Dan Bongino: Haley Endorses Trump, Butker's Speech & The Death of Cable News | PBD Podcast | Ep. 413
Primary Topic
This episode of the PBD Podcast features Dan Bongino discussing a variety of political and cultural issues, including Nikki Haley's endorsement of Donald Trump, Harrison Butker's speech, and the ongoing changes within the cable news industry.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- Political endorsements can have significant impacts on public and party sentiment.
- The decline of cable news is driven by technological advancements and shifts in consumer behavior.
- Economic policies and decisions remain a central concern for the average American, influencing political leanings.
- The episode highlights the importance of understanding media trends in the context of political communication.
- Discussions on economic policies reveal deep concerns about inflation and interest rates affecting everyday lives.
Episode Chapters
1. Introduction to the Episode
Bongino is introduced, highlighting his background and the topics to be discussed. Key focus on Haley’s endorsement and the state of cable news. Dan Bongino: "I think you learn more in life by losing than winning."
2. Discussion on Political Endorsements
Analysis of Nikki Haley’s endorsement of Trump and its implications for the Republican party. Dan Bongino: "I’d be actually disappointed if he said the opposite."
3. The Future of Cable News
Insight into the changing landscape of media, particularly the shift from traditional cable to digital platforms. Dan Bongino: "Cable news is dying... Everything is going to be a video under house."
4. Economic Policies and Public Impact
Exploration of economic policies, inflation, and how these factors influence voter decisions. Dan Bongino: "It's the economy, stupid."
Actionable Advice
- Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself on political endorsements and their implications.
- Media Literacy: Adapt to new media technologies and platforms to stay connected with current events.
- Economic Awareness: Keep abreast of economic policies that directly affect your finances.
- Critical Consumption: Critically evaluate the news and information, especially related to politics and economy.
- Community Engagement: Engage in discussions and community activities that help clarify and debate political views.
About This Episode
Patrick Bet-David, Tom Ellsworth & Vincent Oshana are joined by political commentator Dan Bongino as they cover Nikki Haley endorsing Donald Trump, the outrage over Chief's kicker Harrison Butker's commencement speech, Candace Owens' departure from Daily Wire, and the death of cable news!
Dan Bongino, Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Patrick Bet-David
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Patrick Bet-David
Did you ever think you were made? I feel I'm supposed like a taste sweet victory I know this life meant for me. Why would you bet on Goliath when we got bet? David? Valuetainment giving.
Dan Bongino
Value's contagious. This world of entrepreneurs, we can't. No value. They hate it now. They run.
Homie, look what I become. I'm the. I'm the one.
Patrick Bet-David
All right, so we got a special guest here today for you. We've been working on this for a while. We've done stuff before while I've been on the show. When he was doing the fox, when he was doing on Fox all the time, you'd see his face. And eventually we were able to get him to drive down here with the permission of his wife because he had to get approvals.
You see, when you have to make decisions like this, there's like layers to approval. But he got it, and we're glad he's here with us. Dan Bongino, former New York City Police Department and Secret Service agent under Bush and Obama. And he's got a killer podcast called the Dan Bongino show, weekdays 11:00 a.m. eastern time on rumble.
You can go to rumble.com mangino to find him. Dan, it's great to have you on, man. Finally. We made it happen, brother. We're doing it, huh?
Dan Bongino
I saw you in the green room UFC. I'm like, bro, yes. This is gonna go down well. I almost didn't recognize no matter what. I didn't realize you were so damn big.
Everybody asked me, you were a big guy or a small guy. I was hoping you were a little smaller. You're bigger than me. I'm like, damn, I like to be the biggest. I'm like an alpha.
I'm a little upset about that. Well, no. When I saw you at UFC, I'm like, holy shit, this guy looks good. You know, your body, all of it. You're looking really good.
Patrick Bet-David
And we were talking about some of the stuff. My wife let me come down. That's exactly it. You got a situation. You've earned it.
Dan Bongino
I do. So she does respect. Well, listen, we got a lot of things to go through. We got a lot of stories to go through. The one thing is, anytime somebody comes on, Dan, we like to give them value, because I think that's the least we can do.
Patrick Bet-David
And there's this guy who lives off the street. What's the street's name? Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Avenue. He's given marital advice on when you're getting married.
Why there's a benefit to marrying a girl with five sisters. I don't know if you've seen this or not. I saw it. We always want to give a counsel to everybody. I think it's always good when you're getting it from a president.
There's some things with Alejandro Mayorkas who's telling Neil Cavuto that they followed everything to the t. They've not broken the law. They're doing everything. They're right. We want to get your feedback on that.
Trump's new video that comes out, there's a word blurry, that AI puts in a unified right that the left has gone crazy over. We'll respond to that. Biden had a few things to say about it. Joy Reid had a lot of things to say about it. And then you had Joe Biden.
Him saying, this is not a mistake, guys. This is what he said. He's saying that we should elect, he cannot win the reelection and that we must elect Donald Trump. So Joe Biden, can you imagine that? Yeah, could.
Dan Bongino
Absolutely. I'd be actually disappointed if he said the opposite.
Patrick Bet-David
RFK said he's given 5 billion. He's up for giving $5 billion in reparations to black farmers. I want to get your thoughts on that. Christopher Walla, Federal Reserve governor says rate cuts will have to wait. Tom this morning told us that Solomon came out talking about 2024.
There may be zero rate cuts and a lot of people are going a little bit bonkers over that. CameRoN the rapper goes on CNN, the guy, the girl asks him, host asks him about Diddy. And that reaction is uncomfortable to say the least. Bill Maher was on the view chewing out Sonny. They're going back and forth on the woke culture.
We'll look at that. Nikki Haley comes out saying she's endorsing Trump and she'll vote for Trump, which was kind of wild to see. Harrison Butker, we haven't reacted to that video yet. Maybe we'll play the clip. Both Andy Reid and Mahomes said something about it, which was great to see.
Netanyahu's got a few things. He's dealing with the ICC wanting to arrest him for Israelis response to the October 7 attack. Then Michelle Beetle said some stuff about butker. Angela Davis, who's always been about reparations. She reacts to the person.
Vinnie showed us this thing here discussing that her family owns slaves and her level of disappointment that her own family owns slaves is, it's entertaining to watch, to say the least. Anyways, gang, before we get into the stories, tomorrow I will be announcing a few things to everybody in regards to our merch for Memorial Day weekend. One of them is going to be a numbered hat that a lot of people have been asking about, a special hat that's come. Last time we did a numbered hat, we sold it for dollar 99. It sold within 30 minutes.
And now some of these hats are selling on eBay for four or $500.01 of them was selling for dollar 800 because they're numbered. We'll release our second numbered hats tomorrow. Stay tuned tomorrow. I believe, Rob, if I'm not mistaken, we have Brian Callen on, on that podcast. Tomorrow.
We'll announce all our announcements with the merch. So stay tuned for it tomorrow. Having said that, let's get right into it. Dan. Thoughts on what's going on today with President Trump, Biden, all the mess.
What's your thoughts for what's going on today? Well, listen, you know, having run for office myself and getting smoked in a couple and then having one that was close, like, I think you learn more. I mean, this isn't like we're not doing entrepreneurial, although you would be perfect, wouldn't you agree? Like, you kind of learn more in life by losing than winning, because sometimes you win, but you win for the wrong reasons. Like, it was luck or.
Dan Bongino
So losing in politics taught me a lot. Like, where'd I go wrong? Should we have knocked on our doors? But I learned very simple lessons. And one of them, if you had to summarize campaigns, which we're going through right now, is that campaigns are really two things, triaging the most important two things.
And if you don't know this, get the hell out of politics. You waste everybody's freaking time. There are snapshots and soundbites. In other words, it's pictures, how you look, quick little things people ingest, and it's sound bites. Nobody's reading your white paper, bro.
Remember Mitt Romney? I've got a white paper out there. Listen, I love tax policy. You want to talk about interest rates? I love it.
Economics is my passion. I'll talk about it all day. The hard reality is people are working for a living, brother. You got cab drivers, architects, pilots. They're not sitting here reading your 51 page tax plan.
It's a freaking soundbite. And this is why Biden, at this point, I don't want to get ahead of myself, and I don't, I hate red wave talk, but I see this guy having very little chance. The snapshots are terrible. Listen, let's be honest. Man, he just looks old.
Trump doesn't look old. Trump is old. He doesn't look old. The snapshots are terrible, but the soundbites, bro, are even worse. The guy's talking about erectionists.
What is he doing? A Viagra? What is that? People were like, did he, what does he mean? Does he mean insurrection?
Like. And then you're talking about thinking about it. Yeah, I remember back in the days. When I used to this lunatic. But the snapshots and the soundbites are really terrible.
And when you realize that most of America is busy doing their thing and they're just seeing that stuff, nothing's working for. That's the difference with Obama, for as much as I couldn't stand Obama, the guy gave good speech. It was all bullshit. But the guy gave good speeches and he looked up, he'd go out there and he would look. Biden can't do any of that.
He can't rescue himself. Clinton was the same way. He knew how to look presidential even when he was doing his thing in the oval office. Biden don't have that. When you were secret service for Bush and Obama, did you spend any time with Obama or.
Patrick Bet-David
No, a lot. Yeah, I did three years with more time with Bush, but I did three years with Bush, two years with Obama, and I saw it. I'm always honest with people. I said Obama and Clinton. Clinton was better.
Dan Bongino
Cause I spent a little time with Clinton. It's not on the detail, but you're a post stander enough that you kind of get to see him. And so I spent about a year bouncing around the Clinton team with Hillary and him and Clinton had it better than Obama, but Obama had this way. And I think it's why he won. Despite the dreadful economy, Obamacare, he'd go in a room and, you know, you're an experienced guy.
You've been with business people and titans. You know, they have an air about them. The French call it the genesee Croix. You don't know what it is. But when they walk in a room, even if nobody knows them, they go, that dude's a millionaire or something.
Even Obama, he had that way in politics. Like, people would walk in and he would undress a Democrat right in front of you, no problem. Like, if you got in his. Up in his grill, like, he filet you in a second and it kind of let everybody know I'm the alpha. Biden has none of that, man.
None of that. And I got to tell you, I'm not a Bush fan either. I'm more of a conservative libertarian than he was. But Bush didn't really have that so much either. He walked in a room and it was almost like a weak, overcompensating personality.
But, you know, Biden has none of that. He's the most weak, like, narcissistic, sociopathic guy, the lying all the bullshit all the time. But how brilliant. I mean, he's doing for the left. Fantastic job, Dan.
Vincent Oshana
Whatever they want, he has done to a tee. But look at how they protect him and they guide him and they, you know, all those bites that you're talking about, the CNN, they're not, they're not. They're barely playing those moments. I haven't seen them. We have to find them on x.
We have to hear them from you. Pat has to show it here for us to find those really bad mess ups. But other than that, bro, they're just dragging this corpse. I agree, but I disagree a little bit when you say it's not that he hasn't been good to the left, he's been good to the far left. You're 100% correct.
Dan Bongino
The 25 30% of the american electorate, max, that say far left, you know, monitored monetary theorists, all these lunatics with the economy, Obamacare, government run health care, they love him. Cause you're correct. He is a vessel. He is a useful idiot, I always say about Biden, and you should never forget this, ever. Biden is the president Obama wanted to be but was too politically smart to become.
It's why Obama left office with 55% approval and Biden's going to leave office with 30 because Obama knew, like, all right, these radical lefties, I may say I'm one of them, but that's some dumb shit. And he would stop short of absolutely crazy. He would do crazy. Biden don't care. Biden's like the border effort.
Open it up. You know, a price rationing and Medicare. Let's do it. He doesn't care because he's not politically savvy enough to look at his far left and go, that's a pretty dumb idea. And that's why we're in the pickle with this guy now.
And that's why I'm so worried if he wins, man, we're not going to survive another four years of this guy. Well, there's a lot of people that would say that Biden is the president that Obama wanted to be because Biden is in the shadow. To me, that Obama is in the shadows, you know, propagating a lot of his pro programs and his thoughts yeah. But you remember, like, look at, think about what I just said, right? Obama, Biden is the president Obama wanted to be but was too politically smart to become.
Obama had a bad border situation, there's no doubt. But Obama's border situation on strict spreadsheet numbers, it's not a matter of opinion, was not nearly as catastrophic as Biden. Obama could have done the same thing and said, open it up, which is effectively what Biden did, and he stopped short of it. You look at actually deportations at the border. The Obama team was not nearly as terrible as Biden.
Another thing is the spending. Just look at the spending levels. Obama, when we ran a $1 trillion deficit under the porculous Obama spending thing, guys like you and me were like, this is insane. I would kill to get back to a trillion. Now, Biden put that in its inflation production act himself.
So that's what I'm trying to get at. Like, Obama understood the political limitations of the left stupidity. Biden loves to be celebrated because he's morally weak and he knows the only people who like him are the far left. So you're right, he does whatever the hell they want and that's why he's at 38% approval. Well, you hear the saying, it's the economy, stupid, right?
Patrick Bet-David
We've heard that. How many years is it, Carville? That said it first. I'm right. Yep.
Okay. So we look at the economy and you know, they need, they desperately need a couple rate cuts before the election. They need it because that's not going to be good if they don't get it in September. This election could be done just because the rates don't go down in the month of September and nothing happens till maybe in November, which is after the election. Right?
So if you look at right now, feds, Waller says rate cuts will have to wait until several more months of good inflation data. Ok, so this report comes in yesterday in the balance of a significant weakening in the labor market. I need to see several more months of good inflation data before I would be comfortable supporting and easing in the stance of monetary policy, Waller said in a speech. Waller said in the April consumer price index data which showed a slight cooling off inflation was a welcome relief and a sign that inflation is not accelerating as a result of Fed probably will not need to raise rates. Central bankers should never say never, but the data suggests that inflation isn't accelerating.
And I believe the further increases in the policy rate are probably unnecessary. And tomorrow you read something this morning from Solomon talking about rate cuts because that's Goldman Solomon you're talking about? Yeah. David Solomon, CEO, Goldman Sachs. He came out and said, look, in April, remember April?
Tom Ellsworth
April's not that long ago. In April, as recently as April, we institutionally, Goldman believed there was going to be two rate cuts. And we were kind of handicapping them at the September meeting and then at a later meeting because remember, they don't do it anytime they want. They do it when they meet, which is every so many weeks. So he comes out and he says that, and he points to weakness in consumer spending.
And that came on the heels of what Waller was talking about. He needs to see more good inflation data. Well, the good inflation data is actually bad market data. Let me explain. Target and Walmart come out says, hey, we're going to be reducing prices because we see the consumer is spending less, so we got to reduce prices.
Well, that was after Walmart had a great quarter and said part of their great quarter was the fact that fast food was having it so bad. McDonald's had a bad quarter, which was actually good for me because I had people coming in buying meals ready to eat out of, out of Walmart. So that was kind of a good news. Bad news. Good news if you owned Walmart.
Bad news if you're looking at fast food as a category. And bad news if you're looking at is the consumer really pinched? And the answer all that was yes. Then target comes out and says, listen, brace yourselves, we had a rough quarter and we think it's going to be a rough quarter next time. And we're actually slashing prices.
Holy crap. Now they're saying you might as well just say were slashing profits for the second quarter, which is what they said. So the market attacked the target stock. Now you've got Waller from the Fed and you've got Solomon saying, hang on, folks, it's not really deflationary. Is there actually video of Solomon saying something?
Patrick Bet-David
Because with the article you went to, I saw a video there with his face at the top. So what? Can you play this clip to see if he's saying so? It's a long clip. Got it.
Yeah, we don't have time to watch the whole thing, but so, so he's. Saying we shouldn't expect cuts because this inflation data will be good. But there's so many other things going on. An economy around the pinched consumer, he says, I don't see that. I don't see the rate cuts coming down because we actually, in the midst of this, still have inflation risk and inflation is hanging at three.
So Solomon to say that. Then what do you think about this? What do you think about what Solomon is saying? Well, he's not wrong. I mean, if you look at the PPI, what the producers are paying for basically wholesale to get stuff in the door that hasn't ebbed at all.
Dan Bongino
So eventually those costs are going to have to be passed on to consumers. I mean, where do corporations get their money? Consumers? I mean, unless you're not, you know, if you don't have billions in government contracts. But here's the issue politically, why this is such a big deal.
And you know, let's be fair here. Republicans have pushed for loose fed policy, too. I mean, it's not just Democrats because they like it. I mean, obviously, if money, for sure, everything has a cost, right? Bagel cost, what's the cost of money?
The interest rate money has a cost, too. So you want money to be cheaper. You want it flowing through the economy. It's great in an election year to say I did it. It's fantastic.
And look, you'll get home. They want the mortgage. I mean, obviously, the home industry is very interest rate sensitive. But here's the issue Biden's going to have for the election. One, folks, it's too, it's too late.
It doesn't. And I've warned everyone, even if Trump wins, this is not going to turn around overnight. A lot of this money hasn't even been spent yet. The inflation Production act, which it's obviously the regular, I get it, but I call it that because it did. But here's the thing about inflation, and this is where I think Biden and his team are constantly gaslighting people.
You guys are very smart on the economic front. All they're talking about coming down is the rate of change, not the price. Those are not the same thing. Correct. Prices have not come down at all.
So let's just be clear, right? You get a price, whatever this phone costs, $100. It doesn't matter. Inflation, say, hits 10%, so say it hits $110. Lol, it's 3%.
Okay, so it's 111 point. The price never came down from 100. So Biden's running on this whole thing like inflation's coming down. And again, people out there who aren't economists, they're not stupid, but they're not economists. They're like, yeah, but I'm still paying $300 for groceries.
Like, what are you talking about? And it makes him look like a phony. Again, the soundbite is terrible. Talking about derivatives and the rate of change of the rate of change is not something the average everyday voter is going to sit there and be like. All they want to know is, hey, man, is the Fiji water cheaper or not, bro?
Like, it's not like this is a dead end for him. It's crazy you're saying this. So yesterday we're in Maine and we don't go to Maine too often for the hell of it. We go to Maine for one guy and there's a guy that lives in Maine and we did a podcast together which is being released today. His name is disguised name is Tucker Carlson.
Vincent Oshana
Brand new, brand new on the podcast scene. Yeah, he's a new guy who came out. I don't have time to watch a lot of podcasts. I'll be watching now. But we, but while we're there, we're staying at this Airbnb.
Patrick Bet-David
They shouldn't have called it Airbnb. It was a shack. That's not a house. Mosquito hunt. It is what it is.
Anyways, Jennifer and Sam go to 711 to buy some stuff for us to make breakfast in the morning. They come back, we're in the car going to Tucker's house and Jen and Sam are like, how much money you think we spent at 711? We're like, dollar 72 more. How you know that game that you play? Dollar 110 more.
Dan Bongino
At a 711? At a 711. Remember when we were kids? If you spent dollar 170, you buy the whole store, you get the Slurpee machine. What?
The indian guy comes, chest gets delivered. You bring up that Shelby Raptor, you have pulled the ice right in front. 711, they spent $300. I'm like joking. Then eggs, beef jerky, water, protein, bro, orange juice.
Patrick Bet-David
So by the way, what you're saying is very important because one can watch this and they say, here we go again. I'm not a numbers guy, man. I don't know what the hell is CPI, CP, CTC and all this. I don't know any of this stuff. But what I do know is when I go to, you know, Kroger's or Albertsons or, you know, Publix or whatever I go to, we used to only spend $300 a week for the entire family.
Now it's 410. That's insane. Brother, have you doordash lately like we have? You know, I am a mister Foo Foo guy, folks. I grew up as like poor middle class as anyone.
Dan Bongino
But, you know, things worked out great thanks to the fans out there and, you know, some risks and some investments. So, you know, we used to do a lot of door right now. Like, we'll cook more. And this lady comes by and drops food off. But I was doing, like, doordash and delivery stuff, so I hadn't done it a while.
And I honestly don't even look at the price. My wife handles a credit card, so I don't see anything. She's like, the business manager and everything, so she gets the crazy story. We have all these Amex points and stuff we had, had, and we just want to get rid of the accounts so we're like, spend them. So because we don't like to book hotels that way.
She goes, I'm going to get them in, like, doordash credits or something. There were, like, $10,000 in Doordash credits. It was a lot. She's like, this should be good. That lasted, I'm not even kidding, like, six weeks.
And we were done. I was like, what the hell did we just buy? And I said, brother, I swear, I don't eat fancy stuff. We were talking about one of your guys. I like steak, and, like, I don't even like fancy fish or anything like that.
That's it. I eat, like, chicken. I'm not out there eating foie gras. I couldn't believe it. It was like, six weeks.
What the hell did we just buy from freaking Doordash? That's the part where if. If the american families feel that, by the way, I think if you ask me, say Trump gets elected in 2025, say, you know, 2024, and he's the president of 2025. If we can keep the rates where it's at today for another year, I think it's good for people to adjust. It's not even like, hey, the moment Trump gets elected, I want to see the rates being cut.
Patrick Bet-David
I think it's good for us to adjust a little bit where the fake success goes away. Fake success is very problematic. Even like, yesterday, I'm going through some of the notes with zombie companies, right, where back in the zombie companies are companies that the only way they make money to pay their opex and whatever salaries. Everything they're paying for is through raising debt. So they make enough money to pay everything.
If they don't raise money, they're going out of business. Right? Can I disagree with you a bit on this? Tell me. I'm asking courtesy because I love you so much.
Dan Bongino
I love this guy. I've been waiting to do this show for you guys so long, man. I think he should actually push for a rate. I know it's the Fed's, you know, quasi independence? Not really, but it pretends to be independent.
He should go with the Reagan approach, man. I mean, he crushed this thing your first year in office. Reagan's first two years in office were shit. The economy was garbage. Volcker had interest rates up in the double digits.
People were screaming and yelling. But what did it do? The problem in that Reagan inflation era, Carter adjusting economy, was that when you get this high inflationary environment, what a rich people do, they buy assets to protect themselves. Real estate, gold. And they don't buy money anymore.
When you have interest rates at ten and 12%. I'm not saying we need them that high. We're not where we were at stagflation, thankfully, with Carter. But it's bad. The rich people like money again and they start pouring money in the financial system, which entrepreneurs like, well, you don't need anymore, but they take it.
You know, back in the day you did. They take it. And all of a sudden, it brings that wealth and investment back into the system. My humble opinion, I would come in there and say, you know what? Whatever I could do to incentivize without interfering, I'd say bump the interest rates up to six and 7%, crush this inflation right away.
Rich people pour back in, buying everything from t bills to government denominated assets to investments that are interest rate sensitive. The economy. Reagan and his last, the minute he left office, that thing was 6% GDP with a quarter of the spending we had. Now, that's what I think he should do. So you're saying the moment he gets elected, lower the rate.
Patrick Bet-David
So fire power. No, no. Up the rate. Dramatic. No, no.
We're on the same page. What I'm saying is I don't want to see us next year all of a sudden bring you back down to economic 2%, 2.8%. I'm hoping we don't do that. Oh, good. I want people to get stable.
Being accustomed to the 6% mortgage rate. Six to 7% is what I'm talking about. No, I think that whole thing with what happened with 128 months of economic expansion was catastrophic. It produced a lot of fake success. And now we got to kind of filter.
You're right. With the zombie company. The zombie companies. We used to only have 1% deutsche bank. And the destruction never happened.
Dan Bongino
Yeah, you got these garbage companies stayed alive. Four reasons why capitalism works, right? Because we have the freedom to buy, freedom to sell, freedom to fail, and freedom to create. So if I want to build a company, do it. But we've gotten rid of one of them.
Patrick Bet-David
Which is the freedom to fail. We gotta let some of these guys that are doing what they're doing to fail to see what's gonna happen to them. Okay, next story here. Inflation still causing pain in Americans with parents hit hard in nearly a decade. This is a New York Post story having to do with parents.
Normally we talk about regular individuals being hit by it, but this story's about parents. So let me see. Okay, here we go. A federal Reserve survey reveals that 64% of parents with children under the age of 18 felt financially secure in 2023, down from 69%, making it the lowest level since data collection began in 2015. Overall, 72% of us households reported being financially okay, the lowest since 2016, with inflation cited as a major concern.
Inflation, which peaked at 9% of June of 2022 and was 3.4% in April of 2023, remains a significant issue, with 35% of respondents naming price hikes as their main financial worry. Additionally, 65% of adults say high prices worsened their financial situation, while only 34% reported increase in income. Anyways, survey highlights that 19% of households fell behind on rent in 2023, up from 17% in 2022. I mean, these are basic numbers you're looking at. With a median rent increased by 10% to 1100.
The percent of adults being able to cover a dollar 400 emergency expense dropped from 68% to 63. This is problematic when you look at something like this. Tom, what do you think about? So it's exactly what we were just talking about. And the last podcast, I got in trouble because people thought I was picking on my brother.
Tom Ellsworth
But now I'm going to move it to my cousin. Don't do it again. I'm not going to do it again. Do it my cousin. And it's exactly what Dan said to the average person.
You need to look at inflation this way. You have a cousin who's now 350 pounds, and he says, good news, I stopped gaining weight. But wait, you're still 350 pounds. At any moment you could have a stroke or a heart attack and die. Ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly the inflation story here.
And that's what people are saying is like, we're feeling the cumulative pinch. And the funny thing is, we didn't have the video on it. But one of the things that Solomon said the financial sector needs to understand inflation is not just nominal, it's cumulative. And so everything is more expensive. And you're seeing the consumer, the average America, feel it and stop spending.
And so what's going on right now is this is the real, we should stop calling it inflation. Everybody running for office. You should just call it affordability, that the kids say, hey, look, inflation has caused an affordability crisis. And all of these stats are talking about now we're down to two thirds of american homes that feel financially secure. We're under two thirds of american homes that had an extra 400 sitting aside for an emergency expense.
That's where we are right now. Scary, Tom. That's beyond scary. Forget all the, by the way, you know, we could geek out on producer price index, you know, increase the price of beef, which hit McDonald's, which hits the hamburger, which is why McDonald's expensive. You could do that, but you just back up and say, the average person, how does it feel right now versus four years ago?
And they're saying it's not affordable. And I feel like my car insurance, my groceries have been hit hardest. Dan, let me ask you a question, because we had a poll and we did something where we were saying the number one issue for voting for this around was going to be, I think, border security and something. How much is something like this? Like who, who is this going to affect?
Vincent Oshana
Meaning voting wise is going to go in there and be like, I can care less about the border. They're sold on that noise. Who is this going to affect? Who are the people that are going to be like, dog, this is insane. Is it those independents?
Is it the people that don't know where to vote? Who is this going to be changing to vote? When you look at any of the political science research, you'll find that this is a pretty relatively stable number. It's about 40% of the country is Republican or lean Republican. Another 40% is Democrat or lean Democrat.
Dan Bongino
There's roughly 20%, kind of a malleable middle. You know, that changes a little bit over time. The Democrat party's a little more liberal than it was before, but the number's generally the same. And you see it in the partisan breakdown. There's no question that this affects the Republicans.
No one's voting for Biden. And honestly, hardcore Democrats are not voting for Trump. No matter what. The economy collapsed tomorrow doesn't make a difference. But this race, I'd say it's not only the 20%, the malleable middle.
There's probably about 1015 percent of Democrats, mostly minorities and younger voters who've had enough. And the reason you asked me about the issue, the border issue, was never really an issue that moved a lot of voters. It didn't look in the past. Just look at the data. I'm not saying it didn't move me.
I'm saying, look at the data we've run on the border forever. And it's never been. Trump made it an issue, and then all of a sudden, people started to pay attention to it. And then Biden made. He made the border what the economy is.
I call it on my podcast, I call it the finger stick issue. You know, before the glucose meters, you did the xcoms. You did the finger stick. Yeah. And the finger stick, the nice thing about it is it didn't hurt that much.
But the bad thing about it, it was annoying enough that you just didn't. You were bleeding, and you just didn't want to do it all the time. So someone said, well, let's fix that, because it's not annoying enough that people won't like, oh, I'd rather die. But that's the economy. Like, with inflation, it's a finger stick issue.
It's not the kind of thing, like street crime where, God forbid, you get raped or home invaded, then you're voting different the next day. You're like, this guy's screwed. It's one of those issues. Like, you go, you fill up, you're like, damn it. Again, finger stick issues are the absolute worst issues for a politician because they never go away.
You get this acute moment, crime, where someone breaks in your house. That guy maybe tells ten people, and they're all pissed off, and they may vote different. The finger stick issues are universal. They bother people every day, and they're like, you know what? I just got to get me that Dexcom.
I need something. I can't do this. It's just annoying. I bled on my shirt the other. That's what biden's doing.
That's why inflation is so devastating. It's pernicious. It affects everyone. People talk about it at the kitchen table. And you don't need an acute moment in time because it's chronic.
It happens over and over. That's why I think this guy's in a lot of trouble. By the way, check this out. So while we're talking about this, you don't hear regular stories about home prices coming down for the longest. You know, they're not moving.
Patrick Bet-David
You know, realtors. You stole the same price. It's not going to go away. And then you hear a story like this. Home prices.
Home sales fall again in April after high mortgage rates, damp activity. This is a Wall Street Journal story. Home sales fell 1.9% in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.14 million, contrary to an analyst expectation of 1.4% increase. High mortgage rates above 7% and near record price of $407,000, up 5.7% from last year or stalling the market during the prime selling season. Inventory remains low with a three and a half month supply below the balanced market range of four to six months.
This shortage keeps prices high with April median prices approaching the record of $413,800. Existing home sales. I mean, Tom, you see numbers like this, and even in California and Texas, despite high rates, activity, activity. Active listings rose 16.3% from a year earlier. Active listings, especially in Texas and Florida, with some buyers like David Ross, finding deals due to prolonged listings.
Paying 675 for a house in Texas. Hundred thousand dollars below the initial price. So is, are we entering an era where we're going to see a dip in home prices, where inventory is going to increase? Tom, I think we're seeing inventory increase in markets across the United States and it's regional right now. It's not everywhere, but it's regional.
Tom Ellsworth
North Florida, Austin, Texas, San Diego, are seeing a lot of inventory come up and people are speculating, are actually connecting dots. Not speculating, they're doing good analysis that with 1.1 trillion of credit card debt, with wages below inflation for the last four years of the long average in there, that people's next credit card is the equity in the home, including this artificial equity. When I say artificial equity, it's not equity to you to make a transaction until you sell your home. And so I think you're going to see inventory coming out, as people say, you know, home prices may be coming down. I don't know, honey.
Maybe, maybe we sell it. Where are we going to go? Maybe we lease for a while and put the money in the bank. I think that's the thinking you're seeing. And people are looking at this saying, you know what, now you've got realtors out there saying, well, gosh, Dan, I need to talk to you.
The rates probably aren't going to come down this year. So if you're really thinking about maybe selling a house and doing something out, why not do it now? And realtors are also waving around, oh, look what's happening in North Florida, look what's happening in. So let me ask this, let me ask this. So this continues.
Patrick Bet-David
They're saying rates are not going to lower, correct? Solomon? Solomon says it's not going to lower anyway. Some of the feds are saying it's not going to lower. Go to, it's October, September.
They don't lower rates what happens in October in real estate? I think you're going to start seeing inventory come out. Even though there's nobody I've seen thinks that the interest rates are going to be below 6.75, that that's going to be the 30 year fixed. If you're over 750 credit, that's going to be the best you can find. But the rates are going to stay about seven.
Tom Ellsworth
Sellers are going to say, well, it is what it is. I think we need to put it out there. We're seeing that right now in north Florida, Jacksonville, and the corridor north of Orlando, Gainesville, runs the corridor that runs up central state. We're seeing it. Dan, what do you think?
Dan Bongino
There's a weird bifurcation in the real estate market. I buy and sell all the time. So I've seen it. I think your analysis is right. I'm going to go further.
I hate predictions because, you know, I'm not like, remember the clash of titans, a Stygian which I don't have the eye. If I had the eye, I'd be super rich. We'll just call ourselves analysts. That way we're not predicting. I'll make an analyst reputable analyst department is.
The real estate whole sphere is ready for a pretty decent sized correction. I'll tell you why. Everything you said is spot on. But you got to remember, like, let's go back to simple basics. Right?
Occam's razor. Keep it simple, Steve. Stupid rate. Any debt sensitive environment, auto loans, real estate, where people are borrowing money, causes a problem. It's the monthly payment problem.
Nobody goes into a car dealership and bargains on the price. They think they do, but they don't. What does the dealer come out right away? Here's your monthly payment. Because he knows the scam.
It's not a scam, he just knows the deal. People who don't have $40,000 for a new Honda are not paying 40, they're paying a monthly payment. So the guy does the math in his head quick, and says, well, I have this bill, that bill. You got the same thing with autos and real estate. If the interest rate goes up, it's a matter of simple math dynamics.
It doesn't matter what the cost of the house is. What matters is what's the freaking monthly payment. So if the interest rate goes up, say it goes up to six, six and a half, seven. Possible. Not likely, but possible.
All of a sudden your $500,000 home is 400, 5400, 350. At the same, the same monthly payment, the buyer doesn't care. The buyer is saying, oh, it's the same amount. Well, I can't afford that home anymore. I afford less.
I got to afford less home. You've got that problem. And when you compound that with the real wage problem where people, real wages have been negative or flat, in other words, they're not able to purchase more stuff, I don't see where this is coming. But one quick note on the bifurcation that's in say like the 800,000 or less home. Million or less.
Which millions? Like the average price of a house in Palm Beach county. The average price. So I'm seeing at the high end in the real estate market with the cash buyers that aren't interest rate sensitive. The market's not great, but it's not hurting at all.
Like you go buy in, up in, up in Martin county, where I am, you look at the high end market, there are houses flying off the market. Not at asking maybe, but maybe two, three, 4% below because they're cash buyers crazy. They don't care. And there's so little inventory. A neighborhood I used to live in only had like 300 homes.
One came up, boom was gone two weeks. Yeah. What you say? There's one point in there that you didn't said, and I think it was in your analysis there, that is when the interest rate doesn't matter and the buyer is clear for 1500 a month. The bank says you can do 1500 a month because with the property tax and everything, it's about two grand.
Tom Ellsworth
You're good for that. Guess what? If the seller wants to move it and they want to move it to that buyer, the price is what moves because that's what makes the math work. So here's my question for you guys. Here's my question.
Patrick Bet-David
Let me be the devil's advocate on the other, because this is what I'm going to speak as if I'm in the real estate and the mortgage industry. Okay? This is what they'll say. You guys have no clue what you're talking about. Here's why.
What happened to 40% of the money that's been printed, that's been entered into the economy? What do you think? That money's gone. That means whatever property was worth $400,000 is now for 40%, 560 if it was a million. It's million.
Four if it was 100, 140 in some of the pockets in certain parts of America. So no matter what, you guys are delusional. Rates are not going to change. The market has more money in it right now than ever. Before.
Prices are not going down. For those of you guys that are going to wait, here's what's going to take place the moment the first rate decrease comes up. Watch what's going to happen to sales. Watch what's going to happen to mortgage. And then the second one and the third one, and then value is going to get so high that you're going to be sitting there saying, I made a mistake, I should have bought.
What do you say to realtors and loan officers that say, the amount of money we printed is the reason why the prices of homes not going to go down? People have got more debt than ever. Tell me how they qualify for the loan. I'd say that's a really cute analysis if you don't understand basic math. Oh, we printed a lot of money.
Dan Bongino
Where's it going to go? Okay, great. It's going to go into products. Also, your real wages are going to go down, and an interest rate sensitive product in a mortgage high interest rate environment is going to do exactly what I just said. It's going to cause the price of the house to go down as the monthly payment goes up on the interest.
That's like third grade level analysis. Hey, if you've never. I guess if you've read John Maynard Keynes, that makes sense. But yes, that's one side of the equation. They are 100% correct.
But this is zero sum. If you. That's a modern monetary theorist explanation. Well, we print our own money. We can do whatever we want.
There's no consequence, you see. The consequence. What are you talking about? The idea of money is a vehicle, right? Where you can develop wealth, correct?
Money is not the end game. Wealth is the end game. Money is paper and digital bits on a phone, they do nothing. If you had them on an island, you'd be dead in a week. The idea is to acquire on the island food, shelter, luxury, entertainment.
If you can't acquire those items using the vehicle money, because it's worth less. That's the dumbest analysis I've ever heard. You can print all you want. I mean, I can print a bunch of widgets and call them money. If nobody takes them, it doesn't really matter.
Patrick Bet-David
You know, it's funny you're saying that. It's funny you're saying that. This is how I process it. When they say that to me, what the last four years have done, it's taken me back to that one quote by, who said, Socrates said it on his deathbed. The only thing I know is I know nothing.
Who said that? Can you pull up. The only thing I know is I know nothing. I don't know who says it's either Socrates or somebody said it on his deathbed. Who is it?
Socrates. Okay, Socrates. Yeah. So Bill and Ted called Socrates, but. Biden took credit for it.
But check this out. The reason why I'm saying this. The last four years, what's the first thing that's supposed to go up when they print all this money? Gold. Gold didn't move.
What's supposed. I mean, so many things happened the last four years that the case study, to go back and look at it, we don't have a case study of that. But you know why gold didn't move? Look at what happened with bitcoin. Gold moved.
Dan Bongino
Now gold's 2400. Now, I love gold. I buy it all the time. But I'm not one of these anti bitcoin guys at all. I just.
I never buy what I really don't deeply understand. And I get the blockchain and the technology, but if I don't deeply understand that, I kind of stay out of it. But I think a lot of that money flowed to bitcoin that would have traditionally flowed into gold. I mean, I really think it's that simple. A lot of this younger generation kids, they see gold as kind of a stodgy old investment.
Fair enough. I mean, you can't eat gold either. I mean, it's really no different than when you think about it. I mean, you could technically use it for other means and jewelry and processing and equipment and stuff. I get that.
But it's really, in a sense, no real different than paper. And a lot of these younger kids, they like the bitcoin. I mean, bitcoin's been, you know, through the roof. I mean, look at the prices. They're insane.
I'm not investing. So, your witcher. That's very interesting. So, so the money that. The trillion dollars, let's just say, what is the.
Patrick Bet-David
Can you type in. Type in bitcoin? I don't know. Not market cap. What is the total circulation type in?
What is a dollar amount of bitcoin? Is it a trillion dollars? I think crypto is a trillion dollars, isn't it? So anyways, I'd be curious what that number is. I do believe the crypto, you know, currency side is around a trillion dollars.
So normally, you're saying that would have gone to gold? Oh, yeah. And by the way, I want a lot of gold. And I have bitcoin as well. I have crypto as well.
There you go. A trillion dollar market cap. I mean, what was the stodgy hedge against inflation when you and I were growing up? Real estate and gold. And then this third mega option emerged, which a lot of us older folks didn't really get, but the kids did.
Dan Bongino
And I remember a guy telling me, I don't know, 15 years ago when bitcoin came out. This guy Segill, friend of mine, he's like, man, you gotta buy this. Bitcoin was like $500 or something. I was like, I don't really get. I mean, if I bought that now, would have been, like the greatest investment ever.
But they get. That's where the money. The money's got to go somewhere. Yeah. You know, and the other thing I would say as well, when these real estate guys says, you guys are delusional, you know, 40% of money has been printed, et cetera, et cetera.
Patrick Bet-David
Okay, this is the question I asked them. I say, okay, so that 40% was entered into the economy, fine. What percentage of that 40% went to the top 1%, went to the top 10% and went to the bottom 80%? Do you get what I'm saying? What percentage of that money, when it goes, hey, we're gonna give all this money to you guys, you know, oh.
Dan Bongino
My God, look, during COVID stimulus, you. Know, what's his name? Anthony. What was the guy's name that ran? Who?
Patrick Bet-David
Andrew Yang was right. Universal basic income. Give everybody $1,000. What a brilliant idea. Everybody's not paying off their debt because we got $2.1 trillion of cash in the economy that people have in their bank accounts.
That 2.1 is at zero now. So that money flow to who? To the rich. So if you're saying 40% of the money is more in the marketplace, yeah, you're probably right. But what was.
What was Elon Musk's net worth in 2019? Rob, can you type in Elon Musk's net worth in 2019 or Jeff Bezos net worth in 2019? Does it, does it tell you by your or. No. 50 billion, I bet.
Was it 50 billion? I guess I'm going to look up Jeff Bezos. You look up Elam. Jeff Bezos net worth in 2019. So Elama's net worth in 20.
I wish they would have showed it by year, what their net worth is. It's not showing, kid. Anyways, the money flowed to the guys at the top. Tom, I'll give you the final thoughts here before we go to the next story. Well, there's two things when you see all these dividends that are getting paid out.
Tom Ellsworth
The first thing that happens to the money, the money gets spent, which means it goes into companies and it comes out as profits, which drives stock price. So the money is now showing up on the stock market with all of this economic, the consumer saved the economy's butt in 2023 by spending in second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter, like banshees. And they ran through all their savings. It helped those economy, it helped the stock market. Trouble is you can't do that trick twice.
Patrick Bet-David
Watch this. Watch this real quick. He found it. So what was Elon's net worth in 2019? Rob, can you just zoom in so the audience can see it?
Net worth in 2019 was $25 billion. You said 50 billion, right. So what is it right now? 175. So the guys all Tesla stock, right?
That's all Tesla stock. Yeah. So from 25 billion. His net worth seven x'ed in a span of five years. That's crazy.
That's what. So the money flowed up to the wealthy. Go ahead, Tom. Exactly. So the second point I'll make is to put just a period at the end of this real estate thing is, remember we're losing full time jobs.
Tom Ellsworth
The jobs reports have been b's. But you can read the footnotes in the job reports and see that we're losing full time jobs. And most of the job reports are part time jobs. And by the way, every time you hear a jobs report, just print it, put it on your desk, and wait two weeks for the revision that comes from the government, where they sneak in at midnight, slide it in on Friday night. We're revising the jobs report from 335 devastating down to 224.
And we're saying they do it right before the weekend, right before the Super bowl. Anything they can to hide it. But guess what? You can see it in the footnotes. And it's also coming out in this little gem.
National association of Colleges and Employers said that the new hiring for the class of 2024, they will see 6% less full time jobs available to them as they walk out, as the class of 23 did. So guess what? Why are we talking about jobs? You got to have a good full time job for you to qualify for a mortgage. There it is.
Patrick Bet-David
Hiring for freshly minted college grads is forecast to decline 6% from a year, according to a survey done by 200 employees from National Social. Wow. So guess what? Fewer full time jobs out there means fewer people can qualify for the mortgages. So tell your mortgage broker, really, tell me about all these wonderful jobs and wage increases these people have experienced.
Be nice to them tomorrow. He's a nice christian man. I feel bad. I feel bad. He's a nice christian man that hasn't done a refi in two years.
Okay. He's pissed off. Just remember, I'm supposed to be Dan. I'm supposed to be nice. I'm not supposed to use any profanity.
Tom Ellsworth
I'm only supposed to say Tom curses a lot. You. Tom is like a freaking curse. I can only say bastard.
Patrick Bet-David
I want to ask something from, by the way, I freaking love the fact that you can go layers deep with business. It's awesome, right? Because most people, when you get political, it's just political. You're multi dimensional. No wonder you're killing it and doing what you're doing.
Rob, can you do me a favor? Rob? So May 31. Next week, Friday night lights. Dave Smith against Chris Cuomo.
Holy Moly. This event will be from 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m. the vip sold out. I think we got few.
The second tier general, there's a couple left as well, if you're wanting to come. Some interesting guests are coming out because they want to see this live, period. This is going to be, there's going to be some fireworks, but at the same time, the fact that they're talking, it's going to be exciting. I think even Dave, yesterday with Rogan, they were talking about this thing coming up on a recent podcast Dave did with Chris. And Chris recently interviewed.
Who is it, the CDC? Vinny, who's the person that Chris had on that? We played a clip. So even Chris has gone deeper into it to expose some of the challenges from the COVID community. And that's gone viral.
So I'm excited to see what's going to happen there for some of you guys that haven't yet. Rob, if you can go back to the QR code for people that want to get registered, go to the QR code to get your tickets next Friday night. All of us are going to be there May 31. And at the same time you can go to 5990 live.com for the people that are listening on Spotify and Apple. 5990 live.com.
get your ticket. We'll see you there next Friday, May 3169. Dan, question for you in regards to. I like your analysis. Question for you in regards to the media landscape.
When we were having a conversation and we had Jesse Waters here a couple months ago, actually loved having Menon. Seemed like a really nice guy. I really enjoyed it. Character. Yeah, character.
Funny. Like, you know, the stuff he used to do with Bill O'Reilly back in the days. And you learn more about his story, how loyal he's been to the organization. He's earned this job for a long time to have the job that he has today. Right.
But before they were announcing, I didn't know who they would go through. You know, just like the, who's going to be the VP nominee? I had you at the top. Like, if Fox has got to go give that job to anybody, I thought it was going to be, you may be getting that job. Maybe they were going to knock on your door to say, hey, Tucker's no longer here with us.
You're one of the guys we'd like to have here. What are your thoughts with the media landscape? That was one of the things we talked a lot about with Tucker the last couple days with Fox, with, you know, what happened with Tucker Carlson, network, TCN, with Daily Wire, with what you and Chris are doing at Rumble, most people think you're just a guy on Rumble. You're one of the biggest shareholders of Rumble. So media landscape, what do you see taking place in this community?
Dan Bongino
Man, that's my favorite question. So obviously, the thing with Fox was, you know, it was, of course, it was reported wrong. I mean, the media, I'm always a straight shooter with my crew. No one was fired. There was no acrimony.
I think because it happened around the Tucker time. People naturally kind of moved together and said, this must be related, that negotiation. I only had a two year contract, right. That negotiation was ongoing. I'm going to tell you, it wasn't them.
It was me. I said it on my show. If I said it was wrong, don't you think they would have put a statement out? I didn't want to work Saturday nights. I've got, I had a book coming out.
I'm an investor in rumble. I'm on the phone all day with investments. My wife and I have tons of investments in different places. I'm working my podcast. I'm doing 3 hours of radio.
I'm doing pre production meetings for Fox every day. I didn't want to work Saturday night. And the problem was we would tape some of the shows on Friday, but what wind up happening news would break on Saturday. Remember the balloon? I had my freaking arm operate.
I still got the scar. I did that show live after I had already taped the show on Friday. I'm like bleeding through my jacket. And in their defense, they didn't, they didn't want me to do it. They said, aren't you like, still on anesthesia.
I'm like, I'm doing the show. You go back and watch that show. I'm sitting there like this. My jacket's all because I had a cast on my arm and I couldn't fit the jacket in. And eventually, at the end, I just said to him, listen, I don't think I've said this before, but I said, I got to move to a weekday thing.
And the line was right, there's just no real estate. So I said, we'll part ways. It was not acrimonious at all, but on the bigger media landscape, question, listen, cable news is dying. I mean, it's a simple matter of spreadsheet numbers. And here's what's going to be kind of the sword Adam cleats just going to drop, right.
This generation of younger folks right now doesn't have what we have. We have the two button problem. You and I grew up with one button. You could pick up a remote, you hit power. Fox News on ESPN.
You don't have to do anything. One button, real simple. We're not techie, right? We're just not. These younger kids didn't grow up like that.
They know everything about the phone. Give the kid the phone. Oh, mom. Put this in the settings. They don't, they don't give a damn.
They'll hit 20 buttons to get somewhere. Once this generation takes over, the cord cutting is going to be complete. They don't care. You're going to see cable news stations worth billions of dollars. It's not just fox, but these other ones as well.
They're going to be a finished product. Everything is going to be a video under house. Because I think they have. A decade isn't as fast as it seems, like. Well, because you got to remember, people haven't died yet.
I mean, it sounds horrible, but they haven't. I'll give you a perfect example. My dad. My father's is not a tech savvy guy. Great guy.
I love my father to death. Obviously. The neighbor was like, oh, you got to get this, like, YouTube TV. And my dad was like, well, my son's an investor in rumble number one, but he's showing him how to use it. My dad's like, I don't want to know.
I'm not going to remember. The guy's like, no, no, do it. He's like, I'm not going to do that. I don't want to do it. I just want to hit the one button.
The kids don't care. I think as you start to see people chronologically dying off. These kids are not going to go to, I mean, I just bought another, I bought a house, this property, right? I said to my wife, because I have to watch cable news, I got to see what's going on. I go, did you get cables?
Yeah, the cable guy came, but they're not even dropping off boxes anymore. She's like, everything's preloaded. Apps on tv. I'm like, what? So this is when it's going to happen.
That's why early on, like, I saw the writing on the wall, you know, rumble came to me early. And there was, I mean, the business was the greatest business deal I ever cut. It was like offer a or offer b, and offer b was, I bet on myself and I take equity. It was the greatest business. We went public at $3 billion.
It was the greatest deal I ever made because I always had faith in myself. So what's going to happen in the future? And this is why I come on your show, it's going to be you, Tucker. MEGYN KELLY DaILY Wire it's going to be folks at the blaze, the Jason Whitlocks and people like that. These kids are just going to go, everything's going to be a dumb box.
Everything's a dumb box. They're going to hit. Boom. Patrick, Bette, David, nobody is going to be watching cable. I'd say ten years, 20 years, it's going to be a death sentence.
That's why I think Fox is moving into Fox Nation to try to get to the svod subscription video on demand. But I'll say one other angle with the media landscape, I think the problem people are making is I think paywalls are not a good idea. I just, I think they're a nice supplement. But I think paywalls are just a bad idea. I think ad support is the way because a lot of these kids, everything's free now.
Patrick Bet-David
Paywall is a bad idea. I think as a, I think, yes, paywalls as your only exclusive way to produce, like the daily wires got it right. Produce free content. And then for your super fans, that's a great idea because you have a stable base of income. And if you get like the lefty boycott brigade, you're always okay.
Dan Bongino
But I think some of these people that are all in on paywall only like pay or you can't see my stuff, I think we saw with the Howard Stern SiriusXM era, like, that was kind of like a real barrier for him in the beginning. I just don't think these young kids are going to pay for content. They grew up in a different era, man. You can't teach someone to pay for something they're used to getting free. You can give for free what they paid for, but not the other way around.
So I think this, this kind of stuff where you own your own stuff, your own studio, your RSS feed and your product, I have told a thousand creators for as much as I love my friends at Fox and everywhere else, and I do, I still have a lot of, I have no enemies over there at all. We still talk. I say to everyone, do not marry yourself to any corporate overlord. I'm a capitalist. But if they control your content and you don't build an email list, a rumble, following a YouTube, following a Spotify for you were rocking on Spotify.
I looked your show up the other day, dude. You guys had like a top ten episode. If you're not building that, you are owned by someone else. And one day when they say you're done, you are going to be starting from scratch. No sponsors, no subs, no p one listeners.
You're not going to have a damn thing. You're going to be going to rumble and whatever, and being like, hey, man, sign up. It's going to take you years to build that. So let me ask this question. Okay, so I'm open ended question.
Patrick Bet-David
I want to know how you sell it. A guy is in a marketplace, he's got a good amount of following. He's looking at potentially do it in himself. He's looking at maybe he wants to sign with daily wire. Okay, I'm gonna go to daily wire or to blaze or rumble.
Why would someone come to Rumble? Cause Rumble's free and you own your own content. You own your own content. You could go to rumble just like every. I mean, we just signed that was it Sagar, that breaking points or whatever.
Dan Bongino
That's a really popular pod. They think the hill used to. Oh, yeah, they do a very good job. Yeah, they do great. Like, they just came over because I think they realized like, wow, this is great.
Crystal Bell. Yeah. And a great show. Super popular. And the thing at Rumble we offer is, I think the ad split is like 100%.
Like, all we do is, hey, come in, just take your money. There's no, you know, Porter's five forces, right? If you went to business school, like, what's the barrier to entry? The answer is zero. It's free money.
You go and put the podcast on Rumble and you just cash your check. And the thing about Rumble is we saw the after the parlor debacle where we saw what these people could do, which I warned again, they didn't live. But whatever, that's a whole nother story, right? But at rumble, we own everything. We own the cloud.
So AwS can't come to Patrick, bat David and go, cut that show. We're cutting you off our cloud. Rumble just gives them the middle finger. Like we own, we own our own servers, we own everything. We own the payment systems.
So your processor on your website say it's like stripe, and they say, we're going to cancel you. No, no, we own that at rumble, too. And you're like, oh, well, they'll cancel you on the ads. No, no, we own the ads, too. We have the rack, the rumble ad center.
So we own everything. So if one business, let's say, like, for us, like video falters, I don't know, say more people start watching YouTube or whatever, it doesn't matter. We've got the cloud and we've got the rack. We've got the ad center. Like, we built a really redundant business.
But that's why, like, we wanted to own everything. And we learned a lot from Parler. And, you know, we ran on a really simple premise. We're not, you know, we're not these lefty outlets that are going to cancel you. Just don't break the terms of service, don't break the law, don't do kiddie porn and terrorist attacks on the thing, and we're not going to bother you and we don't.
Patrick Bet-David
So with daily wire, with what happened with Candace Owens, from a distance, you're watching it. How are you processing what's going on there with that? You think they'll recover from it and both sides will move on and have a good career? Or do you think that's a blow that's going to stay and people are going to be thinking about it when they think daily wire, you know, man. I saw that coming from a mile away.
Dan Bongino
I just did. I mean, Ben's one of the few podcasts I've done, like Megyn Kelly, Ben and you. And I think that's it over the last few years. So I did Ben's show or when I had a book coming out and listen, Ben's really passionate about what's going on in the middle East. I mean, obviously, it's an issue that means a lot to him.
And there are different opinions at the daily Wire, but Candace felt strongly about it, differently about issues in the Middle east. And that's a whole, we could do a whole show on that. And listen, as a guy who's been over there, like, a lot in my last line of work and sat through briefing on briefing, I got a different perspective on it. But that was one of those things, man. Eventually it was going to break bad.
Will they recover? This is why, you know, the sub business, you know, you start losing subs. It's a paywall thing. It's not bad as a supplement, but you can get hurt bad. I mean, it's why the New York Times went crazy, people.
Oh, why is the New York Times a crazy under Trump? Because there's money in it. Like, why did Willie Horton rob banks? Because that's where the money is. If you started saying pro Trump stuff, subscribers discontinued.
So the daily Wire is going to have to figure out that kind of delicate balance. You know, like, do we open it up to content where people are going to disagree with some of the main hosts, or do we not? I don't know, man. Like I said, I don't. I would never.
I did their show, and I like those guys a lot. They've always been friendly to me. I mean, Matt Walsh's show is just great. I did Ben's show and he's, listen, you knock Ben all you want. Dude's been number one, the conservative space, for ten years.
He's clearly doing something right. They know what they're doing. I just personally don't work for anyone else. I own everything. Bongino Inc.
Is literally my company. I own everything. Even my radio show like that. That may be radio content from Westwood one, but they're basically just a sales agent for my show. Like, that's it.
I own everything. And that's why I'm, you know, it's easy to not get canceled when you want everything, too. Got it. It's interesting concept with subscription. We're going to see what's going to happen with them.
Patrick Bet-David
I think they just launched something. I just, you know, the market is going to be very, very honest the next 12, 24, 36 months. The market never lies, right? You can sit there and compete in the great thing about free market. Last night, we were having a conversation with one of my guys, and Ilan and I pick up, I'm talking to these guys, they're in Hawaii representing us for one of the events that we're at.
And I said, the reason why I love capitalism is because capitalism will force you to make the right decisions. Because if you make the wrong decisions, it's going to hurt you. So it almost forces you to be a man of character. Because if you're not, the market has zero sympathy for you. It'll tell you, you made that decision, no problem.
22% cut. What? Well, listen, we gonna do better. What are you really trying to do? You're trying to make a better decision because you took it from a decision that you made.
Right? Free market capitalism never lies. And we all look back 510 years from now saying, shit. Those are two big mistakes we made. Those guys made a massive mistake.
Wow. Those guys made a massive mistake. But they recovered. Good for them. What did they.
But everyone's going to learn ten years from now who's right and who's wrong. That's the beauty part about capitalism. But that was great commentary. And I have one more thing, though, because you and I, we do the same thing. One thing I will say, if you're looking to get in this business, if you want to be a content creator, and especially when it involves politics and economics, one thing you can never do is you absolutely cannot toe the line.
Dan Bongino
You just can't. You are going to say stuff that is going to piss people off. When October 7 happened, I had strong opinions. I had a good chunk of my audience. You know, they felt differently about the response.
They were like, I think this is genocide and that. And you know what? I heard everyone out. I leave my facebook and rumble open. I read comments.
I read them on the air. You talk about anything about economics, you're going to get 20 different opinions on five different issues. But I find some hosts, the reason they fail is they try to be everything to everyone. And your p one listeners, your rock solids, they're going to tolerate the fact that 20% of the time you're going to disagree. But if you try to be 100 percenter, people sense you're full of shit immediately.
They are so out. We don't even do marketing. We're like a number two, number three show on any given day. We do almost no marketing at all. Our show has been totally organic.
Word of mouth from the start. Yeah. By the way, what great council, though. What great council. Right?
Patrick Bet-David
You're gonna. Your ride or dies are gonna be with you, and they're gonna tolerate the 20%, that you're gonna have differing opinions, that they're gonna disagree with you, but they're gonna look at you as somebody that's gonna be reasonable. But you're gonna have people, they're gonna come in, they leave six months and they come back in. Then new people replace them. That's right.
Dan Bongino
But your 80%. And what you want to do is build your 80%. 80% of 1000 is obviously bigger than 80% of 100. That's how you build an audience. Great commentary there.
Patrick Bet-David
Let's go to the next topic. Rob, can you pull up this Chiefs football player who gives this message? I have not reacted to it yet at all, Rob. And I wouldn't mind with us showing that and people losing their absolute mind over this and then at the same time, Andy Reid, I think his name is Harrison Butler. Go ahead and play this clip, Rob.
Go for it. For the ladies present today. Here we go. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives.
Harrison Butker
I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most dialogue, lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabel, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on the stage today, enabled to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.
I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker.
Patrick Bet-David
What a speech, man. This is controversial. Apparently, yeah, he's evil.
Harrison Butker
She is a primary educator to our children. She is the one who ensures I never let football or my business become a distraction from that of a husband and father. She is the person that knows me best at my core. And it is through our marriage that, lord willing, we will both attain salvation. I say all of this to you because I have seen it firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will.
Isabel's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation and say, heck no. Okay, so you listen to this. People go absolutely bonkers over this. Rob, Rob, can you just pull up what Michelle Beadle former ESPN host says reacting to this speech, go for it. As a woman, I think everything he said was garbage.
Michelle Beadle
I think when you hide hateful thoughts and feelings and bigotry behind the quote unquote cloak of religion, I tend to roll my eyes and stop listening. But I think the fact that there were women in that audience that were not okay, I mean, granted there were some that clearly were, but there were also some that weren't who have come out since and been like, what the hell, dude? We just worked our asses off for years and you're gonna come in here and tell us that's all cute and stuff, but what you're really gonna wanna do is get married and have babies. Then you'll feel important like go fuck yourself and who. I can't believe people thought we would get political on this one.
And by the way, it's also my freedom of speech to say, go fuck yourself, Harrison. But Kirk, that's my freedom. I can do that. Am I gonna lose my job? And he should also have the right.
Patrick Bet-David
No, that's called freedom of speech and we have no problem with that. She's single. Is she single? That's the type of girl that I want. I'm looking at, can you see how many kids does Michelle Beetle have?
She is 48 years old, born on October 23, same year. She is five days younger. 1975, I'm 78. How many kids does Michelle Beadle have? Can you check how many kids does Michelle Beetle have?
I'm curious, if you go to her Instagram account, do you see any pictures of kids? No pictures of kids. Okay. Is she married? Is Michelle Beetle married?
Has. If she is, I know exactly what he looks like. Michelle Beetle, I know exactly what he would look like. Has she ever. But I'm actually really curious because Michelle Beadle is currently single.
No shit. Has been single. She was in a relationship with a guy from 25. So I'm just curious to know if she's married with kids. Okay.
Because there's a reason why you process it that way. When you look out at 48 years old, you're like, the hell with this guy. I made a decision to marry my career. Now if she's got, you know, she's married and she's got kids, good for her. But that's a different position she takes.
Now. Rob, can you do me a favor before we get into commentary here? Pull up what Patrick Mahomes said and what his coach Andy Reid said. Matter of fact, go to Andy Reid first. I don't know why.
I think he's more appropriate to go to first and Mahomes. Okay, go for it. Go ahead. I think I didn't talk to him about this. Didn't think we needed.
Dan Bongino
We're a microcosm of life here from different areas, different religions, different races. And so we all get along. We all respect each other's opinions and not necessarily do we go by those, but we respect everybody to have a voice. It's a great thing about America, man. And we're just, like I said, a microcosm of that.
And I wish, my wish is that, you know, everybody could kind of follow that. So. Yeah, with so many women just on. Staff here and in the building, I. Mean, his comments kind of touched on women to work for us.
I mean, what do you tell them. If they come to you with a concern about players speaking ill of, you know, women in general? Yeah, that hasn't happened. I don't think you're speaking ill to women. But he has his opinions and we all respect that.
I let you guys in this room and you have a lot of opinions that I don't like.
Patrick Bet-David
What did Mahomes say, by the way? I don't know what Mahomes said. Did Mahomes say anything? Orison? I've known him for seven years and I judge him by the character that he shows every single day.
Patrick Mahomes
And that's a good person. That's someone who cares about the people around him, cares about his family, and wants to make a good impact in society. When you're in the locker room, there's a lot of people from a lot of different areas of life, and they have a lot of different views on everything. And we're not always going to agree, but there are certain things that he said that I don't necessarily agree with, but I understand the person that he is and he's trying to do whatever he can to lead people in the right direction. And that might not be the same values as I have, but at the same time, I'm going to judge him by the character that he shows every single day.
That's a great person. And we'll continue to move along, try to help build each other up to make ourselves better every single day. You can pause it right now. Dan. Thoughts on the story.
Dan Bongino
So this story's been kind of at the forefront of my mind for at least a few days now. I've been thinking this through and it speaks to one specific thing about the modern left. Forget all this stuff. All that matters is the response. Is the why.
Why did they respond the way they did because the left is very tactical. They don't just haphazardly find a reason to freak out. They do it because they see a tactical end. You know, look at what happened with BLM and antifa. Everything they do, they do for a reason.
So why did this particular speech, a very benign speech about how there's a valuable role as being a mom? If you gave the same speech about fathers, I don't think anyone would say anything. There was nothing about the speech. It was particularly even, like, aggressive. It was just a kind of a normal speech about parents in the home.
The first thing is the left hates because they're inherently collectivists and socialists. They hate any objective truth, because the whole idea of the socialism they subscribe to is the idea of subjective truth, that the government should be able to treat people differently based on the government, you know, from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs. Okay? So anytime you see the left attacking something, an objective truth, men are men, women or women, or a competing source of values, family, church, do you notice? These are things they all hate.
There's no, why would the left hate the church? There's no good. Like what? It doesn't make any sense. Like it doesn't compete for them in specific spaces.
Some catholic church leaders are all in on the environmental stuff and the immigration stuff. So why do they hate them? They hate them because it's a competing source of values. And the left can only have your values come from government. Once that's defeated, there is no path for socialism or collectivism.
That's number one. That's why this bothered them. Anything with the family, the left will start peeing their diapers immediately. But the second part of this that irks him is the left's worldview, in contrast to ours, is so fragile. Orin McIntyre made this brilliant point that it requires an extraordinary amount of energy to people to believe the left's bullshit.
Like 20 years ago, if you were to say in a Democrat debate, is a man a man or a woman, they would laugh you. They'd be like, this Democrat debate, what kind of stupid question is that? Now this is considered like, you're like insane if you bring up otherwise. Why? It takes a lot of energy.
So what the left is worrying about is this went viral. Normal people, that is not crazy. Leftists. Listen to that one. Yeah, it makes sense, man, having a mom in the home, it's probably a pretty good idea.
Dad too. And they freaked out because they spent ten years telling you you don't need a mom, you don't need a dad. I went up to Capitol Hill once when the George Floyd thing happened. I was talking as a police officer, law enforcement. I'll never forget this.
I brought up at one point, I'm like, folks, listen, man. All of this comes down to the home. You look at a strict correlation. Dad, in the home, in crime, numbers are absolutely conclusive. Just put it on a damn spreadsheet.
A left key guy on a panel. You can probably see it on C SPAN. Still, this guy lost his mind. He spent his whole three minutes attacking me. They spend an extraordinary amount of energy keeping their fragile worldview alive.
And this thing broke through, and it ticked them off. It's so predictable, Tom. I think there is. I agree with what you just said, and I'll add this to it. When I saw people rallying up here and I saw the voices that mainstream media was bringing forward, like her, it said to me, wow, this is a election year issue.
Tom Ellsworth
And they need to activate this voting group called angry white women in the suburbs. So they cannot allow a simple truth. Cause I said to myself, this guy's just speaking a simple truth. That you can have a lot of fulfillment about being a mom and about raising things. And by the way, that doesn't mean you're locked in your home.
You're probably volunteering at school. You're probably helping other people with their kids. There's a tremendous amount of fulfillment if you choose that. And so there's a simple truth in there that creates this dramatic contrast. And they cant have that to your exact point, because they need that bloc without the angry white women in the suburbs right now.
This election is over. I think its over already. I think its heading to over. I think its going over the waterfall. Were seeing whats happening in all the electoral states.
Weve gone from seven battleground states to four battleground states. Its happening. And I think the left lost their mind because the simple truth sometimes shines brightest and becomes most compelling to people that think about it. And they cant have that for all the reasons you mentioned. And just think about the hypocrisy.
Vincent Oshana
Here. She is talking about a women. You should be able to help that guy. You know what I mean? Be on your own.
You don't need them. Do your career. And I guarantee you that same feminist attitude when it comes to grown men with testicles, changing in locker rooms with girls and competing in women's sports. She's not a peep out of somebody like that. It's hypocrisy at the highest point.
And by the way, nobody would have seen that speech. Me, none of nobody in here, nobody at home would have even known that speech existed. The left had to take it and go, hey, guys, look. God and the nuclear family. We don't want nothing to do with that shit.
Get rid of it. And that's exactly the point that you were making. It's surprising, it's stupid. It's taking energy. And it's just.
I'm happy that these horrible ideas are getting exposed. I love it. But by the way, this is the thing. Like, the reaction to Michelle Beadle's reaction. I actually really liked it.
Patrick Bet-David
I don't know what happened to her. She used to have something with calling anyway. She was actually a good commentator to listen to, but, okay, so she says, hey, Harrison, go after yourself. Whatever, fine. No prom.
But there's a deeper issue here, guys. When you make a decision, a guy manex me this morning on the way here, and his Menech. I won't say his name, but I'll read it to you because it's so heartfelt. And I'm reading it, like, truly heartfelt. Right.
He says, I'm a successful financial advisor. He moved to. I won't give the details. I'll just get to where he's at now. I'm 40 years old, making good headway, making good money.
My wife and I have gone through three rounds of IVF, and they've all been unsuccessful. I don't think we'll go down this path again. It's tough. I don't know what to do now. The driving passion to be successful person seems to have no meaning without children.
If there is no one to pass knowledge, money, et cetera onto. I could retire in a few years and sit on the beach, go work for someone or anyone else I respect for free. Just to be part of something bigger than myself or do charity work. I'm not sure that any of those solutions are right. That's gonna drive me.
He says, what do you think I should do? Right? How many stories do we know of people that been together for 1015 years that can't have kids? So many of them, right? You keep hearing these stories, but there's something beautiful about making a decision to live for somebody else.
Wife, kids, family. I got four of them. There's nothing like it. I saw the special you guys did three years ago with you and your wife sitting next to each other. I don't know why I remember.
I don't know. Valentine's day, that was a phenomenal special you were interviewing. It was. She was so nervous about that, too. And she, like, stole the show.
Yeah, it was actually great seeing what her position was. Right. Cause the market knows you and they don't know a lot about her. Cause she's behind the scenes. Yeah, but when you see something like this and other people's reaction.
48 years old, apparently not married, never been married, no kids. She has to defend that position, of course, because that could. Now maybe we don't have the whole story. Just like we didn't know the story for that girl that was going back and forth with Adam. What was her name?
The actress. Not actress. The comedian. Chelsea. Chelsea Handler.
Chelsea handler. And then later on, you realize when she was a kid, her best friend, who was her older brother, left falls, dies, changes her family, loses everything. Like, they can't even handle themselves for the rest of her life. She's afraid of losing somebody. Now, there may be a story behind this here, but, man, I think you.
Dan Bongino
Hit it, though hard there. You hit it in the beginning when you pointed about the anger. Why are you so angry? I'm not mad at you. Honest to God.
You're a single 40 year old woman who's successful. Respect. I'm dead serious. I don't virtue signal for shit. I'm like, great.
You made decisions, I made different ones. I'm happy for you. Maybe that worked out great, but take the woman out of it for a minute. Because the lefties always, like, they want to paint every Republican's misogynist. I got a friend, same thing.
Secret Service agent, obviously. Shell, romaine Namus. But this guy was like, great guy. We were good friends. Mega player.
Like, just good looking guy, tall guy, basketball player, super smart, lived in all, like, the hot areas. And, you know, when you're a secret service agent, the joke is like, it's the closest thing to being famous without anyone knowing who you are. Cause you're hanging with all these rich people and stuff, and you make a lot of contacts. You know, he had this medical incident not that long ago, and he told me this story. And I don't know how old he is now, 45 or whatever.
He's a little younger than me and no kids again, never married. And he's like, you know what? No one came to see me in the hospital. And he's like, I started to realize, like, now he's getting married and he's like, it's time for me to change. And I'll tell you, man, I know you just said it about kids, but my daughter came home from college.
And I'm getting goosebumps. Talk about it now. And my wife. And I date my wife. My wife's not my wife.
My girlfriend. And people say, oh, I get all fence. I don't really care. I'm not really interested. My wife's my girl.
Shall my wife, like, we're married. But I never looked at her that way because it's got such a. People have this connotation like, oh, you're going to be sitting there in a moo moo. And the husband's going to be. We still date.
We date like we first met. Me and my wife were in a hard rock last week, partying, like 220. Yeah, man. I woke up the next day, I think I need an iv. I tell my audience, like, don't look to me for no morals, man.
Cause I ain't your dude. Like, I'm like a party guy. I go crazy with my wife. Like, we have a good time. But Friday night, my wife and I had a couple drinks.
It was no big deal. But she was drinking some wine. I was drinking some Casa dragones or something. And we love Morgan Wallins. So we put it on, and my kids come out, and my two kids are sitting there, man.
And we're just singing with my kids. Like, I can't sing for nothing. My wife can't either. But my daughter's looking at the words on, like, the Spotify thing. Cause we're taking her to a concert.
And, I mean, was it anything special? Was there a celebrity there? Were there big? No, it was my living room. I'm gonna tell you something, man.
I woke up the next day, I said to my wife, I'm like, we are like the luckiest people on earth. I said, if there's a God, which I believe there is 1000%. I said, that feeling, that's not a simulation. Like, whatever's in my head. Rabbits don't feel that.
Dogs don't. That was just. I woke up the next day, like, that was just special. My youngest daughter, my oldest, were just sitting there, like, dancing. Like, I can't dance.
I'm a white guy. I got hips like a fire hydrant. They don't move. We're all, like, laughing. That's the kind of stuff, brother.
There's no amount of money in the world you can pay to make that up if you're 80 and you've never experienced that. No. You know, it's crazy. Like, when I'm with Bill Maher and we had the exchange, and I said, so why do you have kids? And I said, what's the point of life?
Patrick Bet-David
I said, oh, give me a break with this point of life shit, right? And you see this now? I'm telling you, some people, like this guy, they can't. They wish they could. It's not intentional.
It's what happened. But some people fully married their career, and now they're realizing you can't lay in bed with your career at 60 years old saying, honey, tell me about your day. Your career is not gonna save you. I watched that interview. I tell you, the fact that's a real question.
Dan Bongino
You ever see children of men with Clive Owen? Nobody can have kids anymore. It's basically a dystopian movie where no one can have kids anymore. And you watched a movie. If you don't want, I encourage you to watch that.
Because you realize, like, if there really is no point and no one can procreate, why would anyone do anything? Yeah, but the role at the end of their lives that no one can have kids, they find this one woman who can be pregnant and she changes everything. Because everybody's like, wait, why are we building a new factory? So, like, that's a real question. Like the fact that a guy is smart as Bill Martin.
Vincent Oshana
Have you seen that, people? I've never seen a man and there's. Going to be no customers. So why are we doing this? Funny.
Dan Bongino
I said dystopia. They use the exact same word. And by the way, I love it. Cause what a fantastic recommendation. Cause we always do this.
Vincent Oshana
Just the beginning, one, two minutes of the movie. I don't wanna give it away. You're gonna be sucked in in 2 seconds, bro. Yeah, brother. It is sick.
Patrick Bet-David
Okay, gotcha. If you don't wanna have kids, anyone watch that movie? Listen, I'm a sucker for great movies. We're watching this movie. No problem.
Dan Bongino
Clive Owens. Amazing. So, Harrison, wherever you are, you're an absolute stud of a guy, man. Good for you for giving a speech like that. So many people are grateful for a man to give that speech.
Patrick Bet-David
Respect you and respect to the Kansas City Chiefs organization for whether you agree with him or not, you back him up, he doesn't get fired, nothing happens to his career. Good for you guys for the decision you guys made as an organization. All the pressures didn't do nothing for you. Still hasn't done. Maybe if you guys decide tomorrow, you will get criticism.
But as of right now, good for you guys. We're not making any major decisions with this guy here. Now let's transition into a couple other stories. Bill Maher's on the view, right. There's a couple clips that we have.
I want to first play this one. The one that. Which one do you have? Do you have only one of them or do you have a couple of them? I only have the one.
Dan Bongino
This is where they debate the term woke. Is this where he goes off? How long is this one here, Rob? It's five minutes, but we can stop it. They get right into it, right off the bat.
Patrick Bet-David
Okay, go for it. Play the clip. Well, I had a different question, but it struck me that in the first segment, you used the term woke, and you said that woke is what was sort of ruining everything. And I know that you're. No, I didn't say ruining everything.
Bill Maher
I said that's why Trump could get reelected. That's why Trump could get reelected. So I just. The term woke has been, in my view, co opted by the right and weaponized and bastardized. And so I was surprised to hear you use the term, because historically, as you know, because I think you're quite brilliant that woke is a word used by the black community to note that we must be aware of social injustices.
But words migrate. Why is that a bad thing? It's not a bad thing. And originally, that was absolutely a great thing. Alert to injustice.
Who's not for that? But words do migrate. Now, I'll use any term you want, because maybe that is a word that's triggering, and so let's not use that word. I don't want to call it the super far left, but don't tell me the left has to be the super far right. We talked about the left.
Okay, but we talked about that. I mean, I think we agree about the danger of the super far right. And I can't say it enough. I think they're the bigger threat. But don't tell me that the left hasn't changed.
I mean, I'm old enough to remember when it was the conservatives who hated the Jews. Yeah, okay. Yeah, dead silence. Cause I'm not joke. Too dark.
Dan Bongino
Too dark. Well, maybe it is, but it's true. I mean, you know, if I had any doubt that I was right about the change that's happened in the left, watching people protest for a terrorist organization like Hamas, that straightened me up pretty quick. Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that because I think you're almost a free speech absolutist. You believe totally in the right to say what you believe.
Michelle Beadle
I think a lot of us were disturbed to see terrorist flags being waved on american college campuses. And seeing this a generation that may some, I think, genuinely care about the play of the Palestinians. I think most Americans do. But some who seem to be embracing a terrorist organization over the nation of Israel. What do you make of this moment?
What do you think it's a result of? How do we fix it? Well, I mean, it's just astounding to me that they can't tell the good guys from the bad guys morally. I mean, let me tell you, if you're for Hamas, just live in Gaza for a day, and I'm not talking about while the war is on. I mean, before the war, trust me, you would go running and screaming and begging to live in Tel Aviv, a place that has your values.
Bill Maher
I mean, women have no. I mean, this is a show watched by a lot of women. Women have no rights, right, in this place and a lot of majority muslim countries around the world. I mean, there is no equal rights as far as speech, dress, opportunities for education, nothing. Reproductive rights, nothing.
Freedom from sexual violence, freedom from sexual harassment. The LGBTQ community as well? Yes, that, too. But you throw around the term apartheid. There is a gender apartheid in a lot of the world where women are second class citizens at best.
Michelle Beadle
Are you at all concerned about the innocent reaction, Dan? What are you thinking? Well, first, everybody gets trapped into this woke trap. I see it now on the left. The left is always like, well, define what woke is.
Dan Bongino
And they try to put these folks on the right in a box. And I say pretty simply, it's basically the idea that this white male patriarchy is the source of all power, and that knowledge is therefore seated from that. So you should question everything. But it goes back to what you and I discussed before. There's a reason they do that.
And the left needs a reason to challenge anything objective that challenges their worldview. You will get all of your values from the government. So anything you know to be true, if you're a man of faith that there's a God, that a man's a man's a woman, a woman, that there should be a father and a mother and a home, things you know by nature to be true, the left challenges it. So they make up this lie that there's this white male patriarchy, which is this kind of amorphous blob, and this patriarchy is the source of power, and knowledge is a construct of that. So any knowledge you have, like two plus two equals four is to be challenged because it came from this patriarchy.
And that's why you get things like the war on math. Again, none of this stuff is accidental. So when he's talking about woke and the evolution of woke, he's not kidding. Because the liberals have this problem now. Liberals never get you to vote for them, okay?
They don't just look at their kid. Nobody runs on liberalism. No one. I mean, on hardcore liberals, I'm not talking about democratic. Nobody runs on like, hey, man, cops are really terrible.
They don't put that on the campaign sign. They believe it. The far left, nobody runs on like a government bureaucrat should tell you when to get your heart cracked open. And nobody runs on, I want 90% tax rates. They don't.
Matter of fact, when Bernie Sanders tried to run on it, that's how we got Joe Biden because they wanted to get rid of him. So what do they do? The left doesn't get you to vote for them. They get you to vote against the other guy. So that's why the racist cudgel has been so valuable to them for so long.
Don't vote for Dan Bongino, Vincent or Tom or anyone else. You guys are all racist. Racist. And it worked. The problem now is a democratization of media.
People see through the bullshit. They can just go to Twitter or truth or anywhere else and see videos of us talking like, that guy don't sound racist to me. Matter of fact, he's talking about courting the black vote. So what is, what Bill Maher's getting at to sum this thing up is he's like woke has evolved because the liberals had to create new victims that aren't there. If you're a young black man in America today, could you encounter racism?
Of course. Is the likelihood of it compared to say, the fifties? It's geometrically lower. I mean, it's not even close. So what do they do?
They gotta keep telling you, no no, everybody hates you, especially those conservatives. And that's what he's talking, that's why the woke left has gone crazy. He's not wrong. Oh, and by the one of hands down, and I'm being dead serious, one of the worst shows ever in the history that it's even running this long is the view. Even Sonny Hostin, you know the girl that's sitting on the right?
Vincent Oshana
She was on a show recently. It was on PBS. Have you seen the show, Dan? It's called finding your roots. And this girl is all for reparations.
Just like you said, Dan, everybody's freaking racist. Turns out they found out. She found out from the show that her family owns slaves and she's an advocate of the reparations. Stuff like that so? I think she should practice what she preaches.
She should give reparations as well. You have the video, Rob, I sent. You that video on slack. And while he's looking for that one. And, Dan, you'll get a kick out of this one.
Patrick Bet-David
Is this it? No, this is Angela Davis. I'll let him play the ball. Sonny went out. This is Angela Davis, civil rights activist, former Black Panther.
Vincent Oshana
She discovers on this show that her ancestors were white colonists who arrived in America on the Mayflower. And guess what? They own slaves. Play this, please. So any idea what you're looking at?
Dan Bongino
That is a list of the passengers on the Mayflower. No, I can't believe this. No, my ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower. Your ancestors came on the Mayflower? No, no, no.
Patrick Bet-David
You are descended. No, no, no. From one of the 101 people who. Sailed on the Mayflower. Oof.
Vincent Oshana
Yeah, that hurts, huh? That's a little too much to deal with right now. Did you ever in your wildest dreams. Think that you may have descended from people who laid never the foundation, never, for this kind of dream? Never, never, never.
Patrick Bet-David
So that means reparations never will never. Go well, because somebody on Twitter said she's openly marxist. Professor at the University of California. She found out, you know, that they're white racist colonizers. She's been teaching against them her entire life.
Vincent Oshana
Not that, like, she's a descendant of a slave owner, so she should owe reparations too. Do you have the video of Sonny Hostin I'm looking for right now? I just sent it to you on a slack. I knew Sonny, man, at CNN. Like, we spent time in green rooms.
Dan Bongino
She wasn't, like, always this crazy. But I think the thing about the view where you're right, what bothers me about the view is not that they're left. Like, Bill Maher's left. He's got a successful show. Sometimes he says crazy shit, sometimes he doesn't.
The thing that irks me about the view, I think it away from the reparations thing. But what irks me about the view and say is they're just dumb. Like, they say dumb things. I'm like, joy Behar is really, like, a clinical moron. You know, Alyssa Farah is, like, a fake conservative.
She just. She's just looking at, like, she's just looking for clue or whatever. They need that position. They have to have somebody, sonny, who's supposed to be a lawyer, who makes so many ver. I've been on the air ten years.
I've had to make like, two corrections on minor stuff, and one was a chart I didn't even know was on the screen of my damn show. Someone threw it in after in production, Sonny says she has to come out and correct stuff all the time. These people are idiots. And just on that, on that reparations clip, though, with Angela Davis. Think about it.
This is what happens when you compartmentalize people into boxes that don't exist. I love it. Race is a marginal thing. Who's black? There's no black gene.
There's no white gene. It's a marginal thing. And when you treat people like black, white guy, bad, and then you find out, like, oh, man, the white guy. Listen, I took a 23 andme. I was kind of surprised, you know?
Really? You don't. This is insane. Good, bad. You know, I thought the whole idea was supposed to be this melting pot.
Like, we're human beings and they just. This is what happens. Oh, look, you're under Mayfa. What? Yeah.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, what am I gonna do, pay myself? Reparations. It's insane. And, Pat, can we see this one?
Vincent Oshana
This is a very, very short. Go for it. This is Sunny Hostin finding out her family owned slaves. Wow.
Michelle Beadle
I'm a little bit in shock. I just always thought of myself as puerto rican, you know, half puerto rican. I didn't think I was. My family was originally from Spain. And slaveholders.
Dan Bongino
Brother. I never saw that. The Davis thing, I saw. I never saw that before Sunday. And that's.
Vincent Oshana
I'm so happy that you said that. Everybody talks this, all the divisiveness. Nobody checks the stats, really, like, step back because they're out there and they're being the forefront of all this pushing this hate and divisive attitude. Come to find out, your ancestors own slaves. So think all these people, that's all they're doing, Dan, is just keeping us apart.
Keeping us apart. Love always wins. But these people, they don't make money. They can't. That show doesn't exist.
If they're not anti us and anti everything and Trump is Hitler. That's their whole fricking job. You know, it's boiled. It's boiled down for me over the years so simply. And, you know, I read an old, old, old article that was written by Ann Coulter, and it was on her website, and it wasn't like a bombastic argument where Ann would go on and have some argument, and she pointed out, she says, look, you know, from a typically conservative point of view, you're gonna come with logics.
Tom Ellsworth
And facts, and you respectfully think the other side is wrong. But when you're faced with emotions and factless, then they inherently feel that you're evil, you're not wrong. You're evil and you're bad is to categorize it. And when people's worldview, these are people that think, I'm good, you're bad. And then when given a fact that's incontrovertible, like a 23 andme man, you just look how it messes with their head.
Whereas a conservative person is going to say, wait, let me see that again, because you inherently accept facts that change not just narratives, but your point of view on something, you say, oh, you're defending an athlete for something. Then you see the video, you say, you know what? That's indefensible. He was hitting his wife. That's, I can't defend that.
And they step off it. And it just, it's just amazing to me. The view is this cesspool of factless, emotional, you are bad. This is evil. And you see when a conservative member, Bill O'Reilly, was on there like twelve years ago.
Oh, my gosh. And he was trying to go back to fact and they wouldn't let him. They would move off the fact to move over here. Move off the fact to move over here. And I think that's what you're seeing.
I think it's so interesting when confronted with facts that they just kind of, it's great. It's great to see. So I want to go to next story here when my, wait, can I. Bring up one last point on what you just said summed up this way beautifully, man. Conservatives think liberals are people with bad ideas.
Dan Bongino
Don't ever forget that. Liberals think conservatives are bad people with ideas. And that's why whatever you are for, they're against. They don't care about the idea. They care about what you just said.
You're a bad person and it doesn't matter. Exactly. Rob, if you can pull up the clip with Alejandro Mayorkas, the fact that we have a, you know, Dan who, former secret service, I really want to see how he reacts to this. Go forward and play this clip. I have no disrespect.
Patrick Bet-David
Secretary Chad Wolf, your predecessor, was among those saying, we're almost three and a half years into a crisis and only now are they starting to take these executive actions. These are actions that we have been pleading with the administration to take for two and a half to three years. What do you say to that? I don't, that's not accurate. That's what I say.
Dan Bongino
We implemented the asylum officer rule through regulation. We implemented the circumvention of lawful pathways rule through regulation. We have built additional facilities, deployed enforcement and removal operations officers. This year, we have removed or returned more than 720,000 people who do not qualify for relief under the law, more than any full fiscal year since 2011. We've been enforcing the law from day one, despite the political rhetoric.
Patrick Bet-David
How do you react to that, Daniel? I mean, this guy's so full of shit. It's like, I mean, I know Pinocchio was like fairy tale, but you wonder why his nose, you're like, oh, my God. Again, this is, you know, gaslighting, right? Lie, lie often.
Dan Bongino
Lie confidently and isolate people from the truth. The reason this would have worked with Cronkite 30, 40 years ago is no one had video cameras at the border and people were, oh, no, no, the border. If you didn't live in a border community, you wouldn't know, right? Again, information's democratized, bro. I can just go to x and put border and watch for the fox drone live.
So he's so full of shit. But the thing about it that's so disingenuous is everything he says has some nugget of truth, but he's giving you the opposite end of it. He, we built facilities. Cavuto should have stopped. For what?
Oh, to process people to bring into the country. So that's what the facility, they're not detention. They're processing facilities. And then when he says, we've deployed people to the border. Yes, to assist people in getting in, not to keep them out, what he does is he's a clever liar.
And I hate clever liars cause they're disingenuous little shits. He's a clever liar. He says something with a nugget of truth and makes it appear like he's doing the opposite. And by the way, the 212 F, the INa Immigration and Nationality act, the president right now. Look it up.
Anyone, look it up. 212 F, please. If you think I'm making this up. The president has the authority right now to stop any class of immigrants for any reason coming into the country for as long as he wants you. There it is right there.
Thank you. 212 F. It's right there, folks. You think I'm lying? Go.
So him telling you, like, they need congressional authority to do these things, it's right there on the screen. It's on my attorney USA. You think I made that up? Let me just read it. So the audience who's on Spotify can see.
Patrick Bet-David
So the first part of section 212 F codifies the president of the United States broad authority to suspend the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens if the president determines that such entry would be detrimental to the interests of the United States by presidential proclamation. Proclamation. He doesn't have to do anything. He could just do it because he has the presidential authority. Brought that up.
Tom Ellsworth
I'm so glad you brought that up because it was like less than 45 days ago. Biden looked into the cameras and said they got to pass the law if that law was. But, you know, I'm talking about the. Quote, exactly what you're talking about. That's exactly it.
And then you're bringing to it. This is where the president just lied to our faces as citizen. Hey, we need that law. If that law was passed, I would do it right now. Pass that law.
He has the ability, he has the control. They just won't do it. And we're being duped and we're being used. So I got a question for you, Rob. Can you pull up the other number of the amount of illegal immigrants coming through the data that you had?
Patrick Bet-David
Okay, here we go. 2015, 1617. All the way down to now. So dark green encounters apprehensions. Orange expulsions, light orange returns.
Removals is yellowish, right? So you see 2015 say 600,000, then 2016, say 700,000. 2017, probably half a million. 2018, 700,000. 2019, say 1.11.2 million.
2020 drops to around 650. Then 2021 goes to 2 million. 2022, say 2.7 million. 2023.2 million. Wow.
And counting. Right? And counting. So all these numbers, we had more in one year than the last previous, potentially six years, five years combined. Right.
Encounters and apprehension of what I'm specifically talking about. Okay, great. Trump gets elected. He hires Tom Holman. Okay?
He comes in and they want to clean it up. How are you going to get rid of 10 million illegal immigrants that came here? How do you do that? That's the problem. See, this was very tactical.
Dan Bongino
You're right. For as much as I would love to look into the camera in your audience and say Trump's going to fix, he can fix the border relatively quickly, just 212 f, and get the construction going. If we can get it passed through Congress. You need money. No one's going to build it for free.
But the problem is it's almost impossible. It's just a matter of simple logistics. I mean, you're talking about because they're here. Once you're on us soil, the constitution applies. It's sad that not said we have a constitutional, but that they were allowed to get in.
That's the portion of it that's troublesome. But the Democrats were very tactical folks. They're not stupid. They understand that it doesn't matter if these illegals vote or not. It does.
I mean, it's terrible. Obviously, if they do, they broke the law. All that matters is they're here because they're counted in the census. And the census apportions House of Representatives members, which doesn't only determine to break down a congress, but also determines the presidency. How the hell's that?
Because the electoral college is based on your number of House of Representatives members plus senators. So if you import 10 million people, which is the population, significantly more than a number of us states, what the Democrats just effectively did is create probably two to three small size liberal states and gave them votes in the electoral college to get to 270. It doesn't matter. Why do you think. Go back and look at this if you think I'm messing with you, when Trump wanted the citizenship question, why do you think the left want nuclear meltdown, DEFCon 42 million?
Because they knew if the apportionment on the census didn't include their 10 million new, new citizens, or whatever they want to call them in the euphemisms game, they knew they would never win a presidential election again. So that's why they went absolutely crazy. And John Roberts and his court, they screwed us over. That would have changed electoral dynamics in the United States forever. And that's what Trump has to focus on right away, is the citizenship.
Tom Ellsworth
And they were already upset because was it five or seven electoral votes moved. North to south between Florida and Texas and California, New York losses, you're in the ballpark. Right? So, basically would have been more if they wouldn't have screwed it up. So basically, you know, let's pick a blue state up north.
Basically a Vermont and a half went south in terms of the electoral college, and that's why they were flipping out. And so, you know, look, election manipulation through redlining and everything for congressional districts is as old as the country itself. And these folks want to. Why do you think they were being bused to certain areas? Why do you think they were flipping out when Texas was saying, you know what, tell you what, get on the bus, you're going to New York, because that's not where they wanted them.
And then Mayor Eric Adams gets religion and it's like, I can't care for them and winter's going to come here and they're going to freeze to death. So now he's taking school gymnasiums and stuff and impacting it that way. But you're exactly right. This was a programmatic mathematical invasion designed to deploy and then later break after one census and reapportionment, I can actually. Prove to you what I'm telling you is true.
Dan Bongino
This is why, by the way, I'm agreeing with you, by the way. No, I know. Like, when you bring up. No, I totally get it. But when you bring up the idea of what the Democrats call replacement theory, right.
If you bring this up, they freak out. And what I do on my show is I say, really? Because I'm just gonna play a video cut of you talking about demographic destiny and replacing you Democrats. It's not me, it's you. There's an article in the New York Times.
Look it up. Michelle Goldberg. Look this up. New York Times. It's called we can replace them.
Look it up right now. You think I'm leaving? Yeah. This is. They're like, erase it.
Thank you. That's the freaking New York Times. Holy shit. Wait, I thought we were the. They talk about it all the time.
They don't want you to notice. Wow. Why don't they want you to notice? Because they realize what. What Tom just said.
The electoral math for them with sane us said they'll never win a national election again without illegal immigration. This is what I was making the point, though. There was a senator, I made it been Ted Cruz, but I'm not sure. But this is about ten years ago, maybe a little less. He put a poison pill, it was genius.
In one of these bills that said, and he did it to be tactical. I'm not sure if it was Cruz, but they said, ok, what we'll do is we'll do some kind of semi amnesty, but they can't vote the left one. I thought this was about, like, taking care of people. So you'll let him in, but if they don't vote for you, kick them the hell out. Wow.
It was. It was genius. Because all the Democrats said no. All they care about is votes. They don't give a damn about these people.
That article is legit. They'll tell you mentioned replacement theory. They'll call you a racist on Twitter, and they go, I'm just reading the headline from the New York Times with state Seattle. And by the way, they call it, you know, the border. I call it a turnstile.
Vincent Oshana
Cause think about, Dan, we've been saying this forever. The left or just the regular voters, they don't believe they're still like, no, this is America. We have to let everybody in. We know. Think about it.
It's not only for votes. It's for women, sex trafficking. It's for all that, all the terrorists, if you think about it, then that border situation, they're gonna use this for whatever the hell they want. They're giving all these people cell phones. And by the way, the whole lie of it's just trump said the Mexicans.
It's. It's beyond Mexicans. Yeah. My wife's an immigrant. Right?
Dan Bongino
Columbia. So I love when they come after me. Go, man. You really hate immigrants. That's married one.
How'd I get past that? Yeah. Weird. Yeah. My parents, his parents, my kids are colombian and italian.
We're all weird. Yeah. We all come from that. But it's like to not see what's happening. And then now you must get a kick out of that when they tell, you, guys must hate immigrants, you capitalist entrepreneur.
Vincent Oshana
You're like, he is one. He's not from here. He's kind of one of them, too. Yeah, I wasn't from so dumb. It is like, it's such a shallow, stupid argument.
Dan Bongino
There's a really valuable component to value added immigration in any country. The Japanese are finding that out the hard way. Right? But, yeah, this is this racist nonsense. It's just them projecting onto you that they're using minority groups as election tools, and they see him only as a power.
Vincent Oshana
So is it going to work then? Is this tactic for this election? Is that tactic going to work? The illegals with electoral college, with the people, man. Let me tell you something.
Dan Bongino
This election scares me. That's why in the beginning where we talked about the red wave stuff, I said, you talk about that on my show, I, like, cancel you right away. I'm like, I don't even want to hear it. It could, man. And I do worry about the cheating.
Cheating's real. You talk about all the old smack you want. You guys are economics guys, right? You can't prove a counterfactuals like the golden rule. Economics.
Bill Maher
Right? What would a tax cut done if you. I don't know. It didn't happen. So what are we gonna.
Dan Bongino
I can't tell you. Exactly. Right. So you can't box me in on. Something that box me in, that never happened.
So when people say, like, oh, voter fraud doesn't exist and it's not systemic, and there's 10 million people here who could, in theory, if they were smart enough, get a ballot, you can't prove to me, it didn't happen if you didn't detect it. It's like a joke of an argument. Voter fraud isn't systemic. How do you know? Because I know.
Take my word for it. Do you benefit from voter fraud? I do. So you have a vested interest in saying what you just said with no evidence to back it up? I do.
So you're a moron I should disregard? No, no. I'm a smart guy. You're an idiot. Will it work?
It could. I'm optimistic about this election. I think the black vote and the minority vote are really going to help us a lot. I think Trump's made some major headway, and I think that's going to be his lasting gift to the republican party. A demographic shift we've needed for years.
But, man, I'm still nervous. I mean, 10 million people, a lot of people. Did you see the CNN reporters that completely lost their mind when it was 6%, minorities, when it was. That was this past week, and then 22% right now, 9% previous, now it. Was 22, and even more with the younger, younger generation.
Tom Ellsworth
We talked about the election. I got two minutes left and I want to go to one more thing, Tom. I want to show it. How big of a role does this play with Nikki Haley? Okay.
Patrick Bet-David
With Nikki Haley saying this, if he can play this clip, Joe, just a couple months ago, she's trashing Trump, right? She's saying what she's saying about everybody and she says this. Go ahead, Rob. As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border. No more excuses.
Michelle Beadle
A president who would support capitalism and freedom.
A president who understands we need less debt, not more debt. Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I've made that clear many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump.
Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continued to support me and not assume that they're just gonna be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that. What does that mean, though? What does that mean, though, Dan?
Patrick Bet-David
What's, what's she saying? She needs a job, doesn't she? Yeah, that's. Cause that's how I. Baby, Shannon, reach out to my people, to the voters, millions who voted for me, so please reach out to me and offer me a job, is what, how I interpret that?
How do you interpret it? Man, that's so you and I, man, are like, mind. I swear that's the first thing that came to my mind. Like, it's incredible. The country's in this perilous spot with the oatmeal God in the White House, and the speech is about him courting you as if you won.
Vincent Oshana
Yeah. Why? One, they're not your supporters. They're supporters of a specific brand of republican politics. This isn't like, it's not a UFC fight.
Dan Bongino
Like, oh, I'm supporting Conor McGregor. This is about the country. I think she waited too long. I think this was terrible politics. I think the right thing to do was to come out right away and said, I lost.
He was obviously a better candidate. I think she's burned herself in republican politics forever. I really do. I hope that's not the case. I like to see a big, broad bench.
It's good for us. There's no addition by subtraction in politics. I hope we get those votes, and I hope he does talk to his voters. But this, like, I'm a conduit to those people come to me. It would be like me saying on my show, like, you know, hey, hey, listen, Trump, you need to get on my show so I can tell my.
I should be telling my support to save the country, vote for Trump, not come to me. Like, you need to kiss my ass. I wasn't digging that. It's an establishment comment that comes from establishment politician that, see, voter blocks is owned 100%. They're like a commodity.
People trade. Like, oh, look, my block here, for your block there. No, no, no. This should be about statesmen. I mean, I get.
That's all flowery, and now everybody hates politics and politicians suck. But that's. I don't know, man. That's weak. That whole thing is weak.
Patrick Bet-David
We'll finish on that. Dan, great to have you on the podcast. I'm glad we finally made it work. Rob, can we put the link below to be able to directly go and subscribe and find him on Rumble podcast? We'll put in the chat.
We'll put in the comment section as well for anybody to do it. Gang, we're going to do another podcast again. You pull up stuff on my show next, because I want to make sure that you were very nice to me. I want to promote your podcast as well. For sure.
We can do that. And then hopefully one of these days, we'll head out to go to this city, apparently. I don't know why I'm being told. We'll figure this thing out if it's true or not. Apparently, the best burger king in America is in Stuart, Florida.
Really? Yeah. Seriously. It doesn't serve burger yet. Anymore.
Anyways, gang, take care. We're good again tomorrow. Smart. Bye. Bye.
Bye. Bye. Bye bye. Take care, everybody. Bye.