore Gawker. He says, let's get DJ some recognition for his jokes.
Now, I want you to look at these fucking comments from these assholes.
Nice try, DJ. Yeah, DJ. We ain't falling for it. DJ. Getting creative with the name.
Okay? Ryan Gawker, homie. Quote, I'm not DJ. He's just extremely funny and deserves a trophy and a huge bonus. Laying it on there.
Pretty thick there, DJ. Listen here, guys. Like when Kevin Grant, Kevin Durant had the fucked up. That is fucking awesome. Look how long this you need to hire Ryan Golka, aka yourself, to be your agent.
DJ's gonna come in and be like, I got an agent. He's right here.
Yeah, get him, dude. I love our people, bro. Like, when people fucking smart off in the comments, they just bury. And I do love how they got a sense of humor about. I love it.
I fucking love these guys. Oh, man. We appreciate all you guys. Real ass fans. Yeah.
No troll gosh, for, I appreciate you guys, man. Keep liking commenting and make sure you hit that. Subscribe. Well, you can see DJ at home. That was hilarious.
And he deserves a huge bonus.
I don't fucking care what you guys say.
5000 likes, I get a true running, running. Run that shit up. All right, let's keep moving. We got headline number two. Headline number two reads Megyn Kelly, stunned by Katie Couric comments about jealous Trump voters.
Megan Kelly is bad. Fucking. I love Megan. Yeah, Megan's awesome. And I did her show.
Yeah, I remember. Yeah, she needs to come on this one. Yeah, I'd love to have her on the show, bro. She's badass. She tells people what the fuck is.
Up, takes no shit. Yeah, yeah, leave no prisoners. I went on that first time and I didn't know, like, I didn't know like what the limits were, right? Like I didn't know if I could like say like I'd ask her in the show, I'm like, can I curse? And then like, cuz I didn't like watch much of her clips or anything.
William Bates
Yeah. And then I go to her clips, I'm like, holy shit, bro. She probably thinks I'm a bitch because I was so polite on the show. I thought you guys said he was fucking real. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
Hey, hey, have me back on. I give you the full, the full cannons. Yeah, fuck. I was, I try to be respectful when I go on other people's show because I don't know, but then I watch hers and I'm like, damn. All right, you left some on the table.
But, yeah, let's dive into this a little bit. So Megyn Kelly was left virtually speechless by Katie Couric's recent comments describing supporters of former President Donald Trump as driven by, quote, anti intellectualism. What's that mean? That means we're stupid. Yeah.
And so, like, we hate smart people or intelligent people. Is that what that means? You know what, I'm too dumb to know. I'm too anti intellectual to get that one. Kelly played a clip of a recent interview that Couric gave to Bill Maher on his podcast in which he described political polarization in the country.
Quote, talk about not getting it, Kelly said on Wednesday's editions of the Megyn Kelly show. Here is the clip she's referencing, Katie. Couric, who sat down with Bill Maher. And said the following. Take a listen to this.
And I feel like to your point, Bill, that socioeconomic disparities are a lot and class resentment is a lot. What? And anti intellectualism and elitism is what is driving many of these anti establishment, which are Trump voters or anti establishment voters. So I think that is a huge problem that we have to address. I mean, globalization and the transition from an industrial to a technological society.
I mean, and I don't know if you've ever been jealous of some, what someone else has or resentful. It is such a corroding and bitter almost bile feeling. Right? Yeah. That's not her first time.
Andy Frisella
That's not her first. That's not Katie's. Katie's first time. She once said that Trump supporters need to be deprogrammed. You guys remember that one?
The big tech and media push to see conservative thought weeded out of all the spaces they control is marching forward one day before President elect Joe Biden assumes office. So this was back in 2020 with a promise to heal unite Americans. During an appearance on Fridays on HBO is real time with, again, Bill Maher. Former CB's news anchor Katie Couric rebuked Republicans who failed to vote in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump and suggested that 74 million Americans who voted for the outgoing commander in chief need to be deprogrammed. Here's the clip.
Okay. And as much as I'm worried about these loons who break into government, I'm. Actually more worried about the loons who did get elected because, I mean, what do you do about these people? There's 147 Republicans in Congress who still don't concede that Trump lost the election. What do you do about people who are in the government who don't believe.
In our way of government? It is so shocking. Not only are they not conceding bill, but there's thoughts that there might have been some collusion among members of Congress. Some are refusing to go through magnometers, or whatever you call them, to check for weapons. They're not wearing masks during the siege.
I mean, it's really bizarre, isn't it, when you think about how AWOL so many of these members of Congress have gotten. But I also think some of them are believing the garbage that they are being fed 24/7 on the Internet by their constituents and they bought into this big lie. And the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump? Yeah, that's wild. So who's she talking about?
Andy Frisella
Who are the, who's she talking about? Well, she's talking about everybody that isn't in their little echo chamber class. Don't have purple hair. No, it's not even that. They don't care about those purple hair people.
No, they only care about themselves. They use those people to get an outcome. You know what I'm saying? It's interesting, though, when you listen to her talk, because she's so dumb. She doesn't understand how dumb she is.
You know, she's sitting here talking about the resentment of class and the jealousy of class. And those people created that intentionally. They're the ones that created class warfare. It is a fundamental element of Marxism and communism. And they're the ones when she mentions, you know, oh, the evolvement into globalization, that is communism, which is why they fucking hate you.
And we do hate you, by the way. And the reason that we do hate you is because you're a liar, you're a gaslighter. And she literally is sitting there on Bill Maher admitting that she is elite class and that everybody else is below her. And what do you think? Somebody who's been on tv her whole life, who probably thinks she's the biggest celebrity in the fucking world, you know, how else does she see the world?
You know, she sees regular people as people who clean her fucking toilets. She doesn't see it. Like, when was the last time she pumped her own gas or went out? In reality, when was the last time she walked the streets of middle America or one of these cities that is crumbling because of the policies that these people have put in place and the. Narrative she fucking perpetuated?
Not only that, bro, the money that these people are making off of that plight. So it's interesting to me for her to sit there and think that she's so intellectual. In reality, she's just telling on herself. What do you think, brother? I think they're projecting.
They're projecting. They're doing. Yeah, Trump and what they call the Maga. Republican. Yeah, like 100%.
William Bates
And then when she was talking about the feeling of being jealous and all that, she knows it. Yeah, she knows. She feels that every day, but, yeah, I just feel like it's blaming the other side for what they're actually doing. Yeah, I know you are, but what am I? Yeah, but dude, the thing is, is that what they're trying to create, the division that they propagate in, the division that they're trying to create, has now turned their focus onto these people.
Andy Frisella
And what we've seen over the last two years at least, is that this, this progressive movement, this leftist movement, which is different than a Democrat movement, okay? This is leftist progressiveness is borderline marxist slash communist. It's the crazy shit. Okay? We're not talking about reasonable Democrats from 20 years ago.
The Overton window has shifted so far left that when we say left, it actually means people that are off the spectrum of true democracy, you know, or a Republican. So when we, you know, when we look at these people and what they've done and what they propagate in terms of identity and class warfare and division, all that's happening is, is that it's starting to turn on themselves, which is, which is what we've seen over the last few years, right? We've seen their narratives crumble time after time after time. The stories crumble time after time after time. The people who they've been using, who they used in 16, 1718, 1920, and 21 to do all of this stuff, you know, make life super divisive over Trump, you know, the racial division, the division amongst gay and straight people, the division amongst, you know, wealthy people and middle class people.
They've done all this intentionally. And now those people who have been continually told all of these things are turning their focus on the people who have actually done it. So that's really what it is, dude. That's how I see it. You know, when she talks about these, these people who either anti into elections, they're anti.
No, we're just sick of your shit. Yeah, we're sick of your shit. And it's not like there's, you can't just like, look out into the crowd and be like, oh, that, that person's a, you know, because they like Trump. They're, that's not stupid. We're sick of your shit.
Right? And we all look different, bro. Like, we don't, we don't look the same. Here's, here's an example of somebody that's sick of the shit. Yeah.
This is a black woman in fucking Chicago. Yeah. The bluest of blue you could possibly get. And they're having a matte look at her t shirt. What does it say?
Chicago red. Look at her fucking hat. Right? She didn't vote Republican before this, this year. I guarantee it.
Right? But let's not. I'll show you she didn't. Okay. You know, and so, like, that's the thing.
And so, like, we're sick of the shit. We're sick of America. The american people are sick of being treated is third class citizens with the policies they put in, what they choose, what our government chooses to focus on and raise up. We're sick of it. We're fucking sick of it.
It's happening all over the country. And I love to bring awareness to it when it does. This headline reads, black Chicago voters rip mayor on extra $70 million for migrants as recall petition gathers steam infuriated black Chicago and showed up in force at a city council meeting on Wednesday to protest Mayor Brandon Johnson's request for an additional $70 million in taxpayer funds to be spent on tackling the city's migrant crisis. While a petition that would give residents the right to recall the mayor is gathering serious traction, the progressive mayor who has vigorously defended the city sanctuary policies in the past, wants alderman to green light the extra cash and a vote on Friday despite the windy city having already poured $300 million into housing, food and healthcare for the recently arrived illegals, according to the city's latest numbers. Here is the clip that Fox News covers.
Now to align yourself with somebody who's obviously a one term mayor, if he even makes it that far, you better be worrying about your job. You better be worrying about your longevity because we gonna vote and we gonna get you out. Cause you ain't doing right by us. That's what time it is.
Johnson's planned attack on another $70 million to migrant funding frustration building to the point that some voters are now working to get him out of office, as you heard that constituent there saying. Garrett Tenney, live in Chicago with the story. Hi, Garrett. Yeah, Dana, good morning to you. This migrant issue has been become an achilles heel for Mayor Brandon Johnson.
So much so that there are now multiple efforts underway to vote out Democrats and the mayor. We saw that yesterday at the city council meeting where several groups of black voters showed up wearing red shirts with the words, no more blue. Go red and turn Chicago red. Many of these folks are lifelong Democrats who are now actively working to shake up deep blue Chicago, specifically because of how the mayor and the governor have handled the migrant crisis, doling out more than a billion dollars so far for that. And here they are warning the mayor and city council about transferring another $70 million from the city's rainy day fund to take care of the migrants.
We need that money in my neighborhood. We need that on my block. So I'm asking y'all to use our tax money for our people. We need it. You vote for the money for these immigrants today and we coming for them seats.
You can believe that the police are. Fighting with them in the shelters that you guys are funding. You guys think it's a great idea. But yeah. It'S getting attacked.
Currently, state law does not allow voters to recall Chicago's mayor. But after seeing how Mayor Johnson's first year has gone with the migrants in crime. A new group wants to change that by getting a referendum on the ballot this November. That would pave the way to voting Johnson out. Yeah.
Andy Frisella
You know, and the crazy thing is, too, is like, you know, speaking about these. These illegals, they're asking for more, bro. Like I said, with all the sanctuary cities, it's been over a billion dollars right now that has been into all these things, and that's not enough. They're not asking. They're demanding.
They're demanding. They're demanding. That's right. I saw this yesterday. What you're about to talk about demanding.
Let's get into it. Yeah. Yeah, they're demanding it. What do we got on this, guys? Well, did you see the rally yesterday, the protest?
There was 1000 migrants there. And it was. It was very, very, very similar to the Soros organized BLM riots. They had a migrant up there with a megaphone. They were doing chants.
All the shirts, the signs. Yeah, dude, they had. And they were all the same signs. You know what I'm saying? Like, I still believe that what we're.
What we're going to have this summer is. Is a conflict of migrants similar to what we have with. With the summer of 2020. Only this time it's going to be migrants. It's definitely ramping up.
You see it more and more, man, like, cases of these. These illegals that are, you know, killing american citizens and getting off or walk it scot free or getting, like. It's increasing for sure. That's saying it nicely. Well, yeah, I think.
And I think they're doing that to raise the level of animosity between the two, which I don't know that you could really raise it anymore because people are sick of it, you know? And like that lady said, and she's very, very, very true or very accurate, you know, our money should go to our neighborhoods. And I, you know, I obviously can't speak for the black communities anywhere, but if I were a black person in a black community, I would be more pissed than anybody else because they come in every fucking four years and they talk about how they're going to build schools and build infrastructure and fund things and do all these things, and they never do any of it. They just take the money. And I would say, my.
My only thing to this is, you know, anybody who's switching their perspective on who they're going to vote for, you have to be careful and don't be one of these people that just votes red. Make sure you. Yeah, right. Like, I understand the saying, but there are people who. Who are Republicans also, who are cut from the same cloth of these people that are Democrats.
And so we have to be careful to make sure that we do our research, see who the real patriots are, see who the real Americans are, see who the people are that actually care about us and our neighborhoods and our people and american citizens. And, I mean, this is definitely nice to see, but, you know, we got to be careful not to just blindly vote for people either. Yeah. And I haven't seen those two before, but there's. There's been different clips with one lady in particular who's spoke out of these town hall meetings saying, hey, crime's already high.
William Bates
You know, we need this money here in our communities. And you giving it to the migrants, you putting them up in places to stay, everything like that. Hey, tell Donald. Donald Trump to come Holly at us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that, too.
Yeah. And, you know, a lot of people getting sick and tired of it, just unfortunately, 70 million. Like, I think it's way more than that. Oh, yeah, no, it's 3300 has already. Just, in Chicago alone, there are 300 million.
And that's an additional 70. And this is an additional 70 that's actually. That's supposed to be kept for emergency situations. Yeah. For Chicagoan.
And he ain't even been there that long. No, he hasn't even been in a full year.
Andy Frisella
What do you guys think the change has been for the black communities? Because it's definitely. There is definitely momentum change happening. You know, when we. When we looked at 2020, I think it was only like six to 9% of the black community voted for Trump.
And now they're talking like 40, 50%. Right. So what. What do you think that is? Or what's spurring that?
I know, I know. You guys could probably speak for everybody. Yeah. I mean, as a chairman of.
William Bates
The black delegation. Yeah, that's right. I'm sure will's getting more than me. For sure.
Everybody come after me in the comments. No, they're getting hit in the pocketbooks. Yeah. Like everybody else. Oh, yeah.
But, I mean, can't afford this, can't afford that. And then, you know, inflation, everything else like that, it's like, damn, I was already struggling. Now I'm about to struggle even more. But now y'all putting these people up. Y'all, you know, helping everybody else out except the american people.
Like, like, enough's enough. Yeah, I think that was a big deal. Was like. Cause, like, you saw this, like, string of the narrative switching for, like, reparations. That was a big, big, big talk for a minute, right?
Andy Frisella
And then immediately following that, this illegal immigration situation comes in and they see. All this money going in, all of. This money that, you know, black. The black community has been crying for reparations for years. And, listen, I'm.
I don't think we need it, right. However, if we were going to do it, you know, I'm saying, like, if that was going to be an actual conversation that we laid out, it's like those conversations have not happened in decades, right. But then, you know, we can get these illegal immigrants that come in and they get all of it. A billion dollars has already went to aiding these causes. Right?
And so it's like, I think that was a major wake up for a lot of people. Like, well, holy shit, like, we've been crying. And then the same people that, you know, are telling us and promising us all of this hope and change. You know, these new people come in and you immediately take to them and you're giving them thousands of dollars a month free credit cards. I think a lot of black people just felt fucking abandoned.
And I think that's what sparked a lot of that change, man. Yeah, well, you showing them you got the money, it's just like flesh. Hey, you have the money right here or whatever, but it ain't coming to you like we promised.
William Bates
Absolutely. It's interesting to me because, you know, when they. When they. They make. You know, if you think back to when Trump was in office and he wanted to build that wall.
Andy Frisella
Right? $5 billion. Yeah, for 5 billion. Right. That's it.
And they made the migrant issue a racism issue. Right, right. And it was a hispanic issue. Mexico. Right.
Well, they made it a race. A race issue. And it's interesting because, like, when they made. It's almost like if you look back, it's like they made this a race issue so that the black community would. Would not really tie the two together because when they hear racism, it's just racism.
Right? And. And it wasn't until these people showed up in their fucking neighborhood and they're like, wait a minute. Yeah.
Now all of a sudden they racist.
But look, dude, you know, like, this is. This is, you know, for. For two years, DJ and I got called all kinds of names. Cause we were talking about this. And guys, this is what we were talking about.
You know what I mean? And it's just. We just gotta get back to understanding that America is for everybody, bro, and it's not for these people who come here illegally. It's not for the criminals of the other countries of the world. It's not for 10 million military age males that are going to come harass our women and fuck with our communities.
Those people got to go. But for us who have been born here, black, white, asian, latino, we're all the same, bro. We all bleed red. And we need to be working together in a unified fashion to keep our country safe. And that's.
It's starting to happen. But. But, dude, like, you know, if these people go to get deported, I don't think people understand, like, what that's gonna look like. Yeah. You know, that's gonna not be a.
It's not gonna be a fun thing to look at. And they're gonna turn this into another big race issue because of that. Because, like, bro, they're gonna. They're gonna have to put checkpoints and, like, check papers. Yeah, dude.
And they're gonna tie it in. They're gonna. Those ids, right? When Trump starts doing that, they're gonna be like, oh, look, he's Hitler. You know what I'm saying?
And, you know, that's what they call him in the White House. Did you see that come out? What? Trump's nickname in the White House is Hitler Pig. I mean, that doesn't surprise me.
I'm just saying I could have came up with, like, something a little bit more zingier. Yeah, well, dude, you know, and then they're talking about him banning books and burp, like, in Florida. They're burning books. Yeah, dude, but they never. Gay ones.
Yeah, they never, they never say. They never say what the books are. You know, they try to. They try to say, oh, well, the books are like the life of Jody catcher in the ride. We can't have it, dude.
William Bates
Not how to change your gender without your parents permission, dude. Exactly. And, dude, if you go back to the book burning that happened in the thirties, and, like, did people get mad. When you say this book? Same books that got burned in the.
Andy Frisella
Thirties type of books. Yeah, I'll do. That's why they call him Hitler, bro, because there's a lot of parallels there. There's also a lot of complete polar opposite viewpoints. But just because we want to remove information that isn't appropriate for our kids, we don't let our kids get fucking tattoos when they're three.
We don't let kids watch porn when they're fucking three. We don't let kids drink alcohol when they're three. So why are we letting grown men go in there and shake their dicks. Why are we letting these people read kids books that have blow jobs and fucking? And then they say, well, they got to learn about it sometimes, bro.
You learn about it when you learn about it when you start going through puberty, right? You fucking assholes are stealing these kids childhoods, man. When I was a kid, bros out playing in the dirt, man. I was, like, digging holes and fucking, you know, being a kid. Yeah.
You know, and they didn't. I don't know what you guys did, but that's what we did. We dug holes.
At crack. Yeah, dude, we place real shit. Yeah. We played. Like.
We played baseball in the yard. We played, you know, dude, we weren't thinking about, like, any of this stuff. Like, I didn't even know, you know, like, I didn't even know, like, anything until I was, like, I started hitting puberty and shit, you know? And. And even then, bro, it still has to be done in a very responsible manner.
Yeah, but, dude, part of, like, they. These people's argument is, well, they got to learn about it because that. Because if they don't, they won't know what this is. Well, no shit. Because it's not fucking natural.
Right? You're not allowing them to go out and, like, experience their first kiss or, you know, learn about what they are into or what they're not into or, like, what they, like. Like, yeah, dude, okay. Someone turns 1314 years old, and, you know, maybe they are gay, okay? But they discover that they're not fucking told that from the time they're three or with some of these crazy, abusive parents who hold up their infant like, our infant is trans.
I knew it. Yeah. I just posted a video the other day of a little girl who was eight, and she didn't want to go through female puberty and stuff like that. So her parents like, okay, well, you know, you can go on the hormone blockers and shit like that or whatever, and she's eight. It's like, how does insane.
William Bates
You know what I'm saying? It's insane. It's wild. And to go back to the migrant thing, not only, you know, is some of the stuff they're doing a slap in the face to black people, but also the immigrants that came over legally, you know, that's. That's a lot of stuff I get in my comments when I was talking about this stuff.
People be like, no, we came over here the right way, did this, this, this and that. Fuck all the legal shit, like, come through. Like, we had to focus on a. Lot of those people, really take that shit takes years. Yeah.
And money and they're, they're paying, you know, pay certain things or whatever kind of get through and everything and people coming over just to get. And getting a check, getting the place to stay and all that, when like. Fuck, I should have waited five years, right? Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Andy Frisella
What do you think, dude? What do you think about that? Having go through that whole process and seeing all these people come over? Yeah, I think it's a little bit unfair. I mean, even, like, I pride myself in being a hardworking person and just seeing someone.
I know the process it takes to get. Get the citizenship and, you know, it's a long process. There's a lot of bullshit. Kind of. It goes throughout the way.
And just seeing people come here and not only come here, but also disrespect the land, it's. It's very disheartening. Yeah, I mean, it's. I mean, I. I'm with you.
I think it should be harsh. I think we should just round him up and send them back to fuck. Yeah, no, let's do it. That's coming from our immigrant. Yeah.
Our legal illegal immigrant. Damn. Thank you for that. No, but listen, real shit, though, I'm gonna forget. Foreshadow some shit on this, this Chicago stuff, right?
Because they're trying to do this. Recall that they're putting in. Right. Here's the thing. There's already been precedents set for this.
New York City has already, I believe, put the bill in to get this done. They're going to give those migrants the right to vote in Chicago in their local elections in hopes that they'll overwhelm whatever. Recall that. You know, the actual Chicago and american people are tired of. They're going to give those migrants the right to vote in Chicago.
Mark my words. Oh, I think they're gonna try to give them the vote. The right to vote nationally. Yeah, yeah. See, like, nationally, I'm not.
I feel like the supreme Court will have jurisdiction over that, but they don't have jurisdiction over local, local level election. So they're gonna start there for sure. And then once they build up enough precedents. Well, don't you think they're gonna try to get these people amnesty and citizenship before November? 100%.
100%. There's gonna be a mass fucking. Yep. They're handing these people flyers along the way through Mexico reminding them to vote for Biden. Listen, dude, Hillary daughter, Hillary Clinton's daughter runs one of the NGO's that is doing that shit, passing those flyers out.
Yeah. And think, think about this from a fundamental, like, reality perspective. They ruined the lives of so many american citizens that they. That the american citizens say, hey, we're not voting for you anymore. We're not with it anymore.
Just like those women said on tv there. And then these people are such pieces of shit that they say, well, you know what? We don't need those people. We'll just import more people and we'll give them the right to vote and we'll stay in power and we'll be able to continue to do these things. Like, this is the level of arrogance and elitism that we're dealing with.
These people think they are the rulers of us. And until people come together and unify and understand what we are up against, this is not left, right that we are up against. This is an establishment of elitism and people who believe that they are better than us, who are imposing their will whether we like it or not. They are creating a scenario where our vote does not matter so that they can continue to profit and they can continue to stay in power. That's what's happening, dude.
So, like, doesn't matter where you come from or what party you voted for or who you identify with politically, your vote's going to be irrelevant because of what these people are doing. And that's. Dude, that's, to me, that's treason. Like, you're ignoring the will of the people and intentionally making a situation where we don't have control over our own country anymore. These people are not Americans.
These are pe do. Seven out of ten of these people are military age males, okay? And we have these scenarios of women all over. And it's. This is another interesting sort of, like, how they used racism to let these people, to create the social acceptance for these people to come here.
A lot of these upper middle class white women who vote for all this progressive shit but live in their little McMansion out in the fucking, you know, the burbs. Yeah. And they don't ever touch reality, right? And they think they're being noble and they think they're being kind and they think they're being big hearted. Those are the people that are getting attacked by the migrants.
And now they're like, well, where are the men? Well, remember what you did for the last ten years where you ran around and said you don't need any men and that men are toxic and toxic masculinity and me too. And all this shit to suppress men's opinions and their presence in general? Like, do you remember that? You know, we see these these dudes, you know, swimming in pools with girls and winning championships and, you know, beating girls up in sports, and we got these suburbanite moms saying, where are the men?
Well, you fucking silenced the men for ten years. Now you want them back? Like, dude, let us do what the fuck we're supposed to do. And stop thinking that you're overly virtuous by voting for things that you have no reality or no concept of what's actually going on. You know?
Like, if you don't actually know what's going on, then just don't fucking vote. You know what I'm saying? Like, just choose not to vote. You don't know because your vote. And you guys that go to brunch and stick your fucking pinkies up and brag to your friends about, you know, how virtuous you are, you're fucking creating these scenarios that you're complaining about.
You don't even realize it. Yeah, it's real shit, man. Real shit. Guys. Let's keep the show moving.
We got headline number three. This is a. This is a good one to see. This is a good one to see. We talked a little bit about, you know, our young generation of kids that are obviously being targeted, you know, and being.
Having these narratives and ideologies pushed down the throats. There's a. There's a pushback from those kids. Nice. This is good to see.
This headline reads, furry infestation. Middle school students walk out in protest after school leaders allow furries to terrorize them. They bite, scratch, bark, chew on sticks, have a kitty litter box and bathroom, and you got middle school students that are protesting this, and they walk out the school. This is. This is awesome.
Let's dive into this. So middle school students at Mount Nebo school in Payson, Utah, held a walkout protest today against unhinged school officials that allow furries to terrorize them at school. Students report in the video below that the furries bite, scratch, and bark at them. Furries also chew on sticks in class and have. A kitty litter box was set up in the girls restroom for them to use.
So for those of you guys that don't know what a furry is, these are furries. Okay? These are people who dress up as dogs and cats with tail. Some not as creative as these costumes. And they believe they are these animals.
William Bates
But these are grown people, right? These are adults, and there's kids.
Andy Frisella
And so they're. They're over it. They're completely over it. So in the. There's a video.
This guy, his twitter handle is life is driving. He did this whole expose on the story, but he also noted that they are required to keep distance from furries, whereas the same rules do not apply for the furry. So there the school is telling these kids that, hey, if you don't like it, just keep distance from them. Right. But they're not telling the furries to stop fucking with the kids.
Right. The protesting youth believe that the school's tolerance stems from the principal whose child happens to be a furry. This is insane. The children are the adults here. Here's the clip from some of those protests that where the students are calling this stuff out.
So are they wearing a mask every. Day, but every time they go, they're always just wearing a mask. But the principal finally stood up and banned those stuff. But they had. But they still wear them every day and they don't get in trouble.
The principal doesn't get to make them get in trouble. Yeah. All the principal says is just be kind, be nice, be nice. What's the point of dressing up like a furry?
They think they're so cool that they want shit so people can come at them and just look at them to think that they're so cool. Okay. Are you guys gonna be in trouble for walking out of school today?
Andy Frisella
Your parents know you guys are out here? Yes.
I heard that was just a rumor.
So we can't talk or say anything to the furries or even look at them, but they can come look at us and they can say stuff to us and touch us.
Andy Frisella
Interesting. That sounds like a double standard to me. Yes. Okay, you guys stay on the sidewalk of. Okay, yeah.
Now, KTVX, say something. Yeah, yeah, I got a couple things. Say number one. Now I know why I don't have fucking kids. Holy shit.
How do you people with kids do that? That is how it is. Oh, my God. That is how it is. Bro.
I gotta go. I gotta go do a cold plunger. Holy shit. Is that giving you anxiety? Yeah.
Second of all, if I was fucking furries, I'd stay a hundred miles away from them kids. Or maybe bite them. Maybe that's why they're biting them. Yeah, dude. Holy cow, man.
Some people just built for it, and I ain't one of them. Listen, it is tough. It is tough, but yeah, so, so KTV X, they did an article on this. They posted it to Fox, I'm sorry. To Yahoo.
This was their title, students of walk out of Utah Middle school to protest furries. Now let's see what the school officials are saying because they did respond. Made a couple of statements. So let's dive into this. So, quote, a lot of the information that's been put out there is completely incorrect and inaccurate, Nebo School District public information officer Seth Sorensen told ABC Four.com.
While Sorensen said there have been issues with harassment or students making others feel uncomfortable or unsafe, he said most of the claims online are false. The administration at the school addressed that with the entire student body and they cut out a couple of emails. Sorensen said some of those emails were misinterpreted and parents took to online formats to voice some of their concerns and questions. Sorensen said students are not dressing up as cats and dogs and because there is a dress code in place, he doesn't think videos that have been shared online from Nebo schools. Sorensen emphasized that the main goals of the district are open communication and student safety.
He continues saying, quote, today we had some students and parents choose to exercise their right to assemble and do a little protest for they perceived was something that was happening in the school. Sorensen said, quote, it's actually, it actually is not something that's been occurring. So the reports of students dressing as animals are, quote, a little bit inaccurate. Saying students wearing headbands with ears are similar to students wearing bow bows sports jersey. Sorensen said dressing up is, quote, just what students of this age do.
Quote, interestingly enough, they really didn't address us with anything they wanted change or instant said of the protesters. I think they are very clear on what they want to change. They're very, very clear, even though they're their signs. Like, the kids weren't complaining about them dressing up. They tired of getting bit and shit.
Very, very simple. Like this one sign of the green one there says we just want to learn. Yeah, and even if it's a few, that's a few too many. Like how many times, you know, one is too many. Yeah.
William Bates
If my kids are getting bit at school, it's a problem. Yeah, not only that, dude. I mean, like, where are we? What are we trying to accomplish with allowing this? Exactly.
Andy Frisella
You know, part of going to school is learning how to function in real society. I'm gonna tell you right now, if one of these motherfuckers here showed up dressed like a fucking furry, they wouldn't have a fucking job tomorrow. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like, that's it. That's real shit.
Yeah. Like, you know, I'd say, hey, what the fuck? Well, here in reality, we probably laugh our asses off for a day. Yeah, but like, if you show once. You realize they were serious.
Yeah, it'd be over, dude, you're going home. You ain't coming back. And you could sue me or whatever the fuck you want, right? And I don't care. You know, I think that's a lot of what drives this.
I think people are scared. You know, for the last number of years, and I would say the last decade, the outrage, the selective outrage and the canceling and the social pressure has come from the far left group of people, right, who include these mentally ill people that do this kind of stuff. And, you know, it includes all these people that are Zzerv zooms, you know, Zuzus and wim whims, boozies and koozies. You know, like, what am I? I'm a little Debbie's.
Yeah. A little Debbie slash hostess. Big Debra, bro. Y'all motherfuckers are not weird. Mentally ill.
For real, all of you, okay? Like, you're not in reality. And we don't have to play with you. We don't have to. You.
You are a fucking weirdo, okay? And we are not weirdos. Like, real talk. Like, there are men and there are women. And just because I don't want to play pretend with you does not make me a bigot.
It makes me an understanding. Understanding of reality. An adult. Yeah. I just saw some shit today where people talking about their genders change with seasons.
Dude, was that you? The post that seasonal gender, what was it called? It was a seasonal genderism or something. Like, I'm gay in the summer, but straight in the winter. It's kind of, like, different.
William Bates
And the girl explaining, she's like, oh, this is new to me. So it was fucked up for her.
Andy Frisella
What do you think she looked like? You already know. What do you think she look like? DJ describer. Who?
The person under that. No, no, no. I'm being honest. Like, give me. Give me your best shot.
Okay. All right. What she look like? We're gonna go. She's.
She was probably about five foot four. We couldn't tell because it was just her face. That confirms it. That also means she's probably about 500 pounds. She looked a little chubby.
Does she have purple hair? Was a blue or something? It was close to purple. She had really, really bad grease face. Acne.
Accurate? Yeah. Am I right so far? I mean, it's pretty close. Pretty spot on.
White. Yeah, she was white. Few piercings. She had a piercings. Hey, that's pretty good, bro.
That was pretty fucking spot on. You win common sense, dude. But, like, we don't have to. We don't have to. Like, here's what people don't understand, right?
They say, they say to us, you're a bigot. You're against these people. Yes, I am. And you're fucking weird. Here's why, though.
If you want to be you and this and be yourself, and that's how you want to be cool, but realize that people are going to look at you like your fucking weirdo. And here's why. Because you are enforcing yourself preferences on every other person around you, and people don't like that. Nobody likes being told to pretend. And there is a, there is damage that's done to the person that pretends, and people don't talk about that.
Like when you lie to yourself or you pretend something is true that isn't true, you are violating your own integrity. You are violating what you know to be true, to appease someone else, which lowers your self worth and your belief in yourself and your trust in yourself. So I'm not going to play your game because I want to feel good that I have my integrity in check and that I am going to tell the truth about what I know to be true. And nobody talks about that aspect of it. It's not harmless.
And on top of it, this is designed to remove all sense of identity in any situation, which is the beginning of removing reality. In all, in all cases, if a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man, then what else? What else is on the table for discussion? Everything else up is down, right? Exactly.
So, you know, bro, these people, this shouldn't be allowed at all. School should be a place. Like, there should be a dress code. You know, when I went to school, bro, you had to wear a certain kind of pants and a certain kind of shirt. And if you didn't, bro, you, they sent you home, you know what I'm saying?
Like, there was this kind of shit wasn't allowed. We weren't allowed to. Like, we were there to learn. We were there to learn about life and learn how to execute and do these. These people are being intentionally handicapped so that they're nonfunctional in the real world when they become of age, so that they are one of these people that becomes dependent on a universal basic income in the government, which means they have to vote for the communist marxist progressive side to survive.
So they're manufacturing voters through creating people who are not able to function in society. And it starts with seemingly harmless shit like this that people can't connect three or four dots ahead. They just say, oh, what difference does it make? They're not hurting anybody. Well, actually, it makes a pretty big difference.
William Bates
They're starting them early, they said, the principal, telling them, oh, just be nice to him. Just be nice. Whatever. And grooming them for later on in life. Like, oh, well, you know, I'm.
Just be nice and just allow this person just walk all over me with their beliefs. I remember this when I was in. Exactly. The thing that kills me with a lot of these people is, you know, be like, oh, they just don't like me like this. Or they'll equate it to being, like, black.
Like, they don't like us like, black people. Oh, like, how do we get.
Andy Frisella
It? Is it how that do with this, bro? It is interesting how that that LGBTQIa seven zoo zoo Zazi movement, like, tries to include black people. Yeah, absolutely.
Why? Are you gay? I'm not gay. Yeah, no, you are. You are gay.
No, I think. I guess. I think it's just cool to see the young generation. Like, I think this is fucking cool from these kids. As hard as that was to listen to, I think it's awesome that I.
Think every kid in America should go home and not go back to school at all, every single one, until this shit is out of their schools. Yeah. Period. The schools will fucking. They will.
They will fail. Yeah. You know what I mean? They'll give. Because tax dollars going to that school is just a small percentage, like, the parents, they need.
Yeah. Your parents know you're out here? Yeah, a few of the parents were out there. Yeah. Yeah.
You know, so it's good. But like, that. Yeah, 100%. Because, bro, the schools, they get money off of those kids actually being in the seats. Well, you know, the tail is wagging the dog.
These people are not the majority. Right. They're a small fraction of the minority. And once the dog figures out that the tail is wagging the dog, this will end. And that's what's happening.
People are figuring it out. They're like, you know what? I don't see any of this shit in the real world. And then when they do see it, it's one fucking weirdo out of every 10,000 people they see. Well, you know what?
We don't have to listen to those people. We don't have to abide by their rules. Their bullying doesn't work online anymore. No one cares. Like, dude, we get called every name in the book, and it's funny.
You know what I mean? Like, yeah. Well, what's wrong with you? Like, I saw this comment on. On.
On one of our local newspapers pages, Dylan Mulvaney speaking at SLU. Did you see that? And somebody want to go, no, they posted, she is speaking at. And someone posted he with the asterisk. And then the comment was, so you're a transphobe.
And the comment back was, whatever the fuck you want to call me, I don't give a shit. And that comment got like 700 likes. Like, no one cares. Like, bro, y'all bullying everybody ain't working anymore. You need to shut the fuck up because the more you bully us, the more aggressive the backlash is going to be.
Just leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. Stay out of our fucking schools. Stay out of jamming this shit down our throat. You know, like all the gay people that aren't with this shit, you need to be extra vocal so you don't get tied into it. You know what I mean?
This isn't. This is bullshit. It's crazy. I always think it's funny. I'll make a video on race or me saying, I didn't think that was racist.
William Bates
And never fails. You have your white guy or white lady. You're like, you Uncle Tom.
Andy Frisella
Yeah. Wait a minute. That's not racist.
William Bates
People normally go after them. They should. Yeah, those people. Those people should be called out and abused and made fun of. Like, bro, these people at this point in time, like.
Andy Frisella
And look, dude, I am against this fundamentally. But for a short period of time, these people need to be bullied back. They need to be bullied into fucking submission, and they need to be made fun of, and they need to be told, shut the fuck up. And until we do that on mass scale, this will not go away. Look, dude, you know, people like to.
Like we talked about when Chandler was on. You know, people like to turn the other cheek because they have tolerance, right? They think that. And this is why they have pressed the idea of tolerance on a society for the last 15 years so hard, right? And now all of us people who know what the truth is, we have.
We have been tolerant, right? We've been very tolerant. We knew this shit was crazy when we first saw it. Absolutely. Like, ten years ago.
We're like, oh, the fuck. This is fucking weird. You know? And we didn't say anything because we're trying to be tolerant. And now look where we are with it.
Now we're the bigots. Now we're the bad people because we've tolerated them to have enough social traction and enough power to start to suppress our voices and not care what we want. And the reality is, is you guys are the minority. We're the majority. We're tired of being bullied.
And. And if and for people to stop it for good, it's time to start destroying these people on the Internet. That's the truth. And I'm not saying go to their house. I'm not saying doc, so I'm not saying beat them up, but I am saying that when they come online with their dumb shit, they need to not come online again with their dumb shit.
Yep. Guys jumping on this conversation down in the comments, let us know what you guys think. That being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a.
Bring something up. We talk about it to get one of those two options. And so, with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline is just a tweet. And we got a clip. Tweet reads philly man arrested by twin brother.
Got the video. All right, here's clip.
They're laughing.
Only in Philadelphia. Look at them both laughing.
William Bates
I mean, he probably just showed up with some other officer. He's like, you fucked up. You know that, right? Yeah, I know. They were probably on the inside.
Andy Frisella
Everybody, hey, you want to take me out? I would hate to do it, but if I had to do it, I would want to be the one to do it. Well, bro, listen, they seem like it. Was because, of course, cops beat up black people. So it's like, I would make sure that didn't happen and I would take care of them.
Huh. Hmm. Where?
Dude, I don't know. I think that's. I think that's pretty funny. Yeah. Yeah.
Hopefully it's not nothing too serious. Yeah. Do we know. Do we know what it was for? Ain't nobody's just laying in there, and they come out smiling like, hold on, this is weird.
That's gonna be on the Christmas card.
Oh, man. With the caption too, right? Oh, dude, that's. I think that's thumbs up, man. Yeah, two thumbs up.
That'll work. All right, well, guys, Andy, Will. That's all I got. Yeah. Will, thanks for coming through, man.
William Bates
Thank you for having me. I appreciate everything that you do, dude. Likewise. Guys, make sure you follow will on his Instagram account. Will be inspired.
Andy Frisella
He puts out some of the best content online. He's. He's getting more and more popular. I think you guys will really enjoy his stuff and support what he's got going on. Let him know what you.
What your movement is and your charity is. Again, it's a will be inspired warriors fitness fund to support military veterans. First responders and their families. Will be inspired on Instagram or will be inspired.com for more information. Yeah, guys, give him some support, dude.
This is a good man who does a lot of good things, and we got to support our people. So check them out. Give him a follow, and don't be a ho. Show? The show went from sleeping on the floor?
William Bates
Now my jury box froze? Fuck up bowl? Fuck up stove? Counted millions in a cold, bad bitch? Booted swole?
Got up on bank roll? Can't fold? Just a no headshot? Case closed?
Andy Frisella
Case closed?
William Bates
Case closed?
Andy Frisella
Case closed?