Primary Topic
This episode investigates the weight-loss trend called 'oatzempic', an oat-based concoction inspired by the medication Ozempic, known for its weight-loss benefits.
Episode Summary
Main Takeaways
- 'Oatzempic' is gaining traction online as a natural weight-loss remedy, but its effectiveness is debatable.
- True weight loss results from a caloric deficit, not necessarily from specific foods or supplements.
- Listener interactions play a significant role in the episode, highlighting diverse opinions and experiences.
- The hosts discuss other digital trends and listener tips, making the episode a mix of technology, health, and lifestyle topics.
- There is skepticism about internet fads, emphasizing the need for critical thinking regarding health trends shared online.
Episode Chapters
1. Introduction
The episode opens with a general discussion about the show's digital focus and recent listener emails. Kim Komando: "I love hearing how our listeners apply the tips we discuss on the show."
2. 'Oatzempic' Discussion
The hosts explore the concept of 'oatzempic', discussing its ingredients and supposed benefits. Barry: "It's fascinating how people are always looking for a quick health fix."
3. Listener Interactions
Various emails and messages from listeners are addressed, offering a mix of praise and quirky questions. Allie Selkman: "Our listeners never shy away from sharing their unique experiences."
4. Tech Tips and Trends
Discussion shifts to broader digital trends and practical technology tips for everyday problems. Kim Komando: "Staying updated on tech trends is crucial for navigating the digital world safely and effectively."
5. Conclusion
The episode wraps up with final thoughts on the effectiveness of 'oatzempic' and upcoming topics. Kim Komando: "Always take trendy health advice with a grain of salt and look for credible sources."
Actionable Advice
- Research thoroughly: Before trying any online health trend, research its scientific backing and potential side effects.
- Calorie management: Focus on managing your calorie intake and expenditure for effective weight loss.
- Engage with content critically: Don't take every health fad at face value; evaluate the credibility of the sources promoting it.
- Stay informed: Keep up with the latest in technology to protect yourself from common scams and misinformation.
- Community interaction: Use platforms like this podcast to engage with a community for support and exchange tips.
About This Episode
TikTok claims an oatmeal and lime smoothie can help you lose 20 pounds a month. Plus, there’s a major Roku hack, you can’t be anonymous on OpenTable and be careful what you click on X.
Kim Komando, Barry, Allie Selkman
Guest Name(s):
Content Warnings:
Kim Commando
Hey, it's Kim Commando today, your daily podcast to keep you up to date with all things digital and beyond. And I'd love to have you be a part of our podcast. You can make an appointment to speak with me. Just head over to commando.com. and on the top right, there's a button that says, email, Kim. Fill that out, and that's it.
So every once in a while, a letter comes across an email, a post. It's a standout.
Kim Commando
Because, you know, with our millions and millions of viewers and listeners, you know, we have people from all walks of life, all backgrounds.
Kim Commando
Okay. I mean, like, I get emails from, like, CEO's of a Fortune 500 company.
And you immediately try to sell them advertising packages.
Kim Commando
Of course.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
Kim Commando
You know, it's like. It's a disease I have. I mean, I'm always like, okay, what can we do to make money? What can we do to make money? Okay, so this is from Kenny in Florida.
Kim Commando
Okay, Kenny, I know that you're watching, and I just wanted to say thank you for the time that you took to send me this note.
Hi, Kim. I've listened to you for years. I think you're pretty amazing.
Well, that's nice.
Kim Commando
And you truly care about your listeners.
I have a strange question for you.
It doesn't have anything to do with technology, but more about you. Oh, no.
Did you transition when you were younger?
Go ahead, Ken. Keep reading it.
Kim Commando
Don't get me wrong.
You're a beautiful woman with classic features.
Allie Selkman
It's true.
Kim Commando
But now that I am watching you a lot on YouTube, you have some very manly characteristics.
They're bald.
Kim Commando
I have freeze framed several parts of the YouTube videos.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
And you have larger feet and hands like a man.
What size are your shoes?
Kim Commando
All right. Is that big? I don't know. Is that big for a woman?
Allie Selkman
That's, like, pretty average.
Kim Commando
What size are your feet?
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Way bigger than allye.
Kim Commando
Just saying, Kenny. Just saying.
You possibly could be bigger than me.
Kim Commando
Your voice is very masculine, too.
All three things that even if you were once a man, it's very difficult to hide now that you're a woman.
Allie Selkman
Sure, sure.
Kim Commando
It's okay.
It's fine.
Kim Commando
If you did transition, you can tell us. I'm just wondering what the truth is and what you're packing down there.
Kenny in Florida.
Allie Selkman
Kenny really went for it at the end.
Allie Selkman
What you're packing?
What are you packing?
Kim Commando
So, is this gonna come with a confession.
Kim Commando
Two of them, singular. Oh, taco.
Is this coming with a confession, or is this gonna be a very special episode of the Kim Commando Today podcast?
Kim Commando
Wait, hold on. Let me look.
They were. They. I was born a girl.
Oh, and you still are.
Kim Commando
I still am.
You know, I call screened for 14 years on this show, and it would have been once a month, probably, where people would call up and say, oh, yeah, I would love to talk to him.
And they think that Kim commando is a man.
Allie Selkman
I really don't get it. I don't think your voice is that deep.
I mean, it's a little deep, but it's not masculine.
Allie Selkman
No, it's not masculine.
It's not like you're Barry white telling people to go buy a Google Pixel.
Kim Commando
Let me tell you.
Let me tell you, baby, you ought to go get that bluetooth speaker.
Allie Selkman
Even that. You don't sound like a man. You just sound like husky.
Like sexy. Not like fat husky.
Hello, and welcome to the tempo. Mango. Shit.
Kim Commando
That's awful.
That is awful.
Well, at least he asked. He has the bravery to ask.
Allie Selkman
Are we applauding Kenny's bravery? I don't think so.
Kim Commando
Kenny, I just want to say thank you again for your note. And I will tell you that I am a woman 1000%. I was born a female. I'm okay if you want to transition. I've thought about transitioning to a man. I have. Oh, yeah. Cause I immediately make 20% more just like that.
Your bank balances just immediately rise.
Kim Commando
And on that happy note, welcome. It's Miss Kim Commando today.
Thank you for clarifying that.
Kim Commando
It's our Monday Wednesday podcast where we do a video version, and you can freeze frame, and you can zoom in on a lot of things anim sample.
Look, there is none.
All right, now I'm just making sure.
Kim Commando
Just make.
Allie Selkman
Maybe we could get this idea to go viral, and then everyone will tune into.
Oh, my God. Some people would just tune in because they knew your transition.
Allie Selkman
They'd be trying to spot your.
You'd have a whole new fan base that didn't even know. That's all they care about.
Kim Commando
Listen. Like, share.
Just listen, like, share comment. We want to get your comments.
How was that?
I was standing next to you in the bathroom at the urinals, and.
Kim Commando
Don't even.
Don't even. Oh, my gosh.
When we came up with this idea.
Kim Commando
It's awful. Kenny was just.
Allie Selkman
I knew it.
Kim Commando
All right, so, Andrew Rubinski, you're on board. What do you have coming up?
You can no longer be anonymous on the Internet, if you're mozzarella sticks at Fridays are cold.
Kim Commando
Oh, darn it.
Can't do it anymore.
Kim Commando
And what do you got? Allie. She's Allie Selkman. Our amazing content. Great. Doesn't she look like a ballerina?
Today I'm ballerina.
Allie Selkman
I'll take. Just go.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. Transitioning. Ballerina.
Allie Selkman
Transitioning from dance to podcast.
Kim Commando
Yes. Amazing.
Allie Selkman
I'm going to talk about things people are doing on the Internet too. Stupid one that I'm kind of in on, but it's weird.
Oh, really? Stuff on the Internet. Never thought.
Kim Commando
Okay, so if you're getting the video version, like the audio version, we actually have King Commando today five days a week for your listening pleasure. So wherever you get your audio podcast, just go ahead and I guess audio podcast, that would be redundant.
Yeah, pretty much.
Kim Commando
Okay. Wherever you're getting your pods, there it is.
I'll hate that even more.
Kim Commando
I don't know. It just drives me crazy when people says pods and they do it around here all the time.
Allie Selkman
We don't have time for the full word, Andrew.
This was some of those words that just get to you. I'm sure you have some.
Kim Commando
Just search for Commando with a K. There you go. Komando. And we are going to be reading the best comments at the end.
It's going to be hard to top that one.
Kim Commando
It's going to be hard. You know what? I might frame this.
The best part is screenshots.
Kim Commando
Allie Selkman
That's wild.
Kim Commando
That's a big commitment.
That's dedication.
Kim Commando
You've got to freeze frame it. You got to capture that. You got to put that into photos program.
And you know he's sending it to friends. Do you think this is a man? Do you think this is a man?
Those huge feet.
Kim Commando
Yes, they are just huge. Huge.
I'll look up the average size of women's feet. We can debunk your huge feet easily.
Kim Commando
All right. Be a hero. Make sure that you enter to win our $500 Amazon gift card because we're giving it away on Monday.
All right. Gifts on the ends.
Kim Commando
All right.
Kim Commando
And you can be a hero. Cause you could enter to win and then if you win the $500, you could give it to somebody else.
Oh, pay forward.
Kim Commando
Yes, exactly. I mean, you know. So winfromkim.com win from one newsletter.
That's all you need to do.
Kim Commando
And it's one newsletter. It's easy to unsubscribe. Just one click to unsubscribe. All right. So here are the five top things you need to know what's happening in tech right now. Roku. Do you have a Roku?
Kim Commando
Okay, well, last month they said that they got hacked, and by 15, only 15,000 accounts got hacked.
Oh, it's not bad.
Kim Commando
No, today they said it's a little bit more, just a little bit more. 600 million plus 576,000.
Allie Selkman
Just a bit more, just a little bit more.
Why does it take them so long? At and t the same thing happened. Why is it taking.
Allie Selkman
The cycle dies down?
Oh, it's not that they need to hit another button to find out. It's that they're trying not to get the news out there, or they're trying.
Allie Selkman
To make sure before they say a high number that this is, like, the highest possible number.
Kim Commando
So what they've done is they've reset everybody's passwords, but be on the lookout for phishing scams, texting scams, every other scam that says, you know, hey, we're from Roku and we.
We care about you and want to know your preferences. And take this survey and click here or whatever it may be. Don't fall for it. All right, moving on to Hewlett Packard.
Yes. Yes. Hewlett Packard.
They just put down a big firmware update that blocks non HP counterfeit, they say, cheaper ink cartridges from working in their printer.
Why? Why would they do that to the consumer?
Kim Commando
They said it's for our security. Oh.
Allie Selkman
They want to keep us safe.
Kim Commando
They're protecting us.
Oh, well, then. Okay. That's why. It's for. I guess I'll go buy HP Inc. That's four times the price.
Kim Commando
Exactly. Exactly. And so now there's a class action lawsuit already. Yes, of course. Think about. I was thinking about this, like, with cars. So let's say you buy, I don't know, a Kia. Okay. That you could only put gas from Kia.
Allie Selkman
Oh, my gosh.
Kim Commando
Inside that car. Right. I mean, that would be it. And everything else. Kia would come out and go.
But when you bought the car, you could put any gas in it.
Kim Commando
Allie Selkman
That's the thing. Hence the lawsuit.
Kim Commando
If it said on the box, then that's me. That's. That's the consumer's issue. But before they just go over the Internet and make that change.
Kim Commando
Not cool.
Allie Selkman
To be fair, it probably did say somewhere in the documentation, only use HP ink, but no one reads.
Kim Commando
And then, of course, you know, and it's just so annoying because what you do is you buy this HP printer because this happened to Barry, bought an HP printer. And then in order to make it work, really, you have to install the HP app.
Kim Commando
Okay. Then the HP app says, oh, we'll keep track of your ink for you, and you're like, oh, thank you so much.
Nice of you. Oh. And then all of a sudden, every 30 days, boom, more ink. Boom, more ink.
These stacks of ink sitting in the corner. Is this the same company that tried to do the printer service where you got seven prints per month?
Kim Commando
Oh, yes.
Kim Commando
It's not a well run company.
Allie Selkman
Things are not going great at HP marketing.
Kim Commando
So smart tvs are in the news, because guess what got hacked.
Smart tvs.
Kim Commando
Yes. LG.
Oh, that's not a big company. No, I only have four LG tvs.
Kim Commando
So if you have an LG tv, you have to make sure that you do a firmer update. Because if not, hackers can come in through your tv. Yes. And install some malicious apps. And then once they get on the apps on your tv, then they get on your network, and then all hell breaks loose.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
I will do that, and you won't be able to watch porn ever again.
Well, then I'm gonna do it right now. I can't finish the show. This is important.
Allie Selkman
I have a good day.
Kim Commando
Can you hear me now?
Kim Commando
Can you hear me?
Allie Selkman
You have a microphone?
Kim Commando
No, no. Can you hear me? Yes. Okay, you both failed the test.
If somebody calls you and says, can you hear me?
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Can you hear me?
Oh, you're not supposed to say yes, because they're recording your yes so they can use it as your voice, and then they can get into your bank accounts.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
And steal everything from.
You just said yes again.
Allie Selkman
I know. I'm already hacked.
How many times have I said yes on this podcast? If they want my voice, it's available every single Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Kim Commando
I know. It's just. It's awful. It's awful.
But that's the new robocall.
Kim Commando
So if somebody says, you know, can you hear me? Is this really you, mister Commando?
Allie Selkman
Mister Commando?
Is this you, Carl? Carl Commando? Is this really you?
Kim Commando
But, you know, that does happen to me a lot.
Kim Commando
You know, if I'm, like, if I call, like, a restaurant, or if I call down, like, to the front desk at a hotel, and I'll say, you know, hey, can you send up. I don't know. Cause I always forget a toothbrush. Can you set up a dental kit or whatever and say, yes, mister Commando? Yes, mister.
There is no mister Commando. That's the funniest part.
Allie Selkman
There's not.
Kim Commando
Yeah, I know.
Barry's last name isn't commando.
Kim Commando
Allie Selkman
It's crazy to me that that happens to you so much.
Kim Commando
It does.
Your voice is not that deep, but it's deeper. Did you hear yourself just go, your.
Kim Commando
Voice is so deep.
It's deeper. Compare and contrast.
Kim Commando
And I do have, you know, I used to have size 8ft.
What happened?
Kim Commando
When you get pregnant, your feet grow. And I was so ticked off.
Cause they grow this way.
Kim Commando
Yes. I had all these, like, shoes, and I'm like, oh, my gosh, these beautiful shoes. And they're. I still have, like, two pairs of holdouts. I'm like, I'm gonna fit into them one day. I'm gonna fit into it.
Allie Selkman
It's not like old jeans, Cam. You don't shrink into them.
She's doing feet workouts, trying to get them smaller.
Kim Commando
But you know how they wrap your feet in China. I was thinking I could try that.
Yeah, you could.
Kim Commando
Okay, finally, this a gal by the name of Emily Ullman.
She put on her apple $3,500 vision pro headset, and when Emily took it off, she had two black eyes.
Allie Selkman
Oh, no.
Was she playing Mike Tyson's punch out?
Kim Commando
Must be. And people are complaining not only of getting black eyes, but neck pain, eye strain, headaches.
Well, I don't mean to argue, because I read a headline and not the article that says, apple's vision Pro does not give you black eyes. Not really enough for me. I moved along.
Allie Selkman
Put out by the fine people at Apple.
Absolutely. It was@applenews.com dot.
Kim Commando
Really funny how that works. Now, in other news, Apple is really upset.
Kim Commando
Because people are using the Apple vision pro in ways that they didn't expect.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Yep. Yep.
Every device, the printing press, the second thing printed, it was like the Bible. And then porn. I mean, we used every bit of technology for pornography.
Kim Commando
It was even, like, on the walls.
Exactly. Caveman.
Kim Commando
Which I will. You know what? This is like one of these travel memories that I'll never forget. Okay, so, you know, we're in Rome, and I'm like, okay, we've got to go to Pompeii. And both Ian and Barry look like, oh, my God, you want to go to Pompeii? They're taking us. I'm like. Cause it's like a three hour car ride.
Oh, okay, okay.
Kim Commando
And so I'm like, you know, but it's gotta be great. We're gonna have a fun time. And so we get to Pompeii, and they were actually getting into it. You know, walking around and getting the tour and all that stuff. And I was just so amazed about how, like, you know, they had, like, they had like, food courts in Pompeii.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Yes. And how many of our homes right now with the center, like, being like a garden and like an area that was really coming from Pompeii, the fountains and everything. But the thing that I thought was just so amazing, and Ian was probably like 14. So at that time, like, you know, it's kind of like, ooh, six. Not really sure my parents did that, you know, one of those things.
So I went into the brothel in Pompeii. And on the wall, just for a menu.
On the walls. A menu, really? And it was drawn of what you could get. Yes. So you could get like, you know.
We know, the trash.
Kim Commando
You don't have to all different. Okay. Get all different things that you could.
Want this away, a dad away.
Kim Commando
But the thing that I thought was interesting is that then they had pictures of that they drew of women and, like, it had like, like smelly STD. You know, it didn't say STD, but it's like, smelly yucky.
They were like, reviews.
Kim Commando
Allie Selkman
Wow. This is the first yelp.
Kim Commando
I thought that was like, like, oh, my gosh. And Pompeii.
That's awful.
Kim Commando
Oh, no. See, if you travel with me. Yeah, we always see the good stuff.
Gonna learn about the old. Historically, hookers. It is the world's oldest profession.
Allie Selkman
That's true.
Kim Commando
Hey, it's Mister Kim Commando today, your daily podcast Monday through Friday about all, all things digital. But Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you are in for a treat. That's right, because you get to actually watch us do the podcast. And it's so much fun. I mean, it truly is. You get to see Andrew in all of his honor and glory and his white socks because I actually gifted you white socks cause I said the gray ones just needed to go.
And then those are white socks that you just accused of being gray.
Kim Commando
Allie Selkman
At one point, do you separate the darks and the white?
Kim Commando
Formerly known as white. Formerly known as white.
Kim Commando
And then, of course, we have our amazing content. Queen Allie Seligman and Ally tell everybody why they need to get our fabulous.
Allie Selkman
Newsletter, because it'll make you so much smarter and safer. There is a lot in the tech world, right? How many, like, different podcasts and radio shows could you actually fill up with? All the stuff that happens way more than we have time for. So we get to put a lot of that stuff in the newsletter and.
Kim Commando
So if you haven't already signed up for the newsletter, you have two ways to do it. Number one is that you can go to win from Kim.com, and then you can enter to win a $500 Amazon gift card. And I will tell you, the odds of you winning are in your favor.
Okay, so that's full transparency right there.
Kim Commando
Just wanted to let you know. All right. I mean, if we were given away, like, a MacBook, I'd say, like, oh, you know, there's a lot of people.
Yes. Okay. Don't even bother. Okay. It's not even gonna happen.
Wait till we give away the gift card and you have a chance.
Kim Commando
So you know you got a chance.
Allie Selkman
I would do it.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
You're not ineligible.
I haven't signed up for the newsletter yet.
Kim Commando
Winfromkim.com. once again, that's winfromkim.com. and make sure that you're also commenting during the podcast and even after the podcast, because we can't catch it live. You can always watch us on demand, and we do go through all the comments. So if you haven't already commented about anything that we're talking about or anything that you want to talk about, just go ahead and drop it in wherever you're watching.
All right. Is it on open table?
It is.
Kim Commando
I use that so much.
Well, you may not want to, because May 22, OpenTable will be taking all anonymous reviews and attaching a first name and a profile picture to all of them, past, present, and future.
Allie Selkman
All the back ones?
Kim Commando
Correct. Wow.
Now, opentable says this is. Everybody wants a transparency.
This is what the community is asking for. None of that.
Kim Commando
No. They're tired, sued.
Right. And the restaurants, too, want the ability to go if Kim leaves a review. I went to McDonald's or whatever. They don't have reservations. But if I went to this restaurant, and it was awful, they could check their records and say, on April 2, there was no Kim at our restaurant.
There was no lady who walked in, just some dude who ordered chicken wings.
And then they can have a better chance of getting the bad review removed from OPEC table.
You can, though.
Kim Commando
I have to look and see what I have up there.
Change your. Well, that's the question I had for you guys. But you can, until the 22nd, change your profile picture to something generic. You know, a piece of cheese or your favorite car, and you can change your first name. They're allowing you to change your first name if you don't want to go by Kim anymore and you want to go by Carl or Kevin or anything that would fit. You can do that.
You can do that as well. So you can kind of stay anonymous. But here's the rub, is that when you go to make your next reservation, it will be under the name that you changed it to your Carl with.
Allie Selkman
The slice of cheese.
Kim Commando
But they're saying that it's what the community is asking for, because no one wants these anonymous reviews. Have you ever left a horrible review online about a business? No, never once.
Allie Selkman
I literally have never done that.
What's your reason? Because I'm sure you've had negative customer interactions.
Allie Selkman
I'm not sure that I've ever had something. That one rose to the level of I need to complain about it to the other people on the Internet. And if I did, why wouldn't I reach out to the business and talk to them about it if, like, I was impacted? I just don't see the.
Okay, no gain. You see no gain?
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
I was thinking about leaving a negative review. She thought about it, and I was so upset that I thought I should never leave the negative review there was. And I'll tell you where it happened.
Kim Commando
In Montecito. No, poo poo. Montecito?
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
There's a posh, posh place called the Rosewood came.
The Rosewood has a.
Has a restaurant there called Caruso's.
Rick Caruso.
He did the grove and all this other stuff. And so we took some clients there for dinner.
So this is business.
Kim Commando
So, yeah, so I said to. So now we're leaving. And I said to Barry, you know what? Why don't you stay here? And I said, you know, I don't have any money for a tip.
I never carry cash. I don't. I mean, I'm just one of those people.
And I said, you know, make sure, you know, go get somebody for a tip, and then you hang with them, and I'll go get the car, and then I'll meet you up front.
Dinner was wonderful. Don't get me wrong. It was fabulous.
And so I give the kid my valet ticket, and I'm driving. I'll just tell you I'm driving a g wagon. Mercedes G wagon.
Kim Commando
Okay. And he says to me, you know, I'll go get the car.
So he brings up the g wagon, and I go to get in the car, and he says, what are you doing?
I said, excuse me? He said, what are you doing?
I said, this is my car.
And he said, this is not your car.
And I said, is this the same.
Guy that you gave the slip to?
Kim Commando
Yes. Okay. And so I, you know, and then I'm like thinking, well, maybe it's dark or something.
Allie Selkman
So is this not my car?
Kim Commando
Yeah, I look and I'm like, nope, this is my car. I see all the crap that I leave in my car all the time. You know, empty water bottles and hiking shoes and everything else that might be there. And he said, you know, I'm going to need to call security.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
And I said, I said, this is my car. And he said, I'm going to let you get in the car and drive it 5ft.
And then I'm going to call security.
I need clarification. This is the same guy you just handed the ticket to?
Kim Commando
Yes. So I looked at him and I said, I said, are you thinking that I'm stealing this Mercedes G wagon? Are you accusing me right now of stealing this g wagon?
He said, all I know is he said, this is not your car and you're trying to take this car.
And then I looked down and he has, he's holding somebody else's keys and they are a, like a, like, it looked like an infinity key.
He has my keys in his back pocket.
So he was matching that key and that ticket to the wrong car.
And so I looked at him and I said, dude, my keys are in your back pocket.
And he looks at me and goes, well, good for you.
Lucky. You're lucky you didn't try to steal your own car.
Kim Commando
And then Barry comes over. Now Barry hears all this and he's like, call security right now. I need the, you know, because now. Anyway, so I let Barry write a nice letter and we got a free meal afterwards. Okay.
You never put that online.
Kim Commando
But what was your motivation? Not to.
Kim Commando
Because it had to do more with the. It was more with the hotel, okay? Not with the restaurant. The meal was. The meal was fabulous.
The meal was fabulous.
And they were very, very responsive. Afterwards, you know, Barry wrote this long note and said, you know, training is a problem, is an issue, I think. But other than that, I normally like Ally. I go to the. Whoever it is.
See, that's why. And I agree with you guys.
Allie Selkman
Have you.
One time I went into a jeweler and to get into the jeweler, you have to, like, hit a button for security reasons, they have to come over and lock the door. And I went in and the guy immediately had this horrible attitude. And I'm looking around looking for a gift for someone for graduation. And I said, how much is that? And he's like, you can't afford it. It doesn't matter. Well, I mean, I was wearing what.
Allie Selkman
I wear, but still, he doesn't know, right? That's awful.
And I was like, I had that.
Kim Commando
Happen to me, too. You can't.
I was like, you know what, dude? Have a good day. And I just left and I got my car and I was really agitated by it that I went and on Google, and with Google, it's not anonymous. Your full name is there because, you know, you register with that. And I put, just wrote out the entire scenario that had just happened. And like 25 minutes later, I got a DM through social media and he was like, I'm just having a bad day. I am so sorry. And he apologized and I immediately went and we talked it out through DM and I went and deleted. Now I'm never going to go back there and do business. But I went and I deleted the bad review. But that's really the only time I ever had. So. Which makes me wonder, I'm. What is the motivation of all these people that leave these horrible reviews online? That open door has to change their opentable, has to change their policy. So you can't be anonymous.
Kim Commando
You know what? You said open door, glass doors, doing the same thing.
Well, yeah, that's true.
Allie Selkman
I mean, I think some people just like to complain. I think people want to get free stuff.
Kim Commando
That's true.
Allie Selkman
Right? And so if you put a really mean review on Yelp or open table about a restaurant, hey, we're going to reach out. We'll make this right. Yeah, you get free stuff.
Kim Commando
But see, but it just reminds me of something. So when we went to Bora Borade, I was looking at the reviews of the four Seasons in Boarbor. And so I'm looking, I'm like. And, you know, there's like, all these great reviews, like, beaut. And it is beautiful. It's gorgeous. I mean, it's beautiful. Great hotel. You know, make sure you get this at the restaurant, whatever it is. Then there's this one guy. I mean, everybody's leaving five star reviews except for this one guy has a one star review, okay? And he's. And he says, it's like, my name's Sal. I'm from New York.
Allie Selkman
Sal hates everything.
Kim Commando
Yeah. And that's what it was. It's like, I got there, I didn't get my welcome lemonade like everybody else, and I'm like, oh, my God, you flew. I don't know how many hours from New York to get to Bora Bora.
I can relate, though. If I went to a double tree and I didn't get that hot cookie after I checked.
Allie Selkman
I was thinking about that cookie.
I'm going straight to the nearest Hilton.
Kim Commando
So if you're watching, let us know what you think about this open door policy. Good or bad, have you ever left a negative review? I mean, we always. I mean, you can always leave positive reviews, right? I mean, but. But what have you. What made you leave that negative review? So wherever you're watching us right now, live or on demand, make sure that you go ahead and give us a great comment.
Hey, it's Kim Commando today, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you get to watch us do the podcast. Every other day you get to listen to us, and that's Monday through Friday. Now, this is not the Kim commando show. Just wanted to let everybody know the Kim commando show is that big station, like, Andrew's on one radio station and Kim commando today. And the Kim commando show is on, I don't know, four or 500 stations.
Are you national Radio hall of Fame?
Your stations are multiples, just like your genders. It's crazy how that aligns.
No, I am not in the hall of Fame. State. National county. No. Radio hall of Fame.
Kim Commando
See, Barry always gives me a hard time about that.
Kim Commando
I'm in, like, the National Radio hall of Fame, which is a big deal. I mean, Dick Clark and Albert Costello and Rush Limbaugh. I mean, everybody's, you know, all the big names are there. And quite frankly, when they told me I was in, I'm like, oh, are you sure?
Somebody make a mistake.
But, you know, I cannot get in the Arizona broadcast Hall of Fame.
Have you tried?
Kim Commando
Yes. They turn me down every time.
Allie Selkman
That's incredible. I wonder now that you're in the national.
Kim Commando
No, we tried after that.
That's funny that you. The one you didn't really try to get into, you got in. And the one young, well, she wants it too much.
Kim Commando
I can't have her.
She's gonna come in and just take over.
She's gonna make fun of us, all of us local radio people.
We see what she does to Adam on the podcast.
Kim Commando
That's probably what it is.
All right, Al, so you're gonna talk about some great trends online, some great.
Allie Selkman
One great, I think, and then two that are pretty stupid. Have you heard this word? Oatzempic? I know you have.
Yes, of course.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Sing this.
Oat. Oat. Oat. Ozempic.
Allie Selkman
Okay. Ozempic, the weight loss miracle drug, whatever oat zempic is when you blend up half a cup of oats. A cup of water and some lime juice. And people say, drink this in the morning.
It mimics ozempic.
Kim Commando
It does.
It does.
Kim Commando
No, I don't think so. Okay.
I was like, wow.
Allie Selkman
Some people are adding in things like cinnamon and peanut butter, which seems like it defeats the purpose of this being, like, a low calorie drink. But the idea is it fills you up because, yeah, oats are just a lot of fiber. Right?
Am I supposed to put apple cider vinegar in there as well?
Allie Selkman
No, no, that's okay. Well, yeah, you probably should.
You probably should. But people are saying I'm losing, like, I lost 40 pounds in two months doing this.
This is just another fad diet.
Because you're dieting. That's why you're losing food.
Allie Selkman
You're not eating food.
It's calories in, calories out.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
It's funny how that works.
It's Madden.
Allie Selkman
It really is.
Kim Commando
I'll tell you that. Ozempic is something.
Kim Commando
I mean, like, you know, you see all the, like, Kelly Clarkson, she, like, dropped, like, 40 pounds.
She looks like a whole different person.
Kim Commando
Oprah Winfrey.
Now she has a wit. Did she admit that she used it? Kelly Carson. Okay.
Kim Commando
Because a lot of people are, like, having ozempic shame, and they don't want to admit that they actually use it.
Allie Selkman
If you're gonna do it, you gotta.
Kim Commando
I'll tell you, Barry's on it right now.
Currently, yes. You went back on after you shamed him for the M and M's?
Kim Commando
In the evening.
Kim Commando
But I'll tell you what's interesting about it, is that it had, he had some, like, little stuff going on in his heart, and it actually reduced the blockages.
Oh, wow.
Kim Commando
Yeah. So it has, like, a side benefit.
Allie Selkman
That's amazing.
Kim Commando
So he lost weight, his blood sugar's lower, and then his blockages went down. I mean, this is like a miracle.
Allie Selkman
That is a miracle.
Kim Commando
It's not odzempic.
Oh, no, no.
Allie Selkman
We're gonna stay away from ozempic. I'm all for fiber. Which leads us to number two. Hashtag fartwalks is huge on TikTok right now.
Kim Commando
Did you just say, yes, I did. Walks.
It's a medical term.
Allie Selkman
So there's this one fart walk. There's this woman. Her name is Marilyn Smith. She calls herself the queen of fiber. She's written a bunch of cookbooks. She puts recipes on TikTok. And now her fart walks are going viral. So after you eat a big meal, especially with a lot of fiber, maybe you're gonna feel a little gassy, and it's really good for digestion.
Kim Commando
You say gassy, you're gonna feel a little, and it's, like, happy. A little gassy.
Allie Selkman
So it's really good for digestion and for your blood sugar if you take a walk after dinner. So she calls these fart walks. Her and her husband go do them like an hour after they eat together. Yeah, they go walk for, like, 20 minutes.
But this is actually, like, there's Bob.
Kim Commando
And Jane walking again. Exactly.
Allie Selkman
But really, it does help with blood sugar. If you go on a walk after you eat, it essentially reduces the spike in your blood sugar.
But why is it fart walks? Are you going to fart? Is it, like, almost guaranteed?
Allie Selkman
Well, they just eat so much food fiber, that of course, they're farting all day long.
All right, step one, eat fiber. Step two, fart while I walk. Got it.
Allie Selkman
Step three, health.
Kim Commando
So there was a couple in church, no point.
And the wife leans over at the husband and she says, what do I do?
I know this joke. I'm sorry.
Kim Commando
I don't.
Allie Selkman
I'm excited.
It's a good one, though. It's a good one.
Kim Commando
What do I do? What do I do?
I just laid the biggest silent fart of. And the husband says, get new batteries for your hearing.
That's very good one.
Allie Selkman
Hard humor. It always works.
Allie Selkman
And the last thing people are using to lock in the moisture and repair their skin. Diaper cream.
Kim Commando
No. Yeah, diaper cream. That's nasty stuff.
Allie Selkman
Diaper cream. Yes. The benefits come from two ingredients, zinc oxide and petroleum. Petroleum is asylene. If you want to use vaseline, fine. There's so much other stuff that you shouldn't put on your face. Especially bad for people with sensitive skin, oily skin, acne. You're just going to end up with a face full of junk. So don't put diaper rash cream on your face.
So at the beginning of this bit, she said there's three things that are trending on the Internet. And she's like, fart walks.
Allie Selkman
I love him.
You love the fart walks.
Allie Selkman
Love the fart walk. I take woks after I eat.
Do you fart?
Allie Selkman
It helps with digestion.
Not notably like, it might happen. I don't go to fart.
Kim Commando
Women don't fart. Sure.
Then you must be a man.
Kim Commando
Oh, you set him up for that. You really did.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Hey, it's Kim Commando. Today, do us a huge favor. Make sure that you, like share comment.
You didn't do it. The right way, Andrew. No, no.
Hey, guys, welcome to the podesthe.
This week. We really need you to smash the like button. Okay. And make sure you drop them comments down there. We'll be reading them the entire show. We have, like, six people in the back that do that. Thanks, guys.
Allie Selkman
I hated that.
Kim Commando
I do too. It's so annoying.
And I threw the word impod there just to make it even more disgusting.
Kim Commando
That is awful. Just awful.
Do we have any comments?
Kim Commando
Yeah, we do.
Let's see, man hands.
Allie Selkman
Are your hands even? I don't think your hands are that. We have, like, the same hair.
Yeah, you're a man too. Oh, my gosh. All of this is coming out.
Allie Selkman
Kim Commando
Scrumpy says Kenny sounds a little creepy and obsessed. You think?
Allie Selkman
I agree, scrumpy.
Kim Commando
Liz Dotson said she quit using HP printers years ago.
Let's see. Gary Sumner. I like this. I would say something about Allie's hair, but it got me into trouble once.
Yeah, don't say anything, Gary.
Kim Commando
Well, for everybody who doesn't know what Gary said, what exactly did Gary say? Al?
Allie Selkman
I've blocked it out at this point. Like, oh, that I look like I just woke up.
Kim Commando
Oh, that's right. Your hair.
Allie Selkman
This is when I cut my hair. The real truth is that I used to have very long hair. I think Gary was personally offended when I cut my hair short.
It wasn't for him.
Kim Commando
Martin Waters says, I like Ali's hair.
Oh, there's a hair battle in the comments.
Kim Commando
There is.
Charlie Brown. Hello, crew. Kim's crew. I've shared and shared and shared more. Always enjoy the show. Your show reminds me of my first hour of work, sharing great information with coworkers.
Keep it up, Charlie Brown.
Allie Selkman
That's so nice.
Kim Commando
That's nice.
Feet don't necessarily stop growing. I had to go a size up in the last couple of years, and I've never been pregnant.
From Chuck, Richard Monroe says, I don't think Kim's voice.
I don't think Kim's voice is okay.
I don't think it's okay.
Kim Commando
I think he meant to say, I think Kim's voice is okay. My coworker's wife sounds like she's been smoking cigars her entire life. Yeah.
Imagine if that was the show.
Cabello said, welcome to Kim Commando, tonight's podcast.
Kim Commando
You know what?
Allie Selkman
I think we can make that.
Kim Commando
That is awful. You know what? I have to tell you something. So we were traveling.
She said, that's awful. And now she's got it.
Kim Commando
So it was me and Barry and his two sons, Jason and Andrew. And we were going. I'll never forget this. We were going through the Atlanta airport, and at that time, they would have, like, glasse booths where people would smoke big smoking rooms. And Andrew actually walked by and said.
I wonder what.
Kim Commando
I'm like. Oh, my God. That is awful. That is worse.
Oh, Toro. Torres.
Kim Commando
I love Kim's impersonation of angry Barry.
We all do.
Scrumpy says, I would have let them call security, then call police and let them prove that the car isn't yours.
Yeah, seriously, turn the tables.
Well, that would have just wasted your time, though.
Allie Selkman
You'd have been standing there for 45 minutes.
Kim Commando
That's true. Allen Coates. I've been listening to you, Kim, on the radio, for years, and I've never doubted for a second, if you get my drift.
Great show, as always. Say hi to Allie and Andrew. And finally, Scrumpy's back. 72. So, Kim putting Adam in his place today.
So I looked it up. The average size of a woman's foot, shoe size. What do you think it is?
Kim Commando
Seven and a half.
Seven and a half?
Allie Selkman
Eight and a half?
Eight and a half is the exact.
Kim Commando
Whoa, whoa. Okay, so I don't have large feet?
Not at all.
Allie Selkman
You're just right above average.
And before you got pregnant, you were below average.
Kim Commando
You're saying I'm below average?
Your feed size is a compliment. Oh, God.
Allie Selkman
Oh, Kim. Nothing about use average.
Kim Commando
Thank you.
Allie Selkman
You're welcome.
Kim Commando
All right, so what are we talking about now?
I don't know.
Kim Commando
You don't know?
Kim Commando
What is it supposed to be?
Kim Commando
You were supposed to do the clothes.
Oh, am I?
Kim Commando
Nokia phone thing?
Kim Commando
Yes. Oh. Oh, gosh.
I didn't read the story.
Kim Commando
This is what we do. Rehearsals.
This is why we have pre production meetings.
I did not know that I was supposed to lead on this. You want me to pull it up and read it?
Kim Commando
No. We talk about.
About something else here. How about this? Elon Musk screws up again.
Kim Commando
Yes. On Twitter, they are trying to change all of the posts that have links that end in twitter.com to x.com dot. Of course, they went through the rebrand from Twitter to X, and now they want to get rid of the Twitter as much as they can. So if you linked anything that ended in twitter.com, it would automatically, without you trying, go to X.com and still take you to the same destination. Which is good, right? Is what the consumer wants. But the scammers have figured out, of course, a workaround. And they are registering domains like neck flea, twitter.com.
Kim Commando
No, honest.
So that Twitter automatically changes it to netflix.com. and that when you see the post, it says netflix.com, and you think it's legit, and you click on it and you get scammed.
Allie Selkman
That's amazing.
Isn't that awful?
Kim Commando
You know, but you have to give it to.
Kim Commando
Yeah, I'm on the side of the.
Allie Selkman
Scammers on this one.
Kim Commando
I mean, they're. Ingenuity.
It's smart.
Kim Commando
It's like, okay, so how can we take advantage of this? How can we take advantage of everything? That's good. Well, then also, now he's turning on the blue check marks for everybody.
Yeah. You can't hide your blue check mark anymore.
Allie Selkman
One of my favorite headlines about it, I think it was Gizmodo, was something like, you can't hide your shameful blue check mark that you paid for anymore.
Why are people. I mean, we pay for so many.
Kim Commando
I know. I pay $8 a month for that.
Allie Selkman
For years, right. For your account. It makes sense, right? It's a personality, right? You gotta do it. But regular people who don't really want people to know I pay so that you see my tweets.
It's $8.
We pay for so many things. How about your Onlyfans account that you're paying $79.99 a month for? You're not ashamed of that?
People who do that.
Allie Selkman
70. That better be good content for 79.
Kim Commando
What do you get? Do you watch it with your current.
Girlfriend or don't pay for onlyFans?
Kim Commando
How much did you know then? How'd you know how much was don't.
Pay for it, you get it free. No, I've never actually. Look, I watch porn. I don't care. I'm not afraid of just telling people that. But I don't use onlyfans. I don't. Never been interested.
Kim Commando
Do you pay report?
No. Hell. Hell, no. It is bountifully available for free on the Internet.
Kim Commando
You know, our next podcast, we have a gal on who we're gonna be talking to. And she, you know, had sex with somebody, and they filmed it without her knowing who's theydeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh we're gonna learn the whole story. And then it ended up on pornhub.
Allie Selkman
Oh, my gosh.
Kim Commando
And she almost committed suicide over it.
Allie Selkman
What a nightmare.
Kim Commando
And then they took her likeness and.
Then recreated some stuff on 800 other porn videos. Now she has to have a lawsuit against pornhub because to be on pornhub, as a user, you have to be verified.
Kim Commando
I don't know.
We're gonna get the whole, I'm gonna ask her about that.
Kim Commando
Okay. So what she did, though, is she's super smart, is now she's created a tool to prevent this from happening.
Oh, that's great.
Kim Commando
So that's gonna be on Monday, so you definitely don't want to miss that.
I'll be here.
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Kim Commando
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